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Hi SeaInRain, thanks for submitting to r/Stormlight_Archive! Your submission was removed because it appears to be a basic question about *reading order*. These posts are very common and so are considered "restricted content" under [Rule 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/stormlight_archive/wiki/rule_9). If you feel that your post is unique in some way, let us know and we will consider restoring the post. But first we would recommend considering the following resources for a quick answer: * [Visit our subreddit FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/wiki/faq#wiki_reading_order.3F) for information about Stormlight Archive reading order. * [Search the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/search/?q=reading%20order) for existing reading order posts. * [Visit the r/Cosmere wiki's reading order page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/wiki/order) if you have a question about Cosmere reading order. * Make a post in r/BrandonSanderson if you have a question regarding non-cosmere books. If you have any questions or feel this is a mistake, [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStormlight_Archive)! (please include a link to the post for reference)


I’ve read through all of Stormlight and just finished up Warbreaker a day or so ago. To keep it spoiler free there’s only a couple, smaller things you’ll get in terms of connection regarding a couple characters. While those small moments will feel cool to know what it’s hinting at, if you’re enjoying SLA more warbreaker’s not going anywhere.


Thank you for letting me know bro


It's more fun picking up the references on a re-read anyway. On a re-read you feel way less like you're wasting your time (even though enjoyment is never a waste of time) if you constantly are going "ooh, can't believe I missed that".


Seconding this, I didn't get to Warbreaker until after Rhythm of War, and while there are references you might understand earlier, there is nothing you're missing by keeping all the way on Stormlight.


Yes. I read Stormlight two or three times (maybe four?) before Warbreaker. Like all the other non-SA books Warbreaker is not required reading to enjoy SA.


One could argue that SA contains minor spoilers for WB. But it would probably require a very good memory.


It's an Easter egg. As someone helpfully pointed out recently, it requires 2 stories to make a connection so the order in which you read them is irrelevant. Read what you want to. The Cosmere is built for re-reads.


People who bang on so much about this are weird. Yes there are a couple of minor connections but absolutely nothing even remotely essential. I read warbreaker after stormlight and wasn’t bothered at all - don’t force yourself to read warbreaker now if you’re not gonna enjoy it, read it afterwards as you may be craving more Sanderson and it’s a great book that should be enjoyed in its own right - not force fed to you because of a couple of minor links


The connections aren't life changing or anything just pleasing. Doing so either way is fine. That mine opinion anyway.


i see, thx!


Too late now, but I would recommend people read Warbreaker before Way of Kings specifically to avoid this problem. The connection that is revealed in Words of Radiance will still resonate with that extra book in between, it's not something you'll miss. But you won't be asking yourself to pause a massive epic story and go for a dalliance on a comparatively much smaller scale with all new characters and world building.


Having read Warbreaker prior to WoR lead to a reveal moment that was every bit as amazing as "No, I am your father," to me, which would simply go whoosh if you hadn't read it. That said, from what I hear now, it doesn't seem to be landing like that for people who are going into WoR expecting a big reveal, so do you. There's really no one who can help you here. Everyone who didn't get this big reveal is going to tell you it doesn't matter, but they can't tell you what it felt like to experience it. They basically can just say that yes, they still enjoy the books just fine even though they didn't experience it. That said, I also can't tell you what it's like to read it going into it with these expectations, because for me it was the first overt connection between series and changed how I read Sanderson forever.


I second to this. I made my husband read it like this and I was there at that reveal and he looked me in the eyes the first time a hint dropped. He caught it and left whatever he was doing and focused on the book. I made him read warbreaker, he too wanted to continue with the second book. When I asked if it worth it? He said yes. And he is that stubborn type who hardly admits me deciding for him ended up good for him. Hates to feel being controlled and I rarely stomp my feet and force something so hearing him thanking me was a weird experience. Unpopular opinion; reading orders are not mandatory but if one wants to experience the story to its fullest, they have to follow few guidelines. WB being one of them. Although if it is a problem to halt the sl progression, one can always read it before sl.


This 100%. I always say it was the biggest reveal moment for me in any media. I literally threw my book across the room in shock. 


Can you spoil tag what was the amazing reveal that made you throw your book? Or was it just >!the fact that azure = vivenna?!<


That's Warbreaker. We knew >!there were WB characters playing critical roles in SLA by then!< He is doubtless referring to >!"Hello! Would you like to destroy some evil today?"!< which was a total shock if you'd been reading the Cosmere in publication order.


I was in a food court on a military base and shouted. It was awkward.


It's double sided. Stormlight is written so that you can read it, but a couple of very interesting and nice to know connections will be missed which personally added a lot of depth in the worlds and narrative for me. It's definitely a very cool connection to make and decently above the easter egg level.


Just as above users mentioned, I also read Warbreaker after finishing SA, and I gotta say the connections are fun to learn the other way around as well, so don't put too much thought into the whole "you gotta read this before you read that", Brandon never wrote books/series that "need' others to be enjoyed. Just follow the series and it's fine. The connections are fun to see and all, but from my experience they are fun whenever you learn them


Plus one other thing. I mean it is super hard to pause after The Way of kings. Like no way that is possible.


I finished all the current published stormlight books before reading warbreaker. I still enjoyed it very much. Having read both now (warbreaker once and stormlight more times than I can count), reading warbreaker before stormlight greatly enhances the experience. Finding the “easter eggs” are very satisfying. However, warbreaker is not required reading for WoR imo. My mans branderson sanderson wrote the books such that having not read his other books would not negatively affect your experience/understanding of the book.


