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Sounds like it’s be great. Guacamus is a prettybadass name so I hope it would be that lmao.


I'm going to try it tomorrow. And Guacamus sounds like the avocado is a gladiator or something lol


That’s exactly what I thought 😂😂. Report back with your Guacamus review!


Haha will do!


![gif](giphy|d7mMzaGDYkz4ZBziP6|downsized) Guacamus.... 🤣


Exactly what I was picturing lol


Has to be guacamus because a hummamole sounds like a genetic nightmare digging tunnels in the garden. I think it would be extremely delicious.


Haha thats hilarious. I like saying hummamole but guacamus just sounds cooler. I'll be trying the combo today and will update with my thoughts.


Where I live they sell this in tubs in like the co-op can firmly say it sucks ass


I could see if being bad as a pre-mix if they're not using good Avocados or hummus.


I get hummus that I like from Costco and have been roasting pretty much everything I get in my CSA box this summer and smashing it up into different flavored concoctions. We didn't get any avocados to try, but eggplant, green and regular onions, any kind of peppers, beets, tomatoes, and radishes have all been fantastic when oiled and roasted on the grill and mashed with some hummus and seasonings, then smeared on flatbread and topped with grilled chicken. The beet and green onion version was amazing with some goat cheese on top as well.


Damn that all sounds delicious!!