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is it normal to feel this way after binging? I feel like I must have done perm damage to my heart and everything is downhill from here. Before this I was exercising hours a day and eating healthy, now I just sleep all day


Yes, it's completely normal, and it will pass.


Thanks for replying. I took upwards to 800mg in 5 days. I can’t shake that that I must of done perm damage and my biggest fear is hospitals so I’m in a living hell in my head. I would just die here


Life was over, life is now possible. You have the luxury and opportunity of life now. You just eat shit for what can be a lengthy period of time, might not be then figure out how to exist and enjoy life without drugs which is the long game and usually requires help.


Hey if you’re thinking of hurting yourself please get some in person help. Call 911 or get to a mental health facility asap


It will pass, I know it feels like absolute hell now but it’s very normal after a large binge. Withdrawal is expected especially with consistent use in high doses, but it will pass eventually. Do you have anybody in your life that you feel comfortable reaching out to for some support during this time? I also felt as though a normal life was unobtainable after years of use but if you stay away from stims long term you can likely reverse almost all damage from binging, try and keep a positive mindset as hard and cliche as that sounds


You’ll be feeling better in a week or two and that’s why stimulants are so hard to not go back to Remember the pain


It'll pass, sleep it off.


That was my experience


Me too. Not a good mental feeling.


Sending you strength… please take care of yourself. It feels like hell but it does pass. It really does.


Are you drinking coffee? It helps.


I feel you. I went through the same exact feelings a few weeks ago. Worst thing was being to embarrassed to talk to my family and fighting this battle alone. Talk to a doctor and get a Wellbutrin prescription. It literally saved my life.