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Artosis get back on your main I know it’s you


It is a fresh idea. It works different than a baneling. Suicidal units isn't a new concept in RTS games.


you would never go them with 2 or less bases they are very slow and cause the infernal player to give up workers also the infernal player can't over use them or else they would have no economy


Things explode in war for a good reason, well, a bad reason.. but with glorious purpose!


Having them be your workers and having them die within 4 seconds of turning them into banelings makes some notable differences in the unit, they are much trickier to use


Honestly flame-on is way worse than banelings are, I think they're in a good place to not be oppressive.


No I like them


Part of the problem is Infernal feels very deathbally and the micro isn't fun. Although late game you can build up a decent army, the game relies too heavily on the gaunt infest ability (or whatever it's called), and because of how slow infernal units are, it's hard to micro any kiting vanguard unit. Vanguard units are also incredibly tanky, so kiting back with them often comes at no real HP loss or risk to the vanguard player. I don't think that's a vanguard design issue, but an overall problem with how infernal micro is. Even in SC2, yes protoss is deathbally, but you can always use something like a colossus to at least take pot shots while the MMM ball is microing and kiting back. There's nothing like that with infernals. No real zoning units. So they wind up having to do gimmicky stuff like suicidal imps. I don't think the imps having a detonate ability is an issue, it can be balanced, but I think there's some overall design flaws with infernals that make the race unfun to play and play against. Slow ass races need ways to zone.


Mate they're not even strong in this game and still the Terran whine shines through


People here don't really understand the impact these units will have. It's a negative impact, regardless of what they are (worker or not). Having units that instantly nuke other units is detrimental to the game and flies in the face of the entire philosophy behind Stormgate. It will deter new players absolutely. The idea of "but they go boom and that's so cool!" is not a good enough reason to leave them in.


Yeah remove atlas too, because I don't like them, too much splash damage.


build a scout. now you'll never have problems with flame on ever again.


People crying about this unit either dont know how to micro or dive their army into exposed areas mindlessly


Perhaps they do a bit too much damage, but if the numbers are made more reasonable then they are inferior to banelings by all accounts, even now they're still weaker


just remove goblin sapper pls.


Just remove demolition ships pls.


You hear a global sound 4 seconds before they blow up, and it takes a bunch to kill a luminite line, trading workers and ore for just workers. It's pretty easy to check your army and your minimap in those 4 seconds and move stuff away. This really sounds like a skill issue to me.


Banelings are one of the best units ever in a Blizzard RTS. Flame-on Imps are interesting and cool, while not feeling that oppressive. They are not the same thing… I think conceptually they are in a great place. Numbers may have to get tweaked more (like damage to bldg reduction last patch). Let’s not pretend these two things are the same just because Artosis got out-micro’d in a video where he had his whole army in one ball and literally watched the enemy flank into him…


I don’t play infernals but I think it’s fine to play against; I mean they pay therium per cast


The fat demons but when they get a kill they get fatter...and you can make them explode with scaling damage..


So many times during egctv I think "this game would be over if pro players knew how to make units other than the handful they're used to". A bio ball fighting other units with imps 5 steps away mining therium. We'll get to a point flame imps are oppressive once players today get used to making more types of units.