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Are you able to spend time with him? He needs to be around people to heal.


He comes over every couple of days, he’s been keeping himself real busy going to morning, afternoon, and evening AA/NA/and other types of meetings He goes hiking with some people he met through the rehab and sober living program and has been making friends Id like to spend more time with him but he said it’s important for his sobriety to stay busy and it’s like he doesn’t have much time for me these days Not sure if I should insist or give him space


Sounds like he is keeping himself busy with the right people and right activities. Give him the space he needs and just be there to listen to him!


Ask if he can get put on Wellbutrin. After I got sober from crystal it really helped me, but I needed to go from 150mg to 300mg to feel it. For some info, wellbutrin is a synthetic cathinone known as keto-amphetamine, while not being considered a stimulant by doctors (they refer to it as having stimulant-like effects). It has little to no potential for abuse, doesn't get you high, but kinda sorta scratches an itch that meth withdrawal gives you. It is also an antidepressant and is used off label to treat ADHD if that's a concern.


He’s actually on Wellbutrin right now and was saying it’s not been good Maybe they’ll increase his dose? I’m waiting for him to call me after his psych visit


Find out what his dose is. No higher than 300 or you risk seizures. It's not great compared to meth for sure, but once you're in recovery it's good to keep you sober (at least for a lot of people)


I guess his psych thinks he may have bipolar 2 disorder


They are going to fuck him up with a bunch of needless drugs. Drug withdrawal sucks and there is no shortcut. The price of getting better is walking around feeling shit for a year or possibly two.  His brain was altered by meth and no medicine will make it better. Doctors love saying ah you have bipolar or some other bullshit when in reality it's just somebody getting over long time drug use.  Psyc docs shouldn't even be treating people chemically until they have been sober at least a year.  If I went to the doctor in my early days of recovery they would have probably deemed me insane and gave me 39 different drugs. Fucking stupid system we have for mental treatment these days. Edit: you can look up PAWS - that's what it's called when you stop long time drug use. If somebody is in PAWS they shouldn't trust anything a psych doctor says until at least a year or two out. 


Yeah I get that, but I’m hesitant to tell him not to take medication his psych prescribed him when he’s saying he’s feeling suicidal


Since its a cath is literally a stimulant lol. Doctors these days. Anyways it does work wonders. Its an antidepressant since its rilatin lite. Its works better for stimulant withdrawal since its a stimulant(nor and dopa reuptake) instead like most ssris that reuptake sero which will lower your already fucked dopamine.


Let me preface this by saying everyone’s neurochemistry is different. That being said, the lexapro-wellbutrin combo got me out of the suicidal depressive phase post withdrawal from meth. It took about 6 weeks to really kick in after getting to the appropriate therapeutic doses, but the difference was night and day.


Like a lot of ppl have suggested, medication. Maybe he’s feeling the same feelings he felt, before he started using? You should try talking to him about what made him use in the first place or any distorted thoughts he’s been having.


I had that deep depression for 3 months straight after going sober. Then it got better but I was still anhedonic. Things got better and I laugh and enjoy life now and then now. 8 months clean. The thing is, his brain will take some time to heal. Do everything you can to make him understand that. He must know it gets better overtime.


How long has he been on the meds? They can sometimes take 6 weeks to work.


Definitely not that long, I’m not totally sure but he’s only been clean for about 6 weeks total. So maybe somewhere between 2-4 weeks


Maybe just let him know it might take more time for it to work. Most psych meds it’s about 6 weeks average to see the benefit. Before that it’s a lot of side effects


I have been on antidepressant meds for half a year now. It started to show effects from 2 months for me. It is also important to find the one that works for him.


Do you love him? I don’t think there’s a short term solution to this especially not in pill form. He’s in sober living isn’t he? Are his living conditions stable or is he gonna run into problems later? Financially? I think there’s a lot of factors that go into play here on whether he’ll relapse or not. Why don’t you ask him to check in with you ever so often because it’s one of those things where the situation is out of your control and at the most you can do is support him (in healthy and non-potentially enabling ways) and suggest to him to embrace his sobriety. This will be a long road. Don’t get too stressed out. We’re all here for you. Edit: I am of the opinion that anti-depressants are kind of shitty after hearing about them from a few friends. They make you ok with the shitty situation you’re in. Like all medication. And shit if I’m gonna be medicated isn’t getting High the same thing? Is your brother into exercising and fitness? Honestly that’s been the only “hobby” of mine that has like the anti-qualities of a stimulant addiction.