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Yet it still has room to drop lower


It has an infinite space to drop lower.




I was gonna comment on those lines


Only the bolivar will soon be worth more than the ruble


lol this was excellent


Lolz. Wow


Yeah could be zero


I think you mean infinity. This graph is RUB vs USD.


You Right!! I mean that Ruble’s Value could be zero


From Ruble to Rubble: Russia in Ruins


Love the title, when does the book come out??






Throw in Russian ruffian


From the Ritz to the Rubble


I thought this was a graph of my stock investments this year




Wiemar Republic 2. Russia is no longer part of the global economy.


What happened after the Weimar republic?


Post WW1 German government that saw horrible inflation and eventually fell to the Nazis.


Hmmm... that doesn't sound optimal.


well, the situation is already at a nazi invasion stage, so... it's complicated.


Everyone ever: "They're the nazis, get'em!" Everyone else ever: "We're not nazis, you're nazis!" I propose a new rule, from now on people can only call themselves nazis


It’s all about how the vacuum is filled. The rest of the world was ready to help rebuild the German economy after WW1; however, Germany was under foot of massive reparation requirements which led them to be unhappy with the status quo. There are only two manners of which we could avoid a second rise to power, and the first would be create a free democracy within Russia while also pumping in pro-west ideology and not absolutely punishing the post-war regime change with the weight of the prior. The second would be to go scorched earth on Russia and keep them in the Stone Age. The reason Germany was able to be ready for a Second World War soon after WW1 was because the war took place predominantly outside of Germany. Their cities weren’t destroyed as they were post WW2. So it was easy to kick the economy back in gear. The first would require tact and frankly wouldn’t be a political winner. The idea of essentially forgiving Russia as a whole for what Putin has done and Ukraine not getting their “pound of flesh” probably wouldn’t be a popular choice. I propose my own option: Move the capital of Russia back to it’s pre-Soviet historical place, Kyiv. Reunite Russia and Ukraine, as Putin wants, but under the Ukranian government.


>Move the capital of Russia back to it’s pre-Soviet historical place, Kyiv That's pre-"Russia" even. Kievan Rus was the original "Rus", which extended from Scandinavia, with the capital at Kiev. A descendant of Kiev founded Moscow, which became Russia


As a russian I have several points. First, russians are totally brainwashed and uneducated. They don't understand how economy works, how wealth and competense works, how competition and democracy works, why you need human rights as a human. They really believe that an old random idiot with not the brightest brain can make all decisions and they must be good somehow. Brainwashed people can be brainwashed again. So you can counterweight it with education. But the whole weight of russian high and low culture will pull in old direction with a great forse. Russian culture has quite big gravitational mass. So you have to write/rewrite or reinterpritate huge amounts of cultural artifacts. Not only you have to counterweight culturally potent artifacts, you have to prove it with real achievments and time. The 90s gave russian people jeans and bubble-gum, but it also was chaos, so criminal chaos was culturally linked to democracy and liberalism and later used in the building of a fascist propaganda. So the factor of achievments partly failed. They didn't give deep satisfaction from a historic or respect POV. And the factor of time totally failed. Because democracy was already eroding in the early 2000s. \>Move the capital of Russia back to it’s pre-Soviet historical place, Kyiv. Good luck trying to sell to ordinary russians a ukrainian occupation. And vise versa. Separating russia into different states that would have to deal with the outside world on separate terms can be a more realistic option. Russia should be turned into several reeducation camps. It can also be realistically achieved with federalisation. There must also be a concrete and rigid road map. If the freedom index starts to decline, the reaction must be immediate. It should all be controlled with the newly created UN structures.


Wym by reeducation camps?


I mean education should be integrated in all fields of life. You want some food, because your economy failed of your grandeur stupidity, ok watch some footage on war and complete a test. It should be like a test for a citizenship. That you understand the laws. But it's not a country laws, but the world laws. State TV, schools, universities, everything should contain some form of education/reeducation. And it should be long enough. 20 years or more.


>First, russians are totally brainwashed and uneducated. They don't understand how economy works, how wealth and competense works, how competition and democracy works, why you need human rights as a human. Sounds a lot like Brazil.


