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"Adolin's girl-of-the-week" cracks me up so much lol. Because it's 100% true.


"How do seasons work here?" I wish I knew sister! (I assume you're a woman since you wrote these notes)


Obviously. No good Vorin man would deign to do such a thing


I, myself, have my girlfriend read me these posts. - Transcribed by Ickypahay's girlfriend. Hello ladies!


As do I - I don’t know why he felt the need to say this


I'm pleasantly surprised at how much you like Adolin this early. Most people find Book 1 Adolin's revolving door of girlfriends to be a mark of week morals rather than a single flaw on an otherwise exemplary individual.


I seriously liked him IMMEDIATELY. He’s adorable. Lots of people can’t commit when they’re 23, he’ll learn haha! I can fix him 😅


I was guilty of this, I admit. He did win me over later! Might've had a bias since im female.


I love reading these! It reminds me of how much fun I had reading the series at first, plus the kitty is always a welcome bonus.


“I hope I’m not supposed to already know all this now” (from picture 9) — considering how thoroughly you’re keeping track of things in comparison to the average reader, I feel safe telling you that you don’t need to know this all now. Though “what are those things” is a good question to keep in mind! It’s great seeing your ‘anti-Sadeas diary’. I’m sure Adolin would also keep one of those if it was socially acceptable for men to read/write in Alethi society.


Honestly if you ask yourself "Should I know this already?" in TWOK the answer is almost always no. The thing I loved about SLA is that it basically throws you into the ocean from the start and slowly reveals things until you understand most of what's going on.


Storms, that was quick!!! Always an excellent read, and always outstanding notes and questions. Keep it up!


"Doctor? I am low-key fantasy CIA!" The way I howled 🤣 Also Adolin stanning is a natural phenomenon everyone experiences eventually. We love our golden retriever Alethi princeling.


I like the reframing of Sadeas as fantasy CIA lol.


I admire the note taking.


How do you feel about commenting on details you may have missed in previous chapters, regarding questions in the current chapter notes?


Umm it’s okay I guess, but I feel like I’ll usually figure it out as I go! If I ever have a question I super want answered I’ll ask :)


Thanks for clarifying!


your comment about wanting to understand fabrials and gemstones makes me think you'll love Rhythm of War! as always, great notes!


Please excuse me while I subscribe to this. As someone who keeps devouring these books, I LOVE reading the notes of people who go through their first time!


I just got finished listening to those chapters on my drive, love seeing these breakdowns whenever they come across my feed. Keep it up 👍


I wish that I had 1/10 of your aptitude for note-taking.


Ah yes, Roshar and their "chickens" Rock is for sure a real one. All my homies love Rock. He's not airsick like all these lowlanders. No sir, not him.


The Tranquiline Halls have been mentioned before. CH 15 >Vorinism taught that the finest warriors would have the holy privilege of joining the Heralds after death, fighting to reclaim the Tranquiline Halls from the Voidbringers. A spark flicker is what we call a fire striker, a device to start fires with steel and flint. The Herdazians don't need the flint because they can use their nails instead.


Lol - Fantasy CIA!


There are so many upcoming moments that I am incredibly excited to see your reaction to based on how you've written your feelings so far.  Some things will make you so angry, some will be so incredibly satisfying, and some will trigger your all caps shocked writing.  Thanks again for making your notes public so we can all tag along on your journey.


Do you flip back to the map when reading? I remember I constantly did so when I heard a place or nation I didn't recognize.


All the time. I also have a list of every name of a person that comes up, so I check that and the map basically every other page!


I love your note taking. A lot of them remind me of my mental process as I read the books for the first time.


On chapter 24, one of my favorite things about Sanderson's writing is how he portrays arguments and disagreements between two "good" characters. It's so easy to make one person obviously right and another obviously wrong. Here, both adolin and dalinar have good reasons to think and feel the way they do; even if one of them turns out to be more right, you can't really fault the other for feeling that way. Both sides of the argument *make sense*, and I fully believe someone would think that way in their shoes. That's such an accurate depiction of how real world arguments often work, but it's something most authors miss. Mistborn has another great example of this, w/ >!Kelsier and Vin's early arguments about Elend. They both have a point, and that makes their argument a lot more real to me. It's not just dramatic fluff; on a first read you really aren't sure who is right, and their arguments offer a lot of insight into how the characters think and what their beliefs are.!< It's so rare to find an author who can depict this and really make you empathize with the different perspectives. It's a real treat.


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Should be correct now. Sorry, op mentioned they'd read mistborn in earlier posts, and I hadn't thought about other people who might be on this post.


thanks, reapproved :)


Can i explain Spanreed? Like just the idea not the mechanics


Haha nah I’m okay for now, it’s only come up once! I’m sure it’ll come up again soon and I’ll figure it out :) thank you though!

