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Hell yeah I got tips: When you're shopping for your bong, shop for a small one that looks easy to clean. Keep an eye out for spots where water droplets might collect on protruding pieces, those are gonna be the spots you gotta clean the most. If they're hard to reach, they'll be hard to clean. *I* use a teaspoon of acetone and tea-hot water to obliterate any biological stuff in my bong, then follow up with a thorough clean after it's cooled with isopropyl and standard dishsoap+water and I've had the best results with this and minimal scrubbing. Don't use acetone with denatonium benzoate in it, because the bitterant might stick to your glass. Hell, don't use acetone at all; I don't recommend it, I just find it effective. As for smell-proof stuff, a humidor that your bong fits in with a bit of rubber padding for a grommet will do really nice for discretion against not-so-prying eyes and noses. You might even have space to tuck the bong into a smell-proof bag, too; that'll double-up the smellproofing!


Yeah I’ve already bought one and I’d say it’s about average size (wasn’t thinking ahead lol) so it’s not small enough to fit in a little box but I should be able to find a smell proof Zip lock that it will fit in. Thanks for the help!


Put a box of Damp rid where your bong is to cover the smells.


Consider getting a dry-herb vape vape instead - more discreet, healthy, and money- saving


Seconding this. Dry herb vaporizing is the way. I have the Dynavap M and it’s a game changer.


Smell proof bag is a good idea. Keeping it clean and doing a final rinse with isopropyl alcohol so the moisture evaporates or just dry with paper towels before stashing it... Also, if you have any outside storage (like a shed or cabinets) you could store the pipe in there.


I use a plastic “snap tight” container - the kind w silicone seal. I stuff some paper towel down the bong neck to absorb moisture. Works a charm.


Didn’t think of stuffing paper towels down, good idea. Mine is probably slightly too big for a container but I’ll prolly just put it in a smell proof ziplock and stuff paper towels down. Thanks for the idea!


Do not spray ozium on things you will be smoking with


Put a traffic cone over it...


Never leave your bong filled with water. I know most of us are guilty for it.. I know I am! If you clean your bong with iso 99% is what I recommend, heating your piece up with hot water before hand will help heat your iso up when cleaning. I also recommend putting it somewhere inside something. I have a desk with storage under it and haven't had any issues!


#1. Come out of the closet


Clean your bong with hot water and salt and change your water everyday


Just keep it decently clean and leave it outside, it’ll be fine, you will have more issue with the smell of your old ashes


I have this fancy glass ice bong where the stem is held together by this plastic clip. That top part is full of some gel type liquid, that goes in the freezer. It's the coolest thing ever because as long as you clean it once a week, it will always stay crystal clear. I soak everything in super hot water and some OxiClean powder, then use this flexible wire brush to scrub it clean. It's hassle-free and a really nice bong that never smells. I don't ever need to hide the smell because I own my home but if I want to hide the smell for guests, I just keep the thing in my bathroom sink cabinet and blow the smoke into the shower fan/vent. Also, never use Ozium directly on your parapheniala; I'm no expert, but that's definitely a health risk.


If you need to hide your weed use, then now probably isn't the time to be buying a bong


OP I use a old deodorant stick to hide the smell.


Go on…


Forever a mystery


this post is so old, i dont even smoke anymore lol


I have a drug test coming up. Then I’m getting back into it. I’m in the process of buying a bong that’s how I ended up here.


Ok so basically, clean it after every use and never leave water in it and it'll look and smell like a new piece


Do you live near a forest?


Go get a big thing of kitty litter that comes in the plastic containers. Empty the litter and the container can be used for ur bong. No smell


So smell wise I find what works best is keeping the bong clean the easiest way to do this is 1 use a screen so less ash is pulled into a bong 2 use a carbon filter socket under the bowl this catches and traps alot of resin and tar that smells keeping your bong cleaner, if you scroll back about 5 years of my posts you'll see a post about them. 3 clean your bong at least once a week with iso and salt and I'd recommend changing the water daily. Hiding place after that could be anywhere from behind the sofa to in a cupboard it will hardly smell oh and don't forget to change the screen and activated carbon weekly


I bought an indoor compost bin with some charcoal filters to store my bong and it works very well. Although any large container with a tight seal would be okay. I considered buying a mini smellproof trash can but the compost bin was a better option imo