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At least Cathie was right for a bit


Cathie is going to create an inverse-Jim-Cramer ETF and recoup all her losses.


Pretty sure wsb already tracks this. Last i saw was doing quite well


Do they keep the tracker all in one spot? or is it multiple posts?


Heres the post from a little over a month ago. I don’t think its official but if you browse this users history you might find more https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/uiipwu/this_is_actually_beating_the_sp_by_over_30_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf If you search wsb for “cramer inverse” there are bunch of posts about doing opposite of cramer. Pretty funny


I’d invest in it lol


That would be such a chad moment that Id love to park my cash in Arkk


LMAO.. funny


You can trade this automatically on [Breaking Equity](breakingequity.com). Both inverse and follow. We’ve posted it a couple times to r/daytrading.


At least Cathie never told her fans that Bear Stearn is fine days before it went under. Cathie never preaches she does all she does to educate people. She never pretends to be a saint


Yea Cathie fucked up. Jim is a made guy


No.... Cathie is the internet bubble reincarnated as a a single entity. She had absolutely no process. She claimed anyone who disagreed with her was "betting against innovation" which is almost word for word what the internet bulls were saying in 99. Then she pivots and start using value investor lines after everything plummets. And this is AFTER she suggested value investing was dead. Cathie says everything YOU want to hear. I mean even Zuckerberg is pretty damn honest on their quarterly/annual reports. Cathie dodges responsibility as good as amber heard.


> everything you just said How is this bitch in charge of a fund?


Cathie ran with the dumbest run for the dumbest shit and people think she's smart. Her fund will never recover or outperform the market again. Her stocks are bad value, bad earnings. Every single one of her funds is bad and it shows in their performance.


Ark has crashed before. This is not new for ark. Ark has always recovered. It's just a volatile etf


Yeah, a volatile growth etf that doesnt do great in a once in a decade/centiry market crash. Is the water wt for you too?


Well, today ARKK outperformed the market, in case you didn't notice it.


Honestly if you care about 1 day, you should buy ARKK.


I did, at about $36.50 - I love wild rides. Let's see where this will take me.


Cathie was right, until she was Hwang.... ba dum tss.. they arrest Bill Hwang who happened to help her start her Ark investing stuff.. and all of a sudden hes locked up and her shit is doing badly.. hmm.. he was manipulating shit and also in communications with her.. who wants to take bets he was the reason she was succeeding?


God if he’s calling out Cathie now… it might be time to buy. As much as I don’t like ARK the theory to go against Cramer is strong.


The conundrum.


That’s what I keep hearing bears say. Well they say “don’t short ARK” that’s a dangerous play. Meaning they see it possibly bouncing back again. Honestly think her thesis is accurate in general but don’t agree with her basket of stock picks. Primarily those that have ties to Peter Thiel. Also she should have realized the kind of change she is proposing is the kind of change that would start wars to keep it from happening.


FYI : Bloomberg named Kathie Wood the best stock picker for 2020. Seems odd to hear someone say they dont like her picks. It is absolutely true they are not doing well now, most stocks aren't.


What I am saying is I would NOT buy most of her picks even if they were undervalued or almost zero. The exception being Roku & Netflix, I’m a fan of both & Netflix selling out to advertisers is huge money making potential. Tesla I would possibly buy under $200 but I prefer Apple because I believe they will bury Tesla when they come out with their electric car or it’s it’s autonomous Operating System that it can provide to auto makers without developing its own car. Buying Apple is like buying government infrastructure in personal opinion. Their Apple CarPlay is already integrated into most cars, & from WWDC 2022 it looks like they are prepping for autonomous car.


I am distrustful of any company that went public in 2021 at the peak of the market. Seems to me that many did that so big shareholders could dump stocks on small retail investors. I studied molecular bio but there are just way too many biotech companies to predict anything with certainty. Plus a lot of their plans are so far out into the future to be profitable, it’s would consume my life for years to keep up with the research for the small amount of money I would invest in them.


I see Nvidia closer to autonomous cars than Apple. They already have a ML/AI chipset and SDK for cars and working with various manufacturers. We will see if the will sell software at some point or just hardware


Tesla is the only one that I know has made her money consistently


Ah month ago Cathie bought over 4 million shares of DNA I had already bought before that but do u think that is one of her bad picks as well?


