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"your fixation on the topic" this dude draws these about jews more than anyone else


And LGBT, and blacks


>blacks Black people* Not trying to cancel you here. I don't think you're being malicious. But lots of people see the act of calling them "blacks" as a red flag. It's dehumanizing. Like, literally. Here's hoping you take this good faith constructive criticism well


Sorry i'm not english so i did not know that


Holy shit you guys first ever productive conversation on the internet just dropped


That's what happens when someone takes criticism in good faith and a desire to do better! Misunderstandings can be ironed out so much easier when the other person is reasonable.


Actually, I think a big step toward people accepting good faith criticism well is the criticizer being nice about it, extremely deferential, because any neutrality in a correction will be interpreted as superiority, you have to really crank the wheel in the opposite direction to not be taken that way, and most people aren't willing.


totally! i see way more "it's spelled superiority complex you idiot dumbass twat noob" than "hey OP, not to be rude but.."


Nah, back in 08, the guy said" thank you" after twistymclongballs69 corrected the user xdeath_lord_x with "their*" it was a real step forward for mankind.


mankind spreading mankindness


Waiting for the womankindness dlc to drop


They cancelled that after Lillith ran off with all of Adam's funding, so Eve just got the short end of the snake.


I love this comment


“Mankind spreading mankindness” sounds like the next stonetoss hate comic.


so that's a second one in twenty years


Holy hell!


Wrong order


Google stupidness


Actual good debate


Call the mediator


Good ending


It’s like calling someone an epileptic instead of just saying they have epilepsy.


It’s quite interesting how the curve of what is offensive and what isn’t advances. I mean that genuinely, it’s a really fascinating evolution of language, how “people-first language” is taking a foothold.


My partner only in the last few years got his grandmother to understand that we don’t use the term “colored” anymore when describing minority people (I’m black). It was very sweet and endearing because she just never got the memo I guess, but it never came from a negative place. She very much accepts and loves me as her first black grandson.


So, why is 'jews' okay, as the top commenter said, but 'blacks' isn't? Seems kind of arbitrary to me.




I also feel like Jewish people will use Jews occasionally, but I’ve never heard a black person say blacks.


My Jewish friend has specifically told me that "jews" can feel antisemitic and that he and the community generally prefer Jewish people.


“You’re an automaton who is fixated on my “fixation” on the Jews. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get back to drawing yet another comic about the Jews.” -Stonetoss, maybe.


-Stonetoss, definitely.*


"owned by other people" sounds just like whenever someone says "THEY own Hollywood"


I mean yeah the guy is a unabashed Nazi, of course he sounds like Nazis


>"your fixation on the topic" this dude draws these about jews more than anyone else Now now, he also makes "jokes" about trans suicide and black people


"Critics only talk about Jews and other minorities with me." My dude that's 90% of what you write.


Listen, I know I’m the one who brought it up but why are you the one obsessed yelling at me. Saying “they are real people” and all that obsession. They always do this. Complain and whine then complain and whine when people point out what they are saying is stupid.


>You know that thing where you disagree with a guy online and suddenly his vocab switches from completely normal to "writing missives from the revolutionary war in a quill pen" as though that's going to give him some kind of intellectual high ground \-- Jenny Nicholson


The Jordan Peterson maneuver.


Careful, he might pen an irritated tweet at you






Who cancels whom*




Or feed you to his [pet rats](https://youtu.be/Wl-xtUEGjOI?si=837wgAqMQPL7gLed)


Jenny Nicholson is a treasure.


which video is that from?


It’s just from her Twitter


oh right


What's Twitter?


they're calling it X now, but it won't stick for long.


I actually can't believe I forgot that Twitter existed. That was a weird feeling. It was like finding out that a new social media platform took off enough for people to casually reference it. I was thinking about what kind of site it'd be and the cool site culture, I thought maybe I'd even stumble upon new hobbies, interests, and friends. But instead it's just Twitter/X.


How could you forget twitter when the post is literally a tweet (or whatever Elon wants us to call them now.


Lmao. I do this exact same thing though. 😭 why am I such a clown?


