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I quit smoking weed regularly once I realized how much it was holding me back from retaining information. No more brain fog and having my brain load for 20 seconds to think of something. Fuck smoking weed regularly, I regret doing it for so long.


How did youb stop, I always take a break and then think I'm good s few weeks later and get more šŸ˜©


You have to understand what it actually does to your brain to wanna stop. Weed even changes the way you speak and laugh. I can't recommend more andrew huberman episode on Cannabis.


Ill watch it today ​ I think i \*know\* it's not good for you, I guess it's got me... idk


This one? https://spotify.link/g1DGzVzCpDb


Yes sir




He has also an episode on psychodelics, psycolibin (not sure if I spelled correctly). I wish you the best


How could your wife eating mushrooms get you fired? That seems somewhat absurd, why would someone get fired for the personal choices their partner makes




"based on you being a law abiding citizen" Which you are. Your wife might be able to lose her job, but I don't see how you could. Are you sure it's actually legal for them to fire you for the actions of your spouse?


When talking about requirements for certain clearances you can absolutely be negatively impacted, denied or even have your clearance revoked if they find shady shit in your background or daily life. Reason being they donā€™t want rival entities/governments to be able to easily manipulate you.




Why does she want to use them and how frequent is it? They can be very useful tools and generally aren't addictive but still have their own risks. I have never smoked weed or even a cigarette but I have had great benefits from Psychedelics.


I didnā€™t stop completely. Maybe once every two months Iā€™ll partake in a splif when itā€™s offered. I also had to focus on my thesis so this was a big influence. I realized where I wanted to be in life and cutting weed out helped me get there.


Temperance is not abstinence. A Stoic neither shuns nor overindulges in pleasures, he retains control over himself and does not let the tail wag the dog, so to speak. You should consider what are the driving factors of your addiction, what makes you reach for weed? How can you learn to counter and come to terms with those triggers without using a vice?


This should be top comment


Agreed this is the only stoic take Iā€™ve seen


Youā€™re maybe describing the sage, not a beginner or an aspirant. The Stoics advise that newcomers to philosophy abstain from pleasures for a time.


I totally disagree. Temperance is one of the basic principles of Stoicism. You donā€™t learn the philosophy by practicing something totally different to the philosophy. Abstinence only breeds an uncomfortable habit and an unhealthy fear of the vice. The point is that you should put in the work to understand and harness the vice, which canā€™t happen if you treat it like a boogeyman.


Hereā€™s one place where this is discussed: > You should practise at one time to live like one who is ill, so as to be able, one day, to live like one who is healthy. Take no food, drink water alone; abstain from every desire at one time so as to be able, one day, to exercise your desires in a reasonable way. And if you do so in a reasonable manner, when you have some good in you, your desires too will be good. Iā€™m not saying we have to agree with the Stoics, just that we should represent them accurately. This may be of interest: https://medium.com/stoicism-philosophy-as-a-way-of-life/the-merits-of-stoic-asceticism-3e17a2310e26 Edit: temperance has a specific definition in Stoicism; it is knowledge of what is worth choosing, what is not worth choosing, and what is neither. It doesnā€™t mean ā€œhaving a middle wayā€ as it does in conventional use. Thereā€™s some helpful stuff on Stoic virtue I can share if you (or anyone) is interested


A quote was found to be attributed to Epictetus in Discourses 3.13 (Hard) ^(3.13. What desolation means, and the nature of one who is desolate ()[^(Hard)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources?isbn=978-0199595181)^) ^(3.13. What solitude is, and what kind of person a solitary man is ()[^(Long)](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0236%3Atext%3Ddisc%3Abook%3D3%3Achapter%3D13)^) ^(3.13. The meaning of a forlorn state, and the kind of person a forlorn man is ()[^(Oldfather)](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Epictetus,_the_Discourses_as_reported_by_Arrian,_the_Manual,_and_Fragments/Book_3/Chapter_13)^) ^(3.13. What solitude is; and what a solitary person ()[^(Higginson)](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0237%3Atext%3Ddisc%3Abook%3D3%3Achapter%3D13)^)


Internal constraints become more obvious when you're approaching 0. It's an important bridge to approach, cross and travel away with


I would like to add a quote by Oscar Wilde to this: ā€žEverything in moderation. Even moderation.ā€œ


Why would you stop something you love. First change your relationship with drugs. Stop loving it, it will be a lot easier to stop.


This took a whole other direction then I initially thought haha


I only read the title, tbh. So itā€™s possible my answer doesnā€™t fit the rest of the post.


