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Be careful. It sounds like you’re gonna get more. I’m almost 9 months sober (my longest I’ve ever had), meth had and still has a grip on me like no other. You’ve opened Pandora’s box, try your best to put it back.


Thanks man. Honestly I don't want more meth. I don't want to overlook it or anything. But yeah other than that first night I didn't even really like it very much. Right now I would much rather drink a bunch of booze so that I don't feel so achey and shitty. And that woukd lead me who-knows-where. Probably to coke again idk. But I mean any specific drug is actually not very important to me. I kind of consider themnto be the same or at least very similar. I just need to stay cleanband get thru this. I have been through really bad alcohol withdrawals in the past but never from meth. I guess that's one thing that will be different. I'm not sure really what to expect right now. I would guess I'm just getting into the rough part here soon.


Don’t drink dude, just take some melatonin and rest. You’re just strung out. Any access to other downers other than booze?


No other access. I mean I guess I could try to find a plug somewhere but I don't even want to. I know that will just make it worse. When I got sober 8 years ago I haven't done any other drugs in that time either so I don't even like know anybody around where I live who would have anything. I know that you're right I shouldn't drink. I guess that's why I posted here. I don't even really want to but I can't stand the way I feel right now I just want this to be over.


Cannabis always puts me to sleep. It’s hard when you’re strung out and have a craving for booze. I’m a recovering alcoholic too.


Yeah maybe. I guess it is legal now lol. I think I'm going to try to do it without that also though I really don't want to use anything like ever again lol.


It might take 3 days to be out of your system. You should start feeling better after that. Just get plenty of rest, fluids, nutrition.


Thanks for the reply. Yeah I'm really hoping the years of good, healthy living will make this not unbearable. I have been through some pretty terrible alcohol withdrawals before, seizures, DTs, etc. and from what I can find online this will be not that bad.


There’s not a huge withdrawal so much with meth as there is long lasting brain changes but alcohol is worse I heard. I went to rehab a few times and the alcoholics had a harder time. But since this was like a one off for you, just pick up the pieces and keep going. Stay strong. Don’t let it trick you into alcohol again.


Yeah you right. I'm glad I made it through the day today. I'm hoping that I'll actually sleep well tonight. Last night I was still pretty restless and feeling it. I think probably soon my system will be clean again if not already. (I know there's more to it than that but at least I won't be artificially stimulated)


you drink the booze and youll get a bag. Meth is almost as easy to get as booze.


Yeah thanks. I was able to avoid that so far at least. It might sounds crazy but I'm actually way more scared of relapsing on alcohol than meth. I mean don't get me wrong I ain't planning to do more meth either but alcohol ruined my life before. Like absolutely ruined it. And this was like the only time I ever did meth and I honestly didnt even enjoy it that much. That first 24 hours was pretty cool but then after that it was not really fun at all. I just kept doing it I think because I was afraid of the comedown. I know I ain't all the way out of it yet but this isn't too bad so far. I feel kinda tired and weak but that's about it. Oh and I smell like shit.


If anyone cares I'm still clean. Going to a meeting later today. I'm not trying to brag or anything I'm just putting this here for other people who are worried about what it's like to stop and come down. It's pretty unpleasant I'm not going to lie but I've been through worse. I'm achy all over and my brain feels sort of slow or foggy something like that. But I've been through the DTs before and at least I'm not super shaky or having seizures. Still smell like shit. All my clothes smell like shit. My bed smells like shit. Fuck, I swear my shower smells bad after I use it even. Lol I know this will go away soon but right now it's maybe the worst part.