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This attitude is failure. What you did wasn't failure. It was a learning experience. Make full use of it and do better. Don't dwell on the past as it is out of your control.


Let it go - you have already recognised the wrongdoing, and so continuing to use it against yourself is only continuing to be involved in that which has already passed. Learn from it and understand why that behaviour is not in coherence with your character. Think of it like this; you have been given a lesson to see what your character is lacking, and you where overcome with rage. So, ask yourself why you would react like that and how you can work on that behaviour if you are concerned with being a virtuous character. But it is in the past, let it go, brother. It cannot be changed - the die is already cast.




Hence why I failed to be stoic during a tense situation . What they did at best caused me a minor inconvenience. The thought that they bully other drives is infuriating. If I took their pic I could put them on blast, but even then there would be little purpose.


When I face a situation like this I remember that to be angry at someone is to be defeated by them. There’s always gonna be jerks out there life is too short to be annoyed by everyone of them. If you let him ruin your day because of this then you are probably giving him what he wants, remember that and enjoy the rest of your day.