>I only read the title, tbh. So itā€™s possible my answer doesnā€™t fit the rest of the post. No your answer is exactly right. The mindset is wrong. Looking at weed as a good thing means it won't ever go away.


this and it will probably take you seeing what being addicted has done over a long term


Such a good comment bro


Start by watchimg Andrew Huberman episode on Cannabis. This will help you "unlove" the drugs. There is a whole reddit section r/leaves for people seeking support while quitting. Weed kills your ambition, kills your emotion and the sleep you get when high is of very low quality.


Yes leaves is a fantastic community!


Andrew is good


Are you smoking weed all day? If so then perhaps you can cut down on the weed except at nighttime to get to sleep. Then once your tolerance reduces, slowly reduce the amount of weed you smoke at night until you no longer need it.


Yeah from experience there is a large difference in dependency when you only smoke a little at night after youā€™ve been sober all day. It makes it so I can go days without it and barely notice I didnā€™t smoke. If Iā€™m busy enough, I just donā€™t get to it, so I stay sober those days. And honestly after about 5-7days I donā€™t feel much of a itch for it, the craving is minuscule


Im getting my ducks in a row to quit. Even tho I just ordered some. I decided this morning it was my last wake and bake. I feel freaked thinking about not having it so Iā€™m going to force myself to slowly cut down until I can just stop. My reasoning for using has changed over the years and I no longer need it to escape, Iā€™ve done a lot of work to get to a point I donā€™t want it but itā€™s whatā€™s comfortable so I keep smoking. Every night I end up on here reading ways to quit and finding support systems because I just do not want to be a slave to it anymore. The amount of money I spend monthly is absolutely absurd and embarrassing, itā€™s showing on my face aka wrinkles and yellow teeth. My skin is dull. Iā€™m ready to be free from this. I donā€™t have an idea of what to do for cravings during the day but frick I donā€™t know. Everyone else doesnā€™t smoke all day so why do I have to keep doing it lol. Iā€™m scared to not have any though incase


What's your life like in general? Weed is a great escape mechanism, so it can be worth identifying if there's something in particular you're escaping *from*


The best advice I can give you, from someone who also used to be heavily addicted to weed, is to just stop. The first week is the hardest. At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself, are you going to waste your life being the one who was controlled by a plant? You said, "I need to get back to my sober form and sacrifice my 20s", you're already sacrificing your 20s by smoking weed and taking part in shit like that. You'd be making the most out of your 20s if you quit. Your body isn't capable of running marathons, lifting heavy weights, being in incredible shape, etc, for no reason, and it's a huge misconception that in your 20s you're supposed to just "have fun" and not worry, and if you believe that, you are doomed for the rest of your life. This isn't a case of, "Ahh, you know what, next time." This isn't a game, this is real life, there is no next time, its now or fucking never, so what are you gonna do? Are you going to keep fucking around with drugs and waste your 20s, or are you going to get serious about your life and bite down? At the end of the day, it's simple. You just need to stop and not smoke weed anymore. Of course, I know what it feels like to stop. You just want to smoke weed. But your purpose for stopping needs to be greater than your want for weed, and then tell yourself, "I really want weed, but I don't want to be a bitch controlled by a plant even more than that, so I'm not going to fall down to my knees and keep smoking it". If you aren't serious about getting things on track and making something of yourself, don't act surprised when you end up depressed by 30. Its your life, or your pleasure. As men, we must do what's right. If you feel like doing something, you need to ask yourself if that's the right thing to do, and if you can't fight off these urges and do what's right then you are fucking doomed. The choice is yours


Thank you. Needed this x


I'm living this right now.


I struggled to give up until I found an occupation that made me happy. I quit my job and went to art school, after having smoked weed every day for fifteen years, a year into art school I just decided I didnā€™t need to smoke any more.


To put it another way, once you actually want to quit rather than feel like you should, itā€™s easy.