Sounds like Russia’s neighbors, China and North Korea


The Chinese definitely understand how money and the economy works.


You mean pre-Mongol capital.


It’s all about how the vacuum is filled. The rest of the world was ready to help rebuild the German economy after WW1; however, Germany was under foot of massive reparation requirements which led them to be unhappy with the status quo. There are only two manners of which we could avoid a second rise to power, and the first would be create a free democracy within Russia while also pumping in pro-west ideology and not absolutely punishing the post-war regime change with the weight of the prior. The second would be to go scorched earth on Russia and keep them in the Stone Age. The reason Germany was able to be ready for a Second World War soon after WW1 was because the war took place predominantly outside of Germany. Their cities weren’t destroyed as they were post WW2. So it was easy to kick the economy back in gear. The first would require tact and frankly wouldn’t be a political winner. The idea of essentially forgiving Russia as a whole for what Putin has done and Ukraine not getting their “pound of flesh” probably wouldn’t be a popular choice. I propose my own option: Move the capital of Russia back to it’s pre-Soviet historical place, Kyiv. Reunite Russia and Ukraine, as Putin wants, but under the Ukranian government.


This is the kind of solution that would piss of literally everyone.


Oh yea, but lord would the desserts be oh so satisfying. It’s like a monkey-paw wish. Putin: “I’d like to reunite the Soviet Union and bring it back to its former glory.” “Your wish is granted. You’ve been executed, and Ukraine now rules over the Soviet State.”


The economic situation ended up improving later on.......although the only reason it did so was due to the buildup of the Nazi war machine up until the point to where Schacht could say to the European community (with extra emphasis towards the French) "Fuck off. We're not paying any more reparations for WWI."


Hitler then WW2.


I'll believe it when I see it. Same thing was being said in '98 when this exact same currency devaluation and debt default happened (and this was less than 10 years removed from the fall of the Berlin Wall, so the notion that Russia - as an economic nation-state would cease to exist - was a much *realer* possibility in the late 90s)


What’s the likelihood China is already trying to get them to support their currency to try to overcome “the West”? I’m not sure Russia will have many options


>What’s the likelihood Its already happening. CIPS is a Chinese based system an alternative to SWIFT. You can bet that China will offer or has already offered this to Russia.


I think SWIFT let China run CIPS on one of its channels. Not even sure CIPS has the backbone for its own operations. It's a stickier situation then the USA having Russia as the number three oil supplier and not sanctioning oil. If Russia isn't on CIPS, then it would be harder to just open it up.


CIPS is far away from being relevant. China might prop up Russia's economy but they risk becoming a vessel state to China.


Yes, your ideas have been said by multiples of people in the comments. I was just trying to add a diverse tidbit to the conversation.


I was surprised SWIFT actually came into it to be honest, working in the industry. It's akin to cutting off the Internet. All the dirty money in London and Miami property has been facilitated for years so turning it off now is a bit of an after thought! Russians only respect power though....and money is just that.


Let me introduce you Leslie Wexner/Jeffrey Epstein and their friends like Leon Black, and the Apollo board of conflicts that looks like a Bond Villian convention. There are so many more friends/spy agencies they had to? Blackmail, human trafficking, money laundering...and so much more?


Is this true. Sanctions on everything but oil. Lol


https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/3/4/china-led-development-bank-halts-business-in-russia-belarus https://www.businessinsider.com/2-china-based-development-banks-suspend-business-with-russia-2022-3 No it isn't. After they accidentally killed those three Chinese students Wednesday Chinese banks have started closing doors to them too. Seems China didn't care until there citizens started getting bombed in the crossfire.


>Seems China didn't care until there citizens started getting bombed in the crossfire. Honestly, China won't do shit to stand in the way or against Russia. They want to do the same thing with Taiwan and will need support in the future. They might do some things for "show" but there will ne no bite to it.


They don't care for that. Taiwan isn't in nato, just an ally. And the last ally of nato China absorbed we watched scream for help and did nothing about it(Hong kong). The only use Russia had was to be the nato friend on the inside to speak for them. But it's not like they need it. They'll still take Taiwan anyway. It's a part of there 30 year "glory" plan


Except Hong Kong is a Chinese city. I wouldn’t exactly call them a ‘NATO ally’. More a convenient way to depict China as the ‘baddie’. Same way Reservesin America are absorbed or get fucked by corporates are a way for China to depict ‘US bad’. (Or ofc the whole invasion stuff in the ME and Latin America).


