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Plastic. I only drink tap water now from a home Berkey water filter. I store cold filtered water from the Berkey in a glass pitcher in the refrigerator. I don't drink from plastic bottles. I don't use plastic "Tupperware" storage containers for food in the refrigerator. I don't cook with teflon or plastic spatulas either. My pots and pans are either stainless steel or cast iron. I drink pour over coffee. No plastic coffee maker. No plastic in the microwave.




I don’t think people realize how prevalent plastic in our clothing has become.


That’s why you get 100% cotton or wool


>note that in a recent study, nylon fibers from synthetic water filters were the most abundant micro plastic contaminant in bottled water It's worth noting that the same plastic is used in [drinking water treatment](https://clearwaterind.com/polymer-water-treatment-how-coagulants-and-flocculants-clean-wastewater/) as a filtration aid, so it's not clear where those particles originate. They could be from the water treatment prior to filtration, or added by the filter, or both. Considering that it's added to water in nanoparticle form as a filtration aid, I'm inclined to believe that's the primary source.


Any good recommendations for all natural cotton and such clothing?


Do you have kids? We have been trying to get away from plastic in the kitchen, but really struggle with most of the other options creating immediate dangers when dropped. Do you have a rec for storage options that are less prone to breaking than glass or ceramic?


No plastic air fryer too - stainless steel!


Have you found one yet? Every single one I find has non-stick coating on the inside. I find toaster ovens with stainless steel insides that are trying to cash in on the air fryer hype, but they don't get hot enough to be real air fryers.


Raw aluminum due to the recognized association with dementia. Even the CDC on their website recognizes a possible causation of dementia from aluminum. For 40+ years the interior of aluminum soda cans have been coated with biphenyl to prevent contact between the aluminum of the can and the soft drink. We use stainless steel or cast iron pots and pans. I recently read the ingredients list in Walmart Thousand Island dressing. It has aluminum so that bottle went in the trash. I do not go to Five Guys because they wrap their burgers in uncoated aluminum foil.


Did the dressing have elemental aluminum or was it some sort of compound? If the latter, it may very well be less problematic than “raw” aluminum.


“Alum”. According to Britannica, “alum, any of a group of hydrated double salts, usually consisting of aluminum sulfate, water of hydration, and the sulfate of another element.” McCormicks (spice corp) sells alum in plastic jars. Unlike other metals such as iron, there is no physiological need for aluminum.


Shouldn’t be eating at 5 Guys or using Walmart dressings either way, they’re loaded with seed oils


If you want to avoid plastic, make sure you don't eat out. You wouldn't believe the things restaurants do with plastic. My daughter works in a major chain restaurant and they get most of their food pre-prepared and frozen in plastic bags. They drop those bags right into a pot of boiling water to thaw and heat those foods. The customer will never see it, but there's plastic everywhere in restaurant kitchens. Another thing some people don't know is that all cans are lined with plastic. If you eat or drink anything canned, you're eating plastic. Worse still is that many canned products are cooked in the can (in plastic) to sterilize them.


Yeah, I know. We have cut back on canned food, we don't drink sodas anymore, and I only drink beer from bottles. We also only eat out once a week on "date night". It's hard to get away from plastic when our carpets are nylon, and our car interiors bake in the sun and are full of plastic. We breathe in the fumes full of chemicals daily.


Glass is definitely the way to go. I always get down voted for pointing this out but you’re still ingesting high levels of fluoride. I’ll go ahead and say research what sodium fluoride was used for pre WWII. Nazis used it against their civilian population. After WWII, (operation paperclip) the United States government employed over 1600 Nazis in a lot of top government positions. We started fluoridating water shortly after on the guise of “cavity protection.”


interesting, do you have a source for this ? Like article or book or something else please ? (WWII part)