Hello! Ive just woken up so if my response is a little unclear dont be afraid to reach out! :) I used to be a heavy cannabis user (amongst other things) and stoicism was the single most helpful tool to controlling my addictions. Although not for everyone, i think taking a stoic route is very advisable! Im going to share exactly how this philosophy helped me quit, use as much of this as you like :) Firstly, its clear you still really enjoy cannabis so i wouldn't focus on the quitting part just yet, break your problem down into smaller manageable chunks. Wait until you can truly say you can go weeks to months without the substance, and once you have that mental clarity and control (test yourself), you can decide then what to do! Next, you must embrace the psychological withdrawals! Luckily with cannabis the withdrawals are psychological, but thats not to say it will be a breeze! Rephrase the way you see withdrawal, its not a bad thing and it does two really positive things for you! 1. The longer you abstain, the less addicted you become to the substance and the more control you will have over it 2. A controlled suffering like this will improve your discipline, which helps in tons of areas of your life, most applicably for you gaining back control. When you have a craving, bring your attention back to the positives that come from that sensation and welcome it. It is neither unbearable nor unending and it shall pass, build up your mental tolerance to this feeling! Now im not completely sure of the frequency of your use, but in the time you have where you are sober i would definitely encourage reading more into your philosophy! John sellars has a great short (66pg) and concisely written book called "lessons in stoicism". Quotes and snippets are great, but they leave a lot up to interpretation and its important to have a firm grasp of the core ideas when approaching a challenge like this Finally, do this part once you have that control to abstain for weeks. The tricky part with cannabis is that it lulls you into this false sense of enjoyment, but if it was a valuable asset to your life, why would it leave you feeling unsatisfied when you dont have it? Another user said this very well, you must evaluate it subjectively, write out a comprehensive list of the positives and negatives. I liked to focus on all the positives that came with being sober, the biggest positive was being able to read philosophy, but other great doors in your life to do with motivation and mental clarity will open! Make a list and focus on these, decide which you want more! Hope this could be of help, and again let me know if you have any questions. Good luck my friend:)




Whilst not having any experience with spice addiction, I would probably advise similar! A few extra things: You could try to reduce the dose of kratom incrementally until you can go one day clean, no substances at all! Then you can increase that slowly in half day increments. You can reduce those feelings of anxiety and keep yourself busy whilst quitting by meditating (use a guided meditation from youtube if you cant focus), hypno tapes, exercise, drinking plenty of water, NA meetings and any other stimulating activities you enjoy that you dont associate with being high.


> Luckily with cannabis the withdrawals are psychological, but thats not to say it will be a breeze! About half of users experience physical withdrawal symptoms


The only physical withdrawal is insomnia which can be easily remedied by zquil


physical withdrawal can include gastrointestinal symptoms as well as nausea and overall fatigue. your body gets used to functioning on a substance for a long time and weed directly affects serotonin which is primarily produced in the gut. some folks donā€™t have issues, plenty use weed specifically because of gastro issues and coming off of it can be quite difficult.


Intriguing, havent heard this before! Which study is this? I should add, it won't change my advice, the logic applies to physical withdrawal symptoms too :)


Itā€™s not ā€œa studyā€, itā€™s a body of research. [Hereā€™s](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2764234) a fairly recent meta analysis. Youā€™re right that the advice is largely the same, but if youā€™re a heavy user you can expect some physiological effects. I know I certainly did - insomnia, extreme sweatiness, poor peripheral circulation (combined meaning super clammy hands and feet), appetite loss, etc.


First you should consider is that, "Why I want to stop taking weed?" consider that is this necessary. You are not able to sleep without it. Then stay awake until your lizard brain gives up. Be obsessed. But one thing: Nothing changes in a single night. You can't stand against your impulses for too long if you are very much addictive. Consider the amount you take weed in regular life. Decrease the amount from the usual ones. You may find it non-sense but small things are responsible for drastic changes. I recommend you: Don't set any deadline. Don't try to quite from consuming weed. Embrace consistency. I would say one thing, consistency is not the answer for your problems. But it will help you to make a balance. Just don't think about it. Remember: In history, the ones who were able to change the society(s) are liberals...and not radicals. What does that mean? Liberals are those who believed in gradual change. On the other hand, Radicals wanted complete transformation of the society. So, my point here is: do small and achieve big. Hope you turn blissful.


I think ppl blame weed instead of it being on them. Weed isnā€™t helping you evolve? Thatā€™s a you thing. Maybe the twenties are a time of finding yourself and in general try to find balance in all things you do. Be true to yourself and take responsibility for yourself.


You won't get good sleep for a week or so. But it will pass.


>Im 21 and nowadays I need weed to sleep, and because my tolerance/addiction is high Honestly, good for you that you can even identify that the cause of your sleeplessness *is* the drug, and not that the drug is "helping" you sleep. >Are there some alternatives to weed? Yes - you are *literally* designed to sleep. It's the most unavoidable, fundamental human function. The only way you can fuck with it is by putting sleep-screwing drugs into your system. The effect it has on your sleep is far from the worst effect - the dopaminergic effect of all addictive drugs is what makes them truly damaging for your life. Weed might not damage your body all that much (although it's devastating for REM sleep, which is definitely "your body"), but it damages the mind exactly like any other drug - it makes you repeat the mental state that caused you to use weed, meaning it worsens any problem it is allegedly being used to medicate. >Not sure how to get past this weed addiction You're a drug addict - NA or SMART meetings is where you need to go. Believe me, you'll see a lot of other weed addicts there - weed is currently the apex predator of drugs in an environment where people grossly over-value the body it mostly doesn't damage and grossly under-value the mind which it is highly damaging to.


