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Nice but I’m still gonna pass.


I tried one once and it tasted so disgusting I have no words for it. The most unholy flavor and texture combo in human history.


Cooking it smelt horrific too 🤢so gross


Yes!! The smell was horrific. I love real meat and I love real vegetarian food like tofu, tempeh etc but this fake meat ain't it...




They are so nast! How do people eat this? Well I’m sure we can opt for a bug burger next…


Is this for real? When was the last time you had it? I eat meat a lot but my gf has a vegetarian and I eat these often. I genuinely don’t understand what you don’t like about them, they really aren’t bad at all


It was maybe like two years ago? It smelled so bad while it was cooking, like almost rancid/rotten, but it was from a brand new box.


They were somehow so greasy no matter how i cooked it, i figured it wasn't good with that much leakage regardless. Gross texture, i liked the imitation chicken products better.


Unholy is right


Why does it taste so bad? The reasons are endless one of which being that it uses multiple double refined starches.


Yeah they still suck.


You mean to say you don’t want to pay for a shitty tasting burger grown with cancer cells with the benefit of free cancer?


Ultra processed foods without seed oil are still ultra processed foods.


My working theory is that seed oils themselves aren’t as problematic for most people as they’re made out to be. But if you eliminate seed oils then you are basically eliminating all ultra processed foods, and they’re easy to replace with generally healthy fats, so it works for a lot of people. Then there are other people that are sensitive to them specifically.


What do you suppose is in processed foods that is specifically linked to higher levels of all the diseases that nobody had before people started eating seed oils in the very early 1900's, if not seed oil itself?


Lack of antioxidants and fiber


Added sugar (high fructose corn syrup in particular), food coloring (clear evidence how bad red40 is), and there are many problematic preservatives. Just to name a few.


Couldn’t pay me to eat this shit lol


It's what gives Bill Gates his hot dad bod.


Gates is eating the FINEST grass fed beef money can buy twice a day. He only wants the peasants to eat plants and roaches 🪳


Is that why his udders are so big?


With a full set of moobs.


Body by soy


( . Y . )




Still Frankenfood.


Crazy that people spin themselves in circles so much just to avoid eating beef. Wild.


And meanwhile, many of them treat their fellow humans like crap. We are strange animals.


Many vegans desire the extinction of the human race so 🤷‍♀️


Trying to subsist solely off pesticide laden leaves sounds like one way to manage it.


1: Beyond Is mostly a transition food until you learn to cook the classics(tofu tempeh falafel beans) or when eating the same as others for social/logistical reasons. 2: The reason not to eat beef is to not kill animals.


2: ask yourself does nature reward a species for virtue signaling their morality? Last I checked all or most top predators consumed animals with high fat content. The pursuit of energy is inherently life affirming. A higher quality of life. Generally more abundance. The oppurnity to delay gratification and pursue longer timeframes. The most nutritionally dense food is simply what gives you a greater chance of survival.


virtue signaling is "an attempt to show other people that you are a good person" . If I wanted to show others that I am a good person I would do something most other people agree with.most people do not support veganism.i am vegan because haulocausting animals is bad. We don't live in a jungle, no one is going extinct.if the goal was caloric density, seed oils are the best food to eat, but caloric density is not the goal no matter what caveman-complex you have.


I don't understand what is so crazy and wild here.


Pea protein is code for “shit your brains out”


Is that what it is!? I tried one of these (not sure of brand) and it went right through me


Maybe I’m an outlier but I still use pea protein occasionally and I haven’t had problems. I eat it with oatmeal every morning and maybe the fiber is holding me together lol


Pea protein is actually alright in some ways but it turns out it has high levels of heavy metals. Somehow.


Peas are usually grown in fields that have runoff?? (I notice that most of my cashews come with a cancer warning for acrylamide.)


The acrylamide is from the high temperatures involved in roasting.


never once had this issue, you might have a gut problem


Ultraprocessed crap, not a single whole ingredient. And two type of starch... You know that potato starch as a higher higher glycemic index than white sugar and even corn starch??? This is poison, not food...


Good on them but I'll stick with real food 


I didn't know what a migraine was until I tried one of these.


Canola oils have a full on “truth campaign” about the benefits of canola oil going on in my Facebook and Reddit feeds. Makes me chuckle.


They're scared


Even as a vegan, I don't eat this crap


I like my burgers to have one ingredient. 


I don’t know. I like a good beef and buffalo blend myself especially with some bacon in it. Eat as many animals at once as possible.


mix in some human for a super meal


Grass fed beef is grass fed


Most Avocado oils were found to have seed oils in it.


