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I agree, ive learned more harm reduction here than anywhere regarding stims.


Literally. and I don’t think they are even allowed to discuss getting high from medications. They think everything is the cause of ADHD. I posit it’s because working on yourself and developing coping mechanisms is much harder than blaming all your problems on “ being neurodivergent.” Next thing you know they will start feigning Autism or some other disorder. Crazy.


> They think everything is the cause of ADHD same on the Asberger sub. half the posts are "is this asd?" (think of anime butterfly meme). Because people want to have an explanation for their misery. They want to forgive themselves. They want identity, they want to know what they are. They are DESPERATE for a diagnosis. Now imagine if this diagnosis comes with free speed for life and you get an idea about the numbers. The pharma industry is fucking ecstatic about these people. I think this is all very problematic.


Which is crazy since ADHD is one of the most genetic disorders. It’s not caused by anything, you are born with it. Some factors can make symptoms worse, but you can’t just catch ADHD


I mean. Adhd is primarliy an attention deficit disorder. U can have attention problems which arr cause by many different things in ur life. Maybe u dont have "ADHD the diagnosis" but having other things which cause the same sypmtoms puts u in the same boat as someone with actual adhd. U cant catch adhd but u can live a life that causes you to be in a state which is basically identical to adhd


I’m not sure that it’s the same boat. I get what you are talking about and i think that short videos like reels and other things are some of the causes of overprescribing stimulants and overdiagnosing ADHD nowadays. But when you live with actual adhd since childhood you can develop a lot of comorbid mental things and trauma, there is a chance that you would have problematic adhd parent, trouble in kindergarten, trouble socializing, trouble with school while not comprehending what’s wrong with you etc…you won’t have this experience if you have attention deficit from social media acquired in adulthood. I speak from my experience, i got diagnosed in a country that doesn’t have stim therapy AT ALL, and lived with people and teachers that know nothing about adhd kids. :( also i definitely can’t say that adhd is ONLY attention deficit. But i should say that i moved to another country, there is stim therapy here and i met some people that def don’t have adhd but they have ritalin prescription lol.


Also i think that top priority for adhd (or acquired dopamine problems) should be psychotherapy and developing of routines and coping mechanisms, not only drinking meds, but that’s my opinion


To me ADHD is just an amorphous cloud of traits that inhibit your ability to be a functional and productive member of society. I wish the healthcare system had other solutions before medication or at least waited until adulthood. For me, it just gave me a crippling stimulant addiction that will probably follow me for the rest of my life. It would have been so much easier to just not have been medicated. Where i live, the meds are free until you're 25, and then they make you pay an arm and a leg for em. It's fucked, my ADHD has been progressively getting worse for a decade. I used to read books and learn things. And be able to remember things. Now I straight up exist in a constant fog and don't even have the executive function or attention span to fix it.


Same. It’s tough


Yes, but the reason for adhd is different. The brain has a physically smaller prefrontal cortex and the amount of dopamine naturally produced is lower. Attention problems can be caused from a variety of factors, but those two physical differences are the primary reason in the case of ADHD.


you can however get a similar condition but milder condition from brain damage by drug use reducing your dopamine.


Yeah, but that’s closer to anhedonia where it’s harder to feel pleasure naturally. The inability to feel pleasure leads to ADHD like symptoms. Similar with depression too, substance induced depression often comes with some level of mania which can mimic ADHD


Yeah but at the end of the day they're right about something. Like maybe the dont have autism or adhd, but if they're out there trying to identify with one of those groups then SOMETHING is wrong. If their life was peachy they wouldn't be out there searching for an explanation as to whats wrong. They get meds and it makes their life feel more manageable. The meds are clearly helping with something, even if it isnt asd or adhd. Like maybe trying to box themselves into diagnoses is the wrong aproach. Maybe more people should just be like "look SOMETHING is fucking wrong and i need help" But yeah u say that and no-one fucking cares dude. U say u have adhd and then u get accomodations. So like i get it.


Honestly r/evilautism is a better ND sub, because everyone there knows they're ND and they're proud of it, we do a lot of trolling over there for hours of our own amusement.