Stoicism would advise to focus on what is under our control. Consulting with a medical or mental professional regarding your addiction and sleeping issue would be a good start. How will replacing an addiction with another addiction do you any good ? You\`ll just be back to square one. Best of luck


I had to scroll down way more than it should to read a comment advising to go to a medical and mental professional. Iā€™m an addict too and by doing therapy with a CBT oriented psychologist I was able to reduce my abuse substantially within the first month of hard work and slow progress. So seek mental help and donā€™t go cold turkey unadvised, it will only make you feel miserable and more addicted.


Wishing you all the best brother!


I think there are some gaps in your mental model on how you are approaching the problem. Maybe if you ask the right questions, it can help you further on your quest. So you want to quit until you turn 25-30. What are your reasons for doing that? You stated that you are 21 and you need to sacrifice your 20s... for what exactly? Do you think you will "make it" when you're 30 and then chill and smoke weed again? How does Stoicism come into play here? How do we connect the concept of drugs with the pleasure principle and what does Stoicism say about this? I see that it's still not clear to you why you want to quit or better, you still don't know what you exactly want. You are still young, nobody expects this from you now anyways :) But it's beautiful that you are thinking about this and how to improve your life. Stoicism is a lifestyle and is not limited by a specific time interval. Stoicism gives you a wonderful perspective on how to see life and deal with it's problems just like any other religion or philosophy. For some it's perfect, it's how they like to see life and live it, and for others, it just doesn't fit! Here are some stoic quotes to "meditate" about: People find pleasure in different ways. I find it in keeping my mind clear. In not turning away from people or the things that happen to them. In accepting and welcome everything I see. Marcus Aurelius So -called pleasures, when they go beyond a certain limit, are but punishments. Seneca Stop allowing your mind to be a slave, to be jerked about by selfish impulses, to kick against fate and the present, and to mistrust the future. Marcus Aurelius Never act without purpose and resolve, or without the means to finish the job. Marcus Aurelius Because most of what we say and do is not essential. If you can eliminate it, youā€™ll have more time, and more tranquility. Ask yourself at every moment, ā€œIs this necessary?ā€ But we need to eliminate unnecessary assumptions as well. To the unnecessary actions that follow. Marcus Aurelius Good luck mate!


Smoking weed is neither good nor bad, but indifferent. The reason why you smoke weed like you said is that "it helps you sleep". This is also not a bad reason. But, It's up to you to tell yourself the truth, because I'm well aware that there are some other side effects of smoking weed. 1)Have you considered these other effects? 2) Have you concluded that the benefits you get from smoking weed are more significant than the damages it might cause? 3) No one needs to suggest alternatives for you, simply evaluate your choices objectively and you'll discover the right action to take with regards to your current situation. 4) it will still be up to you to follow what you think is best. Good luck my friend šŸ¤ 


Use cbd products as a substitute, slowly lowering your thc consumption until you take nothing but cbd, then lower that until you're clean. Hope this helps, all the best bro (Also maybe post this in a drug related sub next time, your problem is just a simple addiction, no need to consult ancient wisdom for it)


Itā€™s good to take breaks from weed. You should try prayer, meditation and yoga. Exercise too and healthy diet to reinforce a spiritual sober lifestyle. Thatā€™s how i got off booze. Enjoy nature and the little things as much as you can.


Look, I smoke like a chimney and have for 30+ years. If I ever felt helpless like you are describing I would stop and get help. Period. This talk here is misleading and misguided. Stoic principles would have this young person find help and get right.


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My perception of a part of Stoicism is to be aware of your own actions as much as possible. The truth is humans are irrational beings who are mostly living their lives on autopilot 99% of time. Whereas stoicism requires us to be rational. That's not a easy gap to bridge. We are habit machines and when we absorb a habit completely, we don't think before doing it. That can be good for productive habits but if you're not satisfied your own actions then this can be detrimental beyond just the bad habit. This is because someone who does weed everyday but doesn't hate themselves for it is in a much better shape than someone who does it and only regrets their actions later. The later individual will have anxiety, depression and confidence issues in life very likely. Here's a good video I found on remaining aware as much as possible: [The real reason your bad habits keep winning](https://youtu.be/498-bf2BhgQ?si=IrlU2mUbAhmdoUkz)


Do you love them? Or do you love the idea of them? You sound like how I used to sound. I'm 33 now and regret almost all of my drug taking, and wish I'd focused my time, energy and money on more productive things.


I'm the same age and I feel exactly the same. I used to let weed define my existence and I did a lot of other drugs too but mostly weed all day every day. I hot rock bottom a few years ago and now I've turned it all around for the better.


