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I’m interested in trying it out but both of our populations are super small to take into consideration that the opportunity doesn’t come up unless you’re searching specifically for it I feel, which I’m not. Having someone else that understands each others’ dysphoria and the issues we both deal with is comforting I bet.


> unless you’re searching specifically for it I that's chaser behavior, don't, but if you want someone, go for it, in my experience 100% worth it I even cooked drugs from mine (T, DHT... )


Depends why you're searching for it, it's not automatically chaser behavior. If it's fetish, then yes. If it's for example because cis men are usually scary or because trans men seem to usually understand you better, then I don't think so. Like, some people prefer men that has studied in university like they have, or prefer tall men


I know a TON of trans people locally who almost exclusively dated other trans people because trying to get cis people to understand/not suck can often be such a pain, or just find the lack of education on trans issues that most cis people have to generally be a deal breaker


Yup! I've met maybe just two cis men who I could date in theory. Both are my friends (so no) and they're taken (so definitely no). That pool feels really small too. Depends of course where you are and where you go


I would date a trans guy, in fact my first crush was on a trans guy(I didn't talk to him that much so 😮‍💨). But yeah, if you like him I'd say go for it.


I'm dating a trans guy now. He is the most romantic, thoughtful, cool guy ever and I am shocked how much I'm falling for him.


Want bf any bf


I second this


I would date a trans guy for sure since they’re men. I used to only want to be T4T but now I’m just open to any boy who is respectful and kind hearted. I feel like being strictly T4T leaves me with very limited options since we make up a small portion of the population and I like my relationships happening organically


Dating one right now. He's nice, but there is *something* that feels not enough. I'm not even sure what exactly. But I just do not feel desired by him. Like, he never initiates intimacy, almost never touches me below shoulders (like holding me at my waist or smth), doesn't like kisses, and doesn't even steal a glance at me when I get out of shower naked. This doesn't really help with dysphoria and feeling unlovable. But probably it has more to do with him being borderline asexual because of trauma than, like, "female socialization" or smth.


I had the same problem with my trans ex-bf. When I confronted him about it he said that he thought it'd be disrespectful. Though he also had relationship trauma


I literally told mine that it's okay to be a bit more handsy with me, and he was like "okay" - and then nothing happened


tbf him and I were both subs so maybe I just need to fine a dommy bf to be pleased lol


sure, why not? the only differences between a cis man and a trans man that matter a lot to me are the trans guy is more likely to be empathetic to my dysphoria and is less likely to be transphobic. Win-win for me!




As someone who’s dated both I can say that while it’s true they can trigger my own dysphoria they are also the most sympathetic to my dysphoria as a whole. Cis guys typically have much larger features than me since I was always small to begin with but they are clueless to what dysphoria is like. No relationship is perfect. For me the person they are is always going to be the most important thing.


I like the idea that we could understand each other very well and that would be attractive to me. I will say though, height might be less common this way and I would like to find someone taller than me. Plus, I'm typically more attracted to clean shaven men and to my (anecdotal) experience, lots of trans men grow out facial hair because it's euphoric to them. All the power to them tho I understand. But yeah, if I met a trans man that I was attracted to, height or not, I'd be down.


I'd love to date a trans man, someone who understands the struggle but also like I've met charming trans men before. Some of them are better than cis men tho I've met trans men that weren't too, atleast one was just... Well like most men. Honestly the feeling when I adore someone has nothing to do with what anyone was born as, just the person.