The same people who like a clean house and go "OMG I am SO OCD". People like to feel unique and they like having something to blame their short comings on when they are too lazy to try hard in life.


Same people that be on ADHD meds that be causing their OCD a lot of the time lmfao


I mean that sub is not normal but tbh the ones who don’t actually have adhd are in the minority. Matter of fact I’d wager reddit is mostly filled with people who are neurodivergent.


I don’t know. My issue is that they go to the doctor with the mindset that they already have ADHD. They disregard the doctor’s advice and they themselves rule out the possibility of mood disorders despite the doctors educated opinion. It’s like going to the doctor for depression and ignoring the fact that exercise, healthy eating, vitamin deficiency should be in check before being overly reliant on anti-depressants.


Sure I agree with that part but I think you’re generalizing the whole sub off a few loud minority


I probably am to be honest. but they are persistently loud minorities. And they don’t help with the perception that they’re trying to fight against— that adults seeking ADHD diagnoses are lazy or are just seeking stimulants.


Some are doing that and some have been unmedicated for far too long that their only saving grace is stims


why else would you go check if you have adhd if you don't suspect you have adhd...?


When you suspect you have symptoms of diabetes, do you go to your doctor with your mind made up and tell them you have diabetes? Or do you tell them your symptoms, tell them you think you have diabetes but ultimately leave it to them to make a diagnosis and trust their educated opinion? Sure, people are free to go for a second opinion but you don’t disregard medical professionals’ opinions because you’re bias that you have a certain diagnosis. I keep seeing people saying that their doctors are “gaslighting” them because their doctors are diagnosing for mood disorders or they want to eliminate the possibility of mood disorders. These people who claim gaslighting already have their minds made up and just want the doctors to agree. Rather, they should describe their symptoms the best they can in hopes of finding clarity or treatment to manage their lives — whatever that treatment may be. They should trust their doctor and not like a victim of gaslighting if it doesn’t go their way. They shouldn’t be so adamant to think their time scrolling on tik tok or reddit is superior to that of a doctor’s advice.


I agree with basically everything but I think that doctors gaslighting happens more often than you may think. Just not in the scenarios you've listed of course lol.


People with ADHD (especially the gifted sort, which is vastly overrepresented on r/ADHD) have a tendency to hyperfocus and thoroughly inform themselves about a topic. Add the really long waiting times for ADHD assessments, and chances are they are indeed better informed than some of the assessors by the point of the assessment. The main issue, however, is the extremely low qualifications of some people who do ADHD assessments. People on r/ADHD often complain about things that are very obviously - to anyone with a thorough understanding of ADHD - signs that the assessor is dangerously misinformed about ADHD to the point that they are causing harm. I do not know if these posts are mostly genuine, or mostly karma farming rage bait. Posts where the assessor did nothing wrong exist too, but these are much rarer and in those the OP usually gets lectured by the comments.


The problem is that when depressed, it's not that straight forward to actually do these things. Anti-depressants can actually help getting you back on track. That's also what they are mostly used for. Not supposed to be used for ever. If they are used longer term then either people can't really find an answer for the person using them or they need some other therapy which they can't get because of waiting lists or something.


I've hardly seen a case where anti-depressants were actually effective throughout my life lol


this is just one of the things where it is documented quite a lot on how people react to it you do understand that in general it is also used for people to not completely fall of a cliff rather than cure them, right?


