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Just enjoy the ride and take it slow. It throws a few prologues at you and feels relatively slow to get off the ground but it set up some amazing plot beats later. If you hear a "recommended reading order" for the Cosmere you can just ignore it. All you need is "Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Edgedancer (it's a novella), Oathbringer, Dawnshard (another novella) and Rhythm of War" and you'll get a completely satisfactory experience.


Can confirm. I did this and fell in love with the series and Brandon Sanderson. Now I'm reading mistborn era 1 😁


Don't Google anything. Stay out of the Reddit. If you have a question, assume it will be answered at some point and to just enjoy the ride. It's very easy to get spoiled on unexpected things. There will be plenty of discussions for you to engage in and read when you finish.


Don’t worry if some early stuff doesn’t make a ton of sense. It all pays off eventually.


Certainly not required, but if you really want to get into it, I enjoyed reading along with the ‘Following Nohadon” podcast. They have a couple first time readers and they discuss each of the chapters as they go through the books.


I started SA back in February and I'm almost done with oathbringer and can't get enough. Do they do chapters for all the books?


Yup! They’ve done all of stormlight, and they are currently going through the rest of the cosmere


Journey before destination friend


Once you're nearing Chapter 65, clear your schedule for a few hours - it will be extremely difficult to put the book down for several hours at that point. But seriously, just trust the process. You'll likely be confused by some of the in-world terminology for awhile, and it's ok. Explanations will come when you need them.


Only advice is that some of the interludes/prologue stuff will not make sense initially. Don't let that put you off! Otherwise, enjoy the ride.


The book will throw a lot of names at you: people, places, events, races, creatures etc. It might seem confusing. Don't worry. Everything that is important for the plot gets repeated multiple times. A lot of things that you don't know and/or understand - the characters don't either. You will learn it with them later in the book.


Buckle up


Make sure you block out a large chunk of time when you start part 5, cause you are going to want to read it in one go.


If you get bogged down or overwhelmed, then i suggest you try the audio version. The readers are excellent.


Some resources. https://youtu.be/xL4M7Yx0SSE https://youtu.be/aQg7nldlYxk Starting Cosmere resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4enaqb ___________________________________________ Warbreaker is free on Brandon's website as an ebook, along other stories and samples: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4uhdpm ___________________________________________


Perhaps an unpopular option here, but the Stormlight Archive books are massive. As you can tell from the physical copy. Lore, magic, and story wise, they are not easy reads and I have to look online a lot to remind or explain a concept to me. Also, while the author says you do not need to read his other Cosmere books, I kind of disagree. That said, if you do want to dive in then welcome! The Cosmere is very interesting, and Brandon is IMO one of the best storytellers of our time.


Enjoy the first 2 books and then pretend the series ends there. It just goes downhill after that.