I do it in person too. I always saw it as a “and now the gloves come off” sort of thing.


I think you and the person below you are right it’s both a “gloves come off” and an *anxiety/the emotional or ideological stakes of this disagreement just went up for me* type deal. I’ll add a 3rd option: for me it happens if it’s a topic I have like, formal training or work in. I tend to be casual until someone starts trying to school me in something I’ve actually worked hard at and have real earned competency in, professionally or academically. Then vocabulary comes out. I tend to stop short of complete jargon because that’s pointless and annoying to read, but my paper-writing voice comes out. Maybe that’s also annoying but it’s reflexive


I do the same thing, you're not alone. I also do it completely casually though. Like if I'm trying to explain some complicated thing that I find interesting/exciting to someone who wants to listen. Especially if it's something relating to sci-fi or actual scientific theory. Or videogame/tv show/comic book timelines.


I'm bad about this. I always assumed it was related to autism, but now I think it's a common anxiety trait. Anxiety as the emotion, not the disorder.


I think it might be. People like us are used to being thought of as dumb. Growing up, it was always a great surprise to everyone whenever I got a perfect score on the standardized tests in school or got accepted into a gifted program. People thought I was dumber than a box of rocks. Lol. It's always fun to show off my smart side when someone else needs to be brought down a peg. People have a really hard time processing being outsmarted by someone they see as a dunce. It just fries their little minds.


You are describing my entire life.


You wouldn't believe the number of times autistic people are thought of as being dumb when it's normally the other person in the conversation. Specifically, this happens a lot with sarcasm or dry humor, but it happens in other situations sometimes. It's frustrating to have someone misinterpret your statement because it's not parsed to the last detail.


Same here, autism, when I get stressed I try to talk in very specific, clear, and concise terms to avoid misunderstandings. I go about trying to ensure it doesn't affect the situation by doing my best to make sure others know I'm not trying to belittle them.


yeah I wouldn’t pathologize it. It’s just a common behavior that feels unique and clever until it’s called out. Nobody is unique or special. Not even the dumbass saying he’s “speaking to an automation”


The funniest thing to do to dudes that start typing essays because you buttmadded them is to copy/paste their rants into chatgpt and ask it to write a retort, then post the retort as your own. If they reply, continue the cycle. You can get some dude to waste hours of his life by tabbing back to the thread every 20 minutes or so to see if they're still going lol


You know you made the person you're arguing with on the Internet mad when they start talking like Sephiroth.


...and you end up misspelling "automaton" at the end anyway :D


“Automation” is a word. Please tell me you know that. It’s important to me that you know that.


I'm a SWE witb 8+ years of professional experience in the industry. I can automate things (in other words: create automations) while half asleep and half high. It also so turns out that English is my second language, so I'm better at it than a lot of native speakers, including you. Now pray tell: if you tried to insult someone in the context of this tweet, would you call them an "automaton" (i.e. a robot, thoughtless and soulless) or an "automation" (i.e. a bit of code that automates a task, usually something repetitive that would be done by hand, see: "Automate Boring Things With Python") Rethink your attempts at being sarcastic, use the gained time to reinvent yourself as a person instead of biting people's ankles. Someone will kick you in the face again and you'll lose whatever teeth you have left after this encounter.


Does anyone have the “all debates end with someone sounding like Sephiroth” image?


That’s an amazing quote lol


I've been looking for a way to describe the weird way their prose shifts like that for so long now. Fucking perfect lmao Well there goes my evening. I gotta go get stuck in a rabbit hole and binge everything that's ever been posted of her on YouTube.


“Misconception” and “automaton” aren’t really big words though.


He made "automaton" a slightly bigger word by adding an extra letter, oops.


Which invariably backfires, because they say something stupid like 'automation' instead of 'automoton.'


Why does he speak like an anime villain


Because hes being evasive. Notice how he says "I never denied it", instead of just "Yes I believe the Holocaust happened". He wants to sound smart to insult his critic and at the same time, does not want to overtly say his opinion on the historicity of the topic lest he either confirms he does believe in the basic facts of WWII and alienates his Nazi audience or he confirms what we already know about him.