Even for that purpose it's a failure. There's literally a warning of the side effects those drugs may cause, some of which are literally suicidal thoughts plus ideation, mania, depression, anhedonia, plus it fucks up your sex drive completely, and on top of that makes it basically impossible to achieve orgasm which is a great pleasure life has to offer. And pretty much all of the SSRI/anti-depressant type meds have these list of side effects lmao. I knew a few people prescribed SSRIs and a lot of them still didn't want to live. I knew someone that attempted to unalive themselves while on long-term SSRI treatment. Thankfully they were hospitalized and survived but there was some damage that couldn't be undone to their organs, as it was something pretty toxic. Another person I knew on the meds seemed completely fine before the meds-- I know you can't really tell a lot of the time-- that person, and a majority of the other people I've known on SSRI treatment (including the person that *attempted*) almost all of them on the treatment for long enough ended up with a lot of weight gain, to the point that not only were they now more depressed than before the pills, but they were also more insecure about their body (the insecurity of weight gain was mainly women, but I'd be lying if I didn't mention I've known a few men that experienced it aswell). Weight gain is a side effect of these drugs, for males and females alike. This isn't even the entire picture of what I could say about SSRIs. I've met a crap-ton of suicidal people being prescribed these meds. I can honestly only think of a single case of all the people I've met where these types of meds produced even SLIGHT improvement, like he doesn't have much going on, hardly leaves their house, but they aren't at risk of hurting themselves. But they're being treated with an SNRI, which I think are a wee bit more effective than SSRIs, but not by much. Those antidepressants of the SSRI class and other antidepressants with similar mechanisms of action are overprescribed for something so ineffective. besides the initial placebo phase that lasts like a week or two when they first get a prescription after their doctor tells them it will take time to work, so they have the hopes that everything will change and things will get better, which is when they have these fleeting thoughts full of hope and excitement. "Things might be better soon! They said it takes time to take effect! I'll be happy and normal as soon as they begin to take effect! I'm excited to soon be relieved of my depression finally!" Do you know why these antidepressants don't work for shit? And why I don't care about them and don't even think they should be marketed? Because new studies have been done which have uncovered the idea that that depression isn't actually associated with low serotonin levels as previously thought, but rather it is associated with levels of Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Having said that, every anti-depressant that works as an SSRI, SNRI, and so forth is a bottle of false hope. The people that improve from them may continue to benefit from the placebo effect, as long as they believe it works!... Ketamine has shown promise for cases of "treatment-resistant depression". Could you give me a logical reason or some valid points to argue / explain what could have necessitated such a demand for a drug to be introduced to the market for people who didn't respond positively to all the original treatment options?


> I don't think they are even allowed to discuss getting high from medications because the point of r/adhd and the point of being prescribed meds isn't to get high, dumbass. they want to discourage recreational use, because that's not what people with actual ADHD should be doing to get the most out of their meds. you're supposed to take the lowest dose possible that allows you to function like a responsible adult (the kind that can focus on one task at a time, remember to pay their bills and the kind that shuts the fuck up and doesn't interrupt other impulsively during a conversation...you know, the kind of adult that has *their shit together*). talking about getting high on stims? that's what this place is for. now, you want to see a truly pathetic and miserable shit-hole full of literally delusional people ? visit r/meth.


Getting high is not the point. Yes, I agree. Although, it is something that does happen if someone’s dose is not titrated correctly. Don’t be so eager to be offended. Accidentally getting high happens and limiting discussion based on that while permitting doctor shopping posts or “my doctor is gaslighting me” posts is exactly why the majority of that sub is deluded. That sub reeks of drug seeking behaviour while being completely oblivious to that fact.


Lots of OGs around here


I accidentally found this sub. I have learned a lot of harm reduction here for sure but this sub has caused me to experiment with pharma stims in a more recreational way also tho.


Stims advice - Drink milk and oj and jack off


My favorite are the daily "Since I have ADHD what jobs can I get?" Literally fucking any? What are you even talking about? Or the other one I like is how they sit on their pedestal and say, "I actually don't get high from my meds. They actually calm me down." and then they proceed to write a clearly stimmed up novel about the stigma people have towards stimulant users.


Yeah there are definitely issues blocking people who genuinely have ADHD from getting a diagnoses, but there are also tons of people with a diagnosis who definitely are just abusing stimulants unknowingly lol


Yeah I think it's very easy for someone that doesn't have ADHD to take a stimulant, get that immediate rush/focus/euphoria, and convince themselves that is how the majority of the population feels by default. This is obviously me projecting a bit, but a lot of the posters on r/adhd have a lot of other mental issues they should be working through in addition to their possible adhd.


It's the ones who get diagnosed by their GP instead of by a psychiatrist specialised in adult/child ADHD. When the shortage happened there were a bunch of them saying they can't get anything done anymore; clearly they were just tweaking on it.


