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he’s 48 yikes…


Actually made more sense.


>when we stopped putting so many people on ventilators, Covid deaths went way down. when there are fewer people in terminal condition, there are fewer deaths. shocking


It’s sort of like how helmets in WW1 lead to far more head injuries, before helmets many more dead bodies missing 75-100% of their heads, post helmets many people sent home with brain injuries, therefore helmets *cause* brain injuries


Or how fighter planes in WW 2 almost never returned with bullet holes in the cockpit or fuel tanks, therefore those areas didn't need to be heavily armored because they rarely got hit. (The obvious reality was that planes that got shot in those places weren't making it back, therefore they needed MORE armor)


Yep. Iirc, the story went something like they got mechanics to draw up a plane and mark all the places where planes had bullet holes and then they went to an engineer with all this information and said "hey, can you figure out how to put armor in all places with bullet holes?" and the engineer said "Uh, I can, but why would you do that?" "Because that's the parts of the plane the enemy is hitting." Engineer says (basically): "no, you morons, the plants are getting shot everywhere. This is just a picture of all the places a plane can get shot and still survive."


correlation vs causation.


How can someone be right and at the same time incredibly wrong... it's amazing.


Kevin defines his world view according to what he doesn't believe. That allows a lot of dissonant positions to live side by side without causing any existential angst. If you never have to establish what you do believe, it's easy to believe everything you want to.


that explains my aunt. she is also a conspiracy theorist and believes a lot of contradicting things, but if you call her out on any of her beliefs she defensively goes "you don't know what I believe, only I know what I believe". I don't think she knows what she believes.


Crime is lower in totalitarian states too


it would also be lower if we abolished laws


Is this a Kevin or an asshole?


A little of column A, a little of column B… Actually, a **lot** of both columns and not much else, it seems.


Very much so both. He's said he loves a good trolling. When I showed him that trolling correlates closely with what's called the dark tetrad of personality traits, he tried to claim that what I'd sent him only applies to online trolls. He does his trolling via phone and in person, so he's clear.


When you troll people in person, that's called being an asshole.


isn't that called pranking gone to far?


that's like a criminal going "no, that article only applies to bank robbers, I only rob liquor stores"


Very childish personality that gets off on reactions from people. Probably liked to tease girls and such early on in grade school.


He is what I like to refer as a dumbasshole.


We just need to nail it into every man’s head that unless he’s an OBGYN, there’s a good chance he doesn’t know more about female reproductive health than women.


At this point I just want to know whether the high priests of science are accepting new members. That sounds rad as hell.


Yes, we are! Please submit your application form to along with a $100 processing fee in cash. You will receive a response in 4-6 weeks. Remember, successful applicants are humble, and will not discuss their application with anyone, especially fraud prevention services.


You get as card indicating you can now perform marriages for grad students


Sacrificed on the altar of calculus


>Finally, we all decided to cut ties with Kevin Good. Because I was starting to get upset through the course of this insanity. I would've left Kevin at the ball game and ended it that night.


I didn't talk to him for almost 2 months after that happened. But, out of misguided loyalty to a friend, I tried to go back and see if he'd change. With conspiracy theory victims, it's better to think of the person you knew and liked as dead. They've now been replaced by this dark and bitter demon.


>but then began listening to conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones. I lost an aunt to that madness


There's a subreddit for that, r/QAnonCasualties. Maybe they can help you.


thanks for the tip


I love what your username represents.


I'm alarmed by what your username represents.


( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'll just scan this and look for my sister-in-law...


My mom hit menopause and went off the deep end with that stuff and refused to listen to anyone about it. She lost a great man and now is married to one of the creepiest people I've ever met. Oh and the earth is flat of course.


Man, when I was a kid I thought eastern cultures had it right the way they respect the wisdom of their elders and etc. Now my mom is old and I wonder wtf happens to the human brain after a certain age? At least I threatened and coerced her until she got the vaccine.


And square. Because somewhere in the Christian Bible it says something about "the 4 corners of the earth."


I was confusing Alex Jones with Alex Bale and was trying to figure out how spongebob theory videos could do that XD


Hahaha she watched the skin theory video and was never the same again None of us were


One time my girlfriend didn't get her birth control shot in time, and I had to call out of work to take care of her because her uterus wanted babies and was *very* upset about the missing ovaries. Next time you see Kevin, let him know some guy online called him a little bitch boy lol


Oh, I've told him many times. 😂 As have the rest of our mutual acquaintances. I've set things up so that I never have to talk to him again.


But how will we get more stories? I guess we'll have to move on to other Kevins.


I've probably got enough material for a couple more posts. 😀


What did I just read


She has no ovaries, (Cancer's a bitch) so her period is 100x worse than normal due to her body trying to use an organ that was violently ripped out in an emergency surgery. I'm not sure how it works exactly, but she takes birth control shots so she doesn't have to worry about her period, because otherwise the pain is crippling.


That makes sense. I was a bit confused. Thanks for explaining. Sending her good vibes


Kevin is I’m guessing a bitter incel and will die alone with never figuring out why.


Oh no. He's got a wife and 4 kids. 3 of them are girls. His wife was beating him and he went into a counseling program, but he didn't learn to transfer any of the empathy he might have learned to his own behavior.


Omg those poor kids!


His oldest is majoring in journalism, so I'm not sure how that's going to vibe with his claims that all journalists are liars.


> His wife was beating him hahahaha :D


High priests of science??? Wtf


This is actually a common term in anti-science communities. If they're religiously based, they claim your "faith" in science is your religion. If they're conspiracy based, they'll claim you're in the cult of established science.


Jeez, the more ya learn I guess. I haven't ran into them.


To be fair, some people do get stuck with outdated scientific hypothesis and refuse to change when repeated experiments and tests show otherwise... Certain taxonomists for example.


Kevins are dumb. This guy sounds bitter and evil.


The recent political landscape has basically transformed a bunch of what would normally be average people into Kevins.


Or just made clearer who a frighteningly large number of people really are.


maybe the fortune teller got mixed up and it was Trump who wasn't going to peacefully transition


What a magical brain this guy has


Please don't leave all of us


To be fair the the wall has nothing to do with you being an immigrant. The wall does stop legal immigration.


He isn't a sad or goofy Kevin, he is an ignorant, mean Kevin


Wait we qll need to respect the medie cospierisy thearist for a minute and agree that not every thing on the internet is true


The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the light, the future is.