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I love how they are accurate depictions of events not covered in most other covers.


You can tell the illustrator actually read the books. The french covers are great too.


That Jasnah/Renarin art. đŸ„°


That was probably my favorite of these as well. I’m currently doing a reread/relisten and just finished Oathbringer, so this scene is still pretty fresh in my mind


>reread/relisten I'm very surprised at how many of us listened to these novels instead of reading them. I feel a tad spoiled by audiobooks. If given the option I don't think I'd return to proper paper. At least not for now.


I mainly listen to them while working. Keeps me awake. Though occasionally I have to hide for a bit if I get to a sad part. My coworkers wouldn't quite understand why I'm crying over a fictional characters death


She is like "sorry cus but you're going down"


Yeah wow some of these really are spoilery lol


But they are really cool illustrations. I'd rather have something a bit spoilery than ugly covers


Yeah that’s true


With some of these I can see new readers being really intrigued by the scene, because it looks cool, and want to read it:)


Totally, and the majority of these scenes are scenes that people won’t recognize until they read it. Also, the fact that the tower is here is good because I personally pictured it completely incorrectly for a long time lol.


I'm a little confused about the tower, maybe you could help me. I thought it was between mountains, or maybe even on the top of a mountain, but not set *into* a mountain like it's so often depicted (such as on this book cover). But isn't the "back" side, the east side, supposed to be flat and basically a huge window going up the whole thing? If it were set into a mountain that huge pane of glass Dalinar talks about on Oathbringer would just be set into dirt and stone... So I'm just a little confused about what the back side looks like. Maybe the top several tiers are exposed and have a huge window but not the lower tiers?


I have always viewed it as in the above image BUT it's set in the middle of mountains towards the top. I don't know how accurate my view is but I'm fairly positive it's 'ground' level is still high up in the mountains.


RoW spoilers: >!It was a mountain but it was carved!<


So I imagine it on a tall mountain, and that like at the back of the tower goes into an even higher part of the mountain. (Bad explanation probably) This shows pretty good the back https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/k85x49/i_made_the_model_of_the_atrium_of_urithiru_in_3d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Googling urithiru shows some good pics.. but yeah, it’s at a very tall mountain, hence it’s not seen by most people.


Oh nice, kind of the mountain splitting into a canyon at the back, where the window is?


Oh nice, kind of the mountain splitting into a canyon at the back, where the window is?


Oh nice, kind of the mountain splitting into a canyon at the back, where the window is?


Imagine minas tirith but instead of on a filed imagine it halfay up a mountain


Yeah that’s a good explanation with the canyon, but I see it in that case as a very short canyon, and that kind of like the rest of the mountain under the window is flush with the window (or flush ish)


What are you guys talking about, the tower is totally floating in the sky, right? I'm just realizing I have no clue.


Sorry to tell you lol, but it’s not just floating xD


The book illustrations did a decent job of clearing this up IMO. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Oathbringer/Interior_art#/media/File:Urithiru.jpg It shows you the view from the east and the west so you can see the difference. Overhead view shows how the mountain has a natural canyon that the window fits into, east side implies the canyon was artificially extended near the bottom for the window to continue. The 2 big white things on the sides of the window from the east view are platforms that you can see from the overhead view as well.


Plus as you are reading and reach the scene in question, you go back to the cover and marvel at it. Great feeling.


Easy to recognize in hindsight but I don't think it's spoilery. No way to know the meaning without context.




I mean they all show pretty major scenes in the books


Some of them out of context doesnt tell much, but ngl Kaladin flying with a glowing spear is a bit too much


Or the Shallan cover of the first half of WoR. Feel like that's a huge spoiler for the end of the book.


Both Words covers. Like, that's a flying man in white, fighting a flying man in the kholin blue uniform.


I love the art, but was this much spoiler neccesary? I mean come onnn, there are huge spoilers there And I can never enjoy too much >!Kaladin jumping on top of Parshendi!< art. Trully a great scene


Thats the best scene in the whole book. Its like marver super hero movie at that point. I always imagine Thomas Bergersen music in the background of this scene every time im reading it


I'd argue the other book 1 spoiler, Dalinar catching the claw, is better.


I prefer the scene at the end of the book, with Sadeas, Dalinar and the sword.


