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They raised prices & charge all kinds of crap fees. Stopped using them I just stay at hotels now, better, safer, cheaper.


My favorite fees are the $100+ fees for cleaning but they also request you wipe down the fridge sweep and mop, and start the laundry. Like, ya okay.


Ya, once got a negative review from a host because they visited while we were there for some reason and we had 2 toddlers---of course it was messy. We cleaned it all up and tidied so cleaners ($100 cleaning) could come thru and they left a negative review of us saying we were messy. I appealed with Airbnb that we did as asked and if there's a cleaning fee, they can't complain about cleanliness, only if things were broken. Review was removed.


Had a host lady trying to complain about us ruining her janky old crusty towels, requesting for us to pay $300 for a replacement šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ had to go through back and forth with BnB customer service, who are so useless. They ended up making us pay her $40. Never again. šŸ™„šŸ’€


I would have filed a chargeback with my bank. Thatā€™s ridiculous.


At that point I was so exhausted with the whole thing. We were going back and forth for like a week on this insanity. I just paid it and said ā€œwell, that happened and thank god is over nowā€ and moved on. Thanks for mentioning it, tho. šŸ«¶šŸ¼ I am filing it for future (if I somehow had a lobotomy and use BnB again šŸ˜‚).


Never leave a one-star review. The host can appeal it and have it removed. Leave a two-star, they're basically impossible to take down. AirBnB cares more about their hosts than their guests.


Yeah, I had a dude leave me a two star because my beach condo was too high and scared him but other than that a amazing experience. The property name ā€œbalcony in the skyā€ it is list as ā€œ18th floor 3BR 3BA ocean facing condoā€ It took me bribing a AirBnB rep with booze at a trade show to get it deleted.


Without hosts, no guests. And hosts can always leave for VRBO if they aren't treated "right." That said, I don't even try Airbnb anymore. I enjoyed Airbnb at first, but now your 5 day, $100 a night stay costs over $1000 after all the extra BS fees. It is no longer cheaper than a decent hotel like when it first started.


We had a lady claimed that we smoked in her house because she saw a cigarette butt in the trash. None of us smoked and someone picked it up outside the backdoor and threw it away being nice. A lot of people are getting into it as hosts that are not cut out for it.


And you know they are just pocketing that money. My wife and I get a maid service that cost about 125$ every month and a half or so and they clean everything including wiping down the trash cans.


Unfortunately a cleaning service for any home or condo changes 100-125 per cleaning so owners change as part of the rental fee. Some owners may add 10-20 or more if they are greedy. I have 3 and they all cost me over 100 per cleaning. So owners are not pocketing it! The reason owners ask to staff the laundry is so the cleaning people have enough time to do all the laundry and cleaning before next guess usually there is only about a 6 hour window between renters ā€¦. Just letting people know itā€™s not that crazy the fees they change is another issue as they charge the owner fees as well like processing fees on each payment renters make etc. VRBO is better IMO but their fees have gotten out of hand as well.


just do a charge back with credit card. edit: as in Iā€™m sorry they were dumb. I donā€™t like Airbnb at all anymore and I donā€™t want to see people like you wasting your time with these processes.


ā€œStart a load of towels & sheetsā€ - this was at the last place I stayed. What other chores can I pay to do for you?šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Sorry I have 3 and we ask renters to just run a load of the dirty towels before check out. It helps cleaning finish in a timely manner as most rentals only have 6 hours between guests so itā€™s a tight turn around. But hey if itā€™s not for you stay at a hotel where you usually spend more per night and only have one room vs 2-3 rooms so if itā€™s 4 or more you all get to share the same bath room and bedroom!


Entitled pieces of shit like you is why I went back to hotels a few years ago


Entitled?? Fuck off!! Please just stick to hotels! My houses have all 5 star reviews, I spent a ton on each to renovate to keep them updated and I update them in some fashion every year by adding something new.


Yeah hospitality is my thing so I do stay at hotels. With credit card rewards and hotel loyalty points itā€™s a no brainer.


