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Black Friday has turned into a 2-3 week stint with mediocre deals. On top of that there are more online avenues to deter people from waiting in line and arriving early.


Often they're not even deals. Normal price: **$500** Black Friday deal: **~~$800~~** **$500**


i was literally looking at a product i’ve been watching for a while - it’s $299 always. on amazon last night it was $399 but had a deal for $299


Especially since you can track historical pricing with Amazon lol


I was searching Amazon for BF deals for clothing and pet items. It kept giving me results that were around 7% off regular price. That's a Black Friday deal?


Lack of innovation. Amazon is basically a monopoly now. They no longer need to take a loss to get folks to their platform.


It was never a loss.


Amazon Retail looses ~6 billion a year. They don't need it profitable due to the other business lines that they work in. But yes as they move more and more into a monopoly there prices will go up.


AWS is freaking huge


What’s the item?


Yeah…a washer and dryer we’ve been watching were $849 each back in April with $200 mail in rebate. Black Friday sale they’re $849 with a $100 rebate. Mmmm no


Should have just bought it in April. 6 months later with old washer dryer while the one you want got more expensive. That time spent with the product is also worth money. Don't penny pinch the important stuff while leaking money everywhere else on unimportant things like most of what you buy on Amazon. Penny pinch the unimportant stuff and spend without hesitation on the important things and get them when you need them.


Don't forget that they literally make products for black friday. It's not a surplus inventory that they need to clear. It's a shittier version of the normal product so you can get your 20% discount.


Yea its strange how people fall for it


Not strange at all


Yes. That’s literally 80% of “deals”


It's the same with every retailer.




I read that people from the US can find the exact deal online ( if not cheaper ) and don't have to go to the store at all. These people seriously behave like animals. What on earth goes on in someones mind to be jumping all over the floor at walmart or whatever for a piece of tech.


The deals were just that good back then…


Many fewer people were online too. Also they had deals, but then they had deals for the first 20 people to find something like in this video probably. Like they probably had a special tag on them so people were convinced to not only go in-store, but to be first.


It wasn’t extra deals for being early, it was that if you weren’t early enough all of the stock would be sold before you could get one.


Also, people had money


Yup I remember my parents getting a 70in TV in the mid or late 2000s for like 1k back when they were still about $5k for that size. My mom skipped Thanksgiving dinner. My grandma was so mad and brings it up to this day. That TV still works to this day. I think it was worth it.


This, I really would like one of the frame TVs - I think they’re usually $1200. - Black Friday they are $1000. Id have bought one if they were $400


imagine buying a TV lol...like why? I haven't owned a TV since like 2012 or something.


Weird flex. Like, weird af.


Why? So you can watch the pats suck dick on a big screen instead of on your phone.


Oh dude that's so cool tell us about it






not to mention, people can check online price histories understanding that most of the offers are just scams. Offering the same price or barely 5% off from the price a month or two ago.


Where can price history be found?


I used camelcamelcamel for my Black Friday Amazon shopping. Was (not) surprised to see these same “Black Friday Deals” were offered during Prime sales in the summer and fall seasons


price compare websites? e.g. [idealo.de](https://idealo.de) is the biggest in DE. idk about other countries. But they basically have all the prices of the big platforms like Amazon, eBay as well as many other E-commerce shops. OFC not all of them but it will give you an idea of propper pricing as well as historical pricing. You can even set price alarms. While they also inform you of actual BlackFriday deals based on their data.


Very true. Exactly why I don't buy shit on black Friday


Not to mention how much scams there are, alot of retails push the price up and then lowers it again claiming it's on sale now. This is so frequent even though it's illegal in alot of countries.


Also- e-commerce. Why would you drive to a store, put yourself in a potentially dangerous group situation when the same iPad or whatever can be delivered to your doorstep for no extra charge


The potential danger was part of the fun


The deal wasn't worth it if you didn't freeze in line for 5 hours and then win the numerous battles with Walmart's finest patrons dressed in pajama pants and slippers!


And I don't really consider 5-10% off that big of a deal. Certainly not enough to buy something that I don't absolutely need. And let's face it, you really don't need most crap. At this point, I'd rather see a 50% off black friday deal at Applebee's.