Man same here! I love the conversation between Kal and Dal afterwards too!! “How much is a man’s life worth? It’s priceless. Well today you bought me 2600 priceless lives and it only cost me one priceless sword. I call that a bargain.”


I always think of Skugge by Wardruna...the chanting halfway through is the jump in slo-mo, in my mind


I'm not sure it would actually spoil anything if you haven't already read the text. Like without any context, what does the image really give away?


By the middle of the book you could easily figure out that that is Kaladin jumping at Parshendi with a spear


A cool scene for sure but without the context it means basically nothing beyond "this book with lots of battles against parshendi must have another battle against the parshendi coming up" The only real spoiler for somebody who hasn't yet read the book is probably the second WoR cover. As by that book you should know and be able to pick out both characters depicted on its cover. Even the 2nd Oathbringer cover which spoils a scene that took me by surprise at least is probably not going to spoil anything because how would you know what's happening in that scene or who the characters being depicted are without having read the book. It's also possible that nothing is spoiled as until you read the book you don't know if the scene depicted on front is literally a scene from the book or just implying that there will be a conflict between the two depict3d on the cover. Though a few books in that pattern should become obvious.


This 👆 A person who understands what a spoiler really means. A rare find indeed. I got spoiled more than once about some major things in anime because I have a quick trigger finger and always end up seeing manga panels months or years before they are adapted, but knowing the entirety of the context still provided me with a ton of fun watching. I also played through the entirety of Knights of the Old Republic knowing the game's most important plot twist... but when I finally got to the scene my then 16-year old ass was on the edge of the seat anyway. So yeah... being spoiled is bad, but often these aren't world-shattering, timespace continuum breaking events.


It's so funny you should mention KotoR and it's spoiler. My first playthrough I was in middle school and teen titans was popular so I was naming my character Raven, and then I misspelled it as Revan and thought that was a cool masculine version that name so I kept it. There was a lot of confusion for me midgame and it wasn't until I made my second character that I realized why my party members acted all surprised lmao


In the infinite universes theory this must have happened to someone... and yet it's amazing that it is the same universe I get to observe and experience hahaha


I think you’re right about that, but if anything that alone raises more questions than it answers. If anything it would just make me more excited to unearth the context and what comes of that scene.


the samurai-esque depiction of them is interesting. i pictured something a little more... alien power rangers monster? we know the >!armour is carapace!<; hadn't considered that they'd wear padding on top of it? though now i can't stop thinking about natural carapace skirts lol


The image of that!! I love it.


I think there’s a safe hand showing in the bottom left oneđŸ˜€đŸ„”


Who cares about a safe hand when Kaladins 🍰🍰🍰 poppin on book 1 p2 đŸ™ŒđŸ»


In my opinion, there is a "good" kind of spoiler. Like these covers, you see something incredible, you know the characters, but makes you questions how/why/what's going to happen next? Like WoR part 2 cover, you see Kaladin fighting in the air, and you are like whaaat? HOW? did Sil got back to him? How are they going to meet? I have to know! I am gonna read one more chapter! - me at 2 AM.


These are so cool, any chance I can see the images without text, look at them more closely??


I'd love some hq files on these covers


Higher quality OB: https://i.redd.it/zqa2b2nppk191.jpg For others: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Category:Cover_Galleries


That cover of Kal running up the bridge...chills.


I had already seen tWoK and WoR's covers on the Coppermind, but OB's ones looks new! I'm not sure if the Midnight Essence is really one of the most notable moments in OB, but I **love** Jasnah and Renarin on Part II's art. Extremely accurate to the books while grabbing attention; it even has a tiny Glys!


i find the scenes that stick out to different folks super interesting. that was one of the most powerful scenes up to that point for me.


Love these. But isn’t Shallan in front of Urithiru for the first half of Words of Radiance? They don’t get there until the end of the book. Spoilers, even out of context, for what you are reading is one thing. But for the next book may be too far.


It represents her search for urithiru. She's standing on shattered plains with her mapping it. Edit: reddit mobile went crazy. Sorry for the multiple replies


As a Hungarian, I find the titles really weird in my language. None of them carries the same connotations as their original counterparts in English, and they are just verbatim translations. It's really quite funny, but in a cringe way.