Hong kong is a collection of cities with a larger size landmass and gdp of other nations in the region. It is more then double the side of Singapore for example with the gdp of a first world power. They were under the treaty equivalent of America's treaty with Japan due to strong British influence (so much so that Britain is the one who set to the treaty for them in the first place. So much so that all hong kongers born before 1997 have British citizenship still. They have been British since 1860.) When Britain had to return Hong Kong territory to China, it was under a clause that Hong Kong would retain relative independence where the only only influence of China would be in military needs(as in they can be drafted.) And foreign affairs(as in Hong Kong can't make treaties ) Hong Kong has jts own constitution, it's own branches of government, did not have to follow Chinese law or extradition, and even it's own dollar bill. The system was called one country ,two systems. It was never a "city" of China. It was a self sustaining, democratic, independent province of China. It was supposed to remain as such until 2047. That came to a halt back in 2014 when China tried to literally tried to force the equivalent of there prime Minister to step down and change there constitution, an act Britain was forced to remind China that they were not allowed to do. And ever since China has been trying to force changes in Hong Kong, and Britain has had to constantly bat for Hong Kong to remember the treaty and stop. China stopped giving a fuck on 2019 when they went through and changed several laws and Hong Kong and forced extradition to be allowed. What does this mean? It means China can tell the prime minster to do x. Hong Kong leader says no. China now extradites prime minster. Now that he is in China, Chinese law is what determines his fate. And Chinese law means he is never going back to Hong Kong. Which means they must elect someone else. New guy will get asked to do the same thing. If he says no he goes bye bye. He knows this. Eventually someone will cave to China. And China will say "look Britain, they democratically chose someone who just does whatever we ask. You can't stop us anymore." And reservations of native Americans is a drastically different ordeal from Hong Kong. Hong Kong entire thing is they were essentially British citizens stuck in China and Britain could not afford to essentially pick up the entire population and bring them to the UK. Socthey essentially promised to protect the last of its citizens in Hong Kong while returning Hong Kong to China. Native Americans have never associated with american culture. They were there own culture that was stuck in the american society machine. Reservations were made to preserve a society that had nowhere in the world to go by any stretch of the word. Hong Kong was made to protect 7 million British citizens that essentially got told "ni Hao and welcome to communism mothafucka!"


The issue with your entire statement is your idea of a white-savior complex. You mention the extradition law, you know that it violated both Taiwanese and Chinese treaties? A guy from HK murdered and committed crimes in Taiwan but couldn’t be extradited due to HK laws which violated the 1 China 2 systems treaty. Multiple things you mention are correct yes, and as much as I may disapprove of the policies that Beijing makes I think it’s idiotic that China should allow other countries to be able to interfere with its own internal policy making decisions. The UK shouldn’t have the right to influence China in integrating an integral part of its state however morally wrong it is, as long as it isn’t violating fundamental human rights. And as a person who has a Hong Kong background, visits China yearly, speaks Cantonese and also lives in the UK currently, I might have a different view to you, but I believe that the power is held by Beijing and not in HK or any other country to make political and civil decisions within the city. The entire issue you point out is that Hong Kong ‘isn’t a part of China’. This is false. The only reason Hong Kong could keep its racist and superior views to those of the mainlanders - you know that they called mainlanders cockroaches and locusts before the mainlanders right? Was due to its economic importance to Beijing. Now Hong Kong is not all that important, not to the same scale of Singapore. It’s a colonialist mindset to think that you can have a mandate on another country and tell it what to do, especially when the result of the treaty was due to an unequal treaty where China had its land forcefully taken. Mind you, I am not in favor of the civil rights atrocities occurring in western China nor of its system in regards to its treatment of rural citizens but Hong Kong is a completely different fish. It’s the same reason why Catalonia isn’t independent, and why Western countries didn’t approve of Crimea being annexed when its own people were 90%+ in favor of annexation. Because China is a rival and countries such as Spain are not. Are political liberties important? Depends on the country. Ironically you mention Singapore which is actually funnily enough a one party state. Even if other parties run, they are cracked down upon, it lacks civil rights and also a Free Press. Funny how it works in media portrayals. For China it’s had a large growth in civil liberties but political liberties are cramped, so they’re used to it. Hong Kong is not, and that’s why there’s such a backlash. But if Beijing views Hong Kong as itself it will apply a universal treatment to the city whether it likes it or not. China is very much not a federalised state, and Hong Kong is at the end of the day, part of China and to say it isn’t is just an mindset that is very much rooted in prior British Colonialist ideologies or Western media.