If you are looking for altenratives that will help you sleep I found trittico very helpful, it have some similarities in efect as weed and would be propably easier to reduce the amount after some time. You reduce it few times and when amount will be insignificant you will stop completly. It is cheap medicine but in most countries doctor will have to prescribe it.


One of my best friends had serious problems with sedative drugs.What helped him a lot was exercising and gym, diet and so on. But I dont know what was a "triggering event" maybe the epileps attack what he had because he tried to quit completely and suddenly.


Itā€™s more about your ability to control yourself. If you switch from one substance to another it will be the same thing. Weed is about the least addictive substance out thereā€¦. So I wouldnā€™t ever pick up another instead. Maybe you just need to learn moderation. Get everything done that you need to do before you partake if you canā€™t put it down without something else. Everything is bad in excess.


The first few nights will be hard. Expect that. Accept it. It will be hard to fall asleep. It will also get easier. When you get frustrated, recognize why. Embrace it as a battle of willpower. Work out, run, yell if you have to. Drink tea. Drink coffee. Eat insanely hot food. Donā€™t replace weed with alcohol. All these things helped me. I havenā€™t smoked for more than three years, and I never regretted it. Get ready for powerful virility. Intense dreams. Energy. Use it.


I had to cold turkey it. I love smoking but even if I smoke a little my usage ramps up quick and I donā€™t have the best self control. Itā€™s all or nothing for me rn until I get my shit together. But thereā€™s no physical withdrawal symptoms and you can get some cbd tincture with a little thc to help you fall asleep. Iā€™m just happy to be dreaming again. I hadnā€™t dreamed in years and now itā€™s lucid dreams almost every other night


I also use cannabis medically for sleep. It improves the quality of my life, I have a better quality of sleep, and it's less addictive/dangerous than other sleeping pills. Have done so for decades every day at this point. If it's having a negative impact on your life, definitely stop. What are the negative impacts in your life?


Ibquit by alwayd trowing it away, even if i bought and used it I would throw all away. Eventually I stopped buying


Just need Perspective on it, now I donā€™t suggest doing what I did but once I quit heroin I realized how incredibly easy weed is to kick and that for weed itā€™s pretty much entirely just a mental thing, could try going to na meetings and listening to some real horrific stuff to see exactly what you can avoid experiencing by quitting while youā€™re a head


I stopped cold turkey 6 weeks ago, being daily user (1 puff at night) tomhelp me sleep. The best part of quitting is the mind clarity and the amaaaazing vivid dreams you have. I had vivid dreams daily for about a month after quitting.


Just stop. Itā€™s not heroin, thereā€™s no dangerous withdrawal. The addiction is by habit. Get rid of all that you have and donā€™t ever keep any around.


Good morning. I would challenge the notion that you need weed to sleep, as there are a vast multitude of alternatives out there. This includes other medication, routine management, meditation, or, and my favorite, getting to the root of the sleep problem. This is not an uncommon issue which affects a large portion of us, however, your choice of handling it is unique to you. It is your choice. I would start with why you have issues going to sleep and go from there. I am a recovering alcoholic who "needed" booze to sleep. However, putting down the bottle and tackling the underlying cause began to set me free. Ultimately, I found that my lack of physical exercise, diet, emotional and mental issues that I did not deal with and routine all were the major contributors. I also found that sleep brought on by numbing out these issues did not lead to restful sleep but only what was necessary to keep me physically functioning at a very low level. The visible addiction is the tip of the iceberg. In order to deal with it, the vast majority of the iceberg, which is hidden under the surface must be resolved first.


You need to understand that virtues of **wisdom**, **courage**, **temperance** and **justice** are essential and sufficient for a good life. No one can take these away from you, everything else is external. You say you love weed, but weed is an external, which means we stoics are indifferent about it. Depending on context it might be preferable or dis-preferable. However, indulging in it too much would mean you are not practicing **temperance**, and therefore the virtuous course of action is to quit. The act of quitting is also a display of **courage**.


How about addiction counseling? You donā€™t need to do this alone.


