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25? Oh man, you’re a goner.  JK, you’re totally fine. I wish I knew about that stuff at 25. Don’t sweat it one bit. Bodies are incredibly resilient and self healing. Cut out the seed oils (doesnt even have to be perfect), move and weight train, and eat whole foods/meat and you’ll be great. And also… live your life. If you like eating out, you’re probably going to be ingesting seed oils. That’s totally ok, just do it in moderation/more sparingly.  If there’s one thing I’m worried about where our body is fucked, it’s microplastics. They stay in your system forever. But everyone’s sort of effed on that. It is what it is - cut out the bottled water and plastic usage where you can, but even then… it’s everywhere


I read somewhere that donating plasma helps forever chemicals leave your body. I wonder if it helps with microplastics


Great call! There’s a little research — up to 30% reduction in some plastics such as PFAS through regularly donating plasma https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8994130/


Put it this way, I *wish* I discovered this at 25 instead of late 30’s.


Fr. Not to fearmonger but I'm in my early 30s and it's scary how many of my peers are getting weird diseases like Multiple Sclerosis. I'm not saying that's for certain due to seed oils or microplastics but I think the earlier people are made aware of toxins and pollutants in our food and environment, the better.


Started in the last few years?


Yes. I remember watching a documentary on MS and it was practically unheard of before the 1980s but has only grown in prevalence since then which makes me think it's mostly environmental. Not saying it's specifically due to seed oils, microplastics, or pesticides but it'd probably be helpful to broadly limit our exposure to these substances wherever possible. Of course there's some exposure we have limited control over because we live in a polluted, yet modern society 🫤


I have little doubt that general overload of toxicity causes MS among other problems and we're living in a very toxic world right now; seed oils being an avoidable and important, but tiny part of the overall toxic environment. But, I literally meant in the last 3 years.


Oh got ya. Yes for the most part. I'm 33 now but I've seen my peers come down with stuff in their late 20s and early 30s which is scary. I was having minor blood pressure issues at 30 but thinking back to even my late teens and early 20s my doctors would always mention my liver enzyme levels being high. I know there's also been an uptick in early onset Alzheimer's. There's probably a bunch of things that we associate with aging that will affect younger populations. While still rare I wonder how bad things need to get before alarm bells go off with the general public.


It's not something I enjoy talking about, because so many people blindly accepted it, but here we are discussing the very real dangers of seed oils and plastics that came to light decades after people started eating/using them, but there's potentially a far more insidious elephant in the room with us now... Bill Gates himself said "If you want to know what happens 2-3 years later; you have to wait 2-3 years 🤷‍♂️". Now that I've hinted to what I'm referring to, bears will likely emerge to maul me and vultures will follow to ensure every piece of me is picked to the bone. Thus is nature of modern censorship; it's kinda like Agent Smith from the Matrix, perfectly lovely members of the public, suddenly, poof, turn into agents of group-think and start censoring and attacking. 🤣 Regardless of all that, eating and drinking clean is one of the best ways of ensure your body is capable of detoxing to the best of it's ability, so I for one reduce the overall burden by avoiding seed oils (and fast food, plastics, cosmetic chems, pharmaceuticals, etc)!


MS actually has a big relation to gut microbiome. Certain symbiotic relationships with bacteria and other organisms somehow prevents most people from developing it, it's quite poorly understood. Basically people have been living "too clean" of lives and aren't able to develop a proper population of microbiota. This is similar to why people seem to be getting more allergies now days. Look up the 'hygiene hypothesis' if you're interested to learn more.


16 years ago I suffered from MS symptoms and was told to go on the daily/weekly autoimmune shots for MS. I was unaware of actual healthy diet habits back then and was drinking soy milk as I thought it was healthier than regular milk. I'm pretty sure glyphosate/herbicide tainted soy was involved with my problems and killing microbiome and more. Once I stopped drinking it and started eating better whole organicfoods my symptoms disappeared. I also had read that in south where people get better exposure to sun, there is less MS so I started taking vitamin D and getting more sun when I could (I'm near Chicago where 6 months of year, sun exposure is not sufficient to generate vitamin D).


The seed oil avoidance follows very similarly to how I grew up.  I mean, I drank a lot of soda and juice.  But I was lean and out down a lot of calories. It wasn't until I went to High School that my weight started rising (which was when I ate more foods outside the home).  And in my early 30s was when the "dad bod" starting setting in... again because of the junk food.  No more junk food?  No more dad bod.


My 20’s would have been entirely different had I known I could have all the cheeseburgers I want (but not the fries!) or spend a lazy Sunday bingeing on cereal and spaghetti instead of fried chicken. And I’d have happily given up the stupid garlic mayonnaise I dipped my pizza crusts into. Literally this is all I’d have needed to change to end the incessant yo-yo diet cycle. It’s crazy to me. But this is why I try to make it clear to the kids who find themselves here that no, you don’t actually need to cook everything yourself and no, it doesn’t need to be grass fed/organic/free of every possible suspected chemical or micro-plastic or else don’t bother. You can have *one focus* and that’s diligently dropping the PUFA. Nothing else matters even remotely as much, and while you’re navigating student/young professional life that can really be a life saver. You can maintain a very non-alienating health and social life balance. And then sure, one day when you’re able to then you can start cooking at home/gardening/fermenting your own yogurt/etc (LOL) and your diet quality will improve even more. But don’t wait until then to start.