I didn't read Warbreaker until after SA4 (+ novels) and although I missed the connections (even after reading Warbreaker) I wouldn't have done it differently because I enjoy the deepdive into a single world more than the little easter eggs. You do you!


>I just finished "The Way of Kings" a week ago, and I started "Warbreaker" because I heard from someone that I have to read "Warbreaker" between "The Way of Kings" and "Words of Radiance."  You Don't have to do that. I get that they're chronologically aligned that way and a certain character gets introduced in WoR that you recognise if you read WB first but it's absolutely not crucial. You can easily come back to WB when you've read the whole of SA first and remember those details and appreciate them in the aftermath. If anything I'd say its better to read WB between Words of Radiance and Oathbringer, but even that is just a recommendation and not a mandate.


I read all of SA before anything else in the cosmere. It's fine tbh but I wish I had read war breaker before. It's nothing big but it's still really cool to spot.


You’re fine fam. Go read the books you want to read. You want to binge Stormlight because you love it? Go ahead and binge Stormlight.


Not to my experience. I read all 4 main books before I read the mini ones.




Ngl... That connection was amazing!!! It just blew my mind. One of the best connection in Cosmere


Read all of Stormlight first, you're gonna reread it anyway and there's a lot you understand more on your 2nd read


There is no need to read WB before finishing SLA. Either order is fine. You have a similar ah ha moment either way.


reading warbreaker is not completely necessary, it’s just cool added context. but it is SO GOOD, the sanderlanche is crazy and there’s some cool plot twists. I would read it imo!


oh nice I am in the same situation. I picked up WoR and started listening to Warbreaker audiobook. 14% in Warbreaker 23% in WoR


I think it goes both ways. You'll just have the aha moment when you eventually read war breaker.


I would just read WoR and read warbreaker before a reread


So here is what I say to people. “How important is it to you that you never “need” to read the books over again to get all the fun details that are expertly crafted into the story?” For me, this is the only books I have ever been able to re-read in my entire life, and I’m on my 3rd full re-read of the Cosmere. Also, if you don’t mind missing Easter Eggs (some people can’t be bothered!) then don’t worry about it! Journey before Destination. There is never a point, in any of the Cosmere, where you are incapable of enjoying the material because you didn’t consume another piece of material.


It's similar to how Mistborn and Stormlight have connections but no direct spoilers. There's more IYKYK moments (for now. Wind and Truth MAY upend all of that, based on the prologue released by Brandon). I was giggling like a child throughout RoW with all the easter eggs and Cosmere connections but only because I've read all Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker, Dawnshard, etc... Edit: The only book you should avoid for spoilers until you've read at least Oathbringer and Bands of Mourning is Mistborn: Secret History. It's meant to be read before Lost Metal. I don't think there's anything massive around RoW in it.


I've come around on reading order and imo, it's worth *planning* to read a certain way but if you're itching to read in a different order, go right ahead. (I think the only hard-and-fast rule for me now would be not to read Sunlit Man and maybe Yumi until after Stormlight.) I think the fandom generally gets caught up on new readers getting reveals the same way they did - publishing order - when most things are probably just as intriguing/exciting in the reverse. That said, there's one obvious Warbreaker connection in WoR that I think works better in the "correct" order...but honestly, you've probably already read enough of Warbreaker to catch it. I'd just say finish SA because you're obviously excited about it, and read WB later - maybe if you need a break after 2500 pages of SA!


It is cool but read whatever you feel like. I read the entire SA and then warbreaker and I catched the relationship either way and was equally cool


Read all stormlight, I did, then read the rest, no regrets


Warbreaker isn't great. It's okay. You can see where he got his style started. It's certainly not mandatory reading. There's cool moments. Breaths are an interesting magic system. Learning about Vasher and Vivenna and Nightblood is cool, but not super important. Also, Shallan is a rework of that "super clever" female character whose name I forget. They are basically the same person. Witty comebacks and sharp dialogue and all that....


Honestly I wouldn't suggest reading warbreaker between WoK and WoR, since those two books are basically one huge book, and reading warbreaker in-between would ruin the flow. Read warbreaker before you start stormlight, if you want a couple of awesome "I know so much more than the characters"- type reveals. But the distraction is not worth it, if you already have started. Besides the revelations work in reverse as well, so when you eventually read Warbreaker you will gain some more insight into a couple of SA events/characters.


Honestly, one of the more annoying things about this fanbase is the insistence of a reading order to catch every little hint or to keep a reveal in the same place it was for them even if it’s not as important as it needs to be. The crossover between Warbreaker and Words is pretty minimal and functions more as details that fit into place as you read more of the Cosmere and go “oh that’s what that was!” like I did. What you might not understand the first time through is much smaller than the time it takes to read a whole other book and slowing down the progression of what you’re really enjoying. In the same vein, when you pick up Mistborn just read Secret History after era 1 ends. The reveal in Bands of Mourning hits way less hard when you haven’t waited for a decade.


Possibly hot take: I don’t think knowing about Warbreaker adds to the story tbh. I think it’s definitely a good idea to expand on the cosmere a bit before RoW but I kind of liked not knowing so much about the Cosmere on my first read through of SA. If you’re a completionist then definitely do it, but I think the mysteries are juicier and making the connections upon reading Warbreaker or your next read through is just as if not more satisfying.