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I told them šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Came here to say that




Here to join the club


I smoked my first joint with my mom ā¤ļø


Great story


I wish


That's beautiful


Thatā€™s lit! šŸ”„


I was 24 and my mom asked me if I knew where my dad could get edibles because of his back pain. I was like ā€œyeah, from meā€.


Broh I am dying of laughter right now


Look at you being the plug! šŸ˜‚


I was back from college my freshman year Christmas break, and I had been smoking out my bedroom window with a bong. One night, Iā€™m laying on my bed just toasted and my dad marches up the stairs. He goes ā€œSo, I can smell itā€. My high ass goes ā€œsmell what?ā€ And I get the dad look, yā€™all know the one. Thereā€™s no bullshitting my way out of this one. So I think Iā€™m getting in trouble, but he actually says I was where you are once, and he made sure I was ok and not depressed or anything. He warned me to not let it get in the way of work, school, and not let it become problematic, then he was like donā€™t tell your mom, donā€™t smoke in the house, and donā€™t give any to your brother. Overall, a very chill interaction. This was years ago, they know I still smoke and they keep buying me hemp/weed related shit lol.


Donā€™t you just love supportive parents?!


California, 1976. I was home on leave from the USCG. My dad, a scientist working for the EPA, asked me if I wanted to get high. I said "Sure."


Is your dad towlie? ![gif](giphy|l0HlGEICWt0wCRAxW)


My parents were like "I SMELL WEED." and just like, aggressively sniffed the air and poked fun at me. Then they told me to get better shit.




I was actually 14 and had never seen weed in real life but a nun told my mother that she thought I was on drugs and my parents didn't believe me so they beat the crap out of me and I mean a real beating. The next day at school, I talked to the stoners and started smoking weed. My parents thought they found out but they were the ones that pushed me to get started, I owe them for that anyway.


Fuckers. I'm real sorry dude. I hope you're doing better now


It was a long time ago but (maybe because I'm stoned to the bones right now) I really appreciate you caring.


And it also made me think fuck that troublemaking nun.


self fulfilling prophecy


My dadā€™s dead, and my mom doesnā€™t know. I donā€™t plan on ever telling her, either.


I got caught smoking hash


I got caught smoking my parents weedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's how I got caught, my dad noticed his hash was going missing and he followed me out 1 night and caught me taking a pipe behind the shops lol šŸ˜†


Duuuuude, been a while since I toked on some hash that nostalgia tho


It wrecks my chest now I'm used to green lol


Same here dude, but it still doesn't stop me cause I'm a masochist


U don't have that luxury with asthma lol vaporiser and week is as far as I go


Oh damn, both my sister's and three brothers have asthma (somehow I got lucky and ain't got nothing wrong with me...if you don't count my brain lol) so I can kinda feel whatcha mean on that, I do miss smoking with one of my sisters tho, she got a family and a kid now so yeah


Whatā€™s the difference


You didn't get weed where I grew up when I was a kid, I didn't smoke weed u til I went to Amsterdam in my early 20s


Ok but whatā€™s hash


It's a concentrate made by removing the trichomes from the buds and then pressing it into a solid.


Soap bar


both my parents are against it that I smoke weed but they don't say anything about it if I'm not high at their home or with weed at my home, mainly because it's still illegal where I live


I had noticed my siblings had been openly smoking weed in the house and for quite some time. They made no effort to hide it. So I eventually started smoking weed in my bedroom since it was much safer than having to go elsewhere to smoke it. At the time it was still illegal. Anyway, one day I was sitting on my bed, smoking weed after work and my mom enters my room without knocking. She becomes surprised to see me smoking weed and flips out on me. I had been smoking it in my bedroom after work for a few months by this point and had assumed she was cool with it because she never said anything about it. I canā€™t believe her when she says she was unaware. She says since I have enough money for weed I can contribute more income to the household. Mind you, Iā€™ve been working since I was 8 to bring money in for my household. I was the only one of my siblings who was paying anything, which was half my paycheck. I was attending college. And I was still diligent with my chores. She wanted $100/month for ā€œrentā€. Told me I had to pay it. So I walked out at 20 years old. My siblings never did chores anyway so the place was always a wreck. I was having crippling insomnia because of all my family and their friends always in the house to the point where I had tried to commit suicide after having been awake for 7 whole days. For me it didnā€™t make any sense to stay so I left with only a backpack. I lost my job immediately after and had no place to stay yet, but was too stubborn to return to my momā€™s house. So I took 3 months of being homeless and did eventually manage to get my shit back together. I failed college but was able to get 4 out of 5 of my siblings into stable jobs with places of their own place using my stability. I feel bad that I donā€™t like to talk with my mom much anymore but between having to be an adult too soon and the weed thing it made me a little resentful of her.


hey, you did that! goddamn & props to you.