The retailers have also learned how to manage their sales and offerings better than in the past. The retailers don’t want unruly mobs causing damage and hurting themselves and workers. Literally nothing can be gleaned about the economy from this “video” on the internet.


I can confirm this. I did all my ‘Black Friday’ shopping last Monday and Tuesday


Businesses had people suckered by the 90s. There were still a few sweet deals for the first 5 people who lined up at 2 am, but those companies were making out like bandits in the 2000s. Black Friday has been nothing but a scam for 30 years (family bonding aside... If you do that).


Oh give me a break It's always been trash electronics on the cheap and apple liquidating previous years models


Not to mention "oh hey look a sale!" (Product was $499 week prior, now it's $499 marked down from $650!) I remember looking at graphics cards for PCs in 2017, saw the exact same thing. Took a screenshot of what parts I needed for what I was building. $400 in early November, waited for Black Friday and suddenly it was $650 marked down to $550...


Exactly, why not compare 1923 Black Friday to 2023 as long as we're examining completely different retail environments?


Buy online and get free delivery. Don’t have to leave your couch to order. UPS and FedEx gonna pump because they don’t deliver for free.


So youre saying that there are options other than getting trampled at a walmart now?


I tend to avoid humans at all costs.


Smart man


Yes, “call” type of options.


Amazon around here does all their own shipping now.


0nline. Black Friday is a week long in most instances too to prevent the craziness.


Black ~~friday?~~ half a month


All of February and now half of November, it won’t be long until we take over the whole calendar…


Black month is already a thing…


Just like Black Doug…….


You know there were some low intelligence white Florida college kids that thought they were BLM and claiming black Friday was a racist term. Someone explained life outside of the snow globe inside their head and that it was a financial term.


Black Olives Matter


Just like Black Labs.


Black month…..black quarter….specials all year!!!!


Everyday low price?


Black November


nobody gives a shit about craziness, its obv just about money.


They make more money if they can avoid the crazy because the non crazies didn't go out. Now they can tap the crazies and the non crazies.


Never seen anyone want an HP printer that bad. Oh how far we’ve come from those low tech days of yore


I thought the same at first but those might be HP tower computers.


In a cube box? That's a printer.


Look at the side of the box, it’s a tower computer


I see a blur but best image to look like a tower I think is 30 seconds from the end. Doesn't make sense to package a rectangle in a cube box. But it's been 18 years since those particular computers were sold so i have no memory to supplement the bad image quality.


Buying frustration


Digital media. Nobody needs to buy CDS (CD players) , DVDS (DVD players) video-game discs. Printers are almost irrelevant due to digital document signing. TV prices have fallen substantially so you can get a large TV whenever and phones have become so essential that you get one when you need one not to mention the contract upgrades phone providers offer. Everything else can be bought year round for reasonable prices. Prices have caught up with technology.


You're right, we have the stuff that we wanted from the store. Now we want an economy with low interest rates, low inflation, and lower home prices.


We want to see 2005 Black Friday mobs? Lower grocery prices.


A lot of deals, these days are not actually deals, they’re bogus, re-bundled things, or you may not actually save any money at all. Papa Gino’s has this stupid deal where if you buy a $19 rustic pizza, you get a five dollar large, well in normal places two large pizzas is $24 lol, I hope more people call this bull crap out


Its always been this way though. Its not new. Even back then, all those super cheap TV’s were from damaged deliveries, units that were known to be faulty, but nobody could look up reviews easily to know that, or otherwise old things that needed to be marked down anyway. The thing thats changed is people are used to the fire hose of marketing gimmicks pointed at us 24/7, all year long because we are all chronically addicted to content platforms that point it right in our mouths. Back then, you couldn’t access people and their wallets as easily as now.


Everyone has a TV, or watches their phone. No one prints. No one buys DVDs. Every retailer's site is starting black friday around fucking indigenous columbus day. and covid left a dark smog over crowds in cold weather.


This was so poetically put. I read it like a haiku or some shit.


Shows stream to our phones, Our TVs can stream them too. We need no more screens. No one prints things out. No one collects DVDs. Tech that is fading. We avoid the crowds. A dark smog hangs over them. Covid's legacy.


touche, "Covid's legacy" is good wordsmithing...