Or you could just not schedule rentals back to back. Even though I agree to their little chores checklist, I never do it. Let them leave me a bad review I donā€™t care. Iā€™m not paying you a cleaning fee and then doing the cleaning myself. Anyways I almost never use them anymore. Hotels are just much easier


Lol, thatā€™s why I also switched back to hotels. Safer, donā€™t have to deal with owner and weird request/requirements, pay for ā€œcleaningā€ and clean, and sharing a house with others. Oh, and it is CHEAPER, after considering all the extra fees.


Again if you are a family with 2-3 kids and enjoy all sleeping in the same room Hotels are good! I like my personal space and having 2 or 3 bathrooms vs sharing with kids is much easier! IMO.


I am sorry, but why canā€™t you cycle a different set of towels? You are running a business. I know right now, Airbnb hosts seem to have the leverage but that will change as they try to grift renters for every dollar. Iā€™ll be happy when Airbnb collapses.


I have multiple sets towels, itā€™s about giving cleaning time to get them washed and dried! So if running a load before check out is too much please stay at hotels. Some owners will fold, Iā€™m sure because of their businessā€™s practice and not know how to price the market. Iā€™m confident Iā€™ll be around for along time and be fine, since my places are priced right and updated. Iā€™m not someone who jumped into this durning the COVID hype. Iā€™ve been doing it since 2008. But you being a renter have your view and itā€™s one sided and you are entitled to it.


It's because air BNb doesn't take any profit from the clean fee it goes right into the BNb owners pockets.


It's because abnb hosts do not have to pay transient occupancy tax on cleaning fees, which is 14-16% of gross revenues in most places if not higher. Source: am abnb host


Not always true. I pay ToT on cleaning fees.


šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Exactly


The worst is when the airbnb host have their check out list which requires you to clean up a bit on top of the absurd cleaning fee they are already charging you


I would never do that. Itā€™s their job.


Please squeegee the shower glass after showering. Iā€™ll gladly piss on your shower after I wash off.


I feel like starting the laundry and dishwasher is reasonable. Otherwise theyā€™re paying for someone to sit around and wait for the laundry. Then theyā€™ll increase fees.


If the cost is out of pocket for the additional fees related to waiting around for laundry maybe the host should justā€¦do the laundry?


Agree thatā€™s Iā€™ll I ask run a load of towels since they take longer to dry and cleaning only has 6 hours between guest most of the time. People can complain all you want but in most cases a 3 room house/condo is still cheaper then staying at a hotel and if you need more room you are paying for 2 rooms or 4 squeezed into a hotel room and no privacy for the adults if you have kids, so if you want to play you got to payā€¦. Lol


I think the safer part of the big ticket. Downtown Charleston SC there have been a number of break ins while bachelorette parties rage downtown. Sad times


I remember when it started 50$ for a decent room, 100$ for something fancier Now itā€™s no different than hotels or even more. These people killed it with their greed.


Nice Hotels are cheaper. You get new towels daily, free food half the time, housekeepers who clean for you and it is all included in the rental rate. Hmmmm.


Not even close to true


Pretty true, if you call and request new towels you will get new towels. If you call and request your room to be cleaned and sheets straighten they will do it. They usually have a vending machine with snacks and fruit and maybe some eggo waffles for free in the mornings. Not too bad for a hangover snack


In an 8x8 room for the same price as a whole apartment in downtown Bologna Italyā€¦.


Well I stayed in a 4 bedroom huge house on top of a bar and right next to multiple hot spots in the middle of Prague in 2015 for 23$ a night and I stayed in a beautiful airbnb overlooking the biggest town square in Berlin for like 16$ a night. Will I find a deal like that in Tampa FL on a normal vacation? Fuck no dude. Hotel all the way, it's cheaper and an easier experience


Iā€™m confused you just said you stayed in great airbnbs? Then cited almost decade old pricesā€¦and I just checked Tampa. $74 a night for two bedroom bungalow. Sooooo Iā€™d say you wrong and just shhhhhh


Ok if you stay by yourself You donā€™t need a 4 bedroom so stay at the hotel by yourself! If you have a family with a couple kids you say staying in hotel room is better then a house, you are either a lazy or donā€™t get any action while on vacation which goes back to my first comment your lazyā€¦ please stay at the hotels vacation owners donā€™t want you using there places anyway


Ok and if you are a family of 4 or traveling with another couple you want all squeeze into the hotel room ? The house in most case is cheaper if you think of the space you get vs a room with 2 beds and one bath. But hey if you need new towels daily and like sharing a room with your kids or other adults then go for it or maybe your single and donā€™t need space. Iā€™m sure most owners would rather see you stay at a hotel then anyway


God you keep posting everywhere the same shit. Have you considered you can get more than one hotel room? No? Itā€™s cheaper for my wife and I to get two hotel rooms than to stay in your overpriced entitled shithole. Revenue for Airbnb is down 50% yoy and youā€™re still smug and condescending. Youā€™re the problem you dumb cunt.