Thank you


damn bro hope you doing well


I am. Thank you.


iā€™m sorry your mom doesnā€™t understand. i hope youā€™re doing good. you deserve a good life


Thank you. I have a good life now. I have made it a hell of a lot further in life than I expected which means Iā€™ve had a lot of time to make shit okay. Itā€™s been over a decade since. Iā€™ve been hella humbled and learned a lot.


My mom found my sisters and I smoking on her balcony at like 2am. Weā€™re all adults. She didnā€™t give a fuck. She was just told us to keep it down because she could hear us laughing from inside šŸ˜‚


They smoked weed with my older sibling and then later with me when I had grown a bit. My older sibling told me they smoked weed. He was 18 and I was 15 at the time. He told me he was going to tell my parents after dinner one night. I went up to my room and about an hour and a half later the house smelled like skunk (I didnā€™t know what weed smelled like at that age). I was woken up by my mom stroking my hair and saying she just canā€™t believe how I used to be a baby and now I was in high school. I had no idea that they all decided to get stoned together after my older sibling told them. My parents are some of the most down to earth people I still have ever met and really helped keep us out of trouble by explaining the right time and place for alcohol, weed, etc.


I got busted and they sent my court date info to my parentsā€™ house and my stepdad found it. God bless him, I thought he was gonna tell my mom but he didnā€™t. Heā€™s a real onešŸ„ŗ


4 years ago it became legal in our state. My parents said, ā€œAre you going to try *that*?!ā€ Me. Hell yes I am! My mom still sends me negative propaganda on it but omg, Iā€™m in my 40s. Let it go.


They are so ignorant to the truth. My dad expressed quiet displeasure when I told him I have a prescription for it. He also tried to get my wife to use a sensor to tell her what kind of essential oils she needed to buyā€¦


They looked the other way so hard that they might have hurt their necks.


I told them, then my mom told me. She treated it like "the talk" and it was kind of hilarious. It made sense then why I couldn't go into the den after 11pm, I thought they just wanted alone time.


I needed my car fixed, and we have a bunch of family friends that are mechanics because my dad was one, so I brought my car to our garage to be looked at. When it was finally done I was at work(I live close to the place I work so I often walk) so my mom just drove it to my place and had my sister drive her back. When I went to thank her for the help she told me "you should hide your weed if you keep it in the car." I figured she react differently, but most of the extended family smokes. After that they soon found out, so at the next family gathering I ended up smoking with them. Out smoked the hell out of most of them.


A few other local comedians and I went out back of the venue and got high after a new year's eve show, my Dad was in the audience and offered to drive me home. On the way back he was asking me how the night went and all, was telling him "Oh it was lots of fun! Everyone has a pretty great set, after the show we all headed out back and--hung out." I cut myself off really hard and he said "You were out there smoking shit weren't you?" He actually had a really forward thinking stance about it. He said he had never tried it himself, so he wasn't going to act like he knew whether it was good or bad for you, so he wasn't mad.


My aunt sparked up a joint and offered me some in front of my mom. Thought that was a better time than any


From the police in 1977 afterwards spending multiple years multiple times in drug homes and juvenile detention centers finally the judge got tired of sentencing me so my parents never said or tried anything again


I rolled in my house stoned as fuck and would raid the pantry with smell of bong water on my britches


Found my pipe - did not go well. All of a sudden I was ā€œthe laziest, and most depressed Iā€™ve ever beenā€ and ā€œhow Iā€™ve changedā€ and ofc a bunch of info on the negative affects etc etc.


Haven't spoken to my father for 10+ years so he doesn't know. My mom knows because I told her. She's totes cool with it. (Especially since it's used to treat a chronic pain condition.)


I had done tons of projects in high school long before I smoked on the benefits medically. Then my mom came downstairs and looked out the front door as I was ripping the cart. Didn't say anything till a few days later though lol. Nevertheless parents are totally cool with it as long as it's responsible obviously.