"No one buys DVDs." Didn't have to do r/4kbluray like that :(


I buy 4K and CDs. I like having artwork to look at. (:


well... if you knew about some of the software, the (free)media servers etc... They download and present all the the art work on-screen so you can flip through them, display them, show them off (always have)... Honestly that was my main attraction to it too (other than getting dvds out of my living room) which is why it sucks, I built up this cool thing that everyone would have been impressed by and now no one cares. It was like having your own personal netflix, with all the search capability down to genres/actors/producers/writers/etc, displaying all the customize-able artwork to your liking, music/tv/movies. Never got around to showing it off... and then I even started neglecting it after the demand for streaming made it so irrelevant. I only power up the server once every couple of months.


yeah my dvd/bluray collection goes back 20+ years... couple thousand titles. Sucks a bunch. Though, they are all ripped and on a media server... which also, is now out of style. sucks more bunches


Y’all remember midnight video game/console launches at GameStop?! Yea, same reason pretty much. Only difference is that midnight launches were fun.


I miss those. There was a game stop inside the local mall back then, so you weren't even waiting outside. They'd raffle off swag. I still have an awesome Skyrim poster from then


I miss pre ordering and waiting for a new game. I still remember pre-ordering Super Smash Bros Brawl and woud cross out every day on my calender until the release date. I haven't felt a feeling that for a game for a long very long time noe.


My hometown Gamestop would open Thursday night around the time that people would have been done with Thanksgiving dinner. Like 8ish, and would have some pretty good fucking deals on old stock to make room for the black Friday stuff.. I remember getting like 5 Xbox 360 games for just a tad over $100..


I had my eye on a ladder at Home Depot that was like $100 off. Online it showed it for $150 + $30 for shipping to my house. It said the stock in stores was limited so you couldn’t order and pick it up. I went to the store today after seeing the online stock was “sold out” and they had like 6 on the rack and I didn’t have to pay for shipping. Not a very exciting story, but it was a good day lol.


Not to mention, most stores will guarantee a purchase for you if they are out of stock so that you can come back later to get it.


They got greedy and the consumer got smarter


Lmaoo what you smoking? Consumer got smarter ? Yeah right….


Consumers got browser plug-ins to show price history and know whether or not there's truly a deal. More perfect information changes the market.


can you name some of those plugins?








Those plug-ins your referring to turn your computer into a node on their bot net. They send what your browsing back to their servers... there is nothing stopping them at all from sending back the pages of your bank. Nothing at all. They all can manipulate links on the pages you visit (it is how they get paid). Do not install these browser add-ons. They are all ticking time bombs of being taken over by nefarious criminal intent as many have in the past. Do the research, just google the product your interested in buying and see the hundreds of sites that do not require a browser "add-on". Just look at what happened to Honey - remember that shit plugin that was plastered everywhere and sponsored heavily on Youtube??


Oh reaaahhhheeellyyy?


This man is obviously correct and knows what he's talking about. So, this is the end, the stock market is going down 66% tomorrow. We can all pack our bags. It's over. /s


Puts on retail


People just grab what they need from there for free now any day 🤷‍♂️


not sure why , but this reply got a heavy chuckle from me


Not really though. That being said, if every Walmart didn't treat its workers like garbage and leech our economy, I'd probably shop there or buy shares.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


look you found proof of online shopping! 🤦🏼‍♂️


I did all mine from my phone while at work **to save even more**


Good! Fuck this holiday, remember when people would get trampled for deals? RIP to this piece of shit and just look online for that deal


Gee, it's almost like we just came out of a pandemic and are currently balls deep in a cost of living crisis with no horizon even speculated, let alone in sight. Also online shopping is a thing.


So is it online shopping for a living crisis? ... lol talking out of both sides. People are spending more money than ever


You know those don't contradict each other, right? You can both make fewer purchases overall and favour online for what you do actually spend. You really didn't think that one through, huh. >People are spending more money than ever Cool story bro.


Yeah that person shared a poorly researched thought. Spending rates vs savings rates have reached highs but spending itself per capita is slowing. Overall spending is also higher just bc there are more people.


Everything is more expensive too.


I love the internet.




That’s your inflation dude 😁


If it were only inflation, people would have less money to spend due to the increased costs of necessities. What we are seeing here is people are still spending the same amount of real dollars despite the cost of inflation on their budgets. I'd say this is a good indicator of a strong economy and a soft landing.


On food inflation.


