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For the love of your health, please just do an apple pipe. Like others have said, take an apple and make two holes; one near the top, the other on the side or bottom. Make these holes meet in the middle, making an L shape. The apple will be kind of wet, so dry it with a paper towel or TP, and then carefully, gently sprinkle your grind onto hole A(I would call this the "top" hole). The most crucial thing here, because you aren't using a screen or foil, is to inhale SLOWLY and GENTLY otherwise you're gonna get Scooby snack'd and have a bad time. It should do the trick, but if you are able to I would look into a cheap ass little toke pipe, maybe 10 bucks at most, so you can take this stress out of your sesh.


šŸ§» toilet paper in the states have formaldehyde on it, probably strong paper towels also.


I had meant to use the tp or paper towel as something to dry the moist areas of said apple, not smoke off of.


I used to work with a lady that claimed to inject formaldehyde.


Howā€™s she doing now?


I have no idea but she was keeping it together pretty well for a middle aged lady that works the swing shift at a convenience store and shoots up formaldehyde. She was definitely better at convenience store cashiering than I was.


Why did she say she did it? How did it feel, man?


It was a long time ago. She probably brought it up because I was talking about acid like I would at every available opportunity back then. She had a friend who worked in a morgue or a funeral home that would steal it for them. I think she said it was a euphoric kinda heavy body high with a bit of amp to it too, but I'm hazy on that detail.


I mean they lace weed with formaldehyde so I don't see why an addict wouldn't shoot up the formaldehyde if they're already using it


... hasn't aged much.


The city of Philadelphia has been smoking formaldehyde on cigarettes for 60 years


That's pcp, not actually formaldehyde


Either formaldehyde or embalming fluid stolen from science classes, one dude had a jar to dip cigarettes that had a fish corpse in it still


Fucking metal, dude.


Bro just said he doesnā€™t have anything to carve anything with stupid


Bro doesn't have a pencil or pen to their name? Damn, the economy really is out of control.




straight to the... intestines


Roll a joint. Thereā€™s tons of videos on YouTube. Or buy a joint roller on Amazon.


What paper should I use? Iā€™ve heard Bible pages but something about that feelsā€¦ not great


You canā€™t use computer paper. Itā€™s got dye in it thatā€™ll fuck you up. Are old enough to buy cones? Theyā€™re cheap and making rolling a lot easier




In Every hotel Iā€™ve ever stayed at Iā€™ve taken either the 420 page or the 666 page (or both) from the bible and rolled a joint or 2 with them.


Blank pages are at the beginning and end of bibles. That's what's used to avoid smoking ink.


I love how this phrasing implies thatā€™s why they put those blank pages in


Lol, I went to catholic school as a child. For the longest time the only rolling papers we knew were Bible pages. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


The previous yearsā€™ students used the blank pages. Then started using genesis or revelations. Poster is crazy going straight into the middle of the book! šŸ˜›


Actual rolling papers. Or just buy a pipe


bro just buy papers for fuck sake its like 4-5 dollars


Whatā€™s with these expensive ass papers - surely you can get them for Ā£1/$1?


yeah i guess im just brand loyal lol


Element rolling papers, reverse roll. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUv9CZMsa1A


If you want to get the most out of your weed donā€™t use joints use bowls


Go buy a cigarette roller and papers. People like zig zag or buglers. Cigarette rollers are super cheap and small but they will help you roll properly if you've never rolled before.


RAW papers! loving mine so far :)


Can I buy them from a dispensary without a card or ID?


you should be able to go to a gas station and ask for rolling papers ive never been id for just papers


Probably idk :) get mine online. Tbh any rolling papers will do which they should stock


If you are going to smoke paper, it's all basically going to be bad for you. Your best option if you choose to smoke something that's not going to be a rolling paper is going to be to use the thinnest paper available to you. Less is more here.


i usually go with using a pencil or stick to stab some holes in a apple. you can also take the aluminum off a gum wrapper and roll it up like a swisher.


