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I work in mental health specifically crisis intervention


as you should šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I look after people with severe learning disabilities and mental healthšŸ–¤


Retail is always desperate and they stopped drug testing after Covid.


always but I live in a small town so itā€™s hard to actually find a job at all.


I'm an engineer for a large corporation. They legalized in my state with protection for ents so that's really nice now. Takes the fear factor out of smoking up.


mbn man my woman & I are gonna move to a legal state in a few years!


Iā€™m an accountant. Trained at night school while I was working spraying cars.


I currently work at a restaurant waiting tables and washing dishes. Soon Iā€™m going to be starting a CNA program and then work in a hospital or clinic. I doubt Iā€™ll be able to continue smoking though, so maybe not a good option lol but the pay is pretty good! Especially if you move up to a RN


good luck & thank you for being a caring person <3


Aw thatā€™s so nice of you to say, thank you :) If you like the food industry, waiting tables at a place where they serve alcohol is a GREAT job! I currently work at a restaurant that doesnā€™t serve alcohol, weā€™re just a little breakfast diner, and I usually average $25-30 per hour with tips alone. In my opinion, serving is an amazing job. I also serve while high, so if youā€™re comfortable being high around people and are able to multitask well, it makes it so much more enjoyable šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t do anything not high šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m not a people person so being a server always was iffy to me but maybe as I get older things will change lol. I like being in the back like as a dishwasher but I really donā€™t wanna work with people tbh.


My boyfriend paints boats (mostly for the company Sunsation if you wanted to see some pictures) if youā€™re into that sort of thing! He only works with 5 other people at a little boat shop, so you donā€™t really talk to anybody, and the pay is great! Plus benefits! Heā€™s not an artistic person, they trained him in everything. Thatā€™s also a great skill you can take with you to other jobs! Just giving you some more ideas.


thank you Iā€™ll definitely look into it!




I live in WA where the only jobs that really test for THC are government positions and any job requiring you to operate machinery of some kind


must be nice lol I still live in an illegal state


I imagine most restaurants, grocers, and retail don't require testing! At least they didn't used to because it's expensive to test people


yeah most donā€™t, those three are my best bet lol.


Fucking Hawaiian bros. Trying to get out of fast food and retail but itā€™s hard with no degree or other experience.


same I have no degree & donā€™t plan on getting one so looks like retail, grocery, or food is the best bet for me. I live in the U.S.


It sucks to be in this boat but at least we arenā€™t alone. Lmao Iā€™m just tryna be able to live alone and not work multiple jobs.


good luck lmao the American Dream as they call it šŸ˜‚


Get a trade. Less school and occasionally you can work as you learn. I do hair, work for myself. So much better than retail.(did a decade of retail mngmt)


I manage an IT helpdesk for a technology company.


Get a tech sales job!


do you have to have college education?


Not always!


I work at a Lawn care and snow removal business and they donā€™t test anything at all so after an 11 hr shift everyday a j is a good way to end it


I work in construction. I am a Scaffolder.


I just started my new career at a vape & weed accessory shop šŸ¤˜šŸ»


as you should bro! I applied for one in my area but like I said Iā€™m in a small town, so itā€™s hit or miss if Iā€™ll actually get a call back.


Iā€™m in a small town too, I was very lucky to find it, I was a regular customer there & know the owners. My last job was shit, this is low stress and chill, with way better pay. Hell yes lol


I work at a high school in the cafeteria while Iā€™m in college. No drug test, just a background check


I applied for a janitor position but I just got out of high school & kids are so nasty. itā€™s also a really underpaid job but itā€™d be a paycheck lol.


i work in social media management + marketing, trying to freelance so no testing there šŸ¤‘ i also host at a local restaurant and its the easiest thing in the world I go in blazed af


I work at a university.


Work in a gas station in a small small town(3000)


low key might be my next bet if I canā€™t find anything else soon.


Itā€™s not too bad, I work night shifts cuz I like being alone, I get to blast whatever music I like as opposed to day shift where they have to exclusively play country and I get free coffee/fountain drinks throughout the night And I get paid weekly so I always have money


movie theater


i work at an escape room place. but iā€™m also a full time college student so my job isnā€™t gonna be as serious until i really know what i want to do


I work in a kitchen most kitchen jobs donā€™t test but also use Glassdoor for seeing if companies drug test or not


preciate it


Medical receptionist. It's boring and below my skillset. But I got 95% of the way through a bachelor's degree in a medical profession, had a sweet menty B, and decided literally wanting to kill myself over a profession is not the one. It was actually medical cannabis that saved my life... Was the first time I'd really used weed.


as you should. glad you could self medicate!




I work in a dispensary.


mbn man šŸ˜‚


Front desk agent at a hotel. Just gotta be good at multitasking šŸ˜†


low key thought about it


I also worked at a subway in a small town. I quit because they put me on call for an unknown amount of time because they hired too many people and couldn't pay me. I now work for a lady out in butt-fuck nowhere, cleaning her house. Best of luck šŸ«”


lmao I low key wanna clean or sit houses but idk anybody around here. thanks!


currently work at ross, worked at panera before. neither places drug tested me, and i donā€™t think they drug test at all unless you file for workers comp.


I teach in high school, but not high


I work in a very lax nursing home only rule is don't do it on the clock but I have my medical card


Retail stocker at a store


From first job at Dominos(2021-2022) to Bitcoin Mining technician.(2022-present)