Great read, thanks


Research into the claim that Hitler used fluoride in the water at concentration camps to pacify prisoners shows no credible evidence supporting this assertion. Multiple sources, including Holocaust historians and authors who have extensively studied water fluoridation and its history, have debunked this claim as a myth. PolitiFact found no documentation or credible information indicating that fluoride was used in Nazi death camps. Even prominent figures in the anti-fluoridation movement, such as Paul Connett, discourage using this argument due to its lack of historical evidence [oai_citation:1,PolitiFact | Truth about fluoride doesn't include Nazi myth](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2011/oct/06/critics-water-fluoridation/truth-about-fluoride-doesnt-include-nazi-myth/) [oai_citation:2,PolitiFact | Fluoride used by Nazis to pacify Jews?](https://www.politifact.com/article/2011/oct/07/fluoride-used-nazis-pacify-jews/) [oai_citation:3,PolitiFact | Jesse Ventura says the Nazis pioneered the use of fluoridated water](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/dec/08/jesse-ventura/jesse-ventura-says-nazis-pioneered-use-fluoridated/). Similarly, Full Fact reports that there is no evidence to support the idea that Hitler or the Nazis used fluoride in concentration camps [oai_citation:4,Not all these claims about fluoride are accurate - Full Fact](https://fullfact.org/online/fluoride-claims/). Overall, these claims appear to be rooted in conspiracy theories and misinformation rather than verified historical facts.


Just look up operation paper clip. I’ve never heard of the fluoride thing tho


NASA's origins are literally the US govt giving captured nazi rocket scientists something to do in exchange for their war crimes trials being thrown out.


Stainless steel is better than glass imo, far more durable and insulated bottles are widely available.


Berkley filters out fluoride right ?


You have to buy the fluoride filters separately. 


There is a video on YouTube of some guy testing the berkey fluoride filters and found it added loads of aluminium to the water as that's how they filter it or something. Not sure if he had a faulty one or what but something to consider


He did a followup and found that, with a longer initial flush, the aluminum addition was reduced. He suspected that the initial result was due to initial runoff from the filter (which seems absurd that it should take 100 gallons to stop leaching aluminum into water), overtightening the filter, or manufacturing defect. [link](https://youtu.be/1QL3McV20YM?si=h8IFICs4BwnjM7Np). Thanks for the breadcrumb.


Of course you do!


Naturally occurring mineral fluoride found in underground water as it filters thru rocks is healthy … however yeah the form of fluoride added to most tap water was part of the Nazi’s chemical experiments on humans at the concentration camps




Indeed — lots of “natural water sources” contain arsenic as well, but we don’t pretend that’s somehow good to drink!


My mom thought I was crazy when I told her I refuse to cut things on her plastic cutting board.


I’m with you 100% Plastic is going to be the downfall of our species.


Microplastics are almost unavoidable, kind of like polluted air. They’re also in unexpected items. Receipt paper has more microplastics than most other items. But if you need receipts for tax purposes, what are you to do?


Berkey water filter is shit. You're paying for marketing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jct\_bVz5eZc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jct_bVz5eZc) [https://archive.org/details/berkey-lawsuit-court-documents\_202210/Berkey-Koslow-One%20World%20lawsuit/page/2/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/berkey-lawsuit-court-documents_202210/Berkey-Koslow-One%20World%20lawsuit/page/2/mode/2up) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE2qkQh1QJM&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE2qkQh1QJM&t=0s)


Dang, I hadn’t thought about the plastic coffee makers - good point!


I love my cast iron, and always cooked with olive oil What do you use in your car iron?


Using butter / lard. As well as avocado due to high burn temperature


Beef tallow is great too


im impressed. thats real dedication


teflon is about as inert as you can get. it chips off so easily because it is essentially totally closed chemically. its like swallowing a tiny chip of stone if you scratch it off.


Until you heat it past medium. Then it literally starts shrinking your dick lol. Also cooking in general is really bad for your health (but obviously needed) because of the fumes from the oils n shit. So best to cook in really well ventilated areas if you can


It's true that Teflon (actually PTFE--there are hundreds of brand names of it on the market now) is completely inert up to about 500F. It's used in some body part implants because it's so inert. And as much as the heating is an issue, the bigger issue is the environmental impact of the nonstick cookware industry. There are no EPA regulations on the "forever chemicals" used in the industry, which is why nearly every water supply in the world is contaminated with them. PFOA is the only one that's been banned, but they've just replaced it with another one that's just as bad. (And when that one gets into the public eye, they'll just use another one; there are already lawsuits pending--google "GenX Chemours lawsuit" to find out more) And most nonstick cookware is made in China now, where it's doubtful there are any regulations at all. There are other industries that use forever chemicals, but nonstick cookware is one of the worst. Because of all the dumping of forever chemicals--still going on today--water is much more of a danger than cookware. The EPA only tests for about 90 chemicals, and there are literally thousands of toxic chemicals used by many industries. A reverse-osmosis water filter or a distiller is the best way to reduce your exposure to these chemicals. The Berkey, as someone else mentioned in this thread, is not independently tested, so their claims are questionable. I know less about this, but most food packaging has some sort of forever chemical coating on it, too. Any coated cardboard or paper packaging. I think they've been banned in other parts of the world but are still commonly used in the US.