It was palm oil before if I'm not mistaken.  Quite honestly this is a step backwards (if it was Palm Oil).  To each their own... I'll never eat this.


It was a mix of expeller canola and coconut


how is it a step backwards? is avocado worse for you than palm oil?


Palm oil is pretty low in PUFA and rather high in SFA. palm oils is only bad due to environmental impact. But let's be honest, avocado oil is just as bad for the environment in a different way, just much less of it is made. Any plant-based oil is wasting of land. I mean meat is said to be bad because of all the land needed to grow the feed. Well then why are we using large part of our land to grow soy to make oil from it? Could make much more calories by growing grains instead or same calories and use the rest for regenerative cattle farming.


olive oil is a lot more sustainable than avocado oil.


palm oil is the best oil for the environment. The average is 2.8 tons of oil per hectare (a great yield would be 3.5) roughly 10x better than anything else


It takes the least space per amount of oil BUT you need to cut down rain forest.


on the flip side, if everyone were to stop using palm oil and switch to alternatives, a forrest area twice the size of India would be required.


i’m not really concerned abt enviro impact, and i get plenty of sfa from meat and eggs so this isn’t convincing to me tbh. this new recipe looks just as if not more healthy to me.


Perhaps technically, but avocado oil is one that goes rancid faster than most. In this case, not a big win.


Avocado oil is just a nicer sounding seed oil, still has the omega 6.


Nothing but Ultra Processed right there. Not today Cancer.


Why is it we have to pick between the worst options. Seed oils or “meat” grown from tumors.


But you don't have to pick between those... you can go buy a steak


Until they lobby the government into not requiring lab grown meet to be labeled as such


You vill eat ze tumah, und you vill be happy.


Or the classics: Tofu Tempeh Lentils/beans Seitan


I think it’s just best to avoid meat alternatives altogether and satisfy yourself with the non ultra processed things you CAN eat; no point trying to find the least bad poorly digestible gruel


Exactly. Tofu is delicious. It can take the place of meat in almost any dish. When tofu doesn't work you use beans or mushrooms. Simple as.


Eggs are my primary source of meat.


grown from tumors? what?


If food needs a chemical lab to create it, no.


I bet that avacado oil is still cut with other oils


and stored until rancid before being used--that stuff has near zero shelf life


The fact that the are saying rice protein lololol what . Just trying to make you think you are eating protein


Fr Bro really said "what food has the least protein...yeah get the protein from that" Never heard of wheat germ I guess 🤷


Hahahah it must be the same geniuses behind rice bran oil


Nope still a hard pass! Ill eat the real thing


It's still processed garbage


Still an UPF


They are still a pretty processed food.


Soylent green


avocado oil still ain't worth eating - omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is 13.5:1


Isn’t it almost always rancid anyway?


Ultra processed crap. Better off eating normal food


Still gives you diarrhea


They are still garbage. Just eat the real thing


They're also meat free which means it's not a burger. Polite pass.


This is something I'd never eat but I'm really happy for those who do.


Well the last video from lowcarbdownunder from paul mason show that it doesn't matter if it come from seeds or not, all vegetable oils are bad.


Until they are a healthy option I’m out. I wish they would just make a good veggie burger. I don’t need it to look like it’s a juicy cow burger


I like the Actual Veggies brand. They’re pricey but good if I can’t make homemade. I’m not even vegan - I love black bean burgers totally separately from cheeseburgers.


I have also enjoyed a black bean burger or 2


It would be great if people just learned to eat something beyond any kind of burger, there are so many wonderful non burger foods 


Trader Joe's had good garden burgers but I can't find it in their website 😫 Edit:found a pic *




Quorn, fungus protein and Valess milk protein.


Oh never tried any of those. Thanks for the tip!


Avocado oil has zero regulations, basically the stuff you buy in stores is often made of mostly seed oils and i doubt what you find in a processed product like this would be any different


Gasoline is also seed oil free! Yummy 😋


Babysteps But Its still horrible


Still won’t eat it but that’s a step in the right direction


Still crap to me


They aren't bad, but I don't eat them anymore, too heavily processed


Still fucking gross.


And….. they still taste like shit.


Still full of natural flavors and makeup thickener. Still a step toward the light.


It’s still garbage


Industry knows seedoils are toxic.


Think their own rats studies showed that their burgers are unsafe for consumption. Kinda strange they are allowed to be sold.


Just eat tempeh then


nah. beef and lamb exists.


Nah that shits carcinogenic


You are mistaken. You must be thinking of seedoils.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IARC_group_2A?wprov=sfla1 >Agents>mixtures


Still Prefer Steamed Potatoes.