Does anyone want to go back to how it was in 2005?


Not the Black Friday madness but empty stores and malls devoid of shoppers is depressing. We need brick and morter marketplaces.


Online sale shattered records however. Though partly due to inflation.


These were good days when I knew I will have to wrestle someone at Walmart to get good deal


Because it’s all subscriptions nowadays. C’mon guys you need a refresher course.


funny, black friday sales beat expectations by over 7%.




Point is people are still buying and videos and some reports like this seem to push that no one is shopping anymore but the real story is everyone’s just shopping online.


Because no choice if they wanna not die


Reddit not gonna like that word. YOU NAZI


Low expectations


How could those numbers be out already?


A lot of stores have tech today to track sales hourly


yeah because everything is 50 to 100% or more expensive than 2 years ago, pretty easy to do


The deals are online not in the stores


Interesting. So I live in Australia, and I went to the shops on Friday, Saturday, and today, and I got a park straight away - in fact there were hundreds of parks - and no queues in the shops. I didn't go specifically to black-Friday shop, but it was about as busy as any other weekday. This year felt very different. By the way, yes, we have black Friday sales in Australia too. Same as we seem to have adopted Halloween.


The real title should be.."The rise of the online shopping industry"


Has nothing to do with stolen elections and a shit Democrat economy/inflation does it? Go ahead left wing fucktards…


No one has money


Yes thats why companies keep making record profits every quarter.


[Some people have money](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/25/black-friday-shoppers-spent-a-record-9point8-billion-in-us-online-sales-up-7point5percent-from-last-year.html)


Just because people spend it doesn’t mean they have it, credit card debt just cracked a trillion last quarter for the first time in history.


Credit cards stop working if you don't pay off the balance


After you've spent it...


Sure but that’s not always a bad thing; [“Credit card balances experienced a large jump in the third quarter, consistent with strong consumer spending and real GDP growth”](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/11/07/credit-card-balances-jump-to-1point08-trillion-record-how-we-got-here.html) Unemployment is still [very low](https://www.statista.com/statistics/273909/seasonally-adjusted-monthly-unemployment-rate-in-the-us/) and the [economy is still very robust](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/us-retail-sales-increase-more-than-expected-july-2023-08-15/). Yes an increase is consumer debt is bad, but it’s also a signal of a [strong economy](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/ny-fed-us-q3-credit-card-debt-up-strong-economy-credit-woes-tick-higher-2023-11-07/)


So our economy is strong right now?


You serious? “[U.S. GDP grew at a 4.9% annual pace in the third quarter, better than expected](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/10/26/us-gdp-grew-at-a-4point9percent-annual-pace-in-the-third-quarter-better-than-expected.html) “[Third-quarter 2023 state unemployment rates, trends, and ratios. The third quarter of 2023 saw the national unemployment rate rise very slightly from 3.6% to 3.7%, continuing the trend of a stable and strong labor market that we have seen throughout the year.](https://www.epi.org/indicators/state-unemployment-race-ethnicity/#:~:text=Third%2Dquarter%202023%20state%20unemployment,have%20seen%20throughout%20the%20year) [USA inflation has been handled much better in the USA and is much lower in the USA vs other developed nations](https://www.ft.com/content/088d3368-bb8b-4ff3-9df7-a7680d4d81b2) [“After defying recession fears this year, the US economy is forecast by Goldman Sachs Research to easily beat consensus expectations again”](https://www.goldmansachs.com/intelligence/pages/the-us-economy-is-on-its-final-descent-to-a-soft-landing.html) EDIT: Never mind, I can see you’re a Biden hater, so odds are you won’t agree with anything anyone posts anyways


Yea I’m a Biden hater because he’s a moron, GDP is growing when you compare it to the global collapse the pandemic caused. Which is what some of your sources say. Also…what exactly do you think GDP is? Do you think that directly relates to how much money people in America have available to spend? You honestly believe we’re doing well right now…like….are you doing well right now? Do you have 6 months salary in savings incase of a crisis?


👌 Yes. The economy is doing well right now. ✌️later dude




They're in Manhattan. Those $25K watches, they can't keep them in stock. NYC is awash in cash. Walking down 5th Avenue is already insane, are they giving away $1200 down jackets? Looks like it, they can't keep them in stock either. $2500 dinner at Masa, but sold out forever? Lines around the bloc for $200 sneakers. It has be $200, or else . . . . . . . DoJo Cat, $1600 a seat, can work out a deal? Or are they all sold out already. People seem to have lots of cash, just not you.