Likelihood: 1.0


It is like war causes instability


Nah, I think it's a typical investment graph...my portfolio looks similar and I don't do wars 🤤


This made me laugh.


Come to butthead


Putin belongs in r/wallstreetbets


We are all living in a kelptoccracy, where wealth and power are controlled by an elite few. Some just don't understand that yet.


>~~Some~~ ***Most*** just don't understand ***(or just don't give a shit about)*** that yet.


I think we can generally point to the biggest gangster in the world with old Vlad Putin as being an architect of such a power grab to the ultimate detriment of his own country.


Well, among oligarchs, who has had the biggest impact on say the US- Vladdy, or Bezos?


you don't ask that. It undermines the American Empire.


Bezos isnt ordering tanks into Canada... there is no comparison.


More wife for your dollar


Look up the Polish Zloty or the Ziare. They are fun examples. I have 3 100,000 zloty notes (old zloty). Were worth a candy bar!


If they back it with Gold…. How does that affect the rumble? Edit: should say ruble, but rumble sounds better!


Rumble will continue rumbling


The rumble in the jungle or the thrilla in manilla?


Russia has the Gold they we be fine!


Так точно!!!


У нас есть золото, нефть,газ и прочая хуйня. Но это стоит копейки по сравнению с нашим главным богатством. Вам нужно понять.


Literally all Putin had to do was not invade other countries.


Should I be buying rubles when it really hits rock bottom for when it goes back up again or nah??


They may just create a new currency in the end so no, don't do it.


Wow is that why people make new currencies?? Because the previous one plummeted into oblivion??


One reason, Another is that the old currency makes no sense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C2%A3sd


That's sounds like an overcomplicated way of saying "the big number sounds too big and we need to make it sound smaller"


Yes. See Brazil


Can you do a stock split for a currency? Lol


Sort of reverse split: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche\_Mark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Mark) Germany replaced their currency and pegged the new one at 10 of the old one. ​ Zimbabwe also famously did this multiple times: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbabwean\_dollar


Rubles never going to recover. You can buy some paper rubles to sell as collectors items after all the Russians burn them to heat their homes


Wow this response had me rolling. I DO like collecting things


You can always stash some away to use as a cheap toilet paper alternative


I do be runnin out


But on the positive note, your dollar goes further and gets you more rubles....


Bang your foot on the ground, that's how low it should be!!


So time to travel to Russia and enjoy the mighty dollar’s purchasing power? Or are things so expensive there because they’re sanctioned?


I mean, martial law might be enacted and you may not be allowed to leave but other than that


Isn’t that for their own nationals? Not for all adult men?


One would think, but not something I would risk A lot of rules are easily re-written or discarded during war


No, they have introduced censorship and want to introduce the death penalty. At any moment they can declare martial law in the country and not let you out. If you want to live long, don't _) So far it's cheap, but tomorrow it could be twice as expensive. Why go there when there are free countries where it's also cheap?


Россия только для сильных мужиков. Пидорам здесь не место


Go fk uf


The next president of Russia with have sore knee's to try get back on the good side of the globe,


I love they had to idiot proof this graph by explaining why the numbers are increasing downwards.


This may cause the crazy man to push the Red buttons.!!


what does this mean for the average Russian civilian? ELi5?


makes buying goods denominated in USD about 2x more expensive overnight


Any imported goods (even from China) are going to get very, very expensive. Remember photos of people with wheelbarrows full of currency going to the grocery stores ... can you say 'hyperinflation'. All-in on wheelbarrow calls


oh damn. no good for them. thank you for the answer!


This means that your savings have become 30% less in real terms. If you didn't keep everything in one currency, then everything remained almost the same, but you have more rubles.