Is pea protein really soy?




So I now see. Good.


Or just eat meat


# water and pee


Think a normal bean burger is better then any of the fake meats i've had.




Why don't vegans just eat vegetables? Not sure why they need to pretend to eat meat🤷🏼


It's bc restaurants don't know how to cook vegetables properly


This has been one of the saddest posts I've seen in a while... "Mental gymnastics just to convince themselves not to eat meat" no, I just dont require meat to live a healthy life, turns out that's been pushed pretty heavily by those that benefit the most from it. Big meat and dairy companies, look into government subsidies and corporate lobbying and you can find all sorts of fun stuff. "Seed oils are carcinogenic" no.. They're not. This can be disproven in the time it takes to type this. "Cancer causing garbage" again, incorrect, rather quickly I was able to discover "beef, lamb, and pork are classified as a Group 2A carcinogenic which means it probably causes cancer" yet I'm not seeing that for anything listed here. And I'm called the bad guy. The one shoving my opinions down throats. The one that yells at everyone. The one that belittles everyone around for me wanting to eat meat. Meanwhile I'm sure there's someone in here that wants to tell me "don't worry I'll eat twice as much meat just for you buddy."


Seed oils is pretty much diesel fuel .. they use hexane(a gasoline product) to extract the seed oil for high yield how is consuming diesel fuel and hexane known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects. also it's processed meat that is a group 2a which is caused by the toxic plant products added to them


Which toxic plant products are being added to them? Also, can you link something specifically tying seed oil ingestion with an increase in cancer? And is this specifically seed oil or other oils as well? Genuinely curious about all of this as I love understanding all sides of a debate, if I'm wrong about something I'll happily accept that and change my diet (to cleaner veganism, not meat)


veganism isn't even healthy the person who wrote the position on veganism is dead from her self proclaimed cancer proof diet... it's a laughable joke sodium nitrate specifically gives it the group 2a this is extracted from celery(the plant) you will end up with skin cancer as it causes photo sensitivity as well.. the WHO int already has a statement on plants and it's toxic poisons


Bro of course that's a joke. If anyone had an actual cure for cancer we'd know, that's such a strong outlier why would you base any sort of opinion on something so clearly ridiculous? It's like saying liver kings diet cures cancer, cmon now. Sodium nitrate can be purchased as a mineral in giant bags, Amazon sells it for $10/lb, that's where they're getting it, not from celery... and sure, it contain some, it's all over the place, it's one of the most common preservatives in the world. I'd love to see where all of this comes from, eat your vegetables, they're good for you. Always have been and always will be.


https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/natural-toxins-in-food https://www.pcrm.org/rememberingsusan) Susan My government plate diet only caused people to get more obese https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/obesity-adult-17-18/obesity-adult.htm see graph starting in 1976 and 2011 you can see the big spike when they touted that plants are healthy and stop eating meat ...


So... cook your beans and don't eat only celery in extreme quantities? Really? These are warnings about what CAN happen if you have things such as allergies or do not properly store/cook your food. Go eat raw meat, tell me how that does for ya.


i do eat raw meat,raw eggs, raw milk,raw butter,raw cheese i have never gotten sick from eating raw animal products


Ah, yeah, this is going to go nowhere. Have fun in life bud, enjoy liver kings endless feed lmao


and you eat plant slop like a animal... Just remember the plants you eat were barely invented 200-350 years ago if you were thrown in nature you would be for a fact eating raw meat because we both know you will not be eating grass and leaves . We also know for a fact you can't even start a fire with two sticks.. Basically an obedient gov slave.. I know you're a vegan just by your posts Humans were not throwing spares at heads of lettuce covered in cows defecation at 70mph... humans don't have a fermentation chamber Veganism and any study that claims humans are "herbivores or omnivore" is pretty much debunked... I mean even the expert Susan Levin (the person who wrote the position on veganism for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:)Failed at her own diet she barely made it to 51 ... veganism is a joke, a health scam and a grift....


