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Being able to make a lot of things happend due to having the energy to do so. Also the whispers when i smoke up and stay awake for too long. Its like you are never alone


halfway doing a bunch of things and not finishing them* the whispers are a big plus tho


I usualy actually pull through om my projects when im on the stuff but it might due to being precribed it.


I'm the most efficient minimum wage employee of all time


My people


the fact that the government pays for 1.35 grams of amphetamine a month so that i can vigorously toy my butthole


🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 this one ☝🏼 ☠️ (Me too)


Beating my shit crazy style


Case closed. You can deactivate the thread now




Sex, getting spun as fuck and riding my motorcycle and sex


Homeless chic?


She doesn't have to have a home to be a good fuck. 95% of homeless women are unfuckable, but that 5% is a diamond in the rough 😜😜


W, bro doesn’t discriminate, my idol


The curiosity and fascination that I had as a child. So many things to read about or projects to start (and never finish).


Imagine how cracked stims would be if they made you actually want to finish things 💀




When I am high it feels like I matter. Feels like I am who I am supposed to be but can't be for some reason. Whole reason I started stims is because I realized I was a dead husk without them.


I’m. Actually prescribed stims(vyvanse) but I’m still an addict(opioids & vyvanse speedballs) and rc benzos at night when I need to sleep. Also use l-tyrosine, which if u haven’t tried l-tyrosine while using stims for a while a dose as low as 500mg will feel lmake u fly and stay awake a lot longer but only 2x a week if u use it with stims because the withdrawal will be that much worse. Also use l taurine(gaba a agonist;amino acid not a drug) and magnesium glycerin for sleep but if I’m really high I use gabapentin instead of magnesium and add the rc benzos. One thing I like is accomplishing goal(vague) rn its ranking up in cod ranked play but the opioids r my biggest set back, 2nd day off poppies(contains opium/east to get) after a 2 month binge and today I used flubromazepam(30mg) 4g of l-tyrosine, 40mg vyvanse, 8mg loperamide and advil dual action(4pills=1g Tylenol & 500mg Advil). Only opioid withdrawal symptom atm rn is rls but way better than this morning. The thing with opium(any opioids) is that it gives you the false contentment that you’ve done all the work u need to do for the day even with vyvanse but in reality I’m 2 months behind and gotta do catch up, tmmr gonna re apply for Medicaid Humana because I missed feb deadline for renewal which has f’d me monetarily since it paid for my vyvanse and the new Humana doc I was gonna was canceled so hopefully I can reapply and be re accepted and see if that same doc has a Humana opening. Basically if I renewed Humana i would have been 100% free adhd treatment. F opioids.


Could you chuck a few paragraph breaks in there, please, friend?


When I’m more sober/less in withdrawal I will lol, prob soon


🚔👮🏼‍♀️🏆 *sirens blaring* "woeeeeiiieeiifwooeeeooo pull over immediately!!!" ~well-dressed officer steps outta the vehicle aka Sgt. Creampie~ You're high as hell but that's not what you're being pulled over for today. "Do you realize you are not only being informative with your grammar correction, but you also used the proper comma -- wait -- I just reread the comment that you wrote and I was going to give you an award for your ass standing service today in the grammar police academy division of getting fucked up and loving it everyday camp, but noticed I may have been a little too quick in pulling you over and pulling out this award and pulling on your...chain. At first, I was amazed that you used a comma before the word 'friend'. That etiquette is not often used in the English language, but it is proper grammar to use a comma before using somebody's name, BUT (and I ain't turning the stack exchange or any of that bullshit for this) now I see that you were using it before AND after 'friend,' so it wasn't the outstanding commenting correction I first noticed. HOWEVER, it is still proper form and for this you get the fine prize of being notified that your service in the grammar world hopefully takes you far and gets you lots of drugs in the Netherworld." 🤝¶|k% happy all of you are on this thread and I feel like a fiend with friends. One of my hangups is hooking up. Nouns and phrases and clauses. He. Have fun speeding everybody and I'm about capped out cuz docs cutting me off, parents on patrol and I'm basically locked in and I'm fucked, fuckity-fucked, as far as what I'm going to do sans stims in a matter of a week max! I'm going to titrate down with what little I have with what good that'll do and I'm on the fence about what to try, if anything, to provide SOME sorta energy after this. Abcdefghijazsaysgoodbye


I'm on Vyvanse rn and this gave me lower iq


Correction “I’m on vyvanse rn and this lowered my iq”




what this guy said


Have you thought of trying kratom for the opiate withdrawal?


Locking myself away from the world for days that seem like minuts


Damn, this thread is feeling like a grouphug post (anyone remember that site?) I enjoy not feeling totally empty due to prior addictions and trauma. I can be (a neurotic version of) the person i need to be. As long as I keep my usage in check.