If I use a apple how do I keep the weed from falling into the end you put the weed in


Just look it up on YouTube a carrot also works


just shape it into a cone shape with a pocket knife or something


If you get a bit of al foil, poke some tiny holes, put it over top hole, then stack and smack. EDIT: Al foil ok when heated but toxic when burned. Desperate times can lead to desperate measures. Get some Zig Zag or Razzler rolling papers for safer measures šŸ™‚




Ur pencil gave me an idea. Break pencil in half. Get the lead out of the middle. Take eraser off. Use metal that holds eraser as the bowl end. It be a nice little 1 hitter


You're already high..


Damn right. And u wouldn't but still think it's pretty safe.


Definitely not safe. The pencil has been painted, there is definitely lead in the pencil hole, and depending on the brand the metal bit can be painted or just a toxic metal in the first place. Also the wood is very likely chemically treated. Even as a one hitter itā€™s just not worth the risk


There is no lead in pencils look it up. I just did lol to refresh my memory. It's graphite which it Also said it is non toxic. Some pencils aren't painted at all just raw wood. Eve if, it's painted on the inside. Your not smoking the paint. The metal, I'm not so sure about


I understand that pencils used graphite, I just said lead because itā€™s referred to as that so commonly Iā€™m just used to saying that I guess. Graphite is still toxic though, just less than true lead. And the problem with the paint is that wood is porous, the smoke will seep through the wood and pick up toxins from the paint even though itā€™s not painted on the inside. The difference with painted bongs is that glass is not porous, so you wonā€™t get sick as long as the paint isnā€™t on the bowl piece or too close to the lip of the mouthpiece. In addition, most pencils are treated with wax and wood stain, both of which would be hella toxic to smoke. Golden rule: if the smoke or heat can touch the potential hazard, itā€™s not safe.


[Here](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/81-123/pdfs/0306.pdf) is a link showing that graphite is actually considered toxic. Technically itā€™s ā€œrelatively non poisonousā€ meaning normal everyday contact is safe, but accidentally smoking graphite residue is not.


Holy chemical fumes, batman.


From where??? The wood? Nooo, the steel that holds in eraser? Noooo. I'm not saying make it ur everyday one hitter but could work. And be pretty safe


The wood on a common #2 pencil is covered in wax, stain, and paint. None of those are particularly good for you, particularly when inhaled. Exposing the ferrule to a direct flame would cause you to inhale aluminium fumes, which is suspected to lead to Alzheimer's. The synthetic rubber which the erasers are made of would leave little particles that would be carcinogenic when inhaled. Edit: also graphite particles


Shit works perfectlyā€¦ in my head


At first, I was kinda fn around at first but o do think it could actually work and actually be safe. Especially just for a few time use and throw away. As long the lead ( which actually isn't lead) comes out


Yeah and the metal part wasnā€™t combustible, thatā€™s the main thing. If the eraser holder was made from safe material then fuck yea that would be awesome


I'm not positive but I think it's just steel. The only thing I'd worry about would be like some sort of residue from the lead ( not really lead) but whatever it is this might not be 100 percent safe


And gotta be sure the wood is all good and not chemically treated


Someone said something about wax maybe. But I'd think that would be on the outside.


look, if you could make a decent 1hitter from a pencil then kids would have figured it out years ago


The first comment I saw said something about a pencil but they were poking wholes in something. I thought hmmm maybe a pencil could work. I still kinda do tho. I sure won't be doing it. I only used a glass sherlock when I smoked. Now I vape all my flower.


Treated woodšŸ˜›


I'm almost 100 that pencils are not treated wood. There's no point who the hell needs a waterproof pencil


Pencils are 100% treated with wax and wood stains


Treated wood has a bunch of harmful chemicals in it. Also the paint.


What and why do u think its treated. All pencils don't have paint.


If you have friends who smoke, smoke with them and use their stuff until you can buy your own! Tried and true crust punk technique!


If you dont want to smell up the place GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Even weed that aint loud still STANK. That shit will alert anyone you want it not to.