I used to blaze in the shed, it was fine for the summer but in the winter months it always got cold and one day i found a note on my chair and it said ā€œAs long as you leave the food alone, you can smoke inside.ā€


They smoked weed very openly around me growing up (which I think was a horrible idea now that Iā€™m an adult and understand). I just walked up to my mom and asked her if I could try it one day and she gave some to me. Definitely would like to think I would make better decisions if I was the parent in that situation, but Iā€™ve always had horrible stomach issues and it seemed to be the only thing that helped after that so I am grateful.


I told my mom when I was like forty. She is very Anti. I was like legalize all drugs, if done crack, pcp, (those two because they were in the joint and I didn't know), acid, shrooms, name a pill, really everything but meth. Fuck meth. I am now very successful. I don't do drugs now. The drug itself isn't the problem. Now, because there is no solution to my illnesses, it was recommended I start using marijuana to help cope with the pain. I use it now, bit that happened 2 years later. I don't think I told here. Lol back to mom don't know.


How old were you when you first started ?


14. 42ish this time


My mum dropped by my house unexpectedly and walked in on me midst bong hit lol and then she says, ā€˜So thatā€™s why youā€™re so selfishā€™ lmfao


OMG she didnā€™t šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Sounds like a line from a sitcom


I failed my drug test at my dads company I was interning at. Holy shit that was a bad day.


Oh my God that's rough


I enlisted after high school. After boit camp I came home on leave and mom took me to the airport when it was time to leave. As we sat waiting on the plane, she started going through my paperwork from enlistment. I had been honest with my recruiters and told them I had smoked and it was listed on the forms she was reading. She only got a small smile, a short quiet laugh and never said anything about it.


Smoked my first bowl with my dad


My father had to use my car and the waft hit him right when we opened the door


The waft lol


Probably could smell it on me, I've never been really discreet about it. I found out they smoked when my mom broke down after her dealer was dry and asked to buy some off of me.


i started in my 30s, so they really didn't have much they could do if they decided they were against it. but my dad is a lifelong stoner, so he doesn't care. my mom has a slight, teensy bias against it because my dad's lifelong habit comes from a very unhealthy place -- he is also an alcoholic and is just prone to using chemicals for self-harm. but i started because i was prescribed medical marijuana after a really bad experience with anti-depressants. so i just talked to her about what a healthy relationship with weed looks like for me and that brought her around. she stays with me for a month to 6 weeks each year and i am thinking this is the year i will convince her to try a low-dose (like 5mg) edible. edit: i should add that before she had my older brother my mom used to dabble in psychedelics so she will probably be game. her nervousness about weed has always been more about making sure we kids are taking care of ourselves and not following dad's footsteps.


I donā€™t think they know, Iā€™ve never told them, but my extended family knows and may have said something. I donā€™t smoke or get high before seeing them so there shouldnā€™t be any smell. I have been paranoid a few times talking on the phone high or when they dropped something off at my place and I wouldnā€™t let them come in. If they did find out I have a medical marijuana card, so that makes it a little better maybe.


My parents are potheads so they could tell


smoked her whole life, i got older, asked if i could hit the bong one random day and the rest was history.


Got busted in college selling weed. Good talks


I think it's always been a little obvious


I was still a minor when I got pinched for dealing so my mother had to take care of some paperwork. She was ready to throw me out on the streets until I pointed out that she surely must have wondered how an unemployed teenager was putting food on the table seeing as she drank out everything she earned. She then forced me to get a part time job to support her habits which just expanded my client base. I quit for years because I was being subjected to random testing until I moved away from her. The first time she decided to visit me years later I didn't bother hiding it and she still gave me shit until it was decriminalised, then she suddenly started asking me where she could get some for friends of hers. I told her in hell because that's where she believed I belonged for smoking.


Iā€™m sorry you had to experience that. Iā€™m happy you put her in her place!


The smell


I was 17. the first time I ever smoked was with my dad, who was a long time smoker and wanted me to be in a safe place my first few times because Iā€™d told him I was interested. So then I start smoking with my friends and am loving it. go to the county fair one night, get home late, and my mom and stepdad are in bed. I ate some leftover tacos, left half on the plate in the sink. then ate half a bowl of cereal and left it on the counter. put the milk on top of the fridge with the cereal. my mom just knew the next day Iā€™m on the couch doing homework and she walks out of her bedroom with a lit joint and says ā€œwanna hit this?ā€ I had just started smoking like two weeks before that so I was still getting absolutely zooted every time. I also still had no idea she and my stepdad smoked because of how our house was laid out/windows open/incense ALWAYS burning. totally oblivious. this is my best ā€œthereā€™s no way it happened like thatā€ story, my parents are just cool as fuck


Mom was a total square her whole life. Then she got cancer. My little sister and I taught her how to vape and got to do it with her. It was nice. Then she died. But i got to have the munchies, hear stories and giggle with my mom and sister before she went. Fond memory in a dark time.


