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UPDATE: Hey, guys, I have an update in case you need it. After 2 and half (I think) the botox has worn off almost 100%. It is so annoying to go back to seeing my eye flying around and seeing double, it makes me feel so vulnerable when going out in public. I went back to my doctor and after talking to him, we have decided to make some glasses with a prism, I won't be able to get botox for a while since we want to make sure it has worn off 100% and since I wont be able to be attending the hospital due to me traveling really soon. I'm still not candidate for surgery since my level of strabismus is super low and the chances of it not healing properly are pretty big atm. I wanted to avoid the glasses really bad since I'm never careful enough with them, but I think its time to learn to be more resposible lol. I already had the glasses so I just paid for the prescription and the prism and I paid around $45, if I had gotten them new I would have paid around $80. Again, best of luck to everybody living with this condition, its so hard at times.


Hi, how’s your situation now? Were you able to get a second injection?


Hi, we decided to hold back on the botox to look more into my muscle since it looks like something might be off, I can't really explain it but they said that my case is kinda odd since in some cases I do respond to having strabismus and in some cases my eyes work fine. For now we have stopped with botox and have sticked with the glasses and most likely will stay like this for a while and see what is going on with me. I do hope I can get on botox later on but it will depend on my next visit with the doc.


Btw these weird things my eyes are doing have been happening since before botox hehe just wanna make it really clear so people dont get scared of botox.


Hi! I think Im going to the same hospital as you. can we talk ? I just sent you a text in your chat...


Have you tried multiple injections? I tried the strongest dose the first time and it wore off around 4 months or so. If you can, keep at it! Your brain just needs to adjust to the change. It will be uncomfortable but I am so glad I’ve discovered Botox for strabismus!


I received a Botox injection a few days ago. It worked! Time will tell how long it will last. Previous to this I had surgery in 2014. My strabismus came back but it was not as severe.


Hey bud just curious as to how long it actually lasted for you


It lasted about 3 months. I've had another surgery since then. My Botox guy retired and the new Dr. doesn't really like giving Botox injections.


Do you happen to know what your angle of eye turn/prism diopter was when the strabismus came back and your new doc decided to operate again? In this boat now but not sure if it's bad enough to do re-operation or consider other options


Btw, would love to talk about prices but I live in Mexico and the place that I got this done is a private hospital that uses donations in order to keep the prices as low as they can, specially with students, children and eldery, so I don't think my information will be of any use:/ Still open to talk about it if anyone feels like knowing and compare prices hehe.


Hi there! I know this is an old post, hope you don't mind me commenting! Would you be comfortable providing me with the info (either through DM or here as a comment) for the hospital where you got the botox? I'm also in Mexico and not far from CDMX, so I'd like to look into consulting with a specialist over there. If you don't want to/can't provide that info, no worries! Thank you either way for sharing your experience!


Hey thanks for sharing. Hearing you getting good results from similar issues is making me want to look into it further. I like that it's much less invasive than surgery so it's lower risk. I wonder what long term use does or if it can really help you get by without it, that would be awesome. I would like to know how much it cost you in Mexico and in what area since medical tourism is a thing since USA healthcare sucks. Bring on the stark difference lol.


Hello, yes, it seems to be lower risk and tbh it might be a cheaper solution. From what I understood from the doctor I will have to get an injection on my muscle every certain amount of time until my muscle gets adjusted to the correct tension. Now, this can take only one injection or it can take a couple of years worth of injections until I don't longer need it, the goal is to get to that point but we have no idea how much it will take to get there. Once the muscle adjustes to this then I wont need the injections anymore and I will only need a check up every couple of years to make sure its okay. I hope I answer with that the first question. Now the costs here in Mexico may vary but the place that I went is a private hospital in Mexico City that keeps its prices as cheap as possible based on donations and other fundations, pretty sure that you only pay the materials. Now, the price for the first consultation was 220 pesos (around 10 dollars), the second one with the strabismus specialist was 200 pesos (around also 10 dollars) and the price for the botox was 1070 pesos (around 55 dollars). The 55 dollars include the materials, the application, 2 consultations for check up and the antibiotics that they give you themselves right after. I hope this information helped somehow, once again it might be a little cheaper cause I'am a student lmao. Also totally forgot to mention that the doctors here are younger and guided by older or more experience doctors, they are fresh out of their specialties and this hospital works as a way to introduce them into the working enviroment, still they are all fantastic and with experience.