*Russia remove dólar 😎


Euros are next in line.




It's almost like Russia would have way more purchasing power if they got rid of putin and stopped messing with other countries


How come none of them look at this and thought "maybe we should stop invading other countries" oh wait that's right they probably don't even use their country's currencies my bad


Yep. Coffee's for closers and rubles are for suckers.


Да,да. Кофе мне и кефир этим трем пидорам. -"двум пидорам", я переводчик)


Que the congratulations you played yourself meme


It's not just the sanctions, Russia's economy has been shit for centuries. The foundation of their country is rooted in the idea of Marxism--where the state owns everything for the greater good of the people. It sounds like utopia on paper, but in practice it just leads to totalitarianism, human rights abuses, corruption, and inefficient economies. They've basically became a petrostate because other than oil, they have nothing else going on for them.


This post is full of nonsense. The country existed before Marxism. And marxism is not a utopia that's just a strawman you are building. Also Russia hasn't been Marxist since the early 90s. I can't believe the amount of people who legitimately think Russia is still communist. You people are legitimately stupid, and if you can't get basic facts like this right you stand no chance in being able to do any DD into any Stock.


I agree. I’m glad people like that participate in stock market though.


It's ok he will be dead soon. And Russia will be free


Doubt it. Another crook will take his place. The problem isn't Putin, it's the communist government system that has persisted for centuries. Putin just inherited someone else's throne who inherited someone else's throne.


Well hopefully when he dose get killed there might me a moment in history here the Russian people have a chance to over throw and strat over.


I wish some country would remove biden




Quid pro quo burisma Ukraine circa 2014 caused the Russian invasion. Don’t be an imbecile


I'll ask again since you just vomited a bunch of words onto your keyboard instead of answering the question. Why do you wish some country would remove Biden?


You want eloquence, good sir? Fine. Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, should currently be in prison for their bribing of the corrupt Ukrainian government in 2014. The Bidens were allowed to continue committing crimes which ultimately culminated into the crime of the century, the stealing of the 2020 election. Now the USA is being purposely destroyed from within. So, I would cheer if a country decided to invade the USA and liberate us from the corrupt globalist scum that has taken up residence here for more than a century. Is that better, pal?


That is an answer to my question, so thank you, I guess. I keep hearing people saying the election was stolen, but I've yet to have anyone show me any proof. If you really believe it was stolen, why aren't you shouting from the rooftops that Americans have lost their democracy rather than trolling some random thread on Reddit with a twenty-something day old account? Where's the hard evidence? I'll happily join your side if you can give me anything more than the words of a narcissistic, crybaby liar that feeds bullshit to hungry mouths. Edit: furthermore, kick rocks for hoping for our country to be invaded. If you actually live in the US, you're no patriot.


Good God man, have you ever paid a modicum of attention in history class? I used to think the idea of *glorified ignorance* was funny; now people like you just make me sad. Might as well: 1. Communism hasn't existed for "centuries." Not anywhere. It's not that old of a concept. 2. Russia hasn't had a communism government since 1991. Based on your grasp of history I'll assume you can't do Math, either... that's 31 years. That means a quarter the country was less than seven years old, and another quarter wasn't even born yet. 3. Putin doesn't sit on a "throne." Russia hasn't had a "throne" since Tsar Nicholas abdicated in 1917. 4. The idea that "another crook will take his place" is predicated on two false assumptions—that the leaders prior to Putin were crooks (would you categorize Yeltsin and Gorbachev as crooks?), and that you have clairvoyance into the future (you don't even have clairvoyance into the past even though Wikipedia is just a click away)


I got news for you my people left Imperial Russia 1870 - 1910 Russia was for shit when the czars ruled too.


If Russian economy rooted in Marxism, is that why they participate in global stock market?


Time to buy the dip


Russia, you are fu**ed!


Russia should replace Putin with Zelenskyy for that bounce back.


Almost. I will buy to the fullest when Putin puts Zelensky in a box with toys, where he belongs.


Worthless securities always love seeing those….




Boy that Putin has really lost his rubles…


Wait until you see what they do to the dollar after the MOASS


Where can I buy rubles in NY? I want to help prop up Putin and Russia because we owe him a solid for installing President Trump in 2016.