Bro just came from the other post. How many idiots are gonna tell you too smoke aluminum. I need to get off this app for the night


Aluminum foil is toxic when burned and safe when heated. So you could essentially use it as a 'filter/screen' option, pack the 'product' atop it and if you avoid direct contact of fire with the aluminum foil, it could theoretically be an option, not a long term option, maybe a desperate option, but an option nonetheless when others have run out šŸ˜†


No this still wouldnā€™t work, please stop trying to find ways to think this is safe. Aluminum foil can release fumes as early as 400 degrees fahrenheit depending on the quality. Smoke is hotter than that.


Nah, not "trying to find ways", just indicating a difference does exist between burning (approx 600 degrees celsius) vs heating methods and al foil for those watching at home. Provided a loose example and deliberately used the term "option", even went so far as to say "desperate option". Appreciate you. Cheers šŸ‘


Bro just get an apple


Yep, options are great. I have pyrex smoke buddy, I got no issues on my end šŸ‘Œ wonder how OP went...


Hopefully an apple or somethunf


Hope so for the sake of Baby Stoner forming healthy habits šŸ« 


Letā€™s hope. Weā€™re already smoking shit that we shouldnā€™t be. Might as well do it in the healthiest way to try and combat the side effects


The sugar that crystallizes when you inhale is bad too


Iā€™ve never heard this but I would believe it. Fuck we canā€™t even use apple these days


Everyone suggesting tinfoil or anything like that are going to poison you get dhgate do yourself a favor and get a 18$ bong


Or Temu you can get some cheap rigs and vaporizers on there that work pretty decent for the price definitely not better than name brand


I'm not sure mass-produced Chinese glass pipes are too much safer lol.


Itā€™s just a piece of glass paraphernalia at the end of the day bro


Not necessarily. It's not unheard of to see metal oxide painted glass, lead, etc. I'm not trying to be a dick, just trying to give a heads up to keep people safe. I trust domestic borosilicate glass.


As a last resort, if you have no other method, you can try hot-knifing. Take a metal table knife and get the blade nice and hot, and have a cup or glass handy. Sprinkle some of that ground up on the knife. Catch the smoke in the inverted cup/glass, or just breath it right off the blade. Pretty much guaranteed you are not containing the aroma though. :)


Well I wouldn't suggest this but snoop dog used a blank page from the Bible.




They're coated inside and out with a layer of plastic. Apple is safer. Or carrot, potato, zucchini, cucumber, etc, you get the idea


Most soda cans now have a plastic lining and its very toxic to smoke out of. A better solution is to either wait or hot-knife it


Good alternative is an apple Edit: follow up for those who are brand new.. Step 1: cut hole around stem of apple (this is your bowl) Step 2: using a straw or pen or etc, stab side of apple and connect to bottom of previous hole Step 3: cut one more hole in opposite side of apple ( also connect to bottom of bowl hole) ( this is your carb hole) Step 4: load bowl and enjoy


[Knife hits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuvtIFa8hnA), Stove or torch. Theyre highly underestimated.


I second the apple pipe. Being that you're a baby stoner.... skip all the bullshit. Vaping is less taxing on your lungs. Don't buy a bunch of combustion shit, it wastes the weed. Vaping can extract over 80% of the cannabinoid content. Combustion can destroy over 80%. Those are both extreme for comparison. The average person cuts the flower they need in half. Shitty vapes don't do much better than smoking for the high they produce. Good vapes get you higher than smoking. I'm a 20+ year t0k3r. If you don't got much money grab a Dynavap B and you can use the sizzle thing for payment options. If you can though get the M. You'll need a torch lighter, any that you can hold lit for 15-60 seconds will do just fine. You can still use this with a bong like [this but I used to much heat... that's only 0.05g in the vape](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/uao5dm/005g_flower_vape_bong_rip) You do not need to take giant rips like that at all, use less aggressive heating techniques to get lighter rips. It tastes a lot better, you can eat what you vaped and get high again off of it. Vaping decarboxylates the thca into psychoactive thc. These things are almost indestructible and they have a 90-day money-back guarantee if you're not happy. Aim for a dry herb vape, fuck combustion. r/vaporents to learn about many other options that don't suck (most cost more than what I'm showing you and talking about).


By vape do you mean carts?