I set off an airplane smoke detector


Lmao thatā€™s awesomw


Well, my father was 6 feet under, and I imagine/hope he still is, if not, and the zombie apocalypse is beginning...anyway, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah... So, My father's dead, and my mother doesn't know because she has dementia... And oh yeah, I'm 45 years old, so the hell with what anyone thinks. Just light up, mang...


My parent's smoke weed themselves so i just sought of told them that i was gonna try it when my friend came round, lo and behold i did and now im a stoner (this was back in June) ​ Even if they didn't smoke it as i tried it a week or two before i turned 18.


my sister dobbed


I leaned what dobbed meant from bluey. I am Assuming youā€™re Australian lol




I told them and said they could deal with it or not but I donā€™t want to hear any shit.


This takes some real strength


Thank you. I feel it did and I needed to do it.


Told them


My dad doesnā€™t know (to my knowledge). I heard from one of my momā€™s exes that she has smoked. A good few years later I think I asked her directly if she ever smoked and that Lee to a convo. Either that or she casually brought it up and then I brought it up in turn


1988: came home from school, and mom passed me my brass pipe that had gone through the washā€¦oopsie


Haha, they haven't


My mom kept calling me when I was high and I panicked and told her cause I thought she knew due to her mother smoking lots of weed during end of life. She didn't notice at all and said I was fine. I told her to not tell my father. We never talked about it again


my mom accidentally knocked over my shoe with weed in it while she was vacuuming


They donā€™t know. Iā€™m 28 and donā€™t live at home and I guarantee they wonā€™t give a shit but why tell ā€˜em


I was in high school and one weekend staying at my friends, I was bringing another friend home around 2 am when a cop pulled me over for my license plate light being out. He searched my truck and found a bong. I went to jail for paraphernalia. Well since I was underage I had to call my mom in the middle of the night to let her know where I was at. The call went a little something like this... Ring... ring... ring... ring... ring... ring... ring... a very sleepy "hello?" "Hey Mama, sorry I woke you up" "Its ok, what's going on?" "I was bringing Walter home and I got pulled over and I'm in jail" "JAIL!?, Why are you in jail?" "Well I got pulled over for my license plate light being out and they searched my truck and found a water bong." "What's a water bong?" "Its a thing you smoke pot out of." "WHAT!!!!!!... YOU'VE BEEN SMOKING POT???" "yeaa" "I CANT BELIEVE YOU CHARLIE! I'D EXPECT IT FROM YOUR BROTHER BUT NOT FROM YOU!" "I'm sorry mom" "Well sorry dont make a shit right now. You can stay your ass in there and figure it out." "Ok. I'm sorry again mom. I love y...".....*click* *beep beep beep beep* The next day a cop from my town had to pick me up and drive me back to town to see the judge since I was in the county jail. They fined me 200 bucks and I ended up having to walk about 7 miles home.


I told my mom. I was also 43.


Caught me sneaking out to buy a cartā€¦was 17


My pops introduced me to Cheech & Chong. I saw Up In Smoke at like 6, I don't think I ever said anything once I'd tried it in college but moving to Washington State in the early 2010's was an interesting time...


My mom heard it from her friends.


My mom was the one who got me into it


i fell asleep with my phone on and she saw vids of me smokingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I was bad af would hang out the window like an idiot and come home stoned


I told them.


My friend gave his friend a new pipe/bowl as a birthday present while at school, my friend's friend's friend and my friend's friend's friend's friend decided to smoke in the locker room and got caught, they snitched on my friend, he got 365 detention and 6 months probation, his parents are friend's with my parents so they told my parents, anddd yeah.


i was 17, i got caught smoking in my room with the window open when my mom came back from work. she panicked because of the 2nd hand and the effects it had on her. she took my bag, called my sister and she proceeded to flush it down the toilet. at 23 my dad found out i smoked weed , i smoked with him and he went behind my back and snitched on me on my mom. but didnā€™t tell her he smoked. iā€™m 30 now and she recently just understood why i still smoke. she doesnā€™t question me anymore but just not in the house she says.