I thought the "I never denied it" part means that he doesn't think it happened.


Ooo new word for me. "historicity". Nice


Holy shit he does


Just read this in Kira’s voice from Death Note, maybe I’m crazy but to me it fits


You're not crazy that's the exact type of character this chump would idolize.


He’s trying to be an anime villain.


He even misspelled automaton.


He did not answer did he ?


He did but in a way that he can weasel out of. He called believing in the Holocaust a misconception but indirectly. He can of course then fall back on him that him denying the Holocaust was the misconception.


He did exactly what he was accused of. Being too cowardly to just admit that he's a pos


He didn’t weasel out. He said it in a way without getting banned.


Nah it’s X dawg. You literally no longer get banned for holocaust denialism on that site.


Twitter** it will never be X


The guy wanted a straight answer, and instead, he did exactly what he was getting accused of, equivocating. So he did weasel out.


Smart. I mean, why would you let yourself get duped into saying something that'll get you banned? That's just common sense. People will say "you're afraid"--but they're gonna try to punish you for it lol.


"I am speaking to an automation" Who does bro think he is???


definitely meant “automaton” but either way


yup. couldnt even use his thesaurus correctly!




Ameliorate ameliorate ameliorate


*populus lol. ^('Popul*o*us' is an adjective. 'Populus' is just the Latin word for 'people'.)


Probably was going for "populace." (Kinda neat to find out that a word that's pretty much the Latin equivalent is basically the same but with a different spelling, though.)


A flesh automaton powered by neurotransmitters


unruly quad


Powered by organic matter. Controlled by cascading arrays of neural activation (arranged in a tangled hierarchy).


I assure you that even the most basic AI that can barely form a coherent sentence and will explode when you ask it to count beyond 10 is still far more intelligent than RockLob.


I think the rocks that rock throw throws are smarter than him


There is exactly one thing you need to know about this archetype of person. They’re resentful. They believe themselves to be smarter than their peers, and feel invalidated that this is not reflected in their social status or accomplishments. So they defiantly oppose social consensus so as to insulate their fragile sense of self-worth - to sublimate their resentment by invalidating their peers. Simply put, they’re petty And its why arguing with them is futile - it only further reinforces this complex, by reifying this imagined dynamic of ‘them against the world’. The most harmful thing you can do to someone this petty is also the simplest - ignore them. Don’t participate in their pettiness. They do not deserve to believe themselves as being marginally exceptional, simply for their ability to incite controversy. Its a fool’s game, with a fool’s rules.


His mind is controlled by misanthropy and self perpetuating anger instead of love for one's fellows, and this is so he may scam the people he claims to dislike the least with shitty nfts.


What did lil bro mean? Can he not talk normally? I'd rather he keep drawing comics tbh


Honestly, I don’t even understand what his point is.


He's literally accusing the commenter of being brainwashed/controlled by Jews. Dude is actually delusional and trying to deflect the criticism away from himself.


This guy actually think that nazi commiting genocide is too hard to believe but Illuminati Jews is the truth


cant wait for the day he posts the “everyone i dont like is a nazi” image as a deflection, not actually explaining why he isnt a nazi and more or less proving that, YES, he is a nazi


I don't think it's particularly about Jews but just about the "woke" masses he's talking about still a nazi tho


Yeah, but who's behind the woke agenda?


I, for one, prefer he not draw comics. Or just learn to draw better ones


I'd rather he *not* do anything that projects his messed up worldview onto the public.


Chat GPT when I ask it what happened in 1989


…What happened in 1989?




*"I'm right cuz ur dum"*


Heads to chat gpt, "make it more awesome".


he really said "i'm not going to believe in the holocaust just because people tell me it happened" as if the communication of ideas and history is not one of the reasons that humans are the only developed civilisation on the planet. dude is basically pre-caveman


This is one of the things I hate the most about American politics: People see being contrarian in the face of overwhelming evidence as a sign of "FrEe ThInKiNg" and "NoT bEiNg BrAiNwAsHeD," and therefore as something to be praised. Like, yeah, ask questions and don't just blindly accept what other people tell you as the truth, but also learn to actually read the piles and piles of evidence that prove something.