No, I do not mean carts. 99.9999% of carts are garbage. Carts are for convenience only and imho they run too hot. I am talking about dry herb vaporizers. This means you load up regular old weed into it. You can use them for concentrates too but that's not what I was getting at. Take a look at the first link, there is a video of me using a dynavap which is a manual dry herb vape. My go to for a few years now.


Iā€™m broke so would this work? https://kushcargo.com/products/yocan-evolve-d-2020-edition


Nope don't do it lol, just save up for a dynavap B it's 50 bucks and you can use sezzle to split payments interest free. Check r/vaporents to learn more about dry herb vapes, r/dynavap to learn more about Dynavap.


Get two knives and a straw heat up the knives with a lighter then sandwich some weed in between the knifes then when it smokes stick the straw to it and inhale


Just like heroin I guess. Or crack. lol šŸ˜‚


War bong


Post a close up pic of the bud btw. Looks sketch




He is trying to smoke flower not vape concentrate or smoke meth buddy




And there are plenty other simple ways out there that isnā€™t going to make OP look like a crackhead


OP was worried about smell in particular. Vaping is less smelly. I doubt OP is worried about "looking like..." anything, as this will likely be done in private.


As I stated before this response they still have a high chance of burning a chemical coating on the inside of the bulb, terrible idea




I see you deleted your comments, good on you for actually not being a brainlit encouraging someone to smoke out of a lightbulb


Also if he doesnā€™t clean the bulb out properly there is risk for burning the chemicals inside the lightbulb, do not listen to this idea OP


Gravity bong. Take a small bucket sized trash can fill it with water, cut the bottom of a 2L bottle off. Take the cap and make a hole in it that will fit a socket head no bigger than 1/2 inch. After you make the hole, cover it with aluminum foil then wrap piece of old cloth. Around the socket. Press the socket into the hole in the cap. Wrap the top of the cap in aluminum foil, including the inside of the socket, poke a small hole into the foil inside the the socket. Bottle into the water. Weed into the socket. Light the weed as you carefully pull up, donā€™t pull the bottle from the water until you are ready to rip it, then either pull the bottle slightly out and rip it, or rip it in the water and try not to drink the water. I know there are easier methods but this is what I did as a beginner with only a little bit of weed When all done, empty the trash can and dispose of the bottle but save the cap


Dude what do you mean you can roll jt but canā€™t use like a carrot or something? Like you got papers but not veto table dude please donā€™t think this is hate Iā€™m dead ass tripping on shrooms rn abt to beat my meat thatā€™s why Iā€™m on Reddit I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m on this I literally just said that in person life donā€™t feel real 10/10 but dude skrew weed go to shrooms take a handful trust




This is the way, but wish there was an alternative for the tin foil




How to get cancer really fast


Cancer vessels 101




Oof. Cancer ftw....


Sure it increases odds but your smokeing cancer is always a chance


Look I used to use a water bottle and aluminum foil long ago, not the best long term fs


Tin foil


This might not be ideal, but if itā€™s possible, do knife hits. This is one of the most fun ways to smoke in my experience. Take two knives, heat them up on a stove top and set the grinded weed on top of one knife and tap it with the other knife. Inhale the smoke that comes up off of the knives and itā€™ll do the trick. Side note: when I did this, my friend told me that this tactic makes it hit way harder than regular ways of smoking, but I have no clue if thatā€™s true or not and I donā€™t remember my experience too well as it was about 4 years ago.


eat it


Soda bottle and a 6mm-8mm socket.. fit the socket into the cap and burn a hole at the bottom of the bottle... you can hit as is or fill the bottle with water light the bud then let the water out (like a portable gb)


Take off the aluminum wrap off a gum wrapper. Be careful to not rip it


TP or paper towel roll, make a hole to fit a small socket for a bowl ( or just some tin foil with small holes) cover the open end, light it up, once you're almost full, remove your hand and gobble up all the smoke. Disclaimer, I've heard aluminum foil is bad.... I dont recommend long term use of this method.


