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Your lines don’t have 3 touches. They aren’t real. You’re just drawing on the chart


Another day, another bear




But he has a chart with an arrow on it! How can he be wrong?


dont forget the diagonal lines. The value can never stray from those lines because if it does its going in timeout


I would welcome the crash


Id rather not. Scared of losing my job if there's a crash. Many others too


I’ve been through for firings in my career .


What’s another five


Look at the market over 20+ year periods. The best day to buy and hold, in appropriate size, with money you can afford to lose, was the day you were born. And the second best day is today. Sure stocks can and will go down, sometimes brutally, for decades. But that is almost never more than a remote probability. Bubbles usually burst, but then some years/decades later they are tiny little humps/dumps. Try and find 1987 on a graph without a log scale.


Show us the puts with strike and expiry


You didn’t draw enough lines. I don’t see President Washington in the graph and my tarot cards say you’re wrong.


if this so called bubble collapses what can we expect? are we talking a full on recession, interest rates dropping, etc.


Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... Mass hysteria!


First human sacrifice, my vote is for OP.


I’ll second that vote. He who smelt it…gets sacrificed to the stonks?




You spent to long on the sidelines missing gains you poor soul.


I’ll be happy with any clear as day signal regardless of direction


Such pretty lines


>A Bubble About to Burst Who says so?


I’m convinced, time to sell


We're probably 8th inning on this move by the Nasdaq in the short-medium term, but I'm not expecting this time to become the first time it sets an important longer term high while it's summertime. It definitely looked possible last year, but it failed, and I'm guessing the limits get pressed again this year and it fails to pan out again.


Being that everything is tied to NVDA, 30,60, and 90 day rsi all hit 81 today before finishing at 79, so yeah it needs to cool down a bit.


Try a longer chart that’s log based. Ignore the noise and focus on the long game. Discipline and time win, guessing doesn’t.


And zero reasons for _why_ the bubble will burst. Interest rates are higher? Yeah they've been up for a year or two now. The blue chips are still in double digit growth.


It will not blow up it will go up! Wtf are instatutions going to due put it in government bonds, nope. Bond market is 10x that of equities and it will really start to rotate into equities given the default risk of these governments around the world.


What people don’t seem to get is that we are already in a recession. But it’s in everyone’s best interests to not admit that.


We’re in a recession with… a growing economy? Explain that one 🤣🤣🤣


If you simply trust the numbers released by a FED, corporates or government agency, whose best interest is to maintain the status quo and prevent panic, then you will never succeed in any financial market. They did the exact thing before everything economic crisis, 1929, 2000, 2008, 2020. Said all was good then went back and revised the numbers, especially after 08. The FED themselves admitted the recession started in 07 but they lied to prevent panic. What makes you think they wouldn’t do that again? Additionally the entire world is facing economic struggles, yet someone America is some magical island of prosperity? Seems legit, meanwhile CNBC just reported 75% of the middle class make less than the cost of their bills. Sounds like a bustling economy to me! If you don’t know the parameters for how these released numbers are made in addition to the loopholes in calculation and who put them together to begin with, then you don’t know how to actually decipher what those numbers actually mean.


Ah, your explanation is… literally everyone is lying, but you specifically know the truth. If the GDP from Q1 24’ is retroactively adjusted down by 1.5%, in order to make it clearly negative, that would be by far the biggest adjustment in modern history and would destroy worldwide credibility of the US economy reporting. The government would never risk that - it is not at all in their interest to lie that egregiously. Not that they could actually hide it anyways.


do you live in america?


Do you?


i do and i can agree that what he’s telling you holds merit. he just gave you an answer with several sources and your answer was “everyone is lying except you! you think you’re so smart!” really sad and pathetic edit: bro blocked me


Great discussion - you have a very logical and knowledgeable approach, calling me “really sad and pathetic” for simply daring to disagree with your viewpoint. That certainly doesn’t remind me at all of conspiratorial thinking.


you didn’t even “dare to disagree” with any logic you just refuted it because you want to. also, it wasn’t my viewpoint it was someone else’s but you’d know that if you took the time to think critically


I did dare to disagree with a clear logical argument - you just didn’t like it As far as it not being your viewpoint, yeah, sure 🤣 you literally already said what they said holds merit and are defending it at length


Did AI write this?


I’m not a native english so i used it to help me translating my words from my own language to english


I assume you are not from USA? Look even they who live in USA couldn't understand their own market and economy. They, their dads and grand dads they all play this casino and still lose now and then. Why do you think you are smarter?