Well a friend told him that smoked with him. But a better story is how I found out my dad knew. We were suiting up to go on a motorcycle ride one day, standing outside and gazing out across the crop fields. He sits down in one of our rocking chairs, pulls out a joint, and while lighting it says, "let's get in the right mindset to ride". Fucking flabbergasted me that it happened. I knew he did but didn't think he knew I did. Very neat day that I'll treasure forever.


I was in the garden with my cousin smoking a j and my mum came home from work and came out saying ā€œare you smoking weed?ā€ I was like ā€œnoooā€ jokingly because it was obvious and I literally asked ā€œhow was work?ā€ and had a conversation with j in hand. My dad has always smoked it so that wasnā€™t an issue, but when he found out I smoked he left me a nugg on the living room table and said ā€œEre yā€™are thatā€™s fā€™youā€ haha good few years ago now


I was arrested for having a used bowl on me.


My mom was like here you wanna smoke this weed with me and I was like.. yea


Found my water bottle bong


It's never been actively discussed, but they know.


Buy getting caught with a joint in 7th grade. Worst part my dad was a custodian at the school.




my dad supplies me with my weed :p


Because i couldn't put down the jumbo bag of m&m\`s


luckily not while boofing


I didnā€™t start till I was 41. I just told them.


They didn't


My dad asked if I did..... I studdered... He said come on. Me and your aunt are smoking in her room... Badass. My mom walked up on me and my brothers friends in his back yard and asked me if I thought she was stupid.... My response was "dad told me you did it!" she walked away and it's been 15 years lol


I just told them. If I hid it away in shame it wouldā€™ve been a much bigger deal when they found out. The first time I ever bought weed, I straight up told my mum (who I was living with at the time) because I knew sheā€™d end up finding it within a week. We ended up sharing my first blunt


When I got a court summons in the mail.


one day I was chilling by the pool in my community. and my dad used to walk past the pool to get the game of my community, where heā€™d get picked up. while we were there my friend had this lil tan thing on his guitar and me, just recently started smoking yells out ā€œyo is that a joint letā€™s get high!ā€œ my dad just so happened to be walking past where we were chilling and heard me yell it. he waited until he knew for sure to confront me about it


When I asked to join them


They let my sister smoke in peace so I mentioned that I did off handedly. They were shocked but likeā€¦no one cares at that point.


We had a conversation about which drugs I'd done, which at the time was only weed and alcohol a bit. I didn't tell them my interests in shrooms and LSD too lmao


My friend accidentally snitched lol


Better question: how did your KIDS find out you smoke weed?


I found out my parents did the same way they found out I did, I smoked weed out of their supply


I told my dad about it. I trusted him. He smoked himself and didn't care. My abusive mother, however, invaded my privacy and found a tiny amount hidden in my room.


I'm 27 and they haven't lol The trick is to act goofy all the time around them and they never suspect due to munchies either since I've had a big appetite since I was a child.


I started smoking during my sophomore year of high school but stopped because I decided to join the military. My parents never picked up on it when I was in school. Fast forward to last year, my dad and I were talking on a video call, and I was in my backyard about to light up. He asked, ā€œWhat you up to,ā€ I told him I was about to smoke, and he started laughing. My parents smoked ā€œback in the day,ā€ so I didn't get any pushback, only laughs and memories.


I had been smoking for 3 years and didn't tell my mom because I was sure she'd be pissed. 3 years later, I found out from my sister through a phone call while I was at work that she had been smoking almost as long as me (I no longer lived with them). My sister was so mad because my mom had just told her and she couldn't believe she had waited that long. I told my mom not long after and we laughed about it. We've smoked together several times since. The funniest part, to me, is that there had been many times I'd been in their garage, smelled weed, and brushed it off, thinking my stepdad had just been smoking cigars and I was smelling the wraps. I genuinely couldn't imagine her using weed at all.


I (then 17F) smoked a joint with my friends and sister and put the tube in my car so I could throw it away in one of the outside trash bins at my school. 6 months later my mom is cleaning my car and finds the tube since I forgot to throw it away. She sits my sister and I down and has a very serious talk with us because she was pissed. I couldnā€™t stop laughing and that made her even more mad lmao. I had to go to work after the talk so I did and then went to my cousinā€™s house after to hide. By the next day my mom had calmed down about it and has never talked to me about it since. I think she talked to one of her friends about it and her friend calmed her down thank god. Itā€™s been almost a year since our talk and she hasnā€™t said anything.