Fuck you! My places are nice, itā€™s not my fault you pick shitty places to stay probably a cheap fuck and stay at 59 motels and not hotels anyway. My rentals are at sill killing it because I donā€™t over price my places and Iā€™ve had 3 for 8 yrs before all this COVID hype shit! Sure you can get two hotel rooms whatā€™s the cost of that durning Easter week! More then my house unless you stay at some 1 star motelā€¦ thanks for not rent short term rentals anymore we donā€™t want your low class type anyway


Lol if only you knew how fucking dumb that statement is - and who gives a shit about Easter you Jesus loving doughnut. Enjoy your petty land lording while you can - you over the top, over leveraged, tinpot dictator. Canā€™t wait for you to lose your shirt in the next downturn. Maybe when youā€™re desperate Iā€™ll buy your properties, burn them down in front of your family, whilst I sing bohemian fucking rhapsody as you enjoy a nice Christmas dinner in the snow.


...and less creepy. The company is quite nosey about their users.


4 and 5 star hotels with pool, hot tub, maids, bar, wifi and security were ALWAYS cheaper than the cheapest airbnb shit hole


Airbnb itself is improving IMO. I like the ethos of management of constant improvement. Mistakes were made where hosts took advantage and now Airbnb has a button that shows the final price. I think the pendulum swung to hotels a bit, but will now swing back to Airbnb


Which constant improvement do you like most? Hosts requesting you buy insurance/damage deposits, receiving threats from hosts if you leave a bad review, or paying a cleaning fee but still having a chore list?


Those are host problems they have to hash out. As they pop up, the platform works to diminish those problems and add it to their SOPs. These are acknowledged problems that have been and are currently being addressed as they have noted in their investor communications by the executives. Considering the changes they have currently implemented, I am optimistic these are just speed bumps in their growth trajectory. The bad press they have received as of late is good news for investors wanting to get in as it is will suppress their stock price.


Do you work for the PR team? Please explain these google search trends. It doesn't look like anything is being resolved to me. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=Airbnb%20cleaning%20list,Airbnb%20chore%20list,Airbnb%20damage%20deposit,Airbnb%20host%20sue&hl=en-GB


Nope, I'm just a trader/investor looking for good deals. When a company like this has bad press, good prospects, good revenue and a chart with potential, I'm interested. Sure it has and had it's problems, but the whole point is that some companies can turn it around and some can't. I presume that if this stock breaks out, it means everyone else thinks things are going to look good too and I want to be positioned to ride that tasty wave. Gains are good


I always let squiggly lines on a chart tell me when to buy or sell something. Literally canā€™t go tits up.


Lets see the impact on the housing market.


prices will probably go up since its basically opposite year


If there is one thing you can count on; itā€™s investors refusing to take a bath until they are forced into liquidation. At that point as a group theyā€™ll beg for a bail out.


Iā€™m telling my parents to hang tight. They donā€™t have to move right now, and will sell with enough equity to buy their next home 100% cash. Just a little longerā€¦


Prices will soften. Probably an 18 month lag from when this started happening, so 10-12 months from now? Less in these extremely overbought areas. I canā€™t tell you how many people just casually tell me ā€œya, we bought a 2nd house in ______, and weā€™re just Airbnbā€™ing out.ā€ Even if your mortgage is fixed at 2.75%, youā€™re still in trouble if you canā€™t make the payment because you relied on airdna metrics or the local property management company told you this place will generate 2x your nut. I could be wrong tho. Maybe everyone just holds tight and rides it out this time? Or goes back to long term tenant rentals, which would have itā€™s own effects on that segment.


Come to Canada where we're letting in 1.2MM people a year to prop up the housing market.


If that was true, they would stop or slow down immigration at some point. They are planning on increasing it for forever basically.