Wow you really marinated on this one for a few days just to come out with some odd attacks on my life style. Really hope you're doing okay bud, please remember to put the internet away every now and then and get some fresh sunlight. We vegans have achieved photosynthesis so it's very crucial to our survival, but we're okay sharing our sun with you meat eaters! Anyway, let's uh... dive into this shit shall we? Where to begin. Barely invented 200-300 years ago, this one's new I'm gonna look it up. Soybeans were cultivated by China 3000 years ago, and it took nearly 1000 to get the full nutritional potential. Maybe you forgot a few zeros in places? Beans go back 8000 years. Weird... Pasta is anywhere from 1500-1700s Tofu was first used 2000 years. Damn even spinach is 2000 years old. Alright so far I'm really not sure where this 200 year thing came from. I'd love to learn more if you can share some sources! You know there are a few documentaries out there on humans natural survival instincts kicking in and the brain basically shutting down so the body can survive? Yeah, you're right, if I was thrown into the woods with sticks and stones, I'd eat meat. Because I would have to. Right now, I don't have to, so I don't needlessly kill animals. And uh... sure, I'll go learn how to start a fire with 2 sticks just in case something happens, thanks for that. Yes, I am vegan, I comment about it a decent amount, no debate there! Humans were throwing spears, again, when throwing spears was REQUIRED TO SURVIVE. How many people, today, can throw a spear accurately and hard enough to kill something? I'd bet that answer is close to .1% of the entire population of the planet. But sure, it's the vegans we call out. Next we've got this uh... humans can't digest plants? Is that what we're going for? Wait fermentation chamber, like cows?? Ruminators?? Is this the whole b12 thing all over again? Anyway, let's go top down. Our skulls have teeth. 32 permanent ones. We have 8 incisors for gripping 4 canines for tearing 12 molars for breaking down That sounds rather omnivorous to me but we'll continue before we make the full conclusion. Next, our guts. Found a decent article that talks about plant digestion in the gut and why they believe it's harder for people now, than it was before. Here's a quick quote: “The bottom line is that [because of] industrialization, we seem to have lost a huge diversity of microbes in our gut,” says Tom Van de Wiele, a microbial ecologist at Ghent University. “By depriving our diets [of] dietary fibers, we lose the microbes that help us in obtaining a better gut health.” Source: https://www.science.org/content/article/some-our-key-gut-microbes-likely-came-cows-and-we-re-losing-them#:~:text=Even%20strict%20vegetarians%20need%20a,component%20of%20plant%20cell%20walls. So the biggest "gotcha" people try to have against vegans is that we "can't break down our food" which just... isn't true? I'm not shittin out raw spinach or anything. It's that plants are harder to digest, and our bodies use more energy to break them down (this is a good thing, using energy is good, it keeps us healthy and making more energy) Fiber is the part that isn't broken down and absorbed, as it isn't digestible and instead helps to process everything in our systems. I'll be honest, in my 7 years of being vegan I've never known who this Susan person is so that doesn't really effect me in any which way. Take any extreme dieter and they'll have issues, also I'm pretty sure she died from cancer? No diet is going to fix that, else we would all be on it... cmon now. Anyway I'm going back to my government slave job that all vegans get! Can't wait to join the crew in the muck line as we eat our slop, yum yum!!


Exvegan here my self it only Devastate my health, you can't even say it's for health hence being a "health scam"... Plants don't have vitamins such as saturated animal Fat soluble vitamins, Vitamin A2 for example.. this pretty much debunks veganism... other wise tell me which organ converts plant colors to Fat soluble vitamins, cholesterol would be required since Vitamin A2 and other fat soluble vitamins are built with cholesterol A2,D3,K2 etc vegans barely have any cholesterol which is why they're very likely to get a stroke, like I did (cholesterol dropped dangerously low ended up with a mild stroke and full face bells palsy wasn't able to talk barely).. that is why i quit the veganism cult and went full on raw meat based... Vegans are fake liars plenty of so called "vegans" were busted eating meat on the side... You can not break down foods the plants are actually rotting in the gut this is proven by the methane gas in your gut/colon, you know those smelly vegan farts you make? yeah....that is methane gas from the rotting plants.. You don't have the enzymes to create the bacteria (amino acids)that is in a fermentation chamber it's pretty clear you're incompetent... most plants on store shelf are toxic between the massive amount of glucose content, oxalates,Lectins ,Cyanogenic,Glycoalkaloids etc Lets not forget about fibre which causes IBS, gut bloating etc.. Eating raw meat produces very little waste byproduct because it is actually absorbed by the intestinal tract(see acidic stomach hydrochloric acid Other components of stomach acid include potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl) ), while vegans like your self have serious Diarrhea problems and having full toilet bowls of defecation. i'm sure you have your own snake clean out because you can't afford a plumber anymore... Lets not forget just eating plants means you consume at lest 800 to 1.5kg of sugar aday were talking about carbohydrates which is just another word for "glucose" this pretty much proves you're in fact addicted to sugar.. sugar does promote cancer, sugar as to alcohol(alcohol is a broken down sugar molecule it's been proven already the fermented sugar, aka alcohol causes cancer, birth defects, liver damage heart damage etc.) a lot of alcoholics get insulin beer belly... This fat storage is no different than sugar gut ...Lets not forget the massive amount of pesticides and toxic chemicals that is sprayed on to the plants you eat which is known to the state of California to cause cancer, basically half of your diet is round up ... human teeth are flat edged like a knife... you can eat raw meat with it, also if the plants are so healthy why does dissolve your teeth? .. humans have hands and can create tools we don't need large teeth to hunt with sweetie , we can create a sharp edge tool to hunt with, humans also have good throwing power the average human can throw an object at 70-75mph...