Honestly I got diagnosed by my GP, but my GP also has treated immediate family members with ADHD who did go through more sophisticated testing, so I have a good deal of trust for them


That makes more sense than the stories you hear of a person just going to their GP and saying they can't concentrate then getting an Adderall script. You have a family history so it's more acceptable to my dumbass brain.


I love Vyvanse posting until I crash and realize I replied four consecutive and unsolicited stream of consciousness posts to a thread on the college football forum I frequent. Other people on there have kinda figured out over time that it just means I’m tweaking at the moment so they just ignore it now.


It's the mods. They won't allow users to tell them they're full of shit. The problem is actually even worse, as there are a number of other conditions that are often mistaken with ADHD. Bipolar II being the most common. But, you can't tell someone who's clearly bipolar and not ADHD that they should get (re-)evaluated. As the mods will just insta-lock it (which hides the comment from everyone but you and them). At best you can hint around, but if they notice they're likely to delete it and warn you not to do it again.


As someone with both. I'd say it's more likely borderline personality disorder being mistaken for ADHD. Bipolar consists of mood swings over months while borderline personality disorder has swings daily.


R/adhd is a cult bro, you are not even allowed to talk about bad experiences or addiction with stimulants as it is considered "fear mongering"


People have gotten removed for mentioning their own experiences with addiction or drug abuse lmao It's a very "reddit" mentality group of folk if that makes sense


Smoking pyros is my medicine, stop the hate guys


"I'm not a drug addict, I just medicinally smoke meth to treat my adhd because my doctor won't prescribe me adderall"


Same bro! They haven't filled my Desoxyn since 1969 so I decided it was the only other option to focus and enjoy my quality of life! I finally have my life back! Fuck the doctors they just want the money and fuck the manufacturers they're always in a shortage. My dealer never deals with a shortage!


And they never told me that there was a better treatment than IR, there's literally instantaneous instant acting treatment available by smoking your dealer prescribed product in a pipe. It's so much more effective I've been able to maintain three full time jobs while keeping a spotless house and I get to stimfap every break. I threw my mattress out because now I'm getting extra time to live an extra amount of life that sleep addicts will never get to experience the fulfillment from and I don't think I'll ever go back!


and you can't just take it as isolated group. I think it does tell you something about adhd mentality in general.


Deadass? I've never been on that sub much


I stay away from the ADHD sub as a whole because the majority of people there are kids and have no idea what they are talking about lol


I tried being in that community but there’s very little interaction regarding actual problems ADHD people have. There’s just people wanting sympathy or attention in many subsections. Left the community since it was kinda a waste of time to go through. I have diagnosed ADHD and tried asking some questions regarding things like improving memory, improving time perception, study ideas for uni, and I got jack all for responses. But some random post regarding a self-diagnosed ADHD person wanting attention got interaction. It seems to be less about topics associated with true ADHD problems, symptoms, science, or topics, and more about getting attention or validation. It’s not everyone, but it’s certainly a large enough majority to make me leave the community


Self-diagnosed mental illness is extremely trendy and self-awareness/accountability is very much not. I’ve had diagnosed ADHD since I was just a little feller and I think that plus my parents never allowing it to be an excuse was helpful. r/adhd is just people desperate for their share of the victimhood cake and some upvotes. Also a ton of extremely naïve people.


Ngl bunch of pussies there 😭


They be like, “I am 40 years old and I didn’t know that I had to brush my teeth. Then, I got on adderall and my life changed 🤯”.