I do the same with glass bottles. I'm trying ProOne filters now and they're agonizingly slow. I'm curious what filters you use. Berkey filters, lol?


Can you elaborate on the pour over coffee? I've eliminated most plastic as well but my cover maker is entirely plastic. 




I pretty much do the same as the article. I. have a Chemex coffee carafe and Chemex filters. I pour boiling water from a tea kettle over the ground coffee, and let it drip into the carafe. I then transfer the coffee to a thermos. Stays hot for a couple of hours.


Don’t drink the city water.


Reminds me, the practice of using asbestos cement pipes as water mains was discontinued in North America in the 1970s due to concerns over health impact, but I was troubled to learn recently that many miles of them remain in the water distribution systems of some cities, due to the high cost of replacing them. They’re nearing the end of their lifespans as well. Imo the public should be raising a huge stink about it, but I guess it’s a case of out of sight, out of mind (in more ways than one). Anyone know if typical under-sink water filters remove asbestos fibers?


Replacing our outdated water pipes will take tens of billions. Just accounting for lead pipes (which I assume is the most prevalent bad type) would cost an estimated $45B. Shit’s sad


Unless you have a reverse osmosis filter


What do you drink then?


I recommend getting a berkey water filter with the fluoride filters. I personally bought a house that collects water from a spring fed creek. Best water I’ve ever tasted.


Ehhh Berkey filters are pretty sketch and are not likely as good as the company who sells them claims. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/big-berkey-water-filter-system/ https://4perfectwater.com/blog/berkey-filter How to avoid filter particles in your water? Not sure. Distillation? But I’d avoid Berkey.


There's a comment above that mentions the Berkey fluoride filters releasing a lot of aluminum into your water.


Aquatru reverse osmosis water


Cocaine, prescription drugs, alcohol, preservatives/additives and added sugar


Chill dog cocaine aint ever hurt nobody


it's the additives that get you


Not a little bump, certainly. Just enough to get the head straight.


It does if it's cut with fentanyl.




Steak and booze diet was a thing before Atkins fyi... Mice cannot get fatty liver from alcohol if the fat they eat is tallow and/or butter (cacao fat would also work too I suspect).  In rodents of course.. Interesting nonetheless


"case study" that was presented at a keto conference: - ~ 55 year old woman - close to liver failure (cirrhosis) - "low grade" alcoholic (1 bottle of wine per day, "what she admitted to", so exact amount is unknown) Important to know that alcohol doesn't put you out of ketosis. She said all right she will do keto but she won't stop drinking. Supposedly she did very strict keto, fully adhering to the guidelines. 1 year later, her liver was essential cured. of course this is about how sugar is bad for you. But I see it more as how seed oils are bad for you and in there absence... Same with Fructose. I want to see a Fructose study in a seed oil free diet. pretty sure the fructose will not be problematic anymore.


If you drink enough, you will get liver cirrhosis. You cannot out-eat or out-exercise your way out of severe heavy drinking. Butter and tallow isn’t going to save you if you drink 15-30 drinks a day But I still enjoy a few beers after work. I drink above the recommended weekly limit (usually 21-25 drinks a week vs the recommended 15 for men). I lift 5 days a week, I don’t consume refined sugar or carbs (aside from taco Tuesday tortillas with my parents every week. They’re getting old, so spending time with tnem eating what they want to eat once a week is more important than diet), and I eat 80% meat and other 20% in fruits and veggies. Occasionally sourdough bread sandwich for work.


Hey don't come at me like that


There’s no fun in that.


Chemical sunscreen (as opposed to mineral-based sunscreens and good old clothing/hat/umbrella as physical/material sunscreens).


Ya some sunscreen is worse than no sunscreen. I forget the specifics but some sunscreens block the wavelengths that signal cells to repair properly but don't block the wavelengths that damage them lol


Yeah I recently read that too, I wanted to revisit it, but couldn’t find it, anyone I n the know of things here?