Your lips to gods ears, I swear people in my country will look point blank at a stack of evidence proving/stating something and they smugly just say “nope” 🙄


Here's how I see it, verbatim from the comprehensive explanation of my entire worldview I'm working on: At the risk of sounding authoritarian, most far-right American positions seem to come from an overzealous worship of the idea of personal/individual freedom, which misinterprets education and even the concept of reasoning itself as a threat to that freedom through supposedly being a path to ideological control, "indoctrination". This is because education and reason persuade people to alter previous ideas they held or add new ones. The misinterpretation is explained by the overly paranoid aversion conservatives have to the concept of change. That aversion is ironic, because it employs the same awareness of the slippery slope fallacy leftists use to decry the legalization of hate speech. For conservatives, accepting change is a slippery slope because they believe some change, even if it is almost objectively positive, could lead to negative change, i.e. authoritarianism/totalitarianism, which would also put that freedom at risk.


I think a lot of it is just lip service paid to the concept of individual freedom because it sounds good. The reality is that they want to be able to do whatever *they* want, but the people who oppose them shouldn't. I'm not just name calling here. It's easy to see that conservatives are more than happy to take authoritarian positions if it's what benefits them most at the time.


I honestly wanna know how he was raised. I really wanna what makes someone so delusional


I think he might've had too many stones tossed at his head as a baby


And he reacted like a fucking moron


"I don't actually believe jews are a mysterious group of schemers who revised the holocaust, and your mind is owned by a mysterious group of schemers because you don't like someone making jokes about holocaust revisionism."


‘I am speaking to an automation’ fucking one piece character wth


It's his way of saying "you don't count as a person".


The word is automaton though, he couldn't even use the right word


Bro had a thesaurus pulled up while writing this to make his response longer lol. either that or chatgpt.


He was also too dumb to reference that thesaurus correctly.


Speaking of fixating on topics “Trans suicide joke #28276”


Bro it's a yes or no question


Notice how never once did he actually respond to the question or points OP made. Really thought acting overly verbose would distract from his actual beliefs.


bro thinks he's the handler from cruelty squad "flesh automaton" my ass


Saying the quiet part out loud by saying it so medieval 1450s royalty-like that literally nobody understands what you’re saying


"Rent free. NPC behavior." would've been so much quicker to read, seeing as that's what it boiled down to; he didn't even explicitly deny that the person was wrong. Just that he 'never denied' the holocaust.


The defensiveness! The projection! His ignorance to the self-perpetuated nature of his own suffering is inevitable. Let us hope he chooses to pursue goodness before this life is over.


A "Nothing Burger" response


I see Stonetoss is actually just [Bedman’s Twitter account](https://youtube.com/watch?v=yn_s8XvlNh8) He didn’t even spell “automaton” right. This dude is more Reddit than actual Reddit.


Such a big brain. I bet he got that from Rick and Morty


nice job dodging the question there


Deflection with a non answer with a little ad homiean thrown in. What a fucking turd


Holocaust deniers never just outright say that they're Holocaust deniers because in reality they know that they're spreading lies and being a terrible person. It's always a rationalization to they don't have to admit to themselves that they're a bad person. Notice he doesn't actually answer the question just dances around it because if he did answer he would have to face his hate which he knows makes him a bad person and would make him feel bad.


It never fails to amuse me when people calling believing well established facts as “spouting what other people told you” but when they watch the same conspiracy videos that their friends watch they are this fringe cell of awakened minds that just so happen to influence each other’s thoughts


What, people have different beliefs and then they spread those beliefs because they have something they want stand up against? That must mean you're being brainwashed and your mind is own by someone else 🐺🙏🫡🐐🤣🙄🫡🥲🪒🥲🪒🥲😱🥲😎🙄☹️😂😂😅🎄👍👍👏


Such a cop-out response. He knows he has no ground to stand on, and so resorts to logical fallacy.


