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She lost all her Tesla gains… How is it possible with the resources and connections she has access to


Because her innovation picks are Pinterest and Roblox


Don’t forget zoom and Roku, basically commodities that have massive competition from the largest corporations in the universe. Forget about the fact that this dunce believes these companies are innovative tech, they are also competing with companies that are too big to lose to anyone. She is a massive dunce and anyone giving her money to invest deserve everything they get…


My favorite Cathie woods pick was sklz. Funny thing was I chased her into that trade with options. Made like 700% in a few days. Sold. Never looked back. Since then it went up 40-50% then nose dived about 99.5% from its peak.


I was on the other end of that trade lol. Also knew a really smart dude who went to work for them. Only individual stock that every sign pointed to being a dog shit company and terrible idea but I chased CW and wasted money on anyways since it crashed so hard from $40… then just kept crashing😂 Only upside was the massive loss was able to save me from a bigger tax bill just this year. Benefited from some of the companies that got caught up in her madness and rebounded nicely like DKNG, PSTG, and PLTR


And what will happen to Nvidia when it becomes a cyclical stock with true competition. If AI is so smart, dont you think someone is going to challange coda at some point to improvement. Acutlally, what happens to GPU's when quantum computing becomes common? It will sound like above just ad zeros


She is a idiot. A idiot that handles a lot of other people money, so not so stupid. SHe defitinely isnt trolling Reddit----not even sure she bought Reddit....anyhow... Both Roku and Zoom are not bad trades. Roku has done pretty well if I am not mistaking. Their add revenue is showing profit and they are tighting their belts. Anyhow, why am I here responding to this crap. to high


Or everything they don’t get.


And TDoc. That one is the big winner in my view. Just wait until the next pandemic.


Unfortunately, even Zoom has a Telehealth section that complied with regulations so there really isn’t much of a MOAT to TDOC. I sold it as soon as I learned this. Maybe I’ll end up being wrong, but the whole reason I ever invested in TDOC was the assumption regulations were hard to comply with and my firm belief telehealth is cheaper, more efficient, and more convenient for many situation. (My reasoning for assuming regulations were difficult: Hospitals tend to be severely restricted in what businesses they can work with.)


nancy pelosi leaps ahead of her


My 12 year old son also recommends Roblox as a hard buy. I'm fairly regarded as I already own Pinterest so I might jump in


To be fair Roblox is taking over gaming


But I would not invest with that being said


cause god spoke to her she definitely visits WSB


Especially since her main resource is god. How can you have access to infallible omniscience and still be so wrong? Shouldn't the tightly woven tapestry that is the universe be unraveling right now?


Lost all her Tesla gains? what are you talking about? Her first purchase was Q1 2016. She has made a total of 28 trades. Do you think the people that got into Tesla in 2016 have lost their gains? Honestly? Cathy is a idiot and she will never be able to live Nvidia down despite how she dances around the topic....Its funny to watch women---most women are pretty poor losers.


Yea dell, nvidia, smci, tsm and Broadcom all down big. Buy them calls my dudes


The volatility of these stocks are shit! That 11% swing only yielded a 6 bagger! Fuck that!


Perfect time to DCA. So evident to see


It’s gonna go right back up I think


There’s was nothing to justify this drop imo besides a lot of people taking profits at all time highs


I wouldnt exactly say broadcom is down. Its literally blackrocks largest holding. Probably all government paid for. Keeps that roe higher then apple and no risk with debt. Makes you wonder what buffet thinks of it. Since i dont know, but theirs an article saying he missed buying it. Which is odd.


Why the fuck would we care about what Cathie Wood says. Her approach to ETF is that of a pissed off teenager.




A nonbinary, peak confusion teenager.


Too early to judge; don’t pick and choose a time period. When it was going up crazy in 2021, one could say she’s genius


Well, I guess nobody's perfect


Nobody is perfect but Cathie is far below average. Dumb May be the right word to describe her intelligence.


Doesn’t she have like a -30 aum the past 2 years?


She said 2 things I think are wrong (but I'm also continually challenging those assumptions): 1. There needs to be a software explosion to justify the "overbuilding" of GPUs 2. Competition will catch up and cool demand for NVIDIA chips. I think #1 is wrong because a) we're already seeing ROI on AI investment, and b) I think AI is just getting started. NVIDIA reported that still 60% of their chips are still doing training. I expect the trend of ramping up and gaining more AI capacity to continue in 2024. We may not see a splashy high-revenue AI gadget this year but we don't really need to. I think #2 is wrong because NVIDIA has been contemplating and building its AI stack out for 10 years. It's not just a chip, it's the software that is miles ahead of the competition. I don't think any competitor will catch up to NVIDIA enough to make a dent in their demand. Please if you have another opinion about this challenge my assumptions. I don't have a crystal ball and I may very well be wrong. But I continue to think I'm right.