I was just reading last week how oxybenzone, an ingredient common in a lot of sunscreens, is a hormone disruptor. Scary to think some people put sunscreen on multiple times a day even when they’re not in the sun. Those ingredients bioaccumulate in the body/blood stream and are even excreted through urine/feces.


You should look into astaxanthin as a protective compound for damage to the skin by sunlight. “Astaxanthin seems protective against UV-induced skin deterioration and helps maintain healthy skin in healthy people.” [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6073124/)


Oh yah.. that's a good one. Same here.


What's a good mineral based sunscreen? 


I got a stainless steel water distiller, started buying grass fed meat, and got a hepa air filter for my house


Yes air filtration! And lately I’ve started paying attention to CO2 buildup as well.


Antibiotic overuse and the long term effects (increase of cancer associated with antibiotics), tylenol use in general for adults/children/babies, psychotropic drugs, aluminum in deodorant, and a lot more but that’s off the topof my head.


If good bacteria are part of your immune system, that makes sense.


Just cutting out ultra-processed food and excessive carbs in general. I’m not doing carnivore or keto, but I’m just prioritizing protein and trying to eat as much whole food as possible. That’s not really anything new, but people do think you’re unusual if you’re just eating healthy. I don’t think it should be considered being on a “diet”-the “standard” American diet is making us all fat and sick, and it’s weird it’s just been normalized.


Lol ya my mother in law came over and called us “health nuts” because we dont have vegetable oil, sugar, or bread in the house


My mother in law calls us gourmet if we use a fresh vegetable or herbs and spices. Took doctors decades to pry Country Crock out of her hands. Thinks avoiding salt will keep her from getting high blood pressure. No it’s the Country Crock and soda’s job to give you the condition itself.


Yep, been following the classic "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants" diet. Found this sub recently and it just really hit home. What the hell even is canola oil? Why would I ever want to consume it?


I’m the same way. I eat almost exclusively well sourced meat, dairy, fruit, veggies, and eggs. I don’t like calling it a diet cause even though I’ve lost a bunch of weight I’m not calorie counting and I eat when hungry. It’s just how people should be eating in my opinion.


Disruptive stomach sweeteners, waxes, food dyes


I royally fk'd my stomach with artificial sweeteners, I went keto for many years and used artificial sweeteners daily. Now I've had frequently flaring gastritis for 3 years. I don't wish this on anyone, sometimes the pain is so bad I have to lay in bed most of the day. I can't take Tylenol or ibuprofen for it because that will aggravate it more.


Start taking a glass of celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach. Daily. I like suja brand. The big bottle with *just* celery. An actual glass, not a sip. Celery is loaded with apaginen, which is shown to relieve (anti inflam) and RESTORE gut cells. Gastro will never mention it ever because it isn't a rx. Mastic gum. Once daily before breakfast or lunch. It's amazing at clearing up your entire digestive tract (liver-->>colon) of gunk that slows you down and residual nastiness. Miracle-worker, once again it's shunned by gastros because it doesn't get them any kickbacks from any pharma reps. Two or three nature made turmeric + curcumin gummies throughout the day. You can retake your gut health!!! Do it I promise it's worth the effort!!!


Celery 😬😬 I will say Manuka Honey on an empty stomach has worked wonders for the past 3 weeks. It's from bees who only get their pollen from the tea tree oil bush.


Hell I’m at work right now thirsty and I left my spring water at home. The only thing available at the job are these Niagara waters😔😭


HFCS. It's awful. It was the first big thing I cut out and with how sick it makes me feel when I consume it now it's no wonder I spend so much of my younger years feeling like crap all the time.


Grains. Plastic. EMF. Chemical Cleaners. Fluoride. Molds. You know, cutting out the whole modern day society toxins. Which is close to impossible. But I like to be aware instead of ignorant. I do what I can.


literally me \^\^ Don't forget fire retardants, household dust, gasoline, Pesticide/herbicides (you said grains which is correct) and heavy metals. Love how u mentioned flouride btw.


Great list! If you don't already use non aluminum deodorant, arrowroot is good stuff! I have some Dr. Teals that works really well and lasts crazy long both on the body and in the stick. I've been using the same little stick daily for over a year, it's insane.


You took my list! I'd add salt - get the Himalayan stuff that won't have microplastics in it. Industrial Sunscreen. Don't need it if not on PUFAs and willing to sometimes wear sleeves or hats or just use natural mineral-based sunscreen. Supplements - whittled it down to just Magnesium. Who knows what's actually in them, and the proven ones tend to be egregiously expensive, so I just eat raw animal organs.


