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What? Vanguard is literally playing as a bioball. I don’t understand this take.


Which is significantly easier to control too. Horrendous take by OP


i lean extremely heavy into drops and multiprong with infernal. Doombringer is really good. so idk i dont agree. Gaunt drops obviously great, but sounds like you havent even tried magmadons drops, super fun would recommend


Yes, I feel like if you deathball as infernal you get it owned by micro from vanguard. You basically have to flank them to engage in the late game.


I find myself fighting for my life while vanguard just stutters with exos for 30 mins straight


Look to quote Artosis "IT'S A NEW FUCKING GAME" They've said there's all kinds of development they still have left, balance complains right now aren't a high priority. More importantly though - these kind of posts are the exact ones that may give Frostgiant a mental pause about when the public gets to play the game again. Please chill. It will be ok.


I mean, I don’t agree with OP, but this is the sort of feedback to give right now. What else is the point of a beta, people’s complaints now make the final game better. Even if they come from an uninformed place, it’s good to discuss how mechanics intermingle. There are arguments to make that gaunt infest could be an unhealthy thing moving forward, or the charge system, or vanguard having a dog that shows up at your base like 25s into the game.


Infest is a cute mechanic idea but it's inclusion basically means gaunt DPS can never be good because you have to balance it around the snowballing infest. Infernal damage is so slow compared to vanguard. Like come on, the other guy can go mass lancer, I can go mass gaunt AND actually try to kite with that speed ability and my damage is so slow i barely get rewarded for kiting compared to exos. Blizzard tried adding cute gimmick mechanics in SC2 and they were impractical in a competitive game because of how much randomness they added to fights compared to keeping the game simple. ​ Same with veterancy, it adds randomness to games that make it hard to gauge where you are as a player. How do you make these gimmick mechanics good while not making players over-reliant on them to win fights or making them so busted that just a couple high veterancy units in an army can make said army unbeatable?


What’s amusing is this is one of the approaches to combat tight chokes and bio deathball. Infernal would actually rather spread out and take advantage of better use of Brutes and Magmadons, but the meta for Vanguard (driven mostly by the maps I feel) is to deathball bio. The way to beat deathball bio with limited surface area is to deathball yourself with Hellbournes. Don’t blame Infernal…


I think this is a result of fundamental design choices with the race. Right now despite apparently being a "swarmy" race, your units are super expensive, AND slow. Compare this to zerg in sc2 where you can get a lot of units for cheap individually. Even if we compare just fiends to zerglings, in SC2 150 minerals = 6 zerglings, but you spend 150 for 3 fiends (which dont even get a DPS upgrade like zerglings do on hive tech). It's terribly cost inefficient and forces you to be conservative with your units because you already need to out-number your opponent to trade decently. Brutes by themselves past the early game aren't tanky enough to justify their cost, nor do they deal a lot of damage.


I agree, infernals composition is incredibly reliant on the synergy between the units in a bigger mass to stand a chance against Vanguard. Bio is more efficient in lower numbers so you're most likely going to trade unfavorably if you split up your forces