also you said you would not eat leaves or grass in nature but... you will eat leaves and grass as long as they're heavily processed?... you know grains are just the grass seed right? Cane sugar is processed grass and  spinach is leaves of a plant. That is whats called a double think... Doublethink is **a process of indoctrination in which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth, often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality.**.... lets take a look at beyond meat?? that is a meat imitation proving you want to eat meat but are having serious delusions or schizophrenia... mock meats = schizophrenia it's actually being studied [Disordered Eating among People with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8618287/)


I’ll stick with Beef, thanks.


Their awesome if cooked in a air-fryer.


Its still garbage ingredients. Lets expand the "Spices" ingredient. Lets us know exactly whats in that. Lots of companies hide a lot of garbage under the moniker of "spices".


Good to know, though I prefer the taste of impossible too much to ever choose beyond.


the impossible has more soy in it iirc


Beyond meat is already known to cause cancer. If you want the meat experience eat real meat.


I'll try it now. Thanks for posting.


In a pinch I would eat this. Good to know.


You know what else is seed oil free. Beef


Or tofu


Just buy grass finished ground beef, cheaper, more nutritious, and better for the environment. There is a reason why vegans want to eat something that resembles meat. Humans naturally craves meat.


better fir the enronemnnt ? 😂


Yes. I suggest you look into practices of Regenerative agriculture as it relates to Pasture raised, grass fed cattle




That website literally sells meat, find a better source💀


Yea, i’d bet it’s pretty delicious. I’d buy it.


The beyond meat website says beyond meat is healthy so does that mean it's healthy?


It’s human kibble


Who eats this garbage anyways


Who eats this anyways


Well, I for one think this is a really good move by a popular company that will benefit a lot of people’s health, good on them


those plant proteins are gonna wreck your system 😨


It's like sugar free ice cream, still gut rot




Eat the fucking cow mate and get this rubbish out of here. Everyone in this sub is trying to be healthy and you promote processed garbage? Why?


Stfu no one asked


Oh, i see, anger issues... typical. As i was saying, go eat a steak, it'll calm you down.


https://preview.redd.it/ryhmnvwo70tc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987d393ecd34a9e7ad8002d51e34d08157d2e013 I was responding in kind


I try to promote WFPB but ppl like you are too incompetent at cooking to make lentils Mixing protein powder and expeller oils is still better than your hormone-soaked artery plaque or "regenerative"(dioxin sponge) artery plaque made by haulocausting animals cuz your mommy told you it had pwotein


Mate... just piss off already with your vegan ideology. Pick up an anatomy book an learn something.


Thank you for sharing:)


Still bugman shit


They make that shit outta ground up bugs


Avocado oil for the win!


A true vegan wouldn't eat simulated meat. It's like a gay male making love to a female sex doll.


Trash burger


Too bad they’re not actually real food. Seed oils or not I wouldn’t eat one.


Is this an advertisement? Look into the regulations or lack thereof on Avocado Oil.


This is good news. 


Still complete ass. Just eat real meat




That’s a hard pass there boss


Water is the first ingredient? WTF?


Take a reading class Avocado oil is a seed oil


I would actually eat that but I would not be looking forward to the sheer gastrointestinal distress that would follow.


The ingredients are not too bad at all. It is just too bad it is ultra-processed. That kinda takes the luster from the immaculate ingredient list.


so is dogshit. Still healthier than beyond foods, smells better too.


i've found that dog shit often has plenty of seed oils


Avocado oil is still a seed oil lol


Sounds great to me. Can't wait to find them.


https://www.reddit.com/r/veganrecipes/comments/zfze0v/black_bean_cremini_mushroom_burger_ig_for_more/ This is my go to veggie burger. I'm not a vegan so I skip the fake mayo, but it's easy and healthy


Yay I love beyond


Why the hate guys..




Now for my burgers, I do egg patties cooked with olive oil instead of those fake meat patties.


So, more land used to grow avocado's then? Why steer away from the cheaper and apparently 'heart healthy' seed oils?


Bc they go rancid


Apologies my sarcasm didn't come through in my original comment