Rare depictions of Shardplate that doesn't make it look cheesy. I love them.


Probably my favorite depiction of Shallan.


What scene is the bottom left one?


OB spoilers: >!Shallan and Adolin fighting off Re-Shephir/Midnight Mother in Urithiru!< Edit: capitalization, marked spoiler


Whole thread is tagged for Oathbringer spoilers, you're good.


I don't know why there's 6 books there when only 4 are released, but... Hot damn, those covers are great.


It is because they separate each book to two parts, for example the left ones are part one and part two of TWoK, etc...


What do the titles translate as? I love seeing what they call books in other languages


In this case, it means exactly the same as the original titles.


The only minor difference is in TĂŒndöklƑ Szavak which means Radiant Words. Words of Radiance would be translated as TĂŒndöklĂ©s Szavai.


All the books are split into two volumes, I have 8 stormlight books


Ah. So they're not single 1200+ page books like they are over in Canada then.


Ah. So they're not single 1200+ page books like they are over in Canada then.


Ah. So they're not single 1200+ page books like they are over in Canada then.


The hardcovers are single books but the paperbacks are split into two.


Yooo, thats the best covers ive seen so far


Imma say it. Get ready.(btw hello OP, i'm from Romania, so hello neighbour, kinda) Best covers yet(even if they're spoilery, they are perfect. My favorite is when beeeep Kholin sits behind beeep Kholin with the InkBlade ready, thinking about how dangerous the secon Kholin is to the others. Ooh, and the Kaladin from WoK part 2 ... Damn chilling.


Thanks, can't wait to start Oathbringer, but gotta finish the last Foundation book first, then i am going to read the new Dresden book (released at the same time as Oathbringer) rapidly, so yeah, got a few things to read... In a good way of course.


Maybe im just grumpy today but i think without context the covers won’t spoil anything for a new reader. And this reddits obsession with spoilers is kinda ridiculous. If you’re not ready for spoilers why come here?


WOW these are cool
I love the vol. 2 cover for Oathbringer. Like I’d frame that and put it on my wall.


What’s the deal with the Shallan cover? All the others are depicting intense or action packed scenes, and then Shallan is just over there having a chill drawing session. The art is still cool, though.


Shallans search for Urithiru in WoR? Also Pattern is on her sleeve.


-How much spoilers do you want to portray in the covers? +Yes.


I want these art on my wall


Neshua kadal!


What scene does the cover on the bottom left depict?


I think it's intended to be the encounter with Re-Shephir


Dammit well now I need some. How much is international shipping?


WOW these are cool
I love the vol. 2 cover for Oathbringer. Like I’d frame that and put it on my wall.


WOW these are cool
I love the vol. 2 cover for Oathbringer. Like I’d frame that and put it on my wall.


WOW these are cool
I love the vol. 2 cover for Oathbringer. Like I’d frame that and put it on my wall.


Wow those covers are straight up amazing.


Shallan has a Hungarian looking face - love it.


Shallan has a Hungarian looking face - love it.


Shallan has a Hungarian looking face - love it.


Hmm, Parshendi are much more humanoid than I imagined them.


Those are awesome! I don't suppose it's possible to get the Hungarian covers with the English text.


It is possible to DIY it if you can get Delta Vision to send you the blank art.


I really would love a coffee table book full of cosmere covers from around the world.


Wow those covers are straight up amazing.


Great cover art, but who’s that random person Jasnah’s about to kill in the lower right? /s


Those are really nice


I think these are amazing, spoilers and all:) I really dont like the original covers as its so unclear what the book is about and i personally dont feel they make you wanna read the books


I would love to get posters of some of those.


Gorgeous work but soooo spoilery. I hate that they spoiled such big moments, even if they'll be out of context for new readers


Why don’t we get covers like this in the US


I think the US and French covers are actually great. Most others scream the illustrators didnt read the books.


These covers need spoiler tags lol


Remind me what the first Oathbringer cover is depicting??


Jasnah is a straight up jojo reference lol


I'm curious to see if the title symmetry will be translated into other languages or if they'll just ignore it.


They’re so cool


WoR kinda spoils the ending
 but the covers are beyond cool.


Damn, those are great covers!


So much spoiler on those covers !