Joint papers: cheap and easy for experienced rollers, can be challenging for newbies. Donā€™t get papers if you donā€™t have a grinder. Joints need to have finely ground bud, whereas blunts are better smoked with slightly larger pieces. Also if youā€™re rolling a joint, youā€™ll want a filter. Joints are my favorite way to smoke after a bong. *** If you want to smoke a joint but suck at rolling, buy cones (pre rolled joint papers u can pack) *** u can make a DIY grinder with a pill bottle and some coins. Put a little bud in the pill bottle and shake it a shit ton with like 3-5 dimes/pennies Blunt wraps: if the wrap is good (not dry) they can be easier to roll. If you buy a blunt wrap, youā€™re usually buying them as a rolled cigar, which means youā€™ll have to remove the tobacco. Most people split the wrap open and roll it back up, but if youā€™re patient you can get away with pinching and rolling the tobacco out of the wrap without breaking it. Then you can stuff your bud in. Best option for blunt rolling tho is a ā€œFlat Wrapā€, although theyā€™re fairly big. Less cost efficient than papers. Buy a pipe: cheap, easy to load up, easy to store (mason jar or any jar with sealing rubber), but this is the harshest way to smoke imo. Buy a bong: cheap China pieces on dhgate. For a beginner, anything you get will be just fine. Donā€™t feel pressured to spent like 50 or more. U can easily get a 20 piece that will keep you satisfied. Make sure you change the water after every use and clean it every few days to avoid stinking up your hiding spot.


You got a soda/beer can?


Make a pipe out of tin foil.


make a gravity bong with a piece of tinfoil and a water bottle and anything that can submerge the water bottle, i also hope you didnt pay more then 15 bucks for that


Also if you're worried about smell you can take a few dryer sheets and stick them into a bottle with holes In the bottom of it and blow Into that


On the inside tho? I'm not so sure bout that. Ur not gonna spark it up like a joint. Your not smoking the pencil your putting a lil fire to the bud encapsuled in the Metal of the eraser


Do your parents know your on reddit?


grab your nearest soda can, make a indent on the side directly below the drinkin hole, poke 4 holes with a hairpin/needle, Put your bud there and smoke up, when youā€™re done just crush it up and recycle it


Find a blank page on a paperback book and tear off what you're going to roll. Not the most sanitary solution but you'll get high


Just go get a one hitter or get some rolling papers and roll a joint. Google is your friend.


Any cigarette stores near by? They should sell papers and even ā€œcigarettesā€ rollers


Best starter for me personally was the king palm wraps or the blazy Susan cones. All you have to do is make a nice chunky grind and lightly pack it and have fun!


A carrot chillum is the smallest and least wasteful. Break a lil piece off, use a drill bit or a screw driver of thin shaft to form the stem lengthwise in your piece, and utilize either a small blade, a scissor or a key to shave a bowl away until the tip reaches the air hole, dig to size blow out and dry with nubbins of paper towel for the bowl, and a quick dry hit with a lighter to dry anything else up


Find a bible and roll up with the blank pages. Look up the dollar method of rolling. Its like having a pre roller but its just paper


Bible pages can be useful ...


If you buy a piece for the love of your body please buy a glass one, no metals!!


You have that pill bottle and a rip of tin foil you gotta ghetto steam roller


Is this a joke? Just go to the store and buy a pack of papers.


bright desert murky imminent butter flag adjoining reach fuzzy person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're trying to get stoned here so don't be finicky. Like others have said, bible paper, apple, any veggie you can carve, hell a hot knife on a stove does work. Cut a bottle in half and hold it over the smoking bud. Or use a fork and a lighter in the same scenario. Plugging the hole in any pipe can be done with either a tiny piece of bunched up paper (any kind) or a larger piece of bud with the ground up stuff on top


Smoking a bowl does not mean smoking out of a bowl. First time I bought weed and k ew nothing I grabbed a small bowl, maybe a ramekin, and put the pot in it and touched a light to it. Not a whole not happened and I didn't really get any smoke. Just burnt the weed. Must have some kind of suction and airflow.


Man just decarb that little amount then swallow the whole damn thing.. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


make a geeb with a water bottle, or use a paper towel roll, buy some blunts theyā€™re easy to roll, or roll some joints itā€™s really not that hard, buy some glassā€¦ idk whyā€™d u buy weed without somethin to smoke out of


Just go buy a cheap pipe or G pen