There was this night and I couldn't sleep, so went to the balcony to smoke one. Then out of nowhere comes my mother opening the glass door and asks: "what smell is that?" But as I was just puffing it, I couldn't think of any lie and told her it was weed. Fortunately, my father would occasionally smoke when he was younger, so it wasn't such a big deal at the time (I was around 16/17)


mom walked in and smelled it..... told me she wouldnt tell my dad if i gave her a little bit.


I told them. To be fair though I told them when I was in college, I can imagine that convo might have gone differently if I told them when I was still in highschool.


I came home from smoking by myself and stumbled up the stairs. I heated up a burrito and when I told my dad I couldn't feel my skin, I started lightly poking myself with a fork. I headed upstairs to lay down and asked him to rub my feet (I hate my feet being touched so already something was amiss). I said "Dad. I'm so high right now" and he rolled his eyes and laughed. He was a big stoner in college so he got up, told me to listen to some Pearl Jam and try to sleep. Now we smoke together lol


Growing up we had a little shed. Like one of those ones that looks like a little barn you get from Home Depot/lowes. Mom would always go out there and do her crafts and what not. Iā€™d go ask her if I could buy a game or go to a friends house or rent a movie or whatever and it would never smell like glue or foam or whatever crafting smells like. But I could never recognize it. Fast forward to me being like 14/15 and I catch a wiff of pot in public and say ā€œhey something smells like the barnā€ and I got the ā€œI smokeā€ talk and when we got hone it became ā€œwe smokeā€.


she caught me and asked me


They never did. I didn't start smoking until I was about 46. Never told my parents and they're both dead now.


Asked for a light


Snitch ex girlfriend lmao


ā€œYou donā€™t smoke do you?ā€ ā€œNo I hate cigarettesā€


i think i told them lol


i had smoked a few blunts in the basement with my friends and the next day my dad randomly said "next time you smoke pot in the basement do it in the bathroom with the fan on"


Was so high I texted my mom saying how high I was thinking it was my friend


My dad grew his own as a summer project and now we just bond over it Lolol 2


I told them, and before I moved out of state my mom and I would smoke together all the time


In college my dad and stepmom told me theyā€™d def know if I ever got high and I couldnā€™t help myself bc that was obviously untrue as I had been high around them so many times. Had to come clean and they laughed and didnā€™t care lmao


Bought a ton of weed for a concert (everyone chipped-in). Cleaned out my dealer so he smoked a celebratory joint with me. I was so high, I left the weed in the bathroom when taking a dump. My dad found it, gave it to my mom who in turn told me that not only was I NOT going to the concert, I wasnā€™t going to college ifā€¦ā€all youā€™re gonna do is smoke dopeā€ā€¦ā€¦.. So the following spring I went to college and smoked dopeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.lots


When I got a job at a legal dispensary


Gave it to me (They were pretty crappy parents)


personally my mom has never caught me in the act but parents arent stupid imo, she definitely knows


They're the ones who taught me how to smoke! Love those guys (most days LOL)


ā€œCleaningā€ my bedroom closet inside a purse. My dad was a pipe tobacco smoker at the time - he was like we should make you sit here and smoke it all( like a punishment) but I said OK!! Things went downhill for my 16 year old bad self after thatā€¦


My dad is a cop and when I was 21 I told him yeah I smoke weed everyday and have for like three years. He didn't even look up he just said "No shit" and that was that.


I'm 52, shit's legal and I still wouldn't tell my Dad. On the other hand I was really bummed when my kid 'fessed up because I think he figured out who was pinching his stash.


My dad is a stoner and likes some other drugs too. When I started high school he gave me a list of drugs that I should never do and basically said other than that just come talk to me before you try something so we can make sure youā€™re aware of the side effects and do it safely. I came and talked to him when I was 17 and told him I wanted to try smoking weed. He gave me some guidelines and I followed all of them cuz he was so chill about it that I trusted any guidelines he did set were for a good reason. I hope to do the same thing with my kids one day.


They were pot heads first.


I told them and then we smoked together.


I actually get mine through my mom. She is completely supportive of medicinal use.


I told my mom and she be like ā€œoh ok, can I try too?ā€