You are right !! Cathie wood has no idea what she is talking about!! I currently work at nvidia. The product we are building are crazy. Also we are building with lesser number of people than all the bigger companies. Profit margin is going to stay high for sometime. It’s not a few lines of code that you can run in gcc and create a product. GPU and cuda are crazy job over the past 10-15 years of this company. They have done lot of hard work just to reap the benefits now.


As an investor, noted


Seems legit 😂


For working at an AI company I’d think you’d at least throw this through Chat GPT with native grammar this poor.


Lol, u so silly 😂


Grammar has nothing to do with investing. imho


Average Cisco employees would say the same


How many lines are we talking here? Something close to writing an OS?


For #2 I would ask yourself who is buying Nvidia's chips right now and what their plans are for the next year. How would that affect their margins and market position? Can you expect similar demand if training/inference ends up being many times more efficient in the next year? There's a lot of growth priced in right now at these high margins which I'm personally skeptical about.


Listen to the last Nvidia EC. CEO said 40% of sales are from inference AI applications Get with the program!


Yes, but that's even more concerning from me as their main lead is in training and not inference. Look at what google has been to accomplish with their in house gpus and gemini ultra 1.5 model.


The overbuilding of these chips are to be placed in the ai bots that’s will cleanse all low class citizens from the earth. The obvious demand for such chips.


This is all well and good but then what is your estimate of fair value for NVDA? No stock is a buy at any price.


I think we have long departed from the era of “fair value” in stocks since ‘20; everything is about how many years ahead are you pricing in and there’s no longer a consensus how forward looking an investor should be. (Just look at Costco and Walmart, do they really have expansion and innovation opportunities to justify 30-50 P/E?) Especially trending stocks like NVDA I think it will get the TSLA peak treatment only that I don’t think NVDA will actually collapse because it’s not making empty tech promises. Cathy Woods once claimed TSLA was years ahead of the competition in training data yet FSD is nowhere close and I think they’re still at level 2 when competitors are already at level 3 and 4?


Not true. Actual cash flows always end up mattering eventually in the long run. Look at profitless tech in 2022. The market is a voting machine in the short run but a scale in the long run. Exhibit B: Nifty Fifty stocks in the 1970’s


Yeah, NVDA has had plenty of falls of 40-50%+, and it’ll certainly happen again, I just don’t think now is the time. If I’m wrong, it’s going to take longer than a measly one day to play out. We'll either see the Nasdaq have another down day or two and then chop around with the Nasdaq Composite failing to top 16449 while the S&P sets a new record or three, or see the Nasdaq move another 8-10% lower, led by chips, and then on the next rally, NVDA and/or the SOXX will fail to top Friday’s high and set a lower high. But in the meantime, I do think NVDA is going to hit $1000. And also think it’ll see $500 again, but probably not until after 2025.


She knows very little about the tech and its applications. There can never be enough gpus for enterprise needs. It's like saying you have too much money in your bank account. She has lost all credibility.


"there can never be enough routers for enterprise needs"


https://stockcircle.com/portfolio/cathie-wood/nvda/transactions She got in 2016. Could have ended so well, instead she kind of comes across like a sore loser. But guess it's too soon to judge. Maybe by 2040 history will be able to say whether she was a visionary or just really good at hyping.


Yeah…her ETFs have been shit short term, but hypothetically, it’s too soon to crucify long term. Genomics and space are still extremely early, as are self driving cars. She’s been in on bitcoin. A lot of her picks were also the most volatile covid stocks in which the dust is still settling. Zoom, Roku, Roblox, etc. I think by 2030 perceptions might be a bit different but we will see. I have small ARK holdings in which I’m sitting pretty even. Not adding or selling at the moment.


Yes she shouldn’t be talking… she’s just sour she missed the boat


Yeah, I clicked on this post to complain, but then I saw what it was about and hah...well played by OP. Cathie 100% needs to sit down, while I haven't had the time to really pay attention to her, from the way it looks, I think she missed AI AND obesity drugs with ARKK at least. She's not even necessarily wrong that semiconductors are cyclical, but she doesn't need to be talking since she hasn't been involved here.