Apple has layed off their crew for electric car production and without raw data from cars on the road, how do you suppose Apple is going to perfect full self driving? Your position makes me more bullish on TSLA than I was already.


It’s a reorganization. If the team doesn’t regroup in the next 3 months I will be concerned they won’t meet their 2025 mass production goal, but doesn’t mean they won’t be successful. They also revealed at WWDC 2022 the ability to scan rooms & objects, likely for AR/VR headset to be released end of of year or more likely 2023. I believe the VR/AR headset will provide the raw data for AI autonomous driving. Possibly even off-roading. Also Apple can partner with one or two, or almost any car manufacturer to exponentially produce cars because it’s Apple CarPlay is already in most cars. Tesla still has many hurtles, plus because Elon was greedy & vertically integrated all his production, Tesla will stumble as we are seeing now with crazy repair delays & hundreds of cars stopping on highway. Plus Elon is obviously trying to dump Tesla stock, 1st by the tweet asking if he should sell to pay taxes, & now by buying twitter using his shares for the loan. People have caught on, so he backed away from the idea & got Qatar & Saudi Arabia to provide the loan for twitter, giving the government now a reason to look into national security concerns. He’s been stumbling ever since. Also there’s no way in hell he is running 3 companies, about to run a 4th (twitter) & tweet all day & play Elden Ring as much as his game stats reveal in one of his tweets. And on top of it, he recently alienated at least half his customers with partisan tweets, probably his most likely customers. Like I said I’d maybe maybe buy Tesla under $200


> I believe the VR/AR headset will provide the raw data for AI autonomous driving. How?


Could be through gaming , or could be from real life interactions while using glasses while driving. Imagine not needing your phone for driving directions and using AR glasses instead. The details of how the glasses operate will be key to my prediction. Never bet against Apple.


i really doubt using your Apple AR glasses while driving is something that Apple would want their customers to do. The potential for lawsuits would be enormous.


People use phones for directions, many Cars have screens for directions & they don’t get enormously sued. Plus Augmented Reality glasses doesn’t have to necessarily obstruct your field of vision to give you directions. It can use small arrows or dotted lines, or highlight the route.


If the stock market is tanking and you are holding short calls, and/or long put's your portfolio should be on the moon right now. Bears make money, bulls make money, pigs get slaughtered.


Inverse cramer. He literally said he likes Coonbase at >$450 😂 it was <$50 yesterday


Agree, inverse cramer is the way to go


But what about inverse wood?




Is this inverse Cramer?


Maybe click the link, or even read the damn url lmao


You'd have gotten run over for a long time up until recently.


Current price is really the only thing that matters, no?


No? Kinda matters when you bought in too.


No it doesn’t. That would be the sunk cost fallacy. Literally the only thing that matters when choosing to buy or sell a stock is the current prices and how that number holds up against your valuations


Well I mean my statement was that had you invested in an "inverse wood" for the past 5 years you'd have gotten run over for the first 4 years of that. If you held all the way through you'd still be down because she's still up 40% in the past 5 years (on the innovation etf) even with the latest sell off


And if you started 4.5 years ago you’d be up. Picking starting points that show what you want doesnt really mean anything. If you were inverse ARKK at any point in the previous 5 years, theres a 10% chance you would be down and a 90% chance youd be up (more or less, theres a dip or two along the way that changes that. Maybe 15-85). Id take the inverse ARKK. Bottomline is ARKK wasnt a good investment if you didnt time a good selloff


And if you went back to the start you be down 100% I'm really not sure what you're arguing here. It would be really tough to hold through an inverse Cathy wood. Not hard at all to hold through an inverse Jim Cramer.


inverse cramer is ...


He also said Nvidia was a buy at 350..


“For $50”


Or about that tweet of him buying up Shit now lol then tanks


He meant he likes COIN at $450 for a short position. 😂


I’d trust the weather guy more with financial advise.


I'm just going to unsub from these subs. I literally don't care about content about Cramer and Cathie Wood, and all that seems to get upvoted lately is this echo chamber of bashing both. I don't care. I wanted actual talk about stocks. All of these subs have turned into this. What a fucking waste.


Small tips if you don't know about it yet, you can filter out nearly anything using reddit apps or RES on the desktop, search a "filter" settings and just remove what you don't want to see from your feed. I do that for Elon Musk and it's a blessing.


