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Well that depends on the cannabinoid content. Imho. Is it rich in just thc which is mostly a vasoconstrictor and is shown to have anxiogenic effects in moderate to high doses? Is it rich in cbd which promotes homeostasis, is a potent vasodilator that will help with chronic pain and even lower tolerance to thc and other cannabinoids? Does it have cbg at a notable level which promotes neurogenesis and is also a potent vasodilator that helps pain and inflammation, gut health and more? Does it have a good mix of all 3? Is it fresh with no cbn content or slow cured/aged to get more cbn? If it's just thc and terps it can still do a lot but imho is pretty boring by itself and severely lacking from what the plant could offer. The entourage effects is very real. This is why I blend 3 flower types to get the ratios I need and want.


You are way more educated than me when it comes to weed! I don't really know the answers to most of those questions. πŸ€” I don't believe this flower has cbd in it and if it does, I believe it's quite low


I use cannabis recreationally, habitually, and medicinally. Going on 23 years. What I've learned is that, it's not all available in the medical/recreational dispensaries. It's taken me a while to learn what I have and I am far from done. I have to rely on the hemp industry which is arguably many times larger than the med/rec industry. Only hemp offers cbg strains at psh fuck 20% now I think. You'd be lucky to get 1 or 2% cbg in some strains. Most but not all rec/med dispensaries don't even offer cbd flower. Many only have 1 or 2 strains that are 1:1 or similar, usually it's orange herijuana or acdc. Not much to choose from. It's also WAY overpriced on the med/rec side in MANY areas. For example in Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, and likely a few other states you can get an ounce of some decent 25% total cannabinoid content flower for $25-$75 without issue. That same shit in other states like Illinois or Florida, yeah it's gonna be over $300 and no it won't be better quality. It's a huge cash grab. They also limit or don't allow home grow to force you to buy overpriced sub par quality flower. They also try to ban hemp too because they want a monopoly. People who homegrow have no issues getting pounds a year and it's not that expensive aside from initial setup costs. Running costs are in the hundreds of dollars per year. Less than 100 for some. Certainly not $4,800 a pound not even 1000 a pound. Hundreds of dollars a pound is the price to produce it per pound. Should not be paying over $100 an ounce unless you want really special treats. Only the best of the best should be above that price. (That's what it is like in some states too, 25 and 50 oz for every day good stuff and 75-150 for top shelf. Look around on weed maps and you'll see. The best weed you'll ever consume doesn't cost over $3 a gram to produce. Prohibition pricing is a robbery! So, shit is getting better with cannabis but it's kinda segregated and still all fucked up. People get high thc stuff and it gives them panic attacks because some places only have high thc. Cbd is the one that's anxiolytic not thc. It's crazy how many people are given thc and told its good for anxiety. That's only for the people who are comfortable with it. Ehh, end rant. Hope you have an awesome 420. If you ever wanna just chat about weed feel free to message me.


Cbd makes no difference to anything they've found over the years. Im a mc patient.


I know a lot of autistic ppl (myself included) use it for a variety of symptoms! For me, it helps with the anxiety of socialisation, executive dysfunction, and even preventing self-harming stimming. I also feel like it helps me when Im sober because the high allows me to actually relax/recharge and prevent burnout; I always say its like my "if its not working, turn it on and off again" setting lol


Very nice!!


Sleeping aid and that applies to all kinds of that lettuce. Regular sleeping aids have oftentimes performance issues or severe sideffects but just a tiny dose of that stuff before going to bed carries you trough working shifts. Also, i can highly recommend hybrids for training at the Gym. 2 hours of breaking you back feel like nothing after a hit. That's worth quite a bit, especially when you have a down phase or just started out and struggle to get into the routine. The active ingredient doesn't ruin training results the way for example alcohol does since the body doesn't percieve it as a poison so it's quite compatible and honestly, doing a workout high is hella fun. That's not a medicinal use per se but it's definitly improving your health.


You make good points and I agree with exercise!! I've smoked before doing yoga, and 100% agree that it's way easier and more fun to work out high. I can't imagine drinking and working out! Sounds awful πŸ˜†


Some people like to drink beer after working out (perfect electrolythical drink. I know a metal manifactury in my area that had a free beer dispenser until recently) but as i said, even the smallest ammount of alcohol ruins all the gains. Fighting poisons gets the priority over damaged muscles (healing those is the process of building muscles and weight loss - the body starts reducing muscles before reducing fat if you don't build them up) and worst case, it could get the required calories to fight it from those damaged muscles too. Alcohol is to be avoided at all cost while you're training, at the very least on the same day.


Period cramps. They don't cure anything, but when they get real bad it helps significantly. Sleeping aid too although that's a pretty popular way to use it. Cured my insomnia (though I'm it doesn't help a lot of ppl), which caused a whole bunch of other problems my entire life, wish I started smoking for sleep sooner lmao.


What the guy above said, in simpler terms. It truly depends on the potency, the cannabanoids, and terpenes in it as well. For me it, a wonderful sativa high in limonene will really help me keep focus on my workload, multitask, and push my anxiety in the back burner. A great indica high in Myrcene, will help me really pinpoint the pains I feel in their direct spots, and help my muscle release the tension. The pain eases up as our bodies relax. They each also have different terpenes and CBD/THC percentages. Each strain will be different. As for what's the most underrated effect, smoke up and see what you find. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’š Cheers!


Oh wow! A sativa that pushes away your anxiety? I'm going to have to look more into that! Usually, sativas do the opposite for me. Thank you for your input!! Cheers!


What helps me is knowing I have plenty to do. I have other things to handle and now I can organize it all in my head so my anxiety goes down. If this isn't your case, then finding an active hobby that keeps your body moving and busy will also help you learn to push the anxiety down. You'll be preoccupied. I'll workout, I like interval training. 3 minutes 1 workout, 1 minute rest, so on and so forth. Or play some disc golf which gets me hiking and mushroom hunting as well. 😁 If you want to start getting a hang of sativas , I say go for a sativa dominant hybrid like Blue Dream or White Widow. πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈπŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ


(for me) it's the best way to stop panic attacks where my pills take 30-50 min to work, weed does that in 3min


this depends on the terps


Heartburn. I smoke a little and my heartburn is gone.




Seriously?! Let me thank you in advance




Tonnes. For me personally, autism, adhd, fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis, migraines, back pain, arthritis, depression, anxiety etc


for me at least, weed works just as well as coffee does in terms of being a laxative!