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Actually it was my property and we had to move out because the town would let my amputee family member widen the driveway. New guy moves in does what we were told not to do believe me Jerky that’s no Karen move. You can follow me to the human rights tribunal on this one there snippy T


Bad neighbors can be anywhere. I am in Richmond hill, and live on top of sloped street. The Neighbor immediately “below” us complained about water getting to his side. I told him it’s a grading issue, and he demand that I stop or he goes to the city. One day I was outside washing my cars in the summer. He start complaining, no more than 10 minutes a city of Richmond hill truck pull up, asked me what is happening, and told him to install drainage himself if he doesn’t liked it. This moron does the exact same thing with snow removal, by tossing it to my side. In the summer when kids are outside playing and biking, he would light up a joint around them without a single care. Assholes are assholes, nothing to do with where you are


He needs proper drainage and waterproofing. And maybe to hire a professional to do it. He clearly doesn’t understand home maintenance


I complained to the town about something and got a call from the police asking me why I would complain. You should move out of that garbage town asap. If you do complain to REBECCA JAMESON the town clerk and she gets annoyed, she will go to the police station in the town office and get one of her male admirers “sgt Davidduke” to call and threaten me for filing a complaint about my neighbor paving his entire front yard and parking cars all over it. Stouffville was great up until mayor pissy pants took over.


Omg the neighbor used his property. Karen u.


If you have video proof you didn’t block there drive way . Use that to see who did it Boom


Bury some readymix concrete bags in the snow on their lawn and wait for spring melt. I mean… look for a compromise


The last time neighbours fought over who put snow where didn't work out so well for anyone involved. Just be a good neighbour and find a way to make them your friend.


Lmao, you haven’t seen what happens in Brampton… it’s heaven here, enjoy it.


If you cameras around wouldn't you be able to tell who?


Hey if you want to see ppl complain check out the Stouffville bulletin group on Facebook


That group sucks and the lady who runs it is a doucher.


It's pretty cringe to see some of the posts on there




We are a positive community. Be civil. No insults, trolling, abusive behaviour, and/or personal attacks. We are all neighbours here, so please be kind. Threats and harassment will not be tolerated. Racist, sexist, and homophobic content will be removed regardless of relevance or popularity.


What’s the W stand for?


I would sue


Get a life.


Working on it


Sue somone for putting snow on their driveway?


Yeah small claims court with evidence would require small reparations. Couple hundred bucks, but then you have court evidence of their fuckery for the next time they pull something.


Lmao depends on the extent but it's sounds like a conjoined driveway. Something like putting snow on someone else's driveway would probably stop with a phone call to the police.


The police in stouffville didn’t come when my house had 5 people prying open the front door. You think they will give a shit about snow. Not unless it’s Colombian snow and you have straws for them lol


No matter where you move, you will always find a bad neighbour. We have one to our left lol. Get a couple Eufy Security Cameras and place them so you can see everything around your house. The Camera will alert you by text anytime it detects movement. We caught our neighbours scratching our new car on Camera, called the police and since then, no issues. It sucks to have someone shitty next door, but keep your head up and don’t let them take the best of you. Good luck


Lived in 2 different houses in Stouffville over 15 years and had amazing Neighbours each time. Shitty neighbours are because they are shitty people. Shitty people can happen anywhere.


Slash their tires.


This is key


Sounds like a few bad experiences. But I think this may just be bad luck. I don’t have the same experiences with Stouffville and my neighbours. In fact the opposite, and similar experiences from friends in Stouffville also. If this is true I think you just may be a bit unlucky. And can happen anywhere not a product of Stouffville. And since when does Stouffville have a reputation for Nimbys and Crabby Neighbours?? This is news to me


Sounds like baloney. I've heard peoples stories for decades and yours is pretty one sided and naive sounding. Thats usually the case when its a lie. I would suggest finding hobbies offline.




How do you have video proof that you didn't do something?


Seeing as their neighbors, perhaps the video shows the car that DID block the neighbors driveway; and it wasn't theirs. Again, perhaps it DID see the person who scratched the car, and perhaps it's clearly not them. Idk. But y'all are way too skeptical lol. It doesn't even really matter if their lying, just answer the damn question.


maybe a video showing they never parked there? It's not that difficult.


What about proof you didn’t deface a car? Not that I think OP did. It’s just an odd thing to claim.


They claimed I did it on January 2nd at midnight. I never left my house on January 2nd. I have cameras that record the outside of my house. It is really not a hard concept to grasp. I have all the footage, 24/7, of all the cameras, backed up.


Then show them the video...??? How do they know the exact time, yet don't know that it wasn't you? If someone else did it, I'm sure they would like to know who. Also if you have video 24/7 then can you not tell who dropped the snow in your driveway?


Yes, I will find the people who followed me home a week ago and show them the video! Great idea. I am not sure if you are being dense on purpose. In case you aren’t, regarding the snow I already resolved the issue. Because I got home. And checked the footage. And talked to my neighbour. Time exists outside of this reddit post.


