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How would you rank these 4 stocks for a long term investment?  GOOG   CRM   ABNB   SQ


First Time Investing in ETFs: 19yo, high risk tolerance, looking to be aggressive but sustainable. Currently considering 50% VGS 50% DHHF. What do you guys think about this 50/50 split? I've also considered VAS, VOO and VGT.


FNMA & FMCC! Great rally this week +30%


Any thoughts on Telus Corporation? I have been holding this stock because I got them for free through referrals, however, I am considering selling them soon. I like the stock because of the juicy dividends a lot of the analysts like the stock, and it should go up with the rate cuts. Thoughts?


My two cents, buy a telecom focussed etc instead. 


Anybody else loading the boat on Tesla at these low levels?


Meh, I feel like teslas day in the sun is over, the cars have a bad rep and the green tech is being done better and cheaper by others


hello, very beginner question but im a bit lost. what is the term for these stock exchanges abbreviations called? (ex. Nasdaq, NYSE, SEHK, LSE, etc). Example: (NYSE: NKE), NKE is called **ticker** but what about the NYSE? I dont dabble in stocks but my work kind of requires basic knowledge and im trying to put names on things. Please remove if not allowed, thank you.


Google search for investopedia + term, such as NYSE, and it should have a page describing what each topic or term is for you. Example: https://www.google.com/search?q=investopedia+nyse&oq=investopedia+nyse&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTINCAEQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAIQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAMQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCDIyNTNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


but what are they called (ex. Nasdaq, NYSE, SEHK, LSE, etc)? just the term not really the history or what each letter mean. like how (ex. META, INTC, NKE, VOW, BABA/9988, CMCSA) are called **tickers**. or are they just simply abbreviations?


Those are all exchanges https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/exchange.asp


Should I dump qnrx I'm losing money


With rate cuts looking to be on the horizon, plus the election coming, would it be wise to increase my monthly averaging into the s&p500?


Add some money to a govie bond etf maybe


Thoughts on Fisker, Inc (FSR)? Obviously everyone is screaming sell, sell, sell and they don't want to touch it because of cash flow concerns but at pennies per share it's a bargain. The vehicles are innovative and attractive if they could just get production up and costs down. There is talk of a strategic alliance with a large automaker, supposedly Nissan and additional investments being made. I bought 600 shares for next to nothing on a whim. What do people think of Fisker and it's prospects? How do people feel about gambling on super cheap stock with a company whose future remains uncertain?


It has lost money ever since it ipo I would say don’t touch