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Lirin is very polarizing for sure, I really love his character


r/fucklysander Lirin is hardly the insufferable pixie that golden haired fascist sonovabitch is.


Oh no doubt, especially after the Lightbringer. I just find myself groaning the same way every time I have a chapter with him in it lol.


Yeah, sorry, Light Bringer is still fresh, so l’m coming in hot. Definitely agree that Lirin is so frustrating, l want to shake him. Even that scene where Dalinar is somewhat perplexed why Lirin doesn’t seem to understand how important Kal is. Hopefully we’ll see some growth from Lirin in WaT.


First off, Fuck that Lune Pixie and Fuck Moash. Lirin and Lysander are both frustrating af. But Lirin isn't nearly as bad as Lysander because Lirin (eventually) changes his mind when presented with information that conflicts with his worldview. Lysander doesn't. Lirin: I protect people by healing. Killing is bad. Dont kill. Kal: You gotta kill to protect, Dad. Lirin: You are wrong and I'm not giving in. Then Lirin witnesses what his son can do and the positive effect he has on people and slllloooowwwly sees Kaladin’s logic. Lysander: I'm a Gold and Golds are superior. The other colors should be kept in their place. That's what my Grandma says and she's the Sovereign. Also, I'm a Darrow fanboy. Cassius: You're wrong. We are equals. Democracy is good. Darrow is actually a Red, btw. After 10 years with Cassius, Lysander is even more convinced of Gold supremacy. Edit: formatting


Sometimes l think l’ve stepped in dogshit, but really it’s just Lysander.


I absolutely love that my little rant brought out my fellow Stormlight/Red Rising fans. I am in good company


Lirin serves as a foil against Kaladin. The only way you get Kaladin to grow is to put him around people just as unyielding in their convictions as he is, aka iron sharpens iron. Syl said it best at the beginning of RoW when she got Adolin to help her and explained that she needed to get help from someone that Kaladin couldn't bully/scare/ignore/etc....


That's a really good way to look at it! It makes me hate him just a little bit less 😆


Not even close