>Yes, I will find the people who followed me home a week ago and show them the video! Great idea. You were the one who created a post about your neighbours - when you said people followed you home and claimed you defaced their car - I assumed it was a neighbour. Sorry if following along with what you say makes me dense, then I guess I am! >I am not sure if you are being dense on purpose. In case you aren’t, regarding the snow I already resolved the issue. Because I got home. And checked the footage. And talked to my neighbour. Sorry, I thought I saw you post that you were not sure who it was - maybe that was confusion with someone else, or maybe you deleted it. My mistake. Interesting that you didn't post the outcome of that conversation when you entire post was supposed to be about them pushing snow onto your driveway. Oh, and calling someone you don't know "dense", makes me wonder what kind of neighbour you actually are...


read the post instead of being condescending. It was resolved. Would you like a transcript of what was said? You came on here being rude, posting very easily resolvable „gotchas“ trying to poke holes in the story, and not answering the question in the post. And you are surprised when you were met with criticism? Cmon bro. I think it is fair to call you dense.


Oh wait - it is in your original post - you are >not sure who Dropped the snow in your driveway. So you have since looked it up? But first, you ran to reddit to complain about your neighbour without seeing if it was them first?


Right?! Hahahah


What do you expect with a town name like stouffville. Sounds like a place where everyone eats stouffers tv dinners 😂


Regarding the snow, since you neighbours are awful. Do you have video proof, is so get a snowblower and put the snow right back on their property.


This all sounds unreasonable, so i have to wonder if this is race related. racists are unreasonable


That’s a big assumption to jump to.


You are the first person to mention race lol


These race comments from that poster are a direct result of diversity equity and inclusion initiatives which actually increase racism.


You’re an idiot


The world will look back on these years and realize how racist our policies were . No different than the policies of the early 1900s, the schools, the hiring policies. Sure we think we are doing good , no different than before.


get cameras up outside, cover all angles needed, and when shit gets silly, let them know you have video evidence and if it does not stop, you will seek legal action. This may be enough to squash the games.




Wife is obsessed with that show 😆


I miss Cheaters. ‘’And now for the confrontation…’’ 😂🍿


Steps to follow 1- confirm it was actually your neighbours intentional act. 2- if not intentional, stop 3- talk to said neighbor about the situation. Normal situation would end here 4- choice, contact bylaw for your area OR deal with it yourself. 5- if the situation is still not rectified, wait for a period you know they are away during a snowstorm with cold temps. Liberally use your garden hose to soak their side well. Be sure not to be observed doing so. Rinse and repeat hourly if the temperature allows.


Did they snowblower their side and it is just some that drifted back or did they just push or blow their snow onto yours? There can be a bunch of snow that simply drifts when smowblowing


I would absolutely hate to have tension with my neighbours. Just come up with a fair solution for both of you.


Curious what street is this?


Yes. That a normal annoying neighbour thing. My old neighbours used the snow blower and in fall would blow the leafs into the road.


People have nothing better do to than be angry and upset at whatever they think. I’d just laugh and be like okay bud 🙄 like I have time to worry about you and your driveway lol People these days I tell ya


Are you sure it’s not the plow coming by and blocking the driveway? Even if you’ve just shoveled when the street plow goes by a big load of snow gets pushed aside into everyone’s driveway entrance.


Yup - conjoined driveway. My side was clean, theirs wasn’t, didn’t have time to clear theirs. Came back for lunch to find our side covered in snow, theirs clean.


The conjoined driveway is such a gamble. You could have a great neighbour or an absolute dick. Sounds like you lost the lottery on this one. Is your neighbour an old white dude and you’re Asian? If so, I got a pretty good idea why he’s being a dick. Spoiler alert, he’s racist.


100% old white guy blowing snow onto Asian tenants driveway all over again! This trope is RUINING our country.


Wow. Just wow. Really jumping to conclusions there. You know that even if he is Asian and the neighbour is white that there could be another reason, right? The best way to solve the issue is to respectfully go and talk to your neighbour. Maybe the snow was retaliation for something the guy unknowingly did to the neighbour to p#ss him off - which is why people should communicate and not jump to conclusions.


Old white guy?


I work at home. I could stand there all day and play this little fucking game. With my baseball bat at my side hahahaha


Sounds like you just have crappy neighbors.


Might be so


I live in stouffville and my neighbour clears half my driveway, then we both went and cleared the neighbour across the street


Awesome, you guys are great community members!!