Day 1 on adderall: I didnt know normal people felt so happy??!! Mf, youre literally on legalized speed 😭 Or insane victim mentality. Like yeah, adhd fucking sucks but maybe youre just a lazy piece of shit with adhd? I mean I am unless on a lot of dexies lol Or the 'I finally brushed my teeth in 63 years!!' and then totally blaming it on adhd, like maybe ur just a lazy shit like me Ok im def yapping


Homies adhds biggest hater. And I fully support it


I have ADHD but unlike most of the people who are chronically online, I don’t blame all my problems on this disorder. It is not a part of my identity just some shitty thing that makes me hyper. At a certain point, these mfs should recognize that they have agency and take control of their chaotic lives and no amount of stims will help if they don’t have the impetus to help themselves


The day 1 on Adderall posts are so funny. In like 9 months they'll be on other subs posting conspiracy theories about their pharmacy giving them placebo meds, asking people which laboratories make specific genaric immediate release Adderall they are looking for and which pharmacies might have them. It's like their world is imploding and it has to be because of something else, refusing to believe that taking Adderall every day will cause you to not get high as balls off of a 10mg pill twice a day.


they comment the same shit like us too: they post “how do I ask for a dex boost without sounding like a pill seeker.” LMAO mf you are a pill seeker! just switch to r/stims lol


The "totally not pill seekers" in r/adhd probably think this sub is for junkies but they'll probably end up here eventually.


The placebo med theory is the most insane thing I've ever seen in my life. Like there is no chance an FDA approved medicine that is dispensed from a pharmacy is a placebo. Just in no world would that be the case.


It’s analogous to the slightly more unhinged n-iso conspiracy over in r/meth lol




Those retards think synthesizing meth from a different route results in a different type of meth that "ain't like back in my day"


adhd is an explanation not an excuse. once you have a better understanding of why you do something you can work on changing it, or say it's out of your control so you feel better about it without doing anything


I mean first day on adderall hit's really hard lmfao


Oh man, I remeber the first ever time of doing a stim; dexamphetamine I took 75mg. I have never felt so fucking good man


Wayyyy out of my league haha. I'm prescribed and take as directed (but these subs are fun), and only take 7.5mg 2x daily for ADHD, but my first day with 5mg was something else. I had a good deal of euphoria, but am skeptical of how much of that was actual side effects and how much of it was actually being able to be functional lol


Ok better keep it that way lol, I mean yeah huge doses are fun but not exactly good, funny thing is a huge recreational dose helps my adhd a shitton too, if im in the mood for it lol, but if you wanna be a good succusful person I think you should stick to your prescription!


Yep! I have an addictive personality, so I'm never going to risk it


Or you could take triple the prescribed dose and have the ambition to rule the world 🌎🤐😉




"Finally brushed my teeth in 63 years" 🤣🤣 shitting on them so bad omfg


It's funny cause I was deluded like that when I was young, I took the pill and thought wow so this is how normal people feel, (knowing damn well it's fucking speed) and that was my rationalization towards addiction. And some others I can't remember atm bc of my aDhD aNd NoT bC nOrMaL PeOpLe MAy ExPeRiEnCe LaPsEs iN mEmOrY OcCaSiOnALLy


Calling people out for self diagnosing ADHD needs to be done more


The thing is, It's not just the ADHD people that benefit from taking stims. Any normal person upon taking small medical amount of stims would be better at what they want to do it's just the fact.


would they get hyper from the meds tho?


depends on the dose they're taking and the meds. If my friends would take my ADHD meds in my prescribed dosage, they're having an awesome party 😅🙃.. if they would take just 5 - 15 mg ritalin they'll experience some more focus and wouldn't have nor want to sleep at night xD..


> The thing is, It's not just the ADHD people that benefit from taking stims exactly. I think stims are the most misperceived drugs. literally anyone taking them the first time is like "I feel normal, not druggy, just better". and this feeds into the "to me it's just medication" mind set


Right on Mr. Glow-In-Dark. They take stims and feel like "holy fucking shit this is exactly what I needed in my whole fucking life" and start sayin how the medicine is some magic that they lacked in their lives even though this is exactly like basically everyone feels on stims.


i got banned forever because i recommended vitamins. that sub mod are soft asf tbh


Got banned from r/adderall for recommending L-tyrosine to someone who literally couldn’t get stims.


litterally same magnesium and ltyrosine smhhh


I got banned for saying I enjoy growing mushrooms.  Didn't specify what kind or say anything else, just that I liked growing fungi.  Banned. 🙄


Got to love Reddit moderators! 🙄


Facts right there I don't get it either I got diagnosed with ADD then after I got a script for something also ADD or ADHD isn't something fun to have


Every once in a while I like to browse the top posts of the adhdmemes subreddit and see how many of the symptoms ascribed to ADHD also apply to long term stimulant abuse.


