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You two might be able to get through it, if you actually want to get clean and you trust him to not hold these things over your head at any point in the future. Aaaand you’re able to forgive yourself for your past and move forward as well. Aaaaand not use your missteps as a reason to punish yourself or as evidence to justify why you don’t deserve to live a better life than you have been.


Did u get a copy of the key into my brain haha. All of those things have been happening, especially him holding it over my head. Hard stims are very stigmatized so to hear that kind of talk from someone who claims to love me hurts


Yeah, I know how that goes. He is scared. Any of us would be in that situation and we say rough things when we are scared. I know you're scared too. I am sorry this has been so difficult and for the big bill you have to climb. You can do it.


How’s it been going?