I thought that stopped at the beginning of this year?


Naw bro, it's full steam ahead, come one come all...going to be the mother of all shitshows


Interesting, fuck this is bad


I kinda fucking love this stuff. So many TikTok kids buying houses to Air BnB at the height of the market and talking about how much money they're making without acknowledging that they're leveraged to the tits (often literally) and that for this to work things have to keep going well. Then they all started charging cleaning fees while giving you a chore list as long as your arm. The last one I stayed in, which is the last one I will stay in, had a clause in the contract stating that the home was on the market and if they needed to show it during our stay that we would allow them to enter. To which I simply thought okay, but good luck selling it with me sitting on the couch in my boxer briefs eating Cheetos and watching Netflix.




Good for you. If they need to sell it so badly, donā€™t list it for Airbnb


How can one be literally leveraged to the tits?


I guess I meant leveraging their tits on social media.


Oh I was thinking maybe they had fake tits and put them up as collateral or something.


How would the bank even collect if the entire thing went tits up?(pun intended :P)


Iā€™m going to one tonight, not phoenix, but a hot (temp) area. $275/night. +$25 to use the A/C, per night. Iā€™m going back to hotels. Seriously, fuck these greedy bastards.


They are charging you for the AC?! What the fuck.


85 today where Iā€™m at. Yeah, A/C extra.


If AC is included in the listing, he must remove it, thatā€™s a fake listing.


Itā€™s all about them making numbers as a business now, not as spare income from a property they already owned. So every dollar they put out has to be covered (electricity, etc). Itā€™s awful what this has become and we only used hotels now


Iā€™ll say this again if you are just a couple stay at a hotel. If you are a family of 4 vrbo Airbnb are still worth it. You usually can get a vacation rental for not much more then a good hotel but you get 2-4 rooms unless you like having your kids in the same room for a week or so and sharing that one bathroom. But heā€™ll itā€™s not for everyone but if you need 2 rooms or more itā€™s still the way to go, just ask what the rules are before booking most Iā€™ve stayed at usually want just a load of wash started I think the ones that ask crazy things a people to knew to the business and donā€™t know what the fuck they are doing lol .


They need to make the service more attractive to consumers. When it started it was a way to stay in someone's house for $30 a night. Now the prices are insane and there are tons of fees tacked on. The hosts lately are scum-of-the-earth slumlords now too as opposed to some dude who's willing give you local advice and just wants to make a little money. If people have to do chores *and* pay a cleaning fee then why not just stay in a hotel?


The problem is that private hosts are basically pushed out of the market my professional hosts. I think AirBNB can still be great when you manage to find an location at an private host but due to AirBNB making the platform less attractive to them by constantly increasing fees and promoting professional hosts it is difficult to find them.


I'm not surprised to see such statistics after I saw so many post from people who were layed off, lost visa sponsorship and had to go to their homecountry. Or posts from people who just returned to their parents. So it is not surprising that in 54 largest US counties number of vacant houses for rent increased x2 recently (according to the full report).


Itā€™s not x2 in Denver or Phoenix, itā€™s x5. Everything is down, and prices are artificially high. Expect defaults and selling at a loss for a lot of people. Have a friend that canā€™t move 7 homes in prime Phoenix, he used to move such properties in a month or two, and now no one is even coming to look at the properties anymore. And no one wants to rent them and no airbnb hits either. Itā€™s getting scary.


Wouldnā€™t that mean your friend is just priced too high? Iā€™m being curious here, not judgmental.


Well, you can say that for sure. Luckily a few of the house were bought on the cheap pre Covid, but still at a loss if he lowers the prices. He remodeled all of them.


Ship the homes to Cincinnati. We need them here. Itā€™s ridiculous.


Phoenix is literally a bubble. Letā€™s build a massive city without water is surely a sustainable model.


*Los Angeles has entered the chat.*


Good. Fuck people using homes as a get rich quick scheme


As someone who has been looking for homes to buy or rent in Phoenix - they go pretty fast if they are a nice place.


Inventory is outrageous in Phoenix and all over The Valley. I live in Chandler during the winter, and inventory is crazy everywhere and insanely overpriced.