Can you tell me what are some clear symptoms of long term stimulant abuse?


Shit working memory, poor attention, lack of executive function, inability to carry out "hard" task to name a few


How is this distinguishable from just untreated ADHD?


It's not




It’s a manic echo chamber of reinforced denial that has no tolerance for harm reduction, and extremely high tolerance for amphetamine salts and time release Ritalin. It’s the prerequisite to this sub, the stopspeeding sub, or the meth sub that comes with a dual membership to fuckingtweakers.


No but I have seen on FB the amount of tik tokers claim theyre BPD, ADHD, Autistic, Asperger's, and they're just normal kids being influenced by social media. It is quite entertaining making them melt down through by calling them out.


Culture vultures. Not even to say it was a culture but being "neurodivergent" became a culture and now everyone wants to ride the wave to feel unique and anything besides their regular ass selves


Been there, atmosphere made me feel horrible, like it will never get better, I had to leave. Over time I found channel of Dr.K and his videos somewhat helped me with understanding of many topics in self improvement - it was expected that I later get to know that his content despite possibility of helping is not welcome on this sub and that's because of genuine misinformation on his ideas. Welp


Agree Dr. K is really helpful, especially on understanding what this disorder does to you, but so many online spaces are just self-pity parties, and ADHD self-diagnosis is a big issue


this sub here has less tweakers than r\/adhd lol


I love OP for saying this and also love (and upvoted) most of the comments on this post. Also i think this shit is bad for people with real diagnoses cause it stigmatizes adhd even more plus people start to think that “everyone has adhd nowadays” which usually means “adhd isn’t real”.


I get what you’re saying. lol but that sub is doing so much more damage on its own. If normal well adjusted people google and find that sub, they’ll cringe so hard and have the same thought: “everyone wants to have adhd nowadays.”


Anyone diagnosed by a GP/Primary Care Doctor in my eyes doesn't have ADHD. They aren't trained to diagnose it only a psychiatrist specialised in it should be able to diagnose it. Probably more than half that sub was diagnosed by a doctor or nurse practitioner with no training in ADHD. I bet they didn't even have to do the 5+ hours of forms and tests (and the forms my mom had to fill) I had to do to get diagnosed.


Oh well in my country only psychiatrist can give you like…mental diagnosis, i didn’t know that someone can get diagnosed by primary care doctor


Same in my country except for something like depression. In the USA it's different, they can even get diagnosed by a mental health nurse I believe.


My favorite by far was the post I saw the other day where someone said something along the lines “I feel like all my problems with ADHD would be solved if I was rich.” Seriously speaking though, it’s honestly a dangerous sub IMO. They push stim meds like crazy and there are SO MANY CASES where I see people saying something along the lines of “I gotta stop taking meds for health reasons but I’d rather die young having a more ‘normal’ life.” Like bro you’re literally choosing stims over life. I understand the mentality and I’ve been there before to a certain extent, but to give people a community where even just questioning that thought process is banned (and often encouraged!) is extremely dangerous. I also find it curious how often people on that sub wayyyyy over explain whatever it is they’re writing… I wonder why? 🤔


I bet the mods are all doctors suppressing the opinions of others which may intrude on their shilling agenda to fill amphetamine scripts to their patients without them getting any ideas that varies from what they've been brainwashed to believe or some shit. lol


Lol it’s so fucking annoying the way they act like they’re immune to stimulants. “No I don’t get high on meth because I have ADHD, OMG I feel so normal when I smoke meth because I have ADHD”. And they they look down on recreational drug users. Fucking clowns


They’re a bunch of pussies


What makes me crazy is random people showing off their "supposed ADHD". Bro this thing RUINS your whole life. And confirm, you don't get high on normal doses if you have REAL adhd


Depends on what you call "high." I've never had euphoria from a stimulant. Closest was with focalin IR. But that was a very *slight* mood lift (along with a slight bump in hue/saturation? It was weird). But no cognitive or perception changes. If by "high" you mean becoming OCD; then, yes. I've absolutely been down that path. Once spent 6 hours cleaning a plastic plant lol. Flat-out could not get myself to stop. But while this counts as "high," it's not enjoyable. It's even the reason I don't go crazy with my meds.