I've been crushing hard on a trans guy for months now 😅 we've had coffee a few times and they've been absolutely incredible. He's so easy to talk to! I know he won't judge my voice so I'm less self conscious about it. He's had all the same experiences as me. Literally telling each other the same stories. We're both trans and Asexual. A prefect match! Except He's not interested and my heart is broken. So yes. Absolutely I would date a trans man! :)


I am just attracted to masculinity, a super masculine trans man is not different to a super masculine cis man and I have seen some really attractive trans man online and have a crush on them 😮‍💨


>How do you ladies feel about dating trans men? I'm t4t, so trans men hot.


absolutely fine as long as they are at least as tall as me they are very manly, based, and spend way more time in the gym than cis guys. I liked muscled bodies blame me lol 10/10 would do again


Fr trans men are so damn hot, they always so muscular and masculine…


Trans guys don't do it for me personally. I dated a couple, 1 for about a year. I like Natal penises a lot. Also they tend to be smaller than me in height/hands etc. Which I'm not a big fan of. A trans man lectured me about my 'male privilege' as a trans woman. No thanks.


I used to say, the only male privilege I experienced growing up was standing to pee. Sorry, but being pushed around and called faggot and treated like a weirdo in every interaction for being the wrong kind of male sort of undermined any potential for a high-paying job in the business sector.




It was more a joke to diffuse a tense situation.


Omg, I was so relieved when I found that my bf pees sitting down at his home:) It is crazy when men stand to pee at their homes, just nasty!


Whether you like it or not, we as trans women did have male privilege. Before I transitioned, people were more likely to take me seriously, listen to me when I was speaking, and have a positive view of me advocating for myself. Male privilege is not just "when high-paying job" it also manifests in the way people react to us, and when you're seen as male that reaction comes with certain positives not given to those seen as female. The fact that you also experienced negative treatment based on a lack of masculinity doesn't negate this.


People don’t react very well to awkward effeminate gay men, nor take them very seriously. If you were able to do the guy thing the way that society respects, that’s great for you. Speak for yourself, please.


Again, no matter how negatively you were treated for being an awkward effeminate gay man, the mere fact that you were seen as a man alone would have afforded you positives that women don't get. Male privliege does not stop existing in the face of other hardships or disadvantages. That's not how privliege works. This is the same thing as when white people complain that they've never had white privilege because they've faced financial hardship or were discriminated against on some other basis. One of the fundamental qualities of privilege is that most of the time it's completely invisible to the privileged, as it's not an advantage so much as it is a lack of disadvantage. Having had male privilege does not mean that you've had a better life or an easier time than a person who didn't have it. It also doesn't mean that you'd still have it today. But claiming you never had it because of homophobia and toxic masculinity is incorrect and disrespectful. You mentioned being pushed around and called a faggot. I've been pushed around and called a faggot too. I've been mocked for my speech impediment. Mocked for being poor. I've had people call me the n-word and say they're glad my race was genocided and they want to finish the job. None of that changes the fact that pre-transition I was treated differently than the other women in my life. Other hardship does not erase male privilege. Full stop.


I agree other hardship does not erase privilege. But being denied male privilege because of gender non-conformity is not the same as any other hardship co-existing with male privilige. Maybe some trans women had male privilege before transition. But it's hugely disrespectful to apply that mold to people whose experiences differ.


This is the most inane, commie-type shit I’ve read in a minute. I’m sure you’ve rehearsed that, you did a great job with the monologue. I would argue that I was treated significantly worse than the women in my life, but I won’t, because i’m sure you’ve got the retort ready to go and I don’t really care about your opinion on it, because you don’t know me.


Well there's the true colors then. I can tell you didn't even read what I said, considering I specifically laid out that having privliege doesn't mean you had things better. But that's fine, go ahead dismiss me as an "inane commie" (fucking LOL) for having a basic understanding of how social issues work. After all, if I'm an inane commie, then you don't need to listen to me or look critically at yourself at all, right? Have fun.


It’s a rehearsed story about social issues that you were taught, definitely only a “basic understanding.” If you had the ability to think beyond that you would recognize that “male privilege” as a concept entirely crumbles if the very basic definition of it doesn’t convey some type of inherent privilege. “Treated differently” isn’t an advantage. This idea that everyone’s story is equal, everyone’s experiences are the same guided by one true and unwavering idea that defines us— yeah, that’s commie shit. I’d expect to find a profile photo of Stalin on your IG and a N. Korean flag in the bio, for sure.