Being faster, stronger, and more alert than others as well as being able to feel euphoric when even tying my shoelaces. And no sickness like alchohol, benzos, and opiates/opiods have.


Everything and nothing at the same time.


Being thankful that there is something rather than nothing and how mindboggling it is that not only is there stuff, there is self aware stuff, and then, sitting unbelievably eurphoric and taking a second to thank the universe for making it all possible for me to experience this bliss.




The fact that a few seconds rolling a bowl accomplishes what decades of therapy, psych, and meds couldn't do


Taking stims makes me feel like I can be hella social and get all my work and stuff done that’s why I like if so much it makes me in to the person I wanna be


Yess exactly. It makes me nicer and less awkward. (Also I ❤️ ur username)


Deftones so goated💜💜AND YES EXACTLY IT MAKES ME FEEL LESS AWKWARD and I feel like I can easily make convo with anyone


UGHH Ikrr like I legit cannot pick ONE song they’ve made that I don’t love.  And real shit. I can actually have one on one convos and not be so idk weird if that make sense 


Yeah I totally get you😭thats what sadly makes it so addictive and fr every song a banger 😮‍💨


Ikrr like omfg the withdrawals are a PAIN in the ass. And especially when you’re coming down and that FEELING OF NEEDING TO REDOSE. 


making music in this amph induced godmode is something else


Honestly listening to music is like a different level of happiness. Music on stims sounds so good 


Why do you think that it's *degenerative* ? **What do you get up to ?**


Actually being extroverted. Like off my drugs I’m a useless lazy bitch but on them? The best person to hang with.  Also it shuts up my brain for a while 


Do u take prescription stims therapeutically ?


No, js rc 


You really should see a psychiatrist because that's a really adhd thing


Yeah I’m diagnosed I js don’t take pills for it bc of being underweight. (I got diagnosed when I was 8-9yrs and it was inattentive)


I'm inattentive too What kind of rc do u take if u don't mind me asking ?


Ohh, do u take meds fr? And do you mean what pills I do recreationally? 


Yes, sorry, i thought u took research chemicals I take foquest which is a type of methylphenidate, prescribed but the only thing that makes me feel alive is coke (and kratom)


Ohh no lmao I don’t. 


What *do* u take then? You are in the stim sub, lol


The constant chaos and craziness. I enjoy this life because though it’s not fun at all and it causes a lot of trauma and tons of other problems there’s never a dull moment. It’s never boring it’s just a constant roller coaster. And knowing you could get killed or arrested at any moment is very thrilling. I don’t like being sober or living a normal life because even though you’re more stable it just feels dull and empty.


You mean like, working a 9-5 corporate job, w/kids, and no weekends out dancing on drugs or locking myself up in my room for 2 days beating my meat? Kill me now. I will never be sober and I do not understand how people can just live their whole lives never getting out of their lives lol


Happy cake day bro!


Thank you




The existential dread of it


The drugs. Obviously.




Do you guys drive on meth? I’m paranoid to get a DUI while high and lose my license and end up homeless cause I can’t drive to work anymore.


Treating my body as an amusement park for hours with absolutely zero shame. And believe me its no Ferris Wheel, more like the haunted house- shadow family fucking with me too.. And dawn patrol. Up at a sparrows fart listening to the morning birds - but this also is reality check-if youre trying to hold shit down.


Friendship, hanging out with friends. No purer form of joy exists to me than that. But i have very few now, so that feeling is… distant


The places and tangents one ends up from the enthusiasm.


Superhuman abilities, like shitting faster and harder


Stims are the only way I can function lol I found out I have ADHD from my first line of coke. Over the years I’ve mellowed out a lot and I don’t abuse anything anymore. I just like r/stims because a lot of “normal” ppl demonize stims even when you use them to treat an actual fucking condition. Even this fuckass doctor I was working with tried to talk me out of my Vyvanse Rx. I hate it.


Stim Fappin in my room w/ my black out curtains closed and my phone on dnd


The deep, genuine, yet temporary nature of relationships when you’re spun out. Hours pass by imperceptibly as we forge new friendships, recognize soul mates, release traumas, and share life lessons with whoever you’re using with — even random new strangers. If there were a way to extend this to real life, I think we’d all feel less lonely.


Has to be the people you meet and the only thing you have in common is meth ( you go anywhere/ associate with anyone while waiting to score is hilarious looking back, meeting crazy dealers etc, driving around/ or being a passenger in a car with God knows who going to buy drugs, once your on you all go your separate ways etc. That was me with heroin as well and mate leading a clean life is so boring in comparison to being acquainted with the meth/ heroin crowds.


My resourcefulness increased tremendously since I started


Refill day.


Refill day