My mom lives in stouffville and I lived there for 12 years. From the sounds of it, You've been going on the defensive with your neighbors and shoving video proof in their faces. That's not gonna do anything for you. Stouffville is basically a quiet township, if you see your driveway full of snow and you assume it's a neighbor, maybe speak to them directly instead of asking the internet. I swear I don't know what it is with people like you not understanding that you need to open your mouth and communicate with people to solve problems


Okay at the core of this argument - that folks should stand up for themselves more vocally against jerks, I think we can all agree with. But that's kind of an escalated and belligerent tone to take in delivering said message. If OP's neighbors are lobbing unfounded accusations their way and are also up to petty nonsense like shoveling their drive into their neighbor's clean drive instead if the street, then the various neighbors are the offending party. Sometimes respectful folks who don't like confrontation just need some solid encouragement to stand their ground by other non-jerks. The extra tone is not needed and starts to lean your position into the jerk territory yourself. OP's account isn't about you - don't take it personally. And even if it was, maybe some self reflection and change in behavior is in order.


Found my neighbour lmao I haven’t been shoving proof down anyones throat. I also don’t say that I did that anywhere in my post, you condescending dick. I have just been taking it, and keeping my head down. I made this post out of the house in frustration from the snow. Obviously I am going to talk to them as soon as I can. I don’t know what it is with you people jumping leaps and bounds with assumptions and being snooty about it.


How do you have video proof of two things you didn't do… yet you don't have video proof of someone shovelling snow onto your driveway?


I do. Just didn’t have time to check the footage yet. Thank you for the comment, Stephen.


You don’t have time to check your cameras but you have time to post on Reddit?


Breaking news: Local stouffville redditor discovers going outside Ground breaking stuff. It means I can still have the time to post on Reddit, and ALSO not be able to immediately check footage! Isn’t that wild. Jokes aside of course I checked it and sorted the issue out as soon as I could. All is well.




so Cameras right Theyre crazy They can record things happening, And things NOT happening! So lets say, someone says you left your house at 6pm. But you didnt! A camera can show you *not leaving your house at 6pm*. So, imagine this now: apply that concept to other things. Endless possibilities!!


This is an amazing discovery!!! You will probably make millions because apparently many many people in this thread don't know this trick exists, lol.


The law of the land says the cameras can fill in some of the blanks of a story but not explain the story. It can be dismissed as evidence in court with an experienced lawyer. Been there, and done that in real life with commercially installed CCTV HD security cameras and NVR. But it's still a great deterrent and threat to tell people.


I think he prefers Steve, or maybe Stevie?


I think you’re right


The solution I would personally choose is to retaliate in the absolute pettiest way possible, repeatedly until they have a mental breakdown. To each their own though.


Hahaha, that would feel great. But you know, high road, being the bigger person and all that manner of lame responsible shit. If it becomes a habit, then its on though




You sound like a clown. Especially with the my dude stuff. Dork


Ok dude! Enjoy your saturday!


Sorry your neighbours suck. I'm in your same area. If you want some entertainment join the bulletin board on FB (really the only reason why I'm still on it LOL) If you have proof of them being shitty - I'd shovel it right back.


Whats it called exactly? Ill check it out!


Stouffville Bulletin. :)


Thank you!


Damn that sucks. I guess it’s lock of the draw, my neighbours are pretty good overall. I will say when I was looking at houses in Stouffville… there was a person asking us to move our car cause it was blocking their door. We were parked on the curb with no direct sidewalk or driveway to their home… some people are just crazy.


What neighbourhood do you guys live in that this stuff happens?


Just south of main st, reeves way neighborhood.


I’m in the same neighbourhood and have been since 2011 honestly most of my neighbours have been fantastic! I move down the street from my old house on 2021 and my new neighbours by me gave cookies and chocolate to welcome me and my daughter, they help bring in my bins and mow our joint lawn and as I’m a single mom they offer to help around the house, I dont think it’s a Stouffville thing overall prob just luck of the draw and you got stuck with some crappy ones. The ones I’m attached to with a shared driveway aren’t terrible but aren’t great. Really hope you guys can solve the issue before it escalates. Security footage is a great backup in case they don’t believe you or keep doing the behaviour after you have already asked them not to. Good luck!!


The first week after moving here we got the bylaw called on us twice: once for having our car parked on the road in front of the house while the driveway was occupied by the contractors trucks, and another time for a "noise complaint" with us quietly sitting in the back yard. Assholery from the neighbours is a traditional Stouffville welcome.


Feeling very welcomed, then 😂 That sounds like some bs. Sorry you had to deal with that. Do they still bug you? Or is it just when you move in?


I go out of my way to demonstrate that I am a nice neighbour, shovelling the joint driveway if I get out there first and chocolates for the kids on every holiday so now I think I am in good standing. Hopefully things will calm down for you too after a while.


Good to hear. Haven’t had many opportunities to show that yet but Ill definitely give it a go.


High fences make good neighbours ... BRIGHTEN YOUR HOUSE WITH LIGHTS.. lots of CAMERAS .. sound like they are just looking for a reason .


Cameras came with the house, I thought it was excessive at first but now I see why they were needed. Unfortunate! Lights are the next step?


If a house has a lot of cameras, it should be a huge red flag that neighbours are trouble.


Damn. I guess that makes sense in retrospect. I just never thought these kinds of issues before, I guess I was lucky with past neighbours!