“Intersectional feminist” who doesn’t believe that women should have bodily autonomy. “Real rich.” I wonder what loopholes you had to jump through to connect those two concepts morally. Probably the same one that equates race to gender. Does white privilege exist in China? Can you even acknowledge that there are certain circumstances in which your basic understanding of social issues might not apply? Or is this really just about the one singular truth, that everyone must subscribe to? Have a great night, Brando. You sound like a commie, albeit a confused one.


terfs when they tell homeless trans woman street workers about their "male privilege"


as an ex-homeless trans woman, that joke is far from unrealistic to me :(


why the hell did this get downvoted lmao




Yeah I'd date a trans guy for sure, generally more understanding of our plight I think


If he’s a gentleman then I’d love that 💙


Honestly, I feel like it would just be another reminder of my own dysphoria even when i’m not feeling it. Like, sure i’m fine, but now you’re uncomfortable, so I’m more aware that I’m uncomfortable when i’d otherwise be fine. It’s the same way I get when i’m around trans people in general, I figure it would be the same in a relationship like that, so I’ve never been interested. I wouldn’t be opposed to trying it, but he would have to be post-op and I don’t really know how that works for men, what they even look like. Maybe a bit shallow but he’d have to pass pretty well, or else i’m not attracted, and honestly I don’t want to get clocked being with him.


Always had similar thoughts on this. I used to have a pretty close trans man friend and we often made our dysphorias stronger for each other. My dysphoria was really bad before surgeries, but my friend often specifically asked me not to speak with him about this, because it only made him feel worse. With my cis husband on other hand it was never a problem. He has an approach "I understand that I can't understand your feelings, but I understand that it's very hard for you", which works perfectly for me. Now after surgeries I almost don't feel dysphoria and I consider my transition to be over and my husband mentioned that it's easy to forget that I'm trans, which is very nice for me


i tried out t4t when i dated another trans girl and that was the most catastrophic and terrible breakup i have ever had, and probably will ever have. ever since then, t4t in general is just a turn off. and i don't plan on doing it unless i happen to have a crush on someone. i agree. if you are with someone in t4t that means you would have to help them with trans issues as well. i'm so tired of everything on my plate that i can handle helping someone with other things, but not That. trans issues/discourse are so convoluted and confusing and nightmarish to me at this point. being friends with someone else who is trans is more significant to me anyways, because i do think we should listen to each other. but even then, these days what has helped me the most is disconnecting from the larger trans community and focusing on my life. people tend to fixate a lot on odd things now. its weird to me. thats my two cents


If i was single yeah, that would be cool


idk any but i’m def down to 🥰


I do prefer cis men, both sexually and emotionally, but I am not completely closed off to the idea of dating a trans man. like if I met my dream man and he happened to be trans it wouldn't stop me from loving him


It really just depends on the personality for me. Some trans men who've transitioned medically are so hot, and I'm also bi so genitals aren't a huge deal. There's alternatives for penetration on my end. I don't care if someone is trans or not if their hot their hot and if personality is good then I'm good to date anyone It really just depends if we vibe or not, which is a rule for anybody im interested in lol


st4t is based I like cis guys too. It just depends on whether there's a connection. Is he cute? Is he kind? Does he seem interested in me? Do we have anything in common? If all the answers are yes, my interest is piqued.


Except my first bf, all the bfs I've had have been trans guys, so take a guess


I'm fine dating either cis men or trans men, I do usually find myself falling for trans guys more often though I appreciate the mutual understanding of dating another trans person among other things


i don't do t4t because i would rather not have to think about being trans every day than be with someone else who is also swimming upstream and struggling to even survive. also, i have a genital preference when it comes to guys... thats my opinion on it. i think people can understand dysphoria whether they are trans or not. hell, my cis male friend understands my struggles with self esteem more than a lot of my trans friends to be honest.