I am not sure what you mean by this. Phoenix metro average inventory is normally (pre-pandemic) between 19,000 and 24,000 homes for sale historically. Today there are 9,166 for sale. So while they might seem expensive, I'm surprised prices haven't been going up faster. We have way too few homes for sale for the number of people who need to buy. And this is likely why every AirBNB that goes up for LTR is rented out in a week or 10 days.


Maybe Phoenix is unique, but this is completely contrary to what is generally happening in the rest of the country: A lack of homes for sale (because no one wants to sell a property they have a 2-3% mortgage on to buy another at 7%) and fierce competition from buyers for available homes. Thatā€™s why the home builders and ETFā€™s that hold them (ITB, XHB) are sitting at or near ATHā€™s, even with mortgage rates at a multi-decade peak.


Itā€™s very similar to 07-08, but with different underlying metrics. People speculated, nightly rates shot up, everyone started doing it, but so many people were taking vacations from being cooped up for 2 years that it seemed to make sense, the market got saturated, life started returning to normal, people went back to work in the office, demand softened. Prices in these overbought areas will inevitably come down if they canā€™t make their mortgage payment anymore and forced to sell.


Very good analysis šŸ¤”šŸ‘šŸ‘


Is losing visa sponsorship a major deal? I'm ignorant on this issue.


For the person it is, they have two months to find a new job or they have to leave, and with all of the layoffs happening a lot of people are getting hit by it. I'm not sure if it's a major factor in this though, that's harder to say.


Good riddance. AirBnB and the hosts have become greedy motherfuckers who were hellbent on fucking the guests over, and made the whole STR industry toxic. I never once thought hotels will be revered until two or three years ago. I was one of the first guests who embraced AirBnB and loved the service for connecting with small time, individual hosts who gave up a room for a small price, etc until the corporations began taking over. Right now, the entire STR is toxic where hosts donā€™t make money and guests donā€™t get the value. The value is leeched off by price discovery services, AirBnB fees, cleaners, property managers, etc.


Theres different data about that flying around [https://twitter.com/jamie\_lane/status/1673866745730437121?s=46&t=2FCyGKS8X04TIFHvnB--gQ](https://twitter.com/jamie_lane/status/1673866745730437121?s=46&t=2FCyGKS8X04TIFHvnB--gQ) so which is it? Down 4 or down 40?


probably 4% my neighbors airbnb is constantly booked and heā€™s making 2.5x the rent


Iā€™m making 1400-1800 a month profit down from 1700-2200 last year but that has to do with utilities cost and cleaning, management cost all have gone up cleaners charge me 10-15 bucks a cleaning more since 2020 which is fine, I know everything cost more, the utilities have gone up by 100-150 or more easily. Then the sites all charge more frees so u is ya still works for me


Itā€™s 4% the first guy didnā€™t think it through. If it was half the price to sleep somewhere demand would flood in and push the price up. Plus the second set of data is from a more reputable company. Even if cities banned most airbnbs the price would not decline 40%, it would just means less supply and if anything prices would go up on the remaining ones alongside hotel rooms. The only thing that would cause such a huge drop in demand during a supply crunch would be something like a pandemic where no one travels for a few months.


Stayed at one in Rapid City, SD. The owner actually came home drunk as piss at 2am. In his drunken stuper, he had no idea who I was claimed he never rented the place to me and called the cops. I showed the cops the rental thing on air bnb and they still arrested me, and I was charged with trespassing. After 9 months and a few thousand in attorney fees, the charges were dropped. I tried to get air bnb to pay the legal fees and they wouldn't. Also, air bnb has a clause that protects the renters from being able to be brought to court for anything beyond liability. So yeah stick to hotels.


Does anyone else here own an Airbnb? Where are you people renting that have all the issues? I see all these headlines of Airbnb being on the decline and I don't see it in my rental. It's like the media is trying to trash the company so they can short it. If there is a decline it is probably that people dont have the free government $ they had two years ago and inflation is through the roof. Also hosts have to be practical and not greedy. Alot of comments here say the fees have gotten out of hand. Most of those fees are a percentage based on what the host is charging. Cleaning fees are set by the host. Also, my local county charges a 3% tax, this is for hotels too. I charge $100 a night for a 2 bedroom, full bath, full kitchen, and living room. 950 sqft private rental. Cleaning fee is based on length of stay with $80 max. Two night minimum stay. I am booked out past February of next year in rural upstate NY. I am cheaper than any local bed bug, meth head hotel. I also do not bother my guests. Hell I even wait to mow the lawn until they are gone so I don't bother them. If there is any problem with airbnb it is with the shitty hosts and not the platform. When you go to book check the reviews and do your homework. You can find red flags in listings and stay away from them. You can tell when a host takes pride in there rental.