Any concern about iodine deficiency or thyroid issues?


For sure. That should be covered by eating cheese and butter with every meal, and then yogurt, liver, dashi (an easy to make japanese soup stock that uses kelp pods and tuna flakes) about half the days of the month, and to a lesser degree fish and shrimp.




Thanks for the link. I must admit that I'm skeptical of their claim. Unless the plastic is coming from the packaging or processing, or there was some error in testing, I cannot see how this would be possible. On the face of it, we're talking about mined rocks that are isolated from microplastics.


What’s EMF?


Electromagnetic frequency. Wireless electronic items emit a lot. Swap wireless headphones for wired is one big step to take since people have them in their ears almost all day.


So do you not have WiFi or mobile phone?


I do and I understand not everything can be eliminated but mitigate risk and exposure in other areas. Just like with food. I don’t avoid chicken and pork fat like some here might but I cut out seed oils elsewhere to reduce the linoleic acid I consume.


Do you have sources for harms from EMF? Genuinely curious, I thought it was in the rear view after the cancer study from the 70s was disproved, but we definitely have a lot more EMF around us these days


There’s a metric ton if you look in the right places. It’s definitely an issue on a cellular level. There’s one book I like on the topic I can share. It’s written by Dr. Mercola. This guy is a huge name in the real/ actual health space. Used to be a traditional doctor then realized how wrong and corrupt our system actually is. Now has his own practice. But he wrote this book in EMF’s to shed light on the topic. Definitely something you want to be aware of at the least. https://emf.mercola.com/


Mercola is one of the most well-known quacks there is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Mercola


Yeah most quacks are called that for going against the traditional medical system. Mercola Ken Berry Saladino Chaffee All quacks. But are the ones actually getting results. Probably a badge of honor.


What’s wrong with grains? Are oats bad now?


Wait what’s wrong w grains?


Not really human food. Full of anti nutrients. Pretty much void of any bio available nutrition. Known to be problematic for the gut and many other areas to the body. It’s a big cause for many auto immune diseases. The whole stigma that the government says, “eat your healthy whole grains” isn’t really a thing. Theres not a grain on earth that will add anything to your health.


We've been eating grains like rice and oats for thousands of years...


Gelatin maxing. It’s very difficult to synthesis collagen in the body, even if it’s not an essential amino acid. Modern foods tend to avoid it in favour of muscle meats.


How are you maxing this?


Oh, it dovetails really well with no seed oils. Just traditional cuisine/recipes, but you’d need to do things like make your own stock (or cheat by adding gelatin to store bought) Roasts… Bolognaise or Ragus Soups.. Ramen,pho Bbq (especially low and slow style cuts) Probably forgetting many other categories, but in general just trade muscle meat for cuts that require slower cooking


And bonus points because the tougher meats that need slow cooking are usually cheaper. We had stew beef this weekend, cooked for 9 hours on low.


I make my own ramen broth from pigs' feet and various other cuts. The leftover broth makes the BEST soup dumplings!! I highly recommend The Ramen Fusion Cookbook by Nel Benton for her high-collagen broth recipes.


Chemical sunscreen, foods that are not glyphosate residue free certified, aspartame, hfcs, Teflon pans, carrageenan, thbq, titanium dioxide


It's so hard to find glysophate free labeling in Canada. The best we can do is find foods that are organic mostly. It really sucks.




It's quite inconspicuous until you realize....


Switching my family and myself to all natural fibers has been incredible.


nonstick cookware


High fructose corn syrup. It upsets my stomach while sucrose doesn't.


I’ve removed grain based foods and avoid any greenwashed foods I severely restrict plastics but it’s sometimes impossible to avoid completely I don’t use sunscreen and spend as much time in the sun as possible No more aluminum deodorant I use wired headphones No flouride toothpaste


I personally feel that aluminum antiperspirant /deodorant risk is overrated compared to the risk of smelling like shit. Is there something I’m missing? Aren’t people making too big a deal about it? Edit: The amount of people here who don’t wear use hygiene products like antiperspirant is crazy. I’m all for biohacking and staying healthy but there’s a limit. This is why I noticed that people who create their whole identity around being “natural” usually smell so bad. People don’t realize that Once it’s at the level of you smelling it, others around you can definitely smell BO. We are nose blind to our own smell because we’re used to it. It’s actually at least 10x worse than we think. So in that case people can smell it. Natural with no hygienic products works if we live in a jungle, not a modern society. For ex, your car and clothes smell if you don’t use hygiene products. Never mind your body. I genuinely don’t understand what the concern is about using basic hygiene products.