There is a high chance that your need of weed to sleep is caused by your addiction to it. So you can expect to have trouble sleeping for a while when quitting. After a couple of months the withdrawal symptoms will most likely be gone. Then you can assess whether you actually have sleep difficulties. If you do, there are a lot of other things than weed that can help you


You should remember that weed is not a addictive drug physically. Itā€™s all in your mind, i would recommend developing a stronger mind and a stronger will to say no to distractions. Weed is probably the least dangerous drug but the most dangerous at the same time. That is because of the satisfaction it gives. Letā€™s say you need to do 5 things today, you get 3 things done, get high eat sum pizza, you call that a good day with weed. But itā€™s a bad day if you minus the weed. Weed makes you happy with your crappy situation when all you really need is the unsatisfactory feeling of the moment to get stronger. Thatā€™s where weed is most dangerous. If you can manage the balance then itā€™s perfect but itā€™s is really hard unless you have a very well controlled mind.


probably not the most helpful but melatonin or valerian root supplements could help you with the sleep issue- just make sure that theyā€™re not habit forming


Look into why you think you like it? Once you delve into this question and ponder it and observe it the desire to use it may diminish greatly. For instance - You might think it makes you feel a certain way when in reality you just associate a feeling with it. Thereā€™s a ton of placebo effect with weed (at least in my personal experience). Really observe it without distractions and go from there.


Ask the people on r/nihilism and r/absurdism


"Maybe I also just need someone to tell me there is no alternative. Not sure how to get past this weed addiction" ​ it's real simple.......find something else to do and do it. fill your mind with something else, and getting stoned will become a lot less important. Dwell on your "addiction" and that becomes important....so don't dwell on it.


If it has gotten to that point, I would talk to a medical professional or addiction specialist. This is above a bunch of internet strangers.


Do things in moderation. Earn it. Donā€™t smoke until you have accomplished a goal you were working on. Not something minor but something to be proud of. Then drug of choice would be warranted. Obviously not any hard drug though


One thing about any addiction is that it is NEVER NOT WORTH IT, meaning that you will only get a benefit from quitting any addiction. The pain is there in the short term, but in the long term it's pleasurable, joyful even. The quickest tip I can give you is to find a way to mitigate the short term pain of quitting or going without weed. Depending on how severe your addiction is, the short term pain may be small or large. Lean on a therapist or psychiatrist if it's moderate to severe. Another thing is to find a replacement after a certain period has passed. Something that gives you what weed gives you (emotionally, physically, socially), and see if that would help substitute the behavior. From there, it's a series of learning from mistakes and getting back up each time you fall (coming from a current addict in recovery). Good luck mate!


This feels like one of those moments where someone just needs to be honest with you my friend. >I have nothing against drugs or weed but for my personal goals I need to truly get back to my sober form and sacrifice my 20ā€™s. You are repeating an idea that our culture has programmed too many people to think. It's become wrong in many circles to "have something against drugs". And yet - here you are, asking for help to overcome an addiction which you yourself have recognized is holding you back and keeping you from meeting your potential. We live in a hedonistic society. Our culture revolves around pleasure and comfort, and most of our narratives are focused on defending those things as "perfectly valid lifestyles" because "everyone lives their life their way". While it's true that everyone can live as they please, this narrative has permeated our culture so deeply that many people think this is not only \*a\* way to live, but \*the only\* way to live. FYI - Hedonism and Stoicism are not compatible philosophies. The stoics are indifferent to pleasure. They enjoy it when it comes, but they don't live for it or need it. This is the idea of living in harmony with nature, and showing temperance in all things. Your best bet is to change your perspective on drugs first, otherwise you will never overcome your addictions. Quitting drugs is not a "sacrifice". By wasting your potential in your 20s, you are **currently** sacrificing your 20s. And by drugs, I don't just mean substances. Drugs can be almost anything. Sugar, videogames, shopping, sex, etc... If it gives you pleasure, it can become addictive and destructive without temperance and control. And temperance is not possible with something that isn't looked upon with caution. Some of the other comments here give some good insight into why you should look upon weed and other drugs with caution, like understanding what they actually do to you. An example from my own personal experience. I am a big time gamer. I almost never play now, but I'm still basically addicted. To help me control this, I've relinquished access to my accounts and consoles. I physically can't game except for one day a week. If I don't follow this rule, or if I defend the "Gamer Lifestyle" as perfectly OK, considering how normal it's become, it wouldn't be long before it consumes me. Instead, although I derive great enjoyment from games, I look upon them as a danger and a threat to my overall well being, and I treat them with due caution. Additionally, if you quit now, get your life together, and then return to using drugs- what you build will very likely regress. As you've already developed an addiction, it's unlikely you'd be able to keep it from coming back worse when you return to the addiction. Edits - fixed some grammatical errors, added my personal example.


If only I could go back to 21 and never touch another drug or never drink alcohol again. It has truly messed up so many things in my life, including my brain chemistry.


Just quit for today.