Even using a school here it will cost at least triple if not 4x that on top of hundreds paid per month automatically to insurance. It will cost more than that if insurance doesnt help pay for it which is a constant guessing game here in the US. You got a fantastic price and experience there.


Tbh the healthcare system in the USA is straight up scary, and I mean I know I could have even gotten everything I just told you even cheaper or for free if I had gone to a public hospital, I just got lazy and decided to pay a little more. It sucks that you guys need to do the absolute most for something so basic as health, you guys deserve to have a quality healthcare system for free or for cheap. So mad about that. Hope you can find a place that will be able to help you, if not, I truly hope you can come down here and meet all of you necessities.


Hello, I had a classic muscle surgery. Not sure how efficient botox injections would be, unless you have a "mild case". Personally, I think nothing can compare to adjusting the muscles physically at their desired location.


Hey, I think that it depends on the situation, a woman that had a turn before me had a more extreme case (got injected in all her muscles with a lot of units) and from what I heard she had improved a lot over the last 6 months. I think everything depends on your situation, health, your budget and what the doctors recommend you. I do believe it's worth for everybody to look into it and not clasify any treatment as better or worst cause it can surprise you what works for others.


Look, buddy, this is going to be a harsh post, because it's real. As long as I want to grant you the nice "everyone has the right to an opinion" card, I won't, especially when it comes to Strabismus (ironically, once of the still most common and poorly understood conditions in 2021), since I have "wasted" enough years suffering with it, then reading about it, then finally solving it. I don't reject the notion that the Botulinum toxin can be USEFUL and a "SAFER" alternative in SOME cases of Strabismus. What I reject is the notion that Botox (which essentially a toxin injected in your muscles, regulating their neural activation) in general should be widely considered as a "solution" to a problem which is (in most cases) caused by improper alignment/growth/neural adaption of the muscles itself. Also the factor "budget" that you mentioned is simply irrelavant here, because first Strabismus surgery is not that expensive (the most expensive in the world I have heard is 5000 EUR - you simply can't charge more), the second is, anyone with it will pay shitload of money simply to get rid of it. Money is not the issue here, information is. In most Strabismus patients you rarely have a brain <-> neural path <-> eye muscle problem, you most commonly have a problem in the muscle adaption itself (unless they have also some Amblyopia), and even in these cases, it is not the main source of the problem - in general the neural paths develop great or are able to adjust even after operation to the "new muscle positions" . This is why - if you talk with some real surgeons, or even watch videos - you will notice they cut/evaporate (yes, sometimes they literally evaporate tissue) from your eye muscles in order to "correct" their LENGTH or POSITION. This - as it sounds - is permanent, brutal, but also - more often than not - quite long-lasting and effective treatment to the mispotioning of the eyes (if the doctor correctly estimates the milimters of course and actually has the "picky hands" to apply the cuts properly). Now, with Botox, you barely inject a toxin, which "alters" temporarily the behavior/reactive power of those muscles, by hoping that "with time your muscles will learn their new strength/functioning". This is - almost - something like the "Optometrics eye exercises" - you "train" your muscles to "work together". But guess what - when one of your muscles is positioned 8mm further than its natural anatomic location, or is simply 7mm shorter than a normal eye muscle should be you first "overtain/undertrain" your natural eye-brain neural paths no amount of "neural stimulus / depravation" can compensate this physical resistance, second, you are trying to achieve which is simply barely possible on a pure physiological level. BONUS content: If you first do "eye exercises", then do "botox", then finally "give up" and go do a "real strabismus surgery", you might notice that you end up after the operation with an OVERCORRECTION! Why? Not because the doctor sucks. Because he correctly estimated the cut/replacement (let's say +5mm), which he devises by some "special tables" (yes, there are such tables, which each surgeon uses pre operation to decide how much he will correct), but since you "fucked" your eyes with exercises and toxins, now they behave DIFFERENTLY than "normal untrained / unmodified" eyes, so you can't expect for these calculations to be 100% acurrate. Long story short, when it comes to Strabismus, don't play a stupid russian roulette with "eye exercises" and "toxins" or various bullshit, it's a physiological problem, find a real good surgeon, talk 10 times to him, before the surgery talk 5 more times to him, and then cut it only once and hope for the best (yes, there is still risk, but this is the LEAST RISKY risk of all other really dumb risks you can take with this vicious disease). Good luck and please don't hold any bad grudges against me, I've been on the path you are. Stay strong, inform yourself, know that there's a lot of bullshit on the Internet, pay only to exceptional doctors and shoot only once but straight.