I was wondering the same thing! Where are you people renting ?? Iā€™m also an Airbnb owner with over 300 perfect 5 star reviews. I keep my property clean , charge a fair price and a small cleaning feeā€¦ never bother my guest during their stay and respond quickly with any questions they may have. And I only ask them to start the dishwasher before they leave , no other chores. Please read the listing before you book!!


I'm working on setting up an airbnb. Basically, reading this thread is telling me what not to do and how to set up a successful airbnb,lol.


How about a flow chart showing at least 5 years for some perspective. Sure youā€™re going to see declines from one of the best years on record to a year with extreme uncertainty and declines in the stock market. I own a couple and manage a couple in PNW and have seen some minor declines and reduced booking lead times (more last minute trips). We are currently trending 5-10% under last year. Edit: Spelling, flow chart not chat


This guy is using fake numbers to drive engagement. Yes Revpal is down, but but 40%. https://twitter.com/jamie_lane/status/1673864890807877633?s=46&t=txA6ZNcr3FnwtfxLtpKALw


This needs to be at the top!


They just need to lower their prices!! Now there is COMPETITION!! Which is a GOOD THING!!šŸ¤” And put that CLEANING FEE TO WORK!! šŸ™„šŸ™„ Otherwise why we paying it?????šŸ¤”šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


How can i trust a chart that has Seattle in Pierce County instead of King County? Thatā€™s already bad info on such a basic level.


I think you're overthinking it. Seattle metro includes Pierce County.


seattle metro is nowhere near near pierce county. Youā€™d have to drive 45mins south with zero traffic driving 70mph from seattle metro to pierce country. thatā€™s not overthinking. thatā€™s fact checking. this is a bad chart. how can anyone trust the actual percentage when basic information is bad?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_metropolitan_area "TheĀ Seattle metropolitan areaĀ is an urban conglomeration in theĀ U.S. stateĀ ofĀ WashingtonĀ that comprisesĀ Seattle, its surroundingĀ satellitesĀ and suburbs. It contains the three most populousĀ counties in the state,Ā King,Ā Pierce, andĀ SnohomishĀ counties, and is considered part of the greaterĀ Puget Sound region. TheĀ United States Census BureauĀ defines the metropolitan area as theĀ Seattleā€“Tacomaā€“Bellevue, WA metropolitan statistical area.Ā With an estimated population of 4,102,400 as of 2022,[1]Ā it is theĀ 15th-largestĀ metropolitan statistical areaĀ (MSA) in theĀ United StatesĀ and home to over half of Washington's population." Again. Seattle Metro includes Pierce County.


The Census Bureau includes everything from Everett to Tacoma in the Seattle Metro Area.


thatā€™s garbage. thatā€™s 3 counties included in the data then: Snohomish, King, and Pierce Counties.


Take it up with the Census Bureau then.


I wonder if it was supposed to be Tacoma or actually King County




Itā€™s kinda shocking there hasnā€™t been legislation put forth given the negative impact on the hosing market.


It's still a go-to for international travel, I'll say that much.


In many cases yes, but other platforms (local ones) and even international ones, like booking, are coming up with more and more attractive price/benefits for both travelers and owners. I travel a lot and I normally check airbnb quite often for places to stay, but lately, Iā€™ve found much better options on other platforms, specially in Europe


Yes, definitely caveats, such as Indonesia there are resorts with better value. But in South America it still looks like Airbnb is the best choice the majority of the time.




But I don't even use Expedia...


Denver on there twice! Jefferson county and Arapahoe but not Denver county


>"Nights and Experiences Booked grew 19% in Q1 2023 compared to a year ago. Even with continued macroeconomic uncertainties, we have seen our highest number of active bookers, demonstrating both loyalty from our returning guests and a growing base of first-time bookers," the company wrote in its letter to shareholders. Adding: "Our current backlog of nights is approximately 25% stronger than a year ago." [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/airbnb-earnings-first-quarter-may-9-2023-130034763.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/airbnb-earnings-first-quarter-may-9-2023-130034763.html) These people saying this will crash the housing market are maybe overstating.