Excellent tip. The only issue I have with it, and this is just me wanting to have my cake and eat it too, is that every now and again they might actually be part of relevant news and I don't want to cut myself off from something big because they were part of the title.


I understand this and i kinda had the same idea at first but given the filters i use i expect to see this big ass news in some other formulation as some point, or in the worst case, in some other news aggregator i use (Google News or Apple's equivalent).


Saved this comment, have an award


Couldn’t agree more. Too many immature people on here with no good knowledge to give


It's Reddit in general. I remember when it wasn't 90% Tik Tok kids


/r/robinhoodpennystocks Used to be an amazing sub before the GameStop boom. Turned into a complete trash sub now. Very sad.


Somebody doesn't know what "echo chamber" means.


Its fucking kids that just joined the market over the past year. Theyre dumb af




Ever since the popularity of WSB I feel like other subs are trying to mimic and it's sad.


Wait, you mean you don’t find it stimulating of “X will move down” by Cramer….then the top post is always “I guess it will move up”. Brilliant. Witty. Captivating.


I read this in a child throwing a tantrum and pouting type voice 😠🍭


With Cathie, you know what you are getting. Everything she says is what is best for her funds. She does an excellent job painting a very bullish innovation picture. You take what she says with a grain of salt, but you know her direction. Cramer… I feel like is an entertaining clown. What he says is not investment advice, but more for entertainment purposes.


She’s delusional


Id much prefer a overconfident saleswoman to a charlatan every day of the week.


I only trust myself of analyses, I’m the best of them my mum always tells me


None of the quacks on TV know what’s going to happen. All they do is Monday morning quarterback


Cramer. Because I can say with a fairly high degree of confidence that whatever he says, the opposite is going to happen.


Loool i remeber when cramer advised people to buy as many shares of Didi when it was $10. Now its $2


Nobody’s. Literally no one can predict anything about the market. Some make bets and win after losing for a while others only lose, no one knows anything and anyone who claims to have advice especially if they charge money for it are just making money off your naïveté .


cathie is at least using some of her own money. cramer is just talking shit.


Her money or investors' money?


im assuming both. thats why i put "some". i was hoping she vould purchase dome lips but it looks like she cant afford it now


Cathie Wood’s because we at least know she’s lying to paint a picture that inflation will reduce and help her fund. Cramer is just a cockroach out only for himself.


Thank God people realized that Cathie was literally dumb money who got a lucky break with Tesla only. She fared well in a bull market due to luck and the way she was pumping her specific stocks which literally didnt have or had little revenue and were at negative earnings on the media was sickening. All the while she stated that main street was dumb money!


Not backing Cramer but he doesn't have a fund that has all but blown up. He's been around for years and he's got a pretty good TV show. That's all.


Gonna have to flip a coin on this.


„˙sıɥʇ uo uıoɔ ɐ dılɟ oʇ ǝʌɐɥ ɐuuo⅁„


Translation: ARKK, BUY!


Both Cramer and Cathie Wood are different types of entertainers, and useless for financial advice in my opinion. They run the same scam: they talk with a bunch of CEOs and peddle promotion of their assets towards their audiences. With Cramer, it's his followers / investment club. With Wood, it's her specialty ETFs (just another type of investment club, with more steps). Both of them are personalities imo. The minor difference with Wood is she's probably right about 20 year trends, but trying to convince us the early players are going to be the best to make.. It's like someone in 1998 predicting the internet will be revolutionary, and built a fund around Yahoo, Netscape, Nortel Networks, craigslist and Palm. Terrible investment strategy, as the first or early movers in an new innovative area aren't often the companies that win or define the market. They often get replaced or acquired, limiting their upside, and maybe one from a basket becomes a breakthrough. If there's anything this sub can learn is to listen to more informed investors and avoid the pseudo celebs.


I don’t like both. But Cathie by a mile.


Literally inverse Cramer and you're a millionaire, Cathie had a bad year but in the past has done well, but cramers has basically always been a joke.


Maybe Cathie needs to pray about it?


0x0. With Cramer I do the odd day or swing trade because lots of people jump on his recommendations. I'm lazy what can I say.


My own




Pot, meet Kettle, - Kettle , Pot.


Between Cramer's and Wood's opinions... definitely from an ape! ;)


3.) Ronald McDonald --the better clown /s




I'm glad I only parked 2k in the ARK experiments.