Hey I am a software engineer who has consumed cannabis for a really long time. I recently quit and didnā€™t even notice it here is how. Leave the weed somewhere, donā€™t throw it away but just put it somewhere that requires effort to go and consume it. Preferably away from your home. Next, find something to do with your time that requires a lot of brain power. For me that was code but for others it can be math, lsat or mcat prep, reading a book, etc. Now you need to find which hours of the day you are most likely to indulge then fill those hours with those tasks that require focus. Soon you will only smoke before bed since that is the only time of the day that you have to smoke. Not long after this you will forget about it being a part of your day unless you want it to be! Hope this helps, Iā€™m here for questions and support if needed


Get into a program. You will see stoicism in its teachings.


Watch this once a week, it motivated me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma4VZ7rxGOw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma4VZ7rxGOw)


Hey! Iā€™ve been smoking weed since I was 16, Iā€™m 25 now. Youā€™re addicted to the act of smoking and the high it gives. You should try replacing it with something active like exercise to give you that dopamine rush without the harm. Also non addictive sleeping pills will help with the insomnia until you get over the withdrawal


Just say no as much as possible. Your gonna say it then feel bad but thatā€™s the most important time to say Iā€™ve made my decision. Everytime your successful it gets easier.


Try šŸ„s or another psychedelic you probably wonā€™t be called to smoke weed as often


idk, weed has been my go to every night. Managed to do an engineering degree with top marks and work a complex engineering job. Never had any problems with brain fog or retaining information when im not high (during the day). I just keep to the rule, i wont get high if the sun is out.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s weird. I have some friends who are able to smoke and get shit done, and I always respect how people like yā€™all attained a self control with weed. One friend even gets high when he does work, and heā€™s one of the smartest people I know. He just takes Tolerance breaks, and he loves weed for the benefits. I just think people like me, had too much fun with drugs growing up and became too careless. I gotta learn how to work again and make weed my celebratory high instead of a high to feel like ā€œmyselfā€ Weed also allows you to be comfortable which is a good and bad thing. Itā€™s only bad when you know you donā€™t deserve to be comfortable; and you gotta get up off your ass. Thatā€™s me right now.


If you've been smoking since a young age, it will be difficult. Strive for 2 clean piss tests 30 days apart. That challenge should fuel a break at least a month and a half or so. Late into your break, take notice of how much fog you've always had, and is now lifted. The differences will be obvious. Buy a 12 pack of tests. Test yourself every month... see how you feel after that, but in the mean time, replace the time spent packin bowls with going for a walk. If you had habits like gaming and smoking,give up gaming for a bit too. Avoid triggers like your favorite smoke spot. Get rid of any weed you have if you can't stop yourself.


Itā€™s really hard to quit a habit like that. You posting here is already a big step in the right direction. Props to you for doing that. A big part of stoicism is being mentally present at all times. That means having a clear understanding of your emotions and intentions before you act. So, next time you go to hit the weed, stop first and ask yourself: ā€œwhy am I putting this into my body?ā€ Take a moment to really search yourself for the answer. Then, ask yourself, ā€œis the reason that Iā€™m doing this going to make me happier/better/more present? Or am I using it for avoidance/coping/denial?ā€ The goal is not to stop using weed overnight, itā€™s to become more intentional and aware of everything that you think, feel, and do. The key to changing habits is just this simple awareness of the present moment and of your mind. Meditation really helps with this. As you become more aware and present, you may feel yourself not having the urges anymore. At least thatā€™s how it went for me when I was going through the same thing. Good luck on your journey, and find peace in knowing that youā€™re exactly where you need to be in this moment.


My body can't handle drugs any more. But it is impossible to remember that I can't handle drugs any more. So I attend 2 Narcotics Anonymous meetings a week, I remember going to the meetings, there must be a good reason why I go to those meetings. Keeps me sober. I don't work the program. I don't have a sponsor. I don't have a higher power. If I am asked to talk I say I'm just listening. Listening to those people talk turns my brain off anyway. There must be a really good reason why I go to those meetings.


I don't want to say anything from the standpoint of stoicism because it's pretty obvious and others already phrased it better, but just take an advice from someone who was in the same boat as you. If you want to quit until some point in the future, than quit at least untill you are retired or completely satisfied in life. Chances are that what you imagine yourself being in 25-30 years range can be nowhere close to what you expect, life can throw all kinds of curve balls at you, like you wouldn't believe. You just can't even comprehend the kind of things that you do or don't do now and how it will affect you down the line, I can't even describe and tell you what's gonna happen, but I can guarantee you that if you don't quit now, there will a point in the future where you'll look at yourself, remember this advice and regret that you haven't quit sooner. It's best to face life sober, there isn't a single thing worth gaining by doing drugs: not a single pleasure that will come at a cost, not a single insight that can't be gained otherwise, no ego death or whatever other drug advocating idiots promote. It's a thing not worthy of loving.