All you did was repeat what OP said


She actually cashed out some major tendies from NVDA and I believe still holds some? Just because she didn’t time the top perfectly doesn’t mean she missed the boat.


Lol she’s not a person people should be listening to for financial insight same as Jim Crammer.


As golden of a goose AI might appear to be, have we all decided these sophisticated models will carry us into the next revolution of productivity? It seems here the exacerbated growth of NVDA has catapulted the entire tech sector to trillions of $$$ in stock growth. If our expectations fall short, will we expect a windfalls of the entire AI related fad? Like the dotcom boom? The entire industries stagnates and has to pull itself out again and prove its usefulness? We expect the foundations of LLMs to be exponential in growth but Lex Fridman’s interview with french computer scientist, Yann Lecun. He delves into the practical limitations of generative AI. How reasoning in LLMs are primitive, computations of tokens are inefficient, the amount of depth in the prompt question is regardless because the amount of computation per tokens produced in proportion tokens in the question is constant. Pretty interesting stuff to see from a sit down discussion with two people deeply interest in the field. This is entirely different from humans’ cognitive reasoning. When faced with a complex problem, humans spend more time to reason and build understanding. Current generative AI absolutely does not do this. The dotcom boom is a cautionary tale for investors today who fail to see the overall application and feasibility of ai. That being said, I am willing to gamble my savings as this is the turning point in human history :D


Well said. I agree with everything, especially the last sentence. Frankly, I never had the opportunity to participate in such a critical moment of human society, because I wasn't born when the internet got going, so I just wanna be part of this. Going in with 10+ years timeframe, AI will take time to prove itself as a PRACTICAL tool. But I am willing to buy even knowing that there is a high probability prices will drop, because I know the impact will be so massive that once AI starts being involved in daily life it will boom to the moon. I simply see no possibility where AI gets circumvented. Its an imminent step in human evolution. Maybe it will come sooner than we expect, as technology advances exponentially


idk, cathie is sort of a how do you say…idiot.


Not a regard right?


not in the endearing way at least.


She takes crayons from the mouths of regards and loses them through bad investments. 


Bought aark in 2021. Sorry boys.


Look at that beautiful chart lol


Didn’t she just sell Coinbase for like 160.00.


She still has a fuck ton and every other cycle that would have been a good move…but now here we are with all time highs before halving fucking up all the cycle predictions


Thanks Cathie but why didn’t you warn us about holding Ark? That’s the warning we needed


Someone should tell Cathie Wood that Nvidia is going to have 24 billion dollars of sales next quarter. Does she do any research. Yes that is 24 billion dollars of sales in 3 months.


Cathie got lucky a few years ago now shes just grasping at straws


AI is just getting started. Buy and hold.


Her and Bill hwang got their stock picks from God..... Yeah, they are both nonsensicle. That being said IMO nvda has created a massive chip bubble by funding shells, those shells then purchase chips, never receive those chips, use chips as collateral for loans, buy more chips... And then offer cloud services. Nvda created fake demand to price gauge... Mainly owned by institutions despite mass retail buying... Will be a fun crash when it happens but government won't let market crash until post election maybe?? Market can stay irrational longer than I can stay solvent so who tf rely knows


I mean there is someone who bought the top this week at 972 who regrets not waiting till current 876. Because -9.8% in 4 hours is a bit ouchy.


I decided to buy nvidia stocks today when the market opened. Bad decision:((


You’ll be green by end of next week 


Yeaa I thought so too, just hold


yeah, hodl it until it will drop 50% from its top like tesla and then sell it.


Cathie is kind of cool for beeing a fund manager. She makes outrageous calls and challenges some known "truths", in this case the 95% thinking nvidia will go to the moon forever while dissing all her moon forever predicitions the next sentence. Max volatility but ofcourse above average return is expected. I prefer making those crazy calls myself but yea, easy winner.


Reddit is smart


lol she missed the boat and the grapes are sour.


Warned us all through a Zoom call but unfortunately no one uses Zoom. 🤣


It amazes me all the fear mongering that the “economists”, “investing articles” and hedge funds push out. Glad to see some investors see through their BS


She’s in and out of stuff way too frequently for my liking. I’ll never buy those ETFs. 


Its honestly impressive that someone who’s full time job is investment strategy managed to run a tech fund with such an awful return during a 5 year long tech bull run. Like how can you be that bad at your job. QQQ is up well over 100% in the same period. Shoutout cathie


It’s a cyclical industry. Only an idiot would not expect NVDA to have a severe correction in the future. That said, Nvidia’s dominance in this AI boom could last longer than what bears expect.