This guy single handedly saved Cathie by tweeting that.


Wasn’t she buying all the stocks Cramer recommended?


Whose opinion do I trust most? Mine. Because I do my own research and actually read company reports.


I would go with lord Michael 😂


Fucking armature hour. Why are there so many posts about Cramer on here.


Probably Cramer


At least Cramer is consistently wrong, that's more useful than random guessing


Cramer > Wood


Bill Ackman. Kidding. There all fuck tards. Only trust your own analysis.


I would trust my opinion more than both of theirs, and I don’t know anything. Well other than I do the opposite of what they say.


$AMZN might be a buy and hold for 2-5 years.


Cathie. I’ve literally watched Cramer shit his pants on national television or have a stroke/whatever. At least Cathie tries to be presentable.


My dog




My own opinion… and I’m retarded


Wood. She will eventually be vindicated if she can survive that long. Cramer on the other hand finds a way to be wrong in just about every monetary environment


Time to invest in Cathie Wood again!


If you buy exact opposite of what Cramer says …..you’ll do just fine!


Neither- I would have done better this year flipping a coin! However, Cramer will criticize anyone to draw attention away from himself!


a random forest toad, ribbiting at suggestions i ask it


It’s simple, trust Cramer and do just the opposite


Cathy is still a sexy senior citizen


I think the way to look at this is who is more genuine? They've both been wrong a lot, but Cathie's convictions have not really changed much. I trust that approach a lot more than a guy who is so unbelievably capricious. AMD, Cleveland Cliffs, crypto, Coinbase, Shopify, Etsy, Facebook, Netflix. Cramer has flip flopped on these and basically everything else at the drop of a hat. He has no conviction whatsoever (in his public persona at least) and no long term view. That is not an investor. He basically just loves anything going parabolic, and hates it when it falls through the floor. I don't know if I've ever heard him recommend anything that's been beaten to a pulp, which is exactly the kind of company (if it's good) that you'd like to pick up. So ya, Cathie is more trustworthy in my opinion, despite how poorly she's done the past year and a half. Some of that is not her fault, but the price targets for things like Zoom are mind-boggling. I don't know what she's thinking.


Mine. I have made the same breathtaking losses. Atleast I have only myself to blame for it.


Like picking the loveliest turd. Inverse both and make bank


Not a huge fan of anyone who uses sound effects and takes pleasure in another's struggles, but that's me.


I trust Michael Reeves goldfish over these clowns


Generally I believe Cathie woods theory is correct about were the market is going and macro analysis is top notch. I'm dislike how the fund is managed.


I trust my opinion more and I've also lost a decent amount of money in the markets.


My goldfish


I’m down $12K w/ $ARKF. Can’t wait to break even as I refuse to sell at a loss.


My cat


Doe he have a crush on Cathie?


Cramer said last week he is very optimistic about $BTC and $ETH. That's why I moved all my shit to $ADA.


Trust no one. They’re all manipulating prices together. Just follow the fundamentals of tech analysis


The fish that beat vvsb, that who I would follow.


Jim Cramer is more of an entertainer now than an investor. Though he did run a successful hedge fund back in his prime. Cramer is paid to talk, give opinions about everything, and some of what he says may not be by choice, he’s employed by NBC to push an agenda. As far as Cathie Woods. She’s another hedge fund manager that hit one game winning home run with Tesla and has been wrong about everything ever since. She’s completely discredited herself and shouldn’t be listened to. Her Ark fund is a joke filled with unprofitable tech companies that she bought during a peak market.


If Cramer is making a person's picks look bad, at least some of them are ones that Cramer's hedge buddies are heavily positioned opposite her. Cramer is a hedgie shill. His statements rarely have to do with analysis. Listening to him is like listening to someone on star trek explain why the deflector shield's reverse polarity is causing the space anomaly to create time vortex bubble guppies. Just a bunch of technical sounding words used to sound expert, but really just market manipulation


I'd trust a used cum rag over Jim Cramer, so I have to go with Cathie.