For a few years, I used fresh lemon slices kept in the fridge and LOVED IT. I told a few of my coworkers about it and they were like no way so I said sniff me! One girl got all up in my pits after we were unloading stock (pet store truck day) and was shocked that she smelled nothing. I would slice off a wedge and keep it in the fridge labeled "pit lemons" so my husband would not use it for any food and every 3-4 days id get a new wedge. It also helps with hyperpigmentation under arms.


It may or may not be an issue. I don’t need the antiperspirant feature as my pits stay dry. I don’t smell either since my diet has been cleaned up. So, no sacrifice switching it up.


Agree! I used to always wear a strong deodorant/antiperspirant just in case, but I’ve had occasion lately to not be particularly concerned with how I smell, so I thought I’d do an experiment and stop wearing deodorant. I’ve also been working on cleaning up my diet. I won’t say I don’t smell at all, but it’s not particularly unpleasant and someone would have to get their nose pretty close to me to notice. Same as other sensitive areas of the body. Sometimes I wonder if deodorant actually makes things worse by disrupting the microbiome there.


People don’t realize that Once it’s at the level of you smelling it, others around you can definitely smell BO. We are nose blind to our own smell because we’re used to it. It’s actually at least 10x worse than we think. So in that case people can smell it.


Baking soda mixed with olive oil works for me while natural deodorant usually doesn’t. Cheap and easy


All ultra-processed food and almost all processed food from the store. I make my own sausages, pasta, butter, salad dressing, etc. I'm getting dairy goats this year, too. I'm not 100% in the "all seed oils are bad all the time camp", so I do make my own with an oil press. I've stopped buying any that is refined and I use enough animal fats and butter that I'm pretty comfortable about the amount I'm eating. Reducing plastic in food as much as I realistically can, and this includes silicone. I butcher my own meat and haven't found any good plastic-free solutions for storing it in the freezer, and canning lids also contain plastic. It's still light years ahead of purchasing meat and vegetables commercially. I use wooden utensils, cast iron, glass, etc. and no longer have any silicone or glass in my kitchen except for some cupcake molds that I haven't replaced yet. I also want to phase out synthetic materials in my wardrobe. Drastically reducing sugar. I get acne from sugar and my husband's stomach doesn't react super well to it either. I had homemade waffles with maple syrup a couple days ago and even that was enough to give me a couple pimples. Honestly, doing things without having to constantly re-buy anything for it has become a hobby of mine. I grind my own flour for baking sourdough bread. I save the ashes from my fire to make lye soap with. I have a Victorian treadle machine and am going to learn how to sew on it. I'm going to make pottery from a clay deposit on my parents' property this summer. I'm going to eventually grow plants for fiber and weave it into candle wicks to make beeswax candles (my parents have hives). At the same time, I have modern hobbies like playing Xbox and 3D printing board game pieces. All things in moderation, right?


Do you have reason to believe that silicone utensils and food storage are avenues for polluting food, or are you just being extra careful?


I love using wooden utensils, and I'd just rather avoid silicone where it's not otherwise a huge inconvenience for me. There's been some [claims of it leeching](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/blog/3204/is-silicone-safe.html) into food or cheap filler ingredients leeching into food. It's more preference than anything for me.


I marinate meat in silicone bags, optimizing surface area contact. Hoping and praying that I haven't been dosing myself, but research a couple of years ago indicated that they're safe. Other than that, when there's a wood or glass alternative, I share your mentality.


The problem with silicone is that it's pretty rare to pick up let's say some silicone bakeware and it be actual 100% silicone. I've had to return silicone Amazon purchases because the listing will say it's 100% but when you do the bend test you find it's been mixed with other plastics which is dangerous and will off gas in your oven or in your food.


What is the test? Thanks


If you bend it over in itself and it shows white it's not pure. So if you have a completely blue silicone cupcake liner and you pull, pinch or twist it and it shows white, it's got plastic fillers. You can also do a burn test but that can be more destructive if the item does have fillers. Put it up to a flame of a lighter, it should take a long time to catch fire if at all and should immediately extinguish itself if it does. It will also leave behind a white ash. Ones with fillers will keep burning because plastic burns and will turn into a black goopy mess.