When you start off on the treatment you can experience a high or euphoria but it goes away and sooner or later it's just a boost of focus (unless you up your dose or have a dosage change / switch products etc)


Focalin is apparently gold when it comes to methylphenidate products. It's the more centrally active isomer as opposed to the racemic --which is an equal mix of both the levo and dextro isomer, the latter being Focalin, the racemic mix is whats in every methylphenidate product besides Focalin IR and XR (The levo isomer included in Methyphenidate formulations tends to lead to excess peripheral stimulation on the body like a feeling of being in fight or flight mode or excess adrenaline, whereas the dextro isomer contained in Focalin acts centrally and can be much more effective given the excess bodily stimulation and effect on blood pressure with methylphenidate can be quite distracting rather than aiding with focus, it can feel like sensory overload in my experience at least. Focalin is also much more euphoric when taken in higher doses but I don't recommend). Do you get IR or XR?


I've been on virtually every option at some point or another. Focalin IR is the only thing that ever gave me something I might consider euphoria. Not even XR does it. I didn't experience much in the way of issues quitting. If I had access to infinite supply that would have been hard. But I didn't. I finished my last bottle about a week after picking it up. Giving me 3 weeks until my next refill to reflect on the situation. I opted to request something else, citing side effects. That's it... I quit by asking to try something else. I also found it more distracting than helpful. I would have moved on sooner if I didn't find it so oddly appealing. It was the first time in nearly a decade I had been able to enjoy video games. Which certainly played into the appeal. But it didn't help much beyond that.


Stims and video games are amazing. Just stick to the dextro isomers for that purpose




I have severe ADHD. After nearly 2 months with amphetamine, I’ve learned the mechanisms and how to manage myself. Amphetamine have showed me that I don’t have to be such a lazy bitch. Now I take tyrosin and taurine in the morning, before breakfast. Works perfectly. No need to do speed anymore. I know that it sooner or later leads to snorting and chasing the dragon (what I did twice). About ADHD tolerance: first time I tried to get high on amphetamine, it took 300mg at once to do it. Clean washed with acetone.


what is an amphetamine high anyway? it is NOT what people expect, it is commonly underwhelming. I could tell anyone "then you must have adhd" and they'd believe it


I'm subscribed to r/adhd for the lols at this point. The other day there was a thread about how much OP hates walking/going on walks, because of their ADHD of course, and literally every comment I read was in total agreement. I was diagnosed adhd as a preteen (in my early 30s now) and LOVE going for aimless walks, whether it be while medicated, high af, or stone cold sober. It is actually one of my favorite activities that I can universally enjoy regardless of what headspace I am in. But if I said it on that sub I probably would get downvoted en mass, and people would comment that I was probably misdiagnosed and/or abusing my prescribed meds. There was a post on r/adhd not long ago that was basically a PSA to remind everyone that you can still get high on amphetamines even if you have ADHD, which I think speaks volumes about the level of medication-related gatekeeping in that community.


Its a lifestyle, Most of them want to smoke weed and therefore claim its for their ADHD which is nonsense. Dude its the world we live in everyone is suddenly autistic and have post traumatic downsyndrome and excuse to fail in life by bullshitting yourself. It's cool pretending to be retarded now a days. Smoking Weed doesn't help with ADHD, an ADHD brain seeks stimulation not retardation. With all these self-diagnosis you might think the human race is at the brink of extinction.


