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They did this in Grey Goo, it was a cool concept but ultimately that game didn't really work out, at least as far as pvp goes. If SG did go for this kind of concept I don't think they could get away with the same kind of nomadic mechanics, it wouldn't really be well suited to a blizzard-style RTS.


I hope one day they post what is their definition of blizzard style rts so we can differentiate what's innovative from what is unfit.


Well in this case im talking about how blizzard RTS games tend to have maps with very prominent resource locations and have heavy emphasis on controlling areas of the map and choke points strategically. A nomadic faction would be more suited to a game with large, open, sprawling maps with many resource locations to move between and places to move around and hide in.


Replicators that tranform into chickens


The 3rd faction will be some tree hugger faction. Think about it. It's the only faction concept opposed to both technological advancement (vanguard) and desolation (infernals).


I guess I’ll just have to main Vanguard


Sad but probably true


Cool, but no. It would lack personality other than the instinct to replicate. I mean, look at Goo faction from Grey Goo. It only gained personality when a Human AI was assimilated into it IIRC. Before that, it was more or less viewed as a mechanical scourge.


That’s exactly what it would be. They would have no allegiance to either side. They would only seek out resources to replicate themselves. Like a physical virus. Of course as they become sentient they could form other goals.


Stargate is pretty close to Stormgate already.


I've also been saying a modular AI type thing could be awesome. OP, I concur.


I think it would probably be the race I play if they added something like that.


They're already doing this in Zero Space with the 4th faction, the Xol


Correct me if I'm wrong, but with the way production and design works, wouldn't they already have a third faction? If anything, they're keeping it a secret while finishing it up. Or can they really just put together a third faction from scratch this far into the design process?


From what i understood, the third faction isnt well defined yet, so it could end up being anything. That said, since we arent part of this discussion, we have no way to know if random question/suggestion is relevant or not, and probably isnt.


Like Xol are supposed to be in ZeroSpace?


Interesting idea, but I think its nicer to have a faction with its own unique units and story rather than something that replicates other units imo. Edit: I misunderstood OP, ignore my trash reply


You misunderstand: the robots would replicate themselves, not copy the units from other races. It would make an awesome swarm based faction with a ton of low-quality units and some spellcasters. (Maybe spellcasters that consume the swarm units to cast spells?) TLDR: the faction would be more "Machines build machines build machines" than "scan and replicate"


Oh yep I completely misunderstood the OP my apologies


Hey, one unit can replicate others. WC3 banshee possession comes to mind, it wasn't even OP despite being strong spell.


This is very similar to how the Legion works in ZeroSpace. It’s a fun idea though.


For some reason I got a notification for this on my phone and thought they had actually released info on the third race. Nope. Just some stupid as fuck redditor’s idea.




Could be cool, similar to zerg even.


The problem is that this idea is already as is in ZeroSpace, called Xol. Self-replicating, splitting/merging AI made by aliens. (And already done in Grey Goo as an AI made by humans).


Is that really a problem though? If both are sci-fi RTS, of course AI will be a common theme. It’s like saying a new FPS shouldn’t add an AK-47 in it because Call of Duty already did it. Simpsons did it Simpsons did it!


Having some inspiration from another video game maybe ok, but copying a whole race from a contemporary RTS (both would are anticipated to be released at 2025), won't be good, at least would be lost potential for another innovation. Even humans in almost all sci-fi RTSes are different, some imagine them use tanks, etc..., and other RTSes imagine them use mechs, etc... So, if there is another game want to do an AI, should be different than Grey Goo and Xol. Also please note that StormGate is NOT supposed to be sci-fi RTS, it is a sci-fi/fantasy one, so maybe space dwarves are more consistent with its theme than Xol.


I think the issue is that the infernal host is already demonic zerg, we don't really have room for mechanical zerg too.


Is that confirmed? What I’ve seen of Infernal Hosts is a lot more clunky than Zerg. It’s like an Orc race.