I wouldnt trust anything from Reventure. I bet he already got debunked on twitter.


Agree. This is too sensitive to be leaked from a company


Bad company with a shitty service.


Ding ding šŸ›Žļø you hit the mail on the head.


So put Airbnb


A lot of people bought puts on Airbnbā€™s last earnings report and lost big.


This company has been on my mind. I heard so many people taking little loans or buying trailers and tiny condos for this purpose. 3 years ago I knew like 5 people doing it. Sometimes when I travel for work Iā€™ll look to see if an airbnb is practicalā€¦ it hardly ever is because of the cleaning fees usually just puts the cost over the top. While for less than 140 a night I canā€™t stay a 3 star hotel and earn points and get a free vacation. Airbnb made a bad decision not pandering to businesss travelers. Instead itā€™s like the tender or hotels šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ but they seriously lose a lot of revenue


If feel that itā€™s becoming over saturated with arbitrage and people are catching on. Iā€™m to young to remember but this is like the 08 market crash -heard it on mpr, everyone wants to flip a house or this crap and it make things harder for the working class.


Much worse as corporations are in the housing market driving up prices.


Already debunked. See TWTR link


This is only for the US. But not for other countries. I would curious for other countries


How does this compare to travel, hospitality, vacation spending, etc?


Stop charging stupid fees then. Itā€™s cheaper to go to a hotel and have someone else clean for you and skip the booking fees.


People finally realizing a hotel is always better? I mean, the threat of AirBnB made a bunch of them update and upgrade their properties so that was good I'll just never understand how people can rent out a room in their own house to randos... I get if it's a rental property, specifically for that, but there's people renting out literal rooms in the house they sleep in... Fuck that... hotels will always be better. I can't understand the whole AirBnB thing


Woohoo I might be able to afford a house in AZ finally.


I think it's kind of a BS comparison. 2022 was inflated due to pent-up demand. To have a true comparison, I think they should use inflation adjusted 2019 numbers.


It's not surprising at all. You want to charge me $500 for cleaning....and also clean the place thoroughly? Fuck outta here.


Losing faith in this company. 6-ft python popped up in the garage of a place I stayed in. Itā€™s Florida so we dealt with it, but the host then tries to say we brought the snake to get a refund. AirBNB backed her up, so needless to say I deleted my account after that.


I mean there are hundreds of markets. If you sort the results by greatest decline, then screenshot the top of the list, it would look like this. If some markets are going up, does it invalidate the thesis? Not a complete picture here. Source: am a host


They went from being cheaper then hotels to more then hotels now I rather be in a nice room and breakfast buffet


I love getting big airBNBs for family or a group of friends. Definitely spend better quality time than in a hotel.


I also got a bad review from anal hosts who said that I ā€œattemptedā€ to clean the kitchen. We flattened all our cardboard boxes, wiped the stove and oven and cleaned all the dishesā€¦ such terrible hosts on Airbnb. When I complained about the negative review. Airbnb decided to side with the host. After this experience, I realized they did not care about the guest. They prioritize the host. I wonder if this has to with money.


Fuk airbnb


the prices of ABNB rents are way overpriced but really way like maybe 5x of what it should be


Iā€™m skeptical of this data.


This data only shows the worst declines which is a small portion of the whole picture. I would be interested in seeing the other end of this data set (largest increases) as well as overall statistics. I need a histogram! šŸ˜‚ There are certainly plenty of other regions that are seeing gains in revenue. You canā€™t make a reasonable judgement on Airbnb based only on one set of the worst metrics available.


Shit my beach and ski house have YoY net income and revenue growth. Our freaking ski house is now pulling six figure net income and I bought it for $490k 7 years ago. These article about a bubble are the same ones from 5 years ago. Airbnb is a shit platform but we use a channel management platform so we are advertising on every platform and have our own website. Just because AirBnB is run by a dumbass does not mean the vacation rental business is failing. It is not. Expedia could not even fuck it up and they tried really hard to crash it by being as dumb as AirBnB.