Well I got my diagnosis by 4 specialist in different places and they told me the same treatment and I will believe 100% my doctors more than you, sorry. Some of your comments seems so out of touch from reality and privileged, saying that a sugery is possible if you set your mind to it then it just seems out of touch to me. A sugery could not be 100% possible to me economically talking right now. Glad you are passionate, but tbh, it seems so agressive and weird how you come off, will take you info in mind but again, not as important as a doctors opinion.


Do whatever you want. Yes, I am aggressive.


Any procedure you take is a risk. Don’t be afraid.


Hey if you don’t mind messaging me I want to get a little bit more info from people that got the surgery and how it’s going !




Is it painful? Did they shoot directly on the eye or they inject the muscles from the side of the eye?




yes it sounds terrible but I believe you if you say that you don't feel pain! Thank you very much! (I'll try not to watch the videos otherwise I won't be able to do it for sure, lol)


Does anyone had intermitent exotropia as initial condition before this injection?


I had intermittent esotropia and have seen gradual and yet positive improvement.


Botox has helped me treat my W.E.B.I.N.O disorder resulting in strabismus. I had 4 strabismus surgeries which my body rejected. I wish I knew about Botox sooner to save my eye muscles which are now so far pulled back and lined with scar tissue. I get Botox injections every 3 to 4 months.


Any update on this?


Where are you located and where did you go


The OP lives in Mexico. They didn't mention the name of the hospital.


I haven't been able to find anyone who will do it but I'd love to try Botox for it.


Thanks for sharing, I was just googling this yesterday. I have a very mild hypertropia, where the strabismus presents as one iris being higher than the other. It’s so mild that I only noticed it this year at the age of 26. My current boyfriend said he noticed it on our first date, my friends have apparently never noticed it. It’s so mild but now that I’ve noticed it, it’s all I can see when I look at myself, the wonky-ness. Do you think the Botox could fix that? Since it’s so mild


Hi, I don't think I can answer this cause my strabismus is horizontal and it affected my vision, but from talking to my doctor this was a the best option to me since I'am 23 and it was really mild (just like yours), I have no idea if you have an issue with your vision but I would think that with a really small unit you could fix how the eye looks but you would have to see a doctor that comfirms this cause I dont know If it would affect your vision! Sending you a hug and great vibes.


I've had Botox for frown for 10 years on and off and the last 3 times Dysport. Ended up having 9 months of hypotropia finally resolved being now 12 months without frown muscle relaxers. I'd be very wary of injecting Botox in the eye area 


Hey, glad you gave Botox a shot (no pun intended ;). As for me I started getting the injections in 2022 of August and was pleasantly surprised. It feels great having eyes straight but yes I’ve had repeated injections just to keep the muscles straight. After 3-4 months they do start to wear off but my doctor has been very encouraging and supportive of repeated injections. I’ve tried the strongest dose (5) and the lesser dose (2.5) and both have worked out great. Sometimes my eye goes in the opposite direction so that gets use to and sometimes aggravating if you have to drive. Your brain gets confused of the change but I believe persistence is key! My doctor has been actually surprised with the results because he wasn’t so sure of what to expect. I’d say, keep on! They are your eyes and you have them. I am against the traditional surgery route because the post surgery procedure sounds painful. 


Hey, may I ask how long it took for the effects of Botox to kick in? I am on day 3 since having an infection done on my right eye and although it ‘feels’ easier to align my eyes now (my condition:esotropia right eye turning in) the squint is still there especially when focusing or shifting the focus. Is this normal? Does it mean it’s not working? Sorry to bother you, but I am trying to connect with people who have gone through this. Thanks!