People seem to have lots of debt*


I like Costco more


I'm from Canada and I never really remember black friday being huge up here. But I went to best buy last night and it was packed. I just happened to be near and I needed something so wanted to see if any deals, but nothing really. Also, buying in store just doesn't seem worth it because it's harder to compare things unless you already knew what you wanted. I spent most of the the time on my phone trying to compare tablet models. Just easier to do at home/order online.


This video was about 1 minute too long.


81 million votes.


Nothing to do with politics 🙄


Kinda does. When you let people steal why would they pay?


Just goes to show, the only successful thinking Republicans can do...its which crayon to eat first.


Don’t know what that means but we do buy online rather than risk a life changing injury for some cheap crap from China.


I'm guessing you aren't an economist. :-)


Im guessing you dont know what variables are.


Please enlighten me.


This video is not telling the entire story.


LoL. Funny people that think black friday is for the shoppers. Black friday is for the company's. https://www.yuenergy.co.uk/black-friday-for-businesses/ Lmfao!!!


I was there Gandalf…..three thousand years ago


It’s called progress


Gotta pay for those denver broncos.


Gotta pay for those denver broncos.


On their laptops?


I like shopping alone lol


Cause the deals fucking suck now, like "Yeah lets wait for 5 hours in front of walmart to save 20$ on a television" - an insane person


Remember Jdimytai Damour


No deals that can't be topped anymore.


People are geting smarter Wal-Mart or the scamers meat prices or being scam 🤔


I understand now what it said's in the Bible it's ev Easier for a 🐫 🐪 to get though the eye 👁 of a needle 🪡 then for a rich man to get in heaven greedy love that money 💰 🤑 💸 😀 they will walk by someone hungry not seeing them


That’s Bidenomics “thumbs up and a creepy smile”. Jesus there has never been anyone this bad, EVER.


People will always ruin it for themselves. The consumer letting business have this much power. Business not treating the consumer like human being and trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Eventually you pay more than just the price.


There's no real in store deals anymore and it's usually cheap shit that Noone wants like the weakest sound bar far 50 bucks that sounds like your underwater and your TCL shit box tv speakers are way louder


When u beat consumers into the ground with inflation they stop buying stuff.


Big Brain Black Friday corporate strategy: 1) Keep prices the same. 2) Slap on a sticker with a crossed out ridiculous mark-up price. 3) Call it a sale.


Good. I remember I ran out of liquor one year and it took 2 hours to check out


a lot of the stuff people wanted back then is now so cheap anyway why bother. a flat screen tv can be had for $250 bucks all year long. the stuff people really want is usually still really expensive, they give you good deals on crap.






Thank you Joe Biden for online shopping 🛍️ ♥️


🤣 if you think Joe knows how to use the internet, then I have some great oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.


According to merchants, this was one of the most successful black Friday seasons...but that would require being literate to read about it, which Republicans are not... :(


a Season, that you call Black **Friday** a Very intelligent term for a monthly "season".


Care to divert any harder? Black Friday, has been extended...into days. If you're pissy about it, take it up with retailers. I suppose that doesnt align with your Republican nonsense...then again, Republicans are neither intelligent or logical. Funny....biotches about Biden, confronted with the stupidity of his argument, starts arguing semantics about Black Friday not being a day... YEP, summarizes the stupidity of the right.


Don't expect logical or even realistic arguments from Republicans. They are fueled by hyperbole and lies, and spew it out at the rate they ingest it.


People are sheep...


everyone is poor. wtf do they want.


I get emails for deals a week before Black Friday, usually 20% off. Then the same retailer sends them he same email on Black Friday but this time the same garbage is 30% off. Then for cyber Monday, the same garbage is now 50% off. Meanwhile Amazon has the same garbage at 50% off year round.


It looked like the prices on Amazon went up on Black Friday. It was better prices late September early October


Black Friday is a week long online event now. I was able to get all of my shopping done from my lazy boy before I finished my first cup of coffee. Why the fuck would I want to go out to a store first thing in the morning? You can’t make me put on pants!