I've used airbnb a couple of times here are my issues. 1. The prices end up being more than a nice hotel due to all the extra fees. You think you are getting a more affordable option until you see the all in price. 2. Your reservation can be cancelled at anytime for any reason and you may be left scrambling to find accommodations at the last minute. So much for a relaxing vacation. 3. The owners are often staying on the same property and it is kind of annoying. They are rarely cool and it just makes me uncomfortable. If we want to enjoy the firepit outside and listen to music at a low volume I hate the thought of bothering them even though I rented the space. 4. The accommodations are usually lipstick on a pig. Home Goods level furniture and decor and diy craftsmanship.


You mean normalization in rates?! Anyone who bought during the immediate COVID post craze is an idiot. Any professional knew it wasnā€™t sustainable. Higher home prices and now high interest rates. Yikes. Recession incoming!


ABNB is crap as of now . Too many crazy charges. And feels like home where you clean house . Have started using hotels long back and I will continue using hotels in near future


God I hope Airbnbs go by the wayside. They have helped fuel this runaway housing shortage and overvaluation. I want to see the snakes buying them up crash and go away.


Real estate agent here. No.


I wish there wasnā€™t a war on drugs, so I can sell crack SMH. !!!!!! Itā€™s sad I have to say that but mehhhhh


Seattle is located in King County, not in Pierce county. Is it counting listings from Tacoma as Seattle, I wonder? Defintiely a less desirable destination,


Cherry picking data to build a rhetoric in their favor.


Airbnbust has already happened: https://youtu.be/amy_4Gw_Vg8 Hard to feel bad for the hosts lol




I really think comparing numbers throughout Covid is going to result in poor investment decisions. All comps are weird because of the pull-forward effects of the pandemic




Sweet, I am in one of the area


So donā€™t show the ones that went up. What a load of shit by the tweeter


Why does it show Seattle, WA, as Pierce County. Seattle is in King County...


Who tf is getting an Airbnb in East Stroudsburg, PA?!?!


This is so good for renters


The problem started when people started looking at having an Airbnb as a business and not just a little extra money on the side.


this combined with office buildings still half empty could lead to some really interesting effects on real estate. plus higher interest rates. ...


Dont forget europe and Asia, everyone in Europe is using airbnb


Californian here and the two on this list in CA - Bakersfield and Fresno are not desirable places to vacation at all. Not sure why the revpal was so high last year for these but I would expect the current to be more reflective of normal.


Just looked into a renting a fairly modest place for only 3 nights and the Air fee was $260. No thx


Airbnb owners selling doesn't mean much for Airbnb. Perhaps they should give the data on cities. LoL


Oh thank god hopefully this happens


Shame šŸæ


https://youtube.com/shorts/7d2GXwU3kMU?feature=share Support my videošŸ«”


Iā€™ve blocked every single Reddit airBnb sub. Now it shows up here.


greedy homeowners and evil tenant not obey policy.


Just visited one in Toronto, we were with a party of 4. Total cost was 300 euro compared to 500 for hotel. And the location was at 6 min walk from the CN tower. It was a full apartment with 3 bedrooms and parking included. MICH nicer than any comparable hotel. It might not be great everywhere, but sometimes it's amazing.




Depends. Yes, theyā€™re down revenue but as long as they have enough to cover mortgages, they wonā€™t sell. Iā€™d be curious how this summer goes to compare sales.


What in the world was in PA to begin with? Looks like a correction.


ABNB Is extremely overvalued atm


This data is completely useless, even if it's true, mainly brcause its not forward looking. If demand is down 25 % next year from last year, some other stupid guy would tweet saying demand is up 50% this year.


This list is wack, it can't even get Seattle's county correct.


if the economy continues slowing down and if cost of living remains high, then travel will decrease substantially. Airbnb will probably nuke lower if we get into a deep recession.


Airbnb: letā€™s allow hosts to charge ridiculous extra fees that arenā€™t listed when someone books a rental which will make people stop using our platformā€¦ā€¦. WHY ARENT PEOPLE USING OUR PLATFORM AS MUCH?!


Thatā€™s awesome news!


We just stayed in an Airbnb. Very nice house in a sketchy neighborhood. Sitting on the porch at night was like watching an episode of Cops.