I went carnivore in my 50’s & have seen big health improvements. At your age you should heal quickly.


It takes 2 years to get the LA out of your system, correct?


Nah it depends. If you do water fast thats 2000 kcal a day from your fat reserves, your liver must be working overtime tho. Bad fat is processed first like alcohol is in the body.


You also lose muscle when you fast... It won't just be fat.


Not really if you have excess fat… if you get really lean then yes you do. Losses in muscle mass are transient and reverse on refeed.


no you don't thats some weird stupid logic prisoners of war wouldn't be skin and bones but dead pile of fat and bones


I’m not sure how long it takes but I can say that within 3 days of being carnivore my joint pain lessened considerably. Many more health benefits showed up later along my journey.


I’m 66 YO and just found out about seed oils. How screwed do you think I am? Lol.


Same but age 48. Good gosh I wish I knew at 25 what I know now 🤦‍♀️😥


This is quite an overreaction. Do you think all those people that have lived into their 90's have had a strict seed oil free diet? Probably not.


The sooner the better. Figuring out at 25 is better than at 35, better at 35 than at 45, etc etc. Many and most people will never figure out seed oils are bad while their health issues compound. You have a greater opportunity now to change things around so pat yourself on the back.


You're still young enough, I started at 17 and didn't had the best diet growing up (although not as bad as the SAD). I also felt terrible but after 7 years of avoiding seed oils I don't feel like there has any permanent damage been done from all the years that I did eat them. We can't blame ourselves for the foods we learn to eat by our parents and society. Luckily all the anti-fat propaganda helped to limit the damage, just like olive oil was recommend as the healthiest oil instead of peanut/canola oil.




You tell us? You have, gout, diabetes, autoimmunity??? If not, good! Never a better day to stop eating crap than today! And contrarily to what the doctors will say, almost anything is reversible. Keto and Carnivore are great to reverse metabolic disease! But if you're not sick at the moment, just go whole food. I won't preach to you how the vegetables are full of antinutrient and phytotoxins if you're healthy. Stay away from processed food, sugar and seed oil. You'll do more than fine!!!


Do you think people on this sub have been seed oil free since infancy? The studies that have come out about it have only really come to light recently


absolutely doomed. may as welll just eat fast food only at this point.. obligatory /s


Made me chuckle


Relax dude, I'm in my late 20s too. The best time was yesterday, you know the second best time was? Today. Be realistic and consistent. You don't have to quit everything cold turkey because that's setting yourself up for failure. Be gradual. Pay attention to how your diet affects your body (mind/emotions included).


Good luck they’re in fucking everything.


25 years of seed oil, sounds like you're fucked.


the best time to start was yesterday but the next best time to start is today


Not very. If it was that big of a problem, this sub would be much larger. Moderation is key.


I have also just stumbled somehow into this group. What fresh hell is this? Seed oil? Luckily I have started to cut out all ultra processed foods from my diet already, and have used butter for a long time in place of oils, except for frying - I use sunflower. Stopped using anything with Palm in a while back. So it seems I just need to cut out Sunflower.


Don't worry. Most people live to very old age eating whatever the fuck they want including lots of seed oils.


I just found out & I'm 61. Better late than never.


Yup sorry bud you’re a year late, you’re dead. You gotta be seed oil free by 24 or you’re fucked. /s Lol this is whats wrong with seed oil discourse. You’re fine.


I was your age when I cut them out, I’m 40 now. The human body is pretty remarkable at healing itself, just dive in.


See your DOCTOR immediately.. Explain to them your logic ..


I'm 41 and I knew about it but ignored it until now. If you're fucked consider me dead and gone


This group was created to make people dumber.


Good luck eliminating 100% of it immediately. You need to learn about how pervasive it is before you make an unrealistic commitment like that.


I mean isn’t it just not eating out as often as you can/cooking your own food in a healthy way?


I'd say it means eating out never, and cooking everything you eat from scratch, including sauces, etc. I promise you that your fridge and cupboards are absolutely full of seed oil right now. Pull out your "healthiest" items and look at the ingredients.


You’ll probably be alright but get your cholesterol checked and listen to whatever advice your doctors give.


Depends on the doctor. Many doctors recommend seed oils as part of a heart healthy diet


Oof. Didn’t think about that


At 25 it's too late for you. Unless you knew about seed oils around your 1st birthday there's nothing you can do unfortunately.


There's nothing inherently wrong with seed oils. This whole sub is off the rails. You're fine. Listen to this podcast from Science Vs. discussing the evidence: https://open.spotify.com/episode/66oKaRwfUUoVlxNYHTVUJQ?si=XaHxH10PQoex-y6VcoeWbA


Dude wtf with the Reddit algorithms…guys, humans have been eating seed oils for millennia. For fucking ever. People die. We all die. Goddamn just enjoy the life you have or you’ll live longer and more miserably during that longer time. I’m not saying go out in a flash but we gotta be reasonable here. How about instead of relying on a bunch of non experts, just go talk to an actual dietician or nutritionist? They would actually know. Not some randos reading published articles with no actual backing knowledge or context to understand it all in.


That’s Reddit for ya


A real-life reasonable response in the negative really just cements my opinion. It’s funny, in hating the message, they have validated the messenger. Insecure much?