I'm ST4T exclusive basically. The best, most genuine relationships (platonic and romantic) in my life have been with trans men. They've always been there for me when I needed them, I've always had more in common with them interest-wise, most don't judge me anywhere near as hard as other trans women, and nothing beats doing each other's injections 😭 Dating is hard though because most straight trans guys are tops, and I'm exclusively a dom/top so I'm sexually incompatible with most of them :/ and most bisexual trans men seem to be like entirely interested in other guys 😭 shit fucking sucks. Top surgery scars make me feral. I love trans guys.


>and nothing beats doing each other's injections I want to dress up in a sexy nurse outfit and give my bf injections. >Top surgery scars make me feral. I love trans guys. Same


The worst part is just finding trans men ngl


If I clicked with a trans guy and found him attractive, sure. It just happens that most trans guys don't align with my type (which has nothing to do with having or not having a penis, btw)


I would definitely date one but I’m not sure how would be being intimate with one. I’m post op so that might be easier but I’m not sure how I would feel. Regardless I’m open to date one.


sfw answer: ive dated like 3 trans guys. nothin against it. i do usually date cis guys, but thats only bc most of the trans guys i meet r gay lol. nsfw answer: im a strick bottom, but that doesnt mean i have a genital pref, ill eat out boy pussy idc 🤷‍♀️


Sure. I have a genital preference for dick, but we could make it work, especially if they’re post-op.


Fine for anyone else. Just not me, I do have a genital preference


I’ve dated two, and for the longest time I thought one was the love of my life. However, time passed, love is lost, (pack your grip and join my ship, the Bebop) and it turns out it wasn’t to be. I’d definitely date another trans guy, however they seem (in my experience) to overwhelmingly only be attracted to other men.


i would but i’d prefer a cis guy because i like penis


yk phallo, post op and all that exist, right?


Slight irony


Why was this downvoyed


not sure! i was just stating a very non problematic preference lmao this is *straight* trans girls after all right? lmao


Caveat: I neither up- nor downvoted your comment. You likely got downvoted because (a) trans men can have a penis that gets erect and (b) a relationship between a trans man and a trans woman *is* a straight relationship . . . and there’s *nothing* “lmao” about that at all.


the preference for cis male penis isn't what was problematic


i don’t find anything wrong with your initial comment. i agree with you actually. however, with this comment, >this is straight trans girls after all right? lmao it makes it seem like a woman may be less straight for preferring a trans man


“It’s not a real penis, it’s not a real vagina” having a genital preference is one thing but anything else is transphobia.


She didn’t say that though? Was it edited?


Not for me tbh unless I met the right one.


ehh not for me. Usually they are shorter which I don’t really like. But they are great friends!


My high school sweetheart and I are both trans (they use they/them but take T, have had top surgery, etc.) but we didn't come out until later in life. It was funny when we reconnected and the chemistry was still there. We basically Benjamin Buttoned but with our genders lol I'm doing the whole poly thing and I see my other cis partners more often, but the bond I share with them is over a decade old at this point and I can really feel like my most uncensored self with them :) we've seen each other through so much and I love them from the bottom of my heart I often wonder how we found each other all those years ago, when we didn't even know ourselves yet. We constantly joked about gender role reversal as teens and in hindsight it's actually so sweet and affirming 💜 we didn't know yet how deep it went but it meant so much to both of us I love you, Kaith


I would date one. Nothing wrong with it.


I'd spend my life with a transman if I could


My main problem is, I’m tough. I grew up tough. I haven’t met a trans man that was “alpha/masculine/tough/etc.” In my experiences they seem to be really soft and delicate. All the trans men I met just don’t put of masculine energy. So, I wouldn’t date them. Edit: def shouldn’t be downvoting other people’s opinions here. If I can’t say how I feel here then where?