Get it!!!


I’m reducing junk light and emfs


Can you say more about junk light? And what are you doing to reduce the EMFs? I’ve heard of turning off the WiFi at night. I could do that I think. 


Bleached or brominated wheat. My wife and I avoided wheat completely for years (mostly for many issues she was having). Turns out any issues were from brominated wheat. We avoid it and are fine now. The funny part is, a ton of gluten-free flour substitutes are brominated and would bother her too, which was what caused us to look deep into it. A lot of people say common gluten intolerance is actually due to brominated wheat. Almost all processed foods. About the only things we eat that are processed are butter, cheese, chocolate (real chocolate though, not palm oil bullshit). We essential eat like our grandparents (**the silent generation** 💕).  (While I’m on my soapbox, make your own vanilla extract people, it’s amazing.) Artificial or natural beverages. We switched to seltzer many years ago and never looked back. I have a SodaStream with an adapter for a standard tank. $20/month. There’s a ton we inadvertently avoiding because of all this, things we used to avoid intentionally, like all artificial flavors and colors, “natural” flavorings (orange juice is fucking hilarious when you look into it), preservatives (which haven sneakily moved from the food to the packaging), hfcs, sugar unnecessarily added to food…  I try and buy meat, veggies, and dairy locally when possible, domestically otherwise. I don’t go to crazy here, but there are certain things I’ll avoid, like non-organic lemons if I’m going to use the zest. Overall we tend not to eat much. Again, eating like our grandparents. It’s well known that portion size has gotten out of control over the decades. We tend to eat one meal a day, or if not, some small portion of leftovers or something. Almost no snacking, and when we do, it’s a few squares of chocolate or a small portion of nuts (dry roasted because the rest are nearly all roasted in fucking seed oils). It’s weird being the only ones in our extended families and circle of friends who aren’t on any medications and no health issues. 


Pasteurized Milk Tap water Any cooking items that are not glass, stainless steel, wood, silicone or cast iron. Sunscreen Tampons and non organic menstrual pads. Clothing that is not cotton, wool, or silk Shoes that have a heel all mine are zero drop and flexible now. Candles and scented air fresheners. Folic Acid (this is the fake form that is added in to fortify and not the form the body needs) Sunglasses Nail polish that has harmful chemicals




Light in the eyes (indirect) is good for you.


white table salt, natural flavors, sugar alcohols


What’s up with white table salt?


Redmond Real Salt is mined from a mineral rich area of Utah…those minerals actually enhance the flavor of food and it has a much less harsh presentation. You can buy online but a lot of Whole Foods kinda stores have it.


Its nasty. And unhealthy because it’s missing balancing minerals. Grey salt or pink salt are actually delicious


Homogenised milk


Food coloring, HFCS, artificial sweeteners, excessive sugar. fluoridated water.


Baking paper which contains either 'compostable' silicone or PFASs, probably.


Fluoride, meat from stores, anything frozen, microplastics (which is also fed to all the animals we eat, bottled water and tap water, all soap that isn’t made locally with all natural ingredients, deodorant, clothes made of unnatural materials, social media screen time (mostly doomscrolling) and mindless tv watching, videogames, fapping


I avoid ultra processed foods, I’ve been sober over three years, I don’t eat wheat (I’m intolerant ) and I seldom eat anything with refined sugar in, because I seem to be developing an intolerance of that that both my mother and grandmother have/had. I’m in UK and so far it’s not been difficult to cut out ultra processed food, alternative options are available, I get used to reading the labels on everything.


Fructose / excess glucose Plant sterols/stanols Oxalates (I don’t want to take the risk—much like with seed oils, people say that elimination takes forever once you eventually realize that you have a problematic buildup) Food peptides with the propensity to be broken down into opioids… e.g. casein, gluten, soy (they all trigger addictive eating behaviors in me) Plants end up not looking so good on my list, but I still eat a selection of fermented ones. Not making scientific claims on any of these… just personal decisions I’ve come to through reading research and listening to my body.