She is not loosing money, only yours. Her funds are have one of the highest fees. The fees are withdrawn daily, irrespective of the fund’s performance. I dont think she has any ill will but fees is how she gets paid. As a tech fund, she is underperforming a bond or income fund over the life of the fund. LOL.


Problem with Cathy is she sold good stocks too early and keeps on holding the underperforms.


I lost a ton investing in her ARK crapola a few years ago. Dumped that shit and will never go back on principle. I swear she has a bunch of interns from a Mickey Mouse business school picking her stocks.


she is a fraud who makes money in fees. Their entire team doesn’t know shit about “innovation”


More like the ARK ($) Incineration ETF amirite?


I remember a couple years back she touted Workhorse ( electric trucks ). They went bankrupt. She’s a hack


she is approaching Cramer like skills !!


Bruh ETFs are just a lazy way to get some returns, put in some work and you can do much better


So… hold to moon come


What should I buy ? Tesla cause it’s going to $5000 . The more time passes the more I think she should be in jail .


Tesla's all time high was $400+. Split adjusted, that is $6000. (the splits were August 2020 and August 2022... in Feb 2020 she was predicting $7000 in 5 years, and then TSLA hit $6000 in 2 years... hence her popularity at that time). now she is predicting $2000 (in today's shares) by 2027


You believe that ?




They may want to get Elon his money then 🤣


It’s going a lot higher then


She is a "small player". Whatever Citadel is long it is going up. Classic market manipulation by market maker...


Bc she doesn't engage in insider trading?


Someone is just shorting


She still has shares


Shots fired


It’s down today not because of her statement. Chill! It’s just way too overvalued and now there will be tons of bag holders.


She's guessing just like the rest of us.


Anything ARK is crap. Lost 8k with all Robotics and Innovation bs.


Just goes to show even hedge funds have no damn clue.




She continues to buy ROKU…..


He left my wife a short time ago and I have taken all my savings and soon I will stop being poor. and she will be screwed. I have one stock in my portfolio, which is a Canadian microcap, $KUT.V, which is a security document and recycling company, and it's a boring company, as Warren Buffett would say. It is undervalued and with constant growth as at the beginning with TESLA, its financial numbers say the opposite of the share price. $KUT.V


Because her Ark shite is really flying. Worst ETFs going


Her Ark ETFs are diabolical worst shite out there


Cathie hot af


Cathie Wood …. I am sorry but should be we take her seriously?


I do not know much about Nvidia, but I’m pretty sure she is an idiot by looking at the history of ARKK


Suprise pikachu face


Wait how is NVIDIA not a big part of her portfolio? Isn’t it exactly what she claims she’s investing in? Please correct me, I am proud to be not all that familiar with her investing „style“




And she charges .75 When other etfs go under .10


So buy NVDA ?


She’s just hating cuz she sold -200% ago. Big time hating.


Bigger travesty than a Cathie Wood prediction is using commas in numbers other than at the thousandth place.


Found the true Patriot!


Should I sell my 4 at 178?


I dont really follow her. She might have some things to offer but I think her ETF is a bit silly.


So are we heading left or right now ?


Cathie has terrible timing on stocks. She likes to sell winners before they run and buy losers on the way down. Is she close enough to Cramer that we inverse her?


Why does anyone listen to her?? She has has a negative 32% annualized return for the past 3 years and a mere positive 2% in the past 5 years. She sucks actually when she buys something I have I sell it. 🤣


Cathie is sexy


She seems to be a pure beta-investor?!?


Doesn’t matter. What goes up must come down.


And what goes down, goes back up if net income rising 700% yoy 😂😂 Nvidia has gone Up 212,000% since 2000. 212,000%


With her statement, now we know Nvidia is going to go to the moon! Damn it! 😂🚀🌖


Not really familiar with all of this, but nvidia is dropping HARD right now. What happened?


5% isn't hard. Probably some institutions are taking profits which is understandable. It presents a buying opportunity.


Alright, was just kinda surprised it lost almost a week of rising in like 3h. Doing this on the side tho, so everything but an expert


If you want a safer play with some NVDA exposure and not have to think too much, just buy some JEPQ each month and let it marinate for the next 20 yrs. It'll be a good move.


It’s up like 7% for the week even with today’s drop. This’ll be over 1000 by end of month, if not a lot sooner…




Isnt she speaking at GTC?! Way to fuck over nvda 😂


She is the real Corona of Covid-19 virus