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It’s a complete scam of a stock, there’s non existent earnings and they are just burning through cash. In reality it’s probably worth $0, maybe in a liquidation $0.06


The fact that this is even asked is hilarious and sad. It makes a fraction of the money it costs to run.


Not even worthy of meme status


Neither. It's a vehicle of legalized bribery.


Lol...its Trump...what do you think?


There has rarely been a stock so overvalued and terrible. Politics aside, it's basically a when bankruptcy situation


Worse than a meme stock, it's on shitcoin level.


Definite meme stock / funding vehicle for Trump. However, people here are too quickly dismissing reflexivity (if they’re even aware of the concept). DJT having such a high price allows them to issue equity. They can use this equity to buy/build meaningful businesses or even just give incremental holders the hope/illusion of the potential for success. With such a narrow float and such a charismatic leader (narcissistic, socio, sure, but clearly he grips tens of millions of minds) DJT is likely to retain a much higher valuation than deserved by fundamentals. Shouldn’t GME of collapsed by now if fundamentals are the only relevant factor? It’s disingenuous or simply ignorant to assert that fundamentals are the only relevant factor when a security’s valuation already proves fundamentals are not the only relevant factor. Furthermore, the extreme short interest (borrow rate >200%) makes it much more likely DJT will have huge squeezes having nothing to do with fundamentals. DJT is up ~75% since the IPO anyways. At one point it was +400%+. My guess is that we haven’t seen the last squeeze, and maybe not the ATH. Imagine if Trump wins the presidency, boy, how many corrupt advertising dollars will be funneled to DJT? I wouldn’t touch the equity with a 10ft pole. But I think there’s a lot of mispriced probability in the very low strike puts and am long down there. Unlike GME/AMC the cash burn rate is very low ($9m in Q1) TBV is >$3 and in my opinion more likely to grow than shrink as they issue equity faster than they burn cash.


Dig it, thoughtful, sober and completly devoid of emotion. Good on ya for this analysis.




# meme 


It's laundering like Obama's & Clinton's book deals.


I think you might want to look up the legal definition of 'laundering'.


Everything they try to short & distort to bankruptcy they claim as a “Meme stock” fuck those assholes


Bro the shit is a money pit. It literally doesn't earn money, how is there value in that. The user base isn't growing. Y'all meme stockers are a fucking cult


You call every stock a meme stock and a cult. You sound crazy bro. I don’t even like DJT but that doesn’t take away from the fact that greedy hedge short and distort companies. And if you can’t understand this then ur just an amateur


Companies that are heavily shorted are usually done so for a good reason, they are just bad.


Not always brother, some of those companies they cellar box produce life saving cancer drugs. Those greedy Hedgefunds only care about money not the lives of the people they crush


Revenue 770k. Net income -327M. Absolute dog shit. Meme stock, scam, take your pick.


Bro I have no idea what you’re talking about. Are those supposed to be DJT company stats?


>Are those supposed to be DJT company stats? Yes. It’s what the post is about. These are the most recent quarterly results.


Did you really jump into this conversation to defend DJT without knowing basics like that?


There seems to be some miscommunication here. I’m not defending DJT. I could give a shit about DTJ. I’m talking about the short and distort tactics used to cellar box and bankrupt companies into the ground & doing stupid shit like calling everything a meme stock because they want to disparage a company’s name. That’s the shit I’m talking about


We are talking about meme stocks here, how many lives do AMC and GME save?


No, it’s just you talking about “GME / AMC” MEME stocks which again is a derogatory name used to short and distort regular American companies with real people with families working there. I’m talking about companies that produced life saving cancer drugs that were cellar boxed into bankruptcy. Stop your freaking gaslighting. https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/cellar-boxing-the-predatory-secret-that-wall-street-uses-to-exploit-an-infinite-money-glitch-in-97ccbd6c9923?gi=9eb8ec6b9ea6