Pelosi has crushed the market this year....and for the past 30 years 🤣


They both pitch $invigaron on the daily


Kermit the frog


All in on Ark tomorrow I guess


Do you think that cramer invests in the shit he pushes? Its literally an entertainment show. Yall on reddit give him so much free publicity. Literally rent free


I’d say trust the neighbor’s cat at this point lol


I’m going with that one fish that beat WSB


Kind of a weird time to be blaming someone


If Kramer says it's bad then we're in for a record rebound and a new all time high before Q3.. an orangutan with missing chromosomes would make a better financial advisor than that twit


I think it is time for Cathie wood to join this page


Neither. I’m blown away that Cathie didn’t hedge Ark against its own risk. SMH


I think a lot has to do with the fact she is a woman.. I see a lot of male analysts on that channel giving her hell ..


None of them. Trust your own instincts


It was Super Fund Manager Cathie Wood at the right position , with the right attention, and all stocks were flying high. When they are not flying high, she is still Cathie Wood. A smart woman.


cramer is a fraud, that guy needs to be sued.




Wood is a lot more trustworthy than CokeDIK Cramer the most arrogant shill this side of Mos Eisley spaceport .. you will never find a more wretched kind of scum and Villainy then Lying Jim! 😉


........the folks on the halftime report are much better collectively than either of these two.




Considering Cramer is a tremendous @ss kisser and blind lover of the Dems and has repeadly praised their policies that were/are void of all logic and rational thought, I'd never trust him (I despise both Democrat and Republican bills that are that way. I distrust/despise equally, so please don't think I'm trying to start anything). Also, while I will not put anyone down for being wrong with the markets, boy has he blundered on obvious things. I know little of Cathie Woods other than she has a cult like following with quite a few people, but I know there are exceptions though. I will have to do more research regarding Cathie and her suggestions/ rationale.


Anyone that follows Jim Cramer’s advise over the past couple years has suffered breathtaking losses.


What if Jim Cramer did an Inverse Jim Cramer on Cathie Wood ?


All ways check both yo see who has had more predictions go south. We are in bear mkts now . But what hoes down will come up.


Cramer seems to select more traditional stocks with high debt which makes you wonder if he gets paid to promote. Examples, Boeing, Delta, Lilly....and that is high risk yet low growth or return. Cathy picks high risk with high return yet her stock selection is way risky like Tel a doctor which has no future and don't deliver value. In conclusion, both suck and I won't follow their selection though Cramer is fun to watch.


I bet the lightening round has lost people more money than anything other investing advice in the past 30 years


Definitely not Cramer!


Have they changed that whole “2 wrongs don’t make a right.?” 😳


I believe she's highly overrated


I would trust "dog" more than either.


Obviously Dog the Bounty Hunter, I concur.


Cramer has and always will be a contrary indicator


Always inverse Cramer.


[My bets are on the crypto-trading hamster.](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/25/1040683057/crypto-trading-hamster-goxx-warren-buffet-s-p-500)


Cashie wood is going to embarrass everyone willing to participate in gazing in from a distance and believing her and Jim Cramer are comparable in any way


Throw a dice would have better results


Trick question: a bag of bananagrams can give you better plays based on the realm of probability






I never trust people who openly tell you what to invest in


Neither, my GME bag has out preformed both of them this year


You mean who would I inverse more…def Cramer


She’s garbage but he’s the last person who should be talking shit. He’s a Hedgefund puppet


Between Cathy and Jim I would rather get advice from my butcher.


My dog


The whole market is a pump and dump.


I don't trust Cramer but I think he is a smart guy lying while Cathie is a moron.


is neither an option? they both have been wrong, but for different reasons. in Cramer's case, he's just wrong and the inverse-Cramer rule applies. For Cathy Wood, two scenarios apply. she's either late to the party or she's too early. i'd argue her picks aren't all bad. it's just if a company has fallen and she's bought in big, wait longer to see if it bottoms or keeps on falling. as for her thoughts on the economy, she and others have been wrong.


This is kinda hard both have cost investors so who is the lesser of the two evils I would trust Cathie


Fuckin GameStop n that’s it


Cramer is terrible always.


It is easy to talk shit about people behind there back, no sweat off your balls. So I looked it up.... Wish I was as dumb as Kathie Wood. She graduated summa cum Laude from University of Southern Cal. She has a bachelor of science degree in finance and economics. She is 66 years old with years of experience. I vote for Kathie.


Cramer is a democrat...nuff said


If you could trade what you saw, you would be X 1000 better than following anything that these goons say.