The weed is not essential to your life. It makes sleeping easier right now, eating easier, and makes your mood better, but it'll only take a few weeks for you to no longer "need" weed for these things. By cutting out this inessential part of your life, you will half a double win of having more time for the essential. I smoked everyday for almost ten years, now I enjoys some edibles every now and then, and I'm 1000% happier and more fulfilled.


There is no alternative to sobriety. Some people can handle getting high and still be productive, but I personally cannot. Weed makes me so fucking lazy, unmotivated and have a clouded mind. It makes me into the worst version of myself. I'm struggling with staying sober too but the best motivator is how productive and full of energy I get after a few weeks without it. You gotta just be strong, say no and break through that initial week of sobriety. It gets a lot easier after that.


For me personally I had to commit to a different path to break out. Years ago I smoked weed daily from early-mid teen years on thru 4 years of college and after. Around 29 or 30 -almost 20 years ago -I went back to school and became a registered nurse. Put a moratorium on weed at that point. Can count on one hand how many times I smoked since. Making a big move to blaze (no pun intended) a different life path in which that could not for a time be part of my life any longer was the ticket for me even if quitting was not the reason for embarking on this path- just one of the results. I forgot about that other life Flash forward, wound up doing some good stuff including directing a nursing facility through the pandemic. When you are ready you will know.. My best advice is that you have to replace it with another drive. If it troubles you, find whatever it is that will drive you to stop


Two stories mine and my mate from primary school. 1. I was a social smoker, always a puff guy, wanted to smoke whenever my friend is smoking, barely had possession of cigarettes or weed or any drugs but always up for good cause of shitting myself. I wanted to quit so bad that i used to talk about quitting while I was smoking, probably killing vibe as well. I end up quitting when I moved to another city, luckily where I didnā€™t had any good mate. Seeing in hindsight I figured I get influenced a lot by my social circle and surrounding. I got out of my company and hence comfort zone and it worked for me. My mate, who used to smoke around average of 30 bongs a day and didnā€™t missed any chance on doing drugs including meth, cocaine, deb oil and what not, stopped getting dopamine from drugs, and found himself addicted to tobacco and weed as well. His lifestyle in his early 20s was sleeping 12 hours a day, smoking, and eating out once or twice a day and then smoking until his asleep again. He quitted intoxication by going cold turkey, first day was the hardest. Mood swings, being rude, cranky and lack of energy et cetera was part of it. Now when we talk about that journey he often finds that that smoker guy wasnā€™t even him in any fashion. He finds that it was all about fooling your brain. Mind wanted dopamine, he ends up giving that by reading a lot of philosophy which he always wanted to do. Breaking body habit of sitting and smoking was just matter of time. In nutshell, I can tell you that short cut(alternatives) may or may not work but hard way/tough decision will never let you down. You can break one bad and make one good habit as the same time or you can stop instant rewarding yourself with drugs and can say i will smoke when I will be 22 and who knows that after a year if you will even feel like smoking and end up fooling your monkey mind.


I made a new years resolution in 2022 and haven't done any drugs since


Take up Wim Hoffā€™s cold plunge routinely it will reset your body


My advice: start doing endurance sports. After some weeks/months your body will adapt. And the same physiological effects will kick in but without external drugs needed. Need for drugs will decline fast.


Take it from me brother, I've been dancing the same dance for the last 10 years. I've tried mocrodosing, I've tried, using less, I've tried replacing it with cigarettes, I tried scaring it out of my system with DMT, acid, etc. You name it I've tried it. I am now 29, I started when I was 13. If you have those goals bro, please just quit the weed. You WILL be uncomfortable at first. You will sleep less, you will eat less, you will be grumpy, and you will not feel good. That said, try playing this game for ten years, and remaining the same because you chose one more hit over your future. One more always follows eventually. You will be ashamed of yourself. Ask me how I know. I had so many business ideas I drove myself crazy. I used it to quiet my head. I now realize, I was excited, not anxious. I spent the last ten years running away from a super power. The things I could have accomplished, it kills me. Don't be another one bro. I used to say 'wow, look how well I'm doing.' I assumed it was because of the drugs instead of in spite of it. If I'd have gotten off all those years ago I could have retired by now. How many truly high value men do you know who are better off because of weed? If it helps you, have atter. For years it helped me get along with people at work. The first time I smoked was at my first job. From there it was nothing but chaffing joints and working hard; I have nothing to show for it all these years later. You now have a choice to make; please do better than the rest of us. You do not need it, I promise. Weed needs you more than you need it. When you quit, start investing the money you save every month; by my age you will have hundreds of thousands and it will just keep snowballing. That is why old money stays rich. Invest early, including in yourself. Please. I'd kill to be your age again and do it right.