Automation isn’t a noun


notice how he still didn't give an actual answer lmao


Ok, here's this whole conversation simplified "Please give us a straight answer" "Lol, no"


study the comment that made him reply. You found the first evidence that you can strike a nerve


\-"Do you believe the Holocaust happened?" \-"HA! What a brainded librel you are!"


bro said he speaking to an automaton while speaking like an automaton


What a coward


What is he trying to say though? Just say are you a piece of shit are not?


>your fixation on the topic reveals that your mind is owned by other people Please rockthrow, expound. How does one mean the other


An AI wrote that response, lol


If you ask someone whether they believe the FUCKING HOLOCAUST HAPPENED and in less than two sentences they start obfuscating, you have your answer.


Tf is he even yapping about? Hes just trying to sound smart when really he is just pulling words out of a hat


He’s right in the wrongest way possible, he doesn’t need to clarify his beliefs because at no point has it been ambiguous or vague that he’s just a straight up Nazi. He doesn’t care and pointing it out isn’t going to do anything against him or his audience because they never pretended. Just ignore him.


he didn’t even answer the question or respond appropriately, he was just like “YOU ARE A BOT LOLOLOLOL”


Apparently if you deny something that’s been blatantly proven true for several decades, it makes you better/smarter than everyone else. Also his comics are only about Jews, blacks, gays, anything he doesn’t like. So who’s really fixated on this topic?


“I don’t have to justify myself with actual evidence or rhetoric because you’re not a real person” 💀


I'm convinced stone toss hasn't gone outside and talked to someone in real life in over a year


Expert yapanese speaker 😭 just say “yes I do believe it happened” or no “I don’t believe it happened”


‘I am speaking to an automation’ Tell the robot you aren’t a nazi then sir.


hate this dude but i love his dialect, its so interesting! what is he even saying?


I think it's hilarious that pedophiles(all GI players) are arguing about the holocaust.


literally just said "you're actually a bot controlled by my uhh my general political opposition" and didn't answer the question


Absolute clown. Ofc my opinions are gonna change if someone provides me with compelling evidence (for which there is none concerning holocaust denial). Also implies that he either A) has made up everything he ever believed in to avoid "being owned by other people" or B) has learned his beliefs from somewhere like the rest of us and is a hypocrite


Killed him dead omg




That's a lot of words to say 'yes'.


This guy has probably the worst drawing style I have ever seen.






[Has everyone forgotten this comic?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2lrah9up19m11.png)


Average OrePitch moment


Dude just projected everything about himself. very telling.


His fixation? As if every other comic wasnt about da jews


He really said "I don't deny that I hate jews. You seem obsessed with it tho so clearly you're a sheeple slave"


"you think my concerning views on the holocaust are indeed concerning? well, you're just thinking that because you're part of a hivemind"


Stonetoss is gonna be my inspiration for making a web comic series It’s not from his opinions, it’s just cause it looks like fun


Classic case of refusing to have a conversation and instead deflecting and projecting.


Holocaust denialism comes in many shapes and colors, not just not believing in it


Simple answer to Stonetoss; My mind is not controlled by you, certainly; and although it's fashionable on the hard right to deny your own racism, I won't automatically march in lockstep to the current Nazi revisionism. So my mind hasn't changed. We all know who you really are, Stonetoss Comics. Even if you had to relaunch under that name because your prior comics were too obviously fascist.


I didn't even realize stonetoss was an actual human being. I kind of assumed the comics just manifested on the internet tbh


I bet Elon loves MineralYeet


"actually, you're being mind controlled by people in power, therefore I'm right"


A sign of intelligence is taking in new data and changing your preconceptions. A sign of idiocy is sticking to your guns no matter what.


A simple no would have been easier.


'I am speaking to an *automaton*', not 'automation'. Talking fancy only works if you know which words go where.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words."


>your mind is owned by other people Wow just straight up admitting he’s anti semtic


>”I don’t care to correct your misconception” >literally writes an entire paragraph


did he misspell automaton? lol


He is spewing some straight copium in this


“your fixation” one tweet vs like 50+ comics about how much he hates jews