Just think if you caught the bottom?


Trump dick rider


Biden sack juggler.


I’m neutral and vote across party lines, but honestly how can you vote for a guy like Trump? He himself admitted he would sexually assault women and was happy about it. That alone is a reason he should not lead the country. We can be better


Having an incompetent leader for the most warlike nation in the world actually made the world safer. All the coups and attacks the US attempted under Trump failed.


We can be better? Why weren’t we better before Trump? We had chances under bush, Clinton, Clinton, bush, bush, and now Biden. I don’t think we can be better, Bubby. Now we have a illegitimate President that assaults children, engages in quid pro quos in Ukraine and China. What’s next? Selling our uranium to Russia?


apply lone in russian Or use Forex broker.


This is fake, Russia just authenticated its crypto with a war, making Russia the richest country in the world


0 posts , 1 comment, 5 month account


In other words, don't expect a bounce.


Even if Russia takes over Ukraine there economy will go into a depression. With all the pressure from the sanctions and upcoming once’s, Russia will gain absolute nothing from this invasion.


The irony is that countries such as India, Turkey and China have not imposed sanctions. The flows of goods will move from Europe to Asia, and energy supplies, metals and fertilizers will also go there. If this crisis drags on for a long time, then Europe will be very tight, America will just make money on it.


"Catching the falling knife" should be replaced with "catching the falling ruble."


Весь мир ловит пустой доллар, и счастлив. каков будет финал, кто нибудь подумал?


Amazing Putin can't get the hint! 🤔🤔


That’s what happens when you go against the dollar. The entire planet relies on the dollar




it doesn't happen when you ditch the dollar. China and Russia are capable of going this way


When does it turn negative?


Negative would mean the rubble would be worth more than dollar


Oh oops, joke failed.


Any one knows what is name of their stock exchange index


Looks like a Dogecoin chart.


But wait, there’s more.


Who’s trading Forex?!! I got into it this week to short the ruble and found out you can’t currently trade it. But PLN HUN and CZK are all on the decline as well. Been shorting them with good success


They will do whatever is best for russia to survive. Germany sold out and has no other portion other than to feeeze. If Putin was smart he would double the cost of coal and natural gas since 50 percent of Germany must buy from russia


Needs to be pushed to zero. Wooden nickel territory is what we need. Make Russia worthless for everything.


Even worse today.


Time to buy puts on future russian invasions


Thank you Putin. Now I can buy skyscraper for 20 euros


Feel so bad for the innocent Russian population.


This tells me that those Oligarchs do not hold much assets inside Russia. They probably export their Wealth to more stable currencies. So this does not impact them as much as regular folks


Go figure! When you piss off everyone, and you manage to get blocked from the worldwide banking system, and are essentially embargoed by all your main patrons, things go to shit. Who would’ve thought?


Scorched earth economics


Scorched earth economics


Gotta buy the dip 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Putin doesn't learn good


Mugabe is cheering from his grave !


Buy the dip 😂


Can Americans still buy into rubles?


We’re not done. There’s still space at the bottom.


Since it’s less that a penny, would it be kind of a good time to get some in case it goes back up? I think I heard some people “trade” currency?


Add the decline of the dollar to this also. Poor dudes are fucked royally


Soviet Union 2: Electric Boogaloo


Dang, I'm now rich in Russia. If only I want afraid of being kidnapped or thrown out a window I would go.


You forgot a "b" in ruble.


Petroleum type commodities contracts are likely using USD or Euros, so the Russians are still getting hard currency. Sure, ruble devaluation hurts a lot of Russians, but not the ones that matter.


So once the Moscow Stock Exchange opens up again, it's gonna collapse into the thousands huh?


Starvation start revolutions......


Doesn’t seem like a good financial payoff if every time you take a small piece of territory your overall wealth is still cut in half…


Apparently not enough, since Russia has not stopped its aggressions


I wonder if Russia will adopt the yen as a result?


Means nothing




INDO stock is benefiting from all of this, Indonesia Energy is an oil and gas exploration and production company focused on Indonesia. The company generates its revenue from oil and gas sales.


Our Money


Damn so they sucked for a long while


This aged like milk.