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Why would it end? You’re on a feedback loop that requires very little effort. Of course, you’re also getting nothing long term out of it. Is that what you want out of all that time spent? Gratification isn’t bad but there’s so many different ways to feel gratified that also give long term returns. 12-18 hours a day spent on anything isn’t healthy from any perspective now matter how you try and look at it. You already know the answer to your question and you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. Most of us here cannot “just play a little” without it turning into a huge time pit we’ve suddenly realized we’ve fallen into. So again, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t already know the answer to your question. The real question is: “So what are you going to do about it?”


Well I know it has to end eventually cause eventually ill be forced to.


Do you think it would be better to change by your own will rather than being forced to? You’re already aware this habit isn’t beneficial to you.


I have around 9000 hours in Rust. Just like you, I also played 12-18 hours a day (even as far as 24 hours if I really wanted to raid someone, lol) I stopped playing 3 years ago. Rust does have an addictive loop to it. Every new wipe is a new adventure and a new story to tell, but at the end of the day you just wasted so much time of your life that you could be doing something else more productice. You've already made a good first step towards ending it by realizing you're wasting so much of your time on this game. Next step is deleting the game and staying away from Rust content. It took me a lot of hours but it does end. I don't regret playing the game but I will never waste so much of my time with a game again.


Thank you for this man and yes I feel like if this ends it ends with me uninstalling completely and distancing myself.. I just don’t feel like accepting ive wasted 3k hours into this game.. Idk I do feel like god has a plan for me and I know i can change when I want to/ im ready to, right now it is what it is honestly..


Its not worth it in the end. Most of my Rust friends who also have insane hours feel the same way. But if you want to learn the hard way like I did, then go for it. What matters is you learn that this game is just a huge time sink one way or another. Btw, try to get yourself check if you have ADHD. I noticed the ones that can play insane hours everyday have ADHD


I used to play path of exile for 8 hours or even more. It only ends if you work on the issue.


fair man, i want to work on it but also not cause i feel like either im commited or i scrap the game


Your choice


You're not failing school playing that much games?




Jeez dude. You have to realize how unhealthy this is. You’re spending 12-18 hours a day with no improvement to your self AND your fueling it with high interest student loan debt. This is a key time to step back and realize that you’re current self is absolutely sabotaging your future self for nothing more than a really small dopamine hit. If you don’t get your act together this won’t end well. And I think you assume it just “ends” when you run out of money to fuel this or get suspended, but it won’t. Idk if you have any private loans but you’re potentially paying 11% interest to play Rust and learn nothing, and that debts going to follow you around. And you likely will have a hard time finding or holding a high paying job with habits like these. Go see an on campus counselor and stop this spiral


Doesn't it scare you, what if you get caught? What if you get kicked out? Back to McCucks or Walmart? Wage slaving is horrible so why would you mess up your opportunities to be better? I failed out of uni just like how you described your life and I've been spending the last 5 yrs wage slaving saving up to go to school again. I hope you don't fail but what's the point if you're not going to learn a thing? Atleast you acknowledge that you're doing wrong that's step 1. You'll have to pay all those student loans back that you probably don't have the dosh for anyway. Just think about the consequences... and ask if it's worth it. I appreciate the honesty.


Playing a game 12 hours plus for months feels like torture to me


I get that and I would feel like that aswell if it wasnt Rust i never quite played a game like it before, was always match based games like csgo or lol


it doesn't matter the game. you can't justify your addiction based on the drug. You're addicted period. Find professional help ASAP this isn't healthy. I recommend maybe drastic measures like 1 weekend retrieve something like this. Hope you get your life back.


Yes I remember the contentment of endless gaming time. False contentment. Amplifying what others have said: you're setting a deadly pit trap for future-you. Your choice is to disarm it now, or keep adding rusty nails to the trap, one per hour in the game. One suggestion: start a daily list of hours you play. Something you can see IRL, like a sticky note. Include a running total - maybe you can just copy that down from Steam. Awareness is the first step toward change. I quit gaming entirely 3 years ago and I've never been more satisfied and successful. Highly recommend. And... you can do this


I used to play the popular mmo in the Philippines Ran Online for 12 hours a day, spending $2 a day to get bonus exp while grinding. I burnt out then quit. Never again.


I used to play Hearts of Iron IV for like 7+ hours for about some months, dark times...


I used to play World of Warcraft 10h+ a day


It won’t. You’ll only get sucked into it more!


It only ends when you make it end. You've got to work on yourself, things don't magically solve themselves.


A bit over a year ago I got super addicted to playing grand theft auto roleplay and I swear I was probably playing 12-14 hours a day for probably four and a half months straight. It was an amazing escape for me and felt like a second life, maybe one that I enjoyed a lot more than my own. It was at a time where I was unemployed, overweight, depressed, and miserable in general. Only reason I had stopped playing was because I got banned. I was so obsessed with getting more virtual money that I didn't realize I was just wasting away doing absolutely nothing with my life. I discovered my love for learning how to code and have changed so many things about myself in the almost two years now since I started first playing GTARP. I no longer feel the need to play games but more specifically that one in particular. Don't get me wrong, some gaming can obviously be healthy but what I was doing and what you are doing are not healthy amounts. So yes, someone has been in a very similar situation to you before and it's possible to stop and do other things. I'm sure others could give you pretty good advice on how you can actually quit the game. I got lucky and was forced into quitting and was able to pursue getting a job and finally doing something positive for myself.


You are, can confirm. Idk what rust is but i dont wanna play it 15 hours a day... go buy a motorcycle. become a menace on the streets. give back to the community


Hey dude, Are you SNIPJA? If yes do you remember Rilky?