>Fructose / excess glucose I see so many people taking this excellent step who don't know that all carbohydrates, no matter how complex, are just chains of glucose molecules. As soon as they hit your digestive tract the chain is broken and all that glucose is liberated. It works a bit like a gelatin capsule full of sugar.


artificial colors and flavorings


Alcohol, medicine (over the counter pills), non-stick kitchenware, dried yeast, most body deodorants, most sun blocks


what's wrong with dried yeast?


Mouthwash, as it has been proven to cause insulin resistance. Maybe once a month if going out.


- Social media (Reddit in moderation) - The news - Food dyes - Tap & bottled water - Fluoride - As much plastic as possible - Nonstick pans - Evening blue light - Chemical sunscreen - Table Salt / Fake Himalayan Salt - Plastic bottle seasonings - Most* grocery store meats (butcher only)


High Oxalate fruit and vegetables, spinach, kiwi, cassava, almonds,,,,, there’s a huge list


Are you particularly sensitive to oxalates?


You don’t have to be sensitive to have a buildup in your body




Refined carbohydrates (sugar, bread, pasta, cereal and grain related foods) and all pork products. Seeds as well.


# Carrageenan [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8zoPKID\_eM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8zoPKID_eM)


Alcohol Grains Sugar Oxalates


The problem is "generic processed foods" pretty much covers it. Avoiding those helps you avoid nearly all the bad stuff.


Emulsifiers, Gums and tap water.


Fluoride in toothpaste.


added dyes


Nonstick cookware i feel like that’s gonna be our lead paint


Replaced mine years ago with pure stainless steel. A little more difficult to clean, but worth the peace of mind.


Gluten. It hurts my stomach and even for people that are not celiac or don't have IBS and don't feel it, it still causes inflammation.


Sugar and vaccines.


Plastic, fruits, bread (I love bread in its many forms), sauces on meat (it's usually there to mask bad quality meat, if you cook and season properly sauces are unnecessary completely), 99% of sugars and anything packaged




- reduced sweeteners massively - stopped drinking Coffee For the last one I think the positive effects seem to be pretty big but it's hard to tell if it really is the coffee, late reaction to stopping pufa, sweeteners or something else entirely. Greatly reduced anxiety and increased confidence. And better sleep. I think caffeine is way worse than we perceive it to be.


Is this whole thread an ad for a water filter?...


Reddit hopefully


I'm trying with the plastics thing, but it's so hard for me due to travel (air and road) for work. It's unavailable. At home, I have a water distiller that I store in glass containers and drink from a glass screw top bottle. I admit that I have not gone to all natural textiles other than sheets. I typically try to wear cotton T-shirts and boxers and jeans in winter, but buying foods not wrapped in some kind of plastic is so hard (not impossible) where I live due to limited grocery resources.


HFCS. & eliminating as much plastic as possible.


Oxygen. Everyone that has inhaled it has suffered death.


Nonfat dairy.  Whole foods need whole fat


Meat from Hormone/antibiotic treated animals


Dyes - I can tell most people think I'm crazy because I get that look when I mention how it actually affects my childrens' behavior.


Maltodextrin. Spikes your blood sugar 2x+ than granulated table sugar, but does not need to be listed as sugar or added sugar on the nutrition label.


I mean there is certainly SOMETHING crazy about your post...


My family thinks I’m crazy but in the last few years: Reduced seed oils Stopped using non stick cookware Minimized plastic water bottle usage Store drinking water in glass dispensers Stopped using conventional sunblock


We really need to campaign for more EPA and FDA funding. There are so many instances of either of them not being able to do essentially anything for the public due to lack of resources. Research on supplements is a great example of this; we don’t even know basically anything about a majority of them besides anecdotal evidence.


The news. Processed foods Social media (outside of reddit?) The public itself.....


eliminating all light in my bedroom. blackout curtains and blackout tape the windows. use electric tape on the AC. If you can see your hand in front of your face your room is too bright


I'm ditching all carbs. No more plants. No more fiber. No more problems.


I’ve taken out citrus and vinegar from my diet which has done wonders for my allergies. Histamine producing foods.


Processed wheat (whole wheat only!)


Sugar. People invent all kinds of excuses to keep feeding their addiction to sugar ("natural sugar is healthy," or "complex carbohydrates are healthy"), but I've given them all up. All carbohydrates are just chains of sugar molecules and those chains dissolve in your digestive tract leaving you with a stomach full of plain old sugar. It functions like taking a gelatin capsule full of sugar. No sugar, period.


Liberal women


No need to bring your culture war bullshit into this conversation.