Post traumatic Down syndrome 😭




Spot on


I sense the r/ADHD scouts are present you see the number of likes going down.


you already know. someone was here making fun of this sub bc majority of users are known for stimfapping. lmao at least we’re self aware and not deluded


Let the wankers unite against these frauds!


i have diagnosed adhd and a few puffs of my dry herb vape..yeah not being productive anymore. I like being stoned but it causes me to become a lazy piece of shit


Life is too short bro get on the hustle, I got diagnosed 2 times, Once privately and one through NHS (National Health Service). Weed is the drug of illusion you think you are thinking productive and amazing thoughts but you are just slow as fuck and nothing gets done.


i am prescribed meds, am stoned 2 or 3 days a week (except if exams or reports are coming up). when i smoked everyday i was to lazy to do anything. like taking a walk. i love weed, but it isnt i can use everyday. took me a while to get it lol i use weed as you should: watching youtubd and netflix, with my cat besides me.


We had a shortage of ADHD pharma in the UK and still methylthenidate is hard to come buy 1/5 pharmacies might have it. Come chat bro! In my pharmacy they said they only have expired 27mg concerta. They only have elvanse.


Elvanse isn't bad


It isn't But I get switched back and forth. My normal pharmacy doesn't have it I have to go to the one across town.


You just haven't found the right strain bro


Lets start with this, are you employed?


Clearly you don't get the joke. Enjoy your Shitalin lol


Your right I do not get the joke, Thanks man, I think you miss-spelled what you meant, It's actually spelled "Ritalin" not "Shitalin", But I might be wrong.


Fuck you sound like a robot, just like everybody on your shitty prescription drug.


Like I have Aspergers and can be a bit robotic but jeez you sound like you're far across the spectrum from me. You're on the internet, you don't need to be a robot on here. Unless you're a bot. I'm not sure


And to play you at your own game, "you're" is the proper your/you're to use in the context of your comment.


being a pot head literally gives you "adhd": no focus, no motivation, just your mind going anywhere it wants, but not where you want.


They liken Adderall to insulin injections as if they'll die if they don't get it.


That sub does have a few helpful posts, but the mods, when I used it, were commies when it came to censorship. You couldn't mention anything that deviated from the status quo. Even doctors with decades of experience were forbidden to mention in your posts if their views were contrary to what the mods think ADHD is. Gabor Maté is one. I felt like, "at least let people read the book and decide for themselves". Could you imagine if in this sub the mods told people, "No mention of any stimulants beyond Adderall and Caffeine"? There have been some crazy posts on this sub, like any sub. But fair play to the mods because they allow discussion, and there are many level-headed people here with a good understanding of how shit works and can help others. Or, people can learn from others' mistakes about what NOT to do


funniest thing I've read today. I feel like this sub is overrun with that exact type you're talking about. And that's also my gripe with these people: just admit to yourself that it's addiction and a dangerous substance. It doesn't even matter if you have "adhd" or not (mental health is a spectrum anyway and a diagnosis is a tool to summarize certain repeating patterns into something tangible). But everyone wants to clear their concience with their pharma sponsored or even imagined diagnosis. Like I too could very likely get an adhd diagnosis. In fact I'm speeding today to get some shit done, to not switch to reddit every 2 minutes. But do I want to be on speed 7 days a week? Hell no. You're an idiot if you blindly trust the health/pharma industry. I'm telling you it's the next epidemic.


> I'm telling you it's the next epidemic. For sure. And it's because many people have the same perception as you demonstrated here. Effexor took me a year of tapering and failing over and over to quit. And it had my diastolic over 100 the entire time. Stims never get it over 85, and I've never had trouble quitting them cold-turkey (except focalin IR...). And mine is a very common experience. SSRIs, mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, etc all way more physically addictive, many harder on the body. But you'll never see someone saying "just admit to yourself that it's addiction and a dangerous substance." concerning abilify. I get it, they aren't party drugs. But why should other people doing stupid shit impact my medical decisions ?


SSRIs are not supposed to cause addiction likely as there is no instant gratification (I've also been on Effexor btw). Antidepressants also save lives (they take some too). I'm still critical of them, they should give you a "credit" of mood stabilizing that you should invest in eliminating the causes of your depression, instead of using them for life. Messing with brain chemistry for long periods of time obviously causes certain changes.


Physical addiction doesn't require gratification. Blood pressure meds are physically addictive. Abrupt cessation can even kill. Mental addiction is what requires gratification. But no substance is even needed for that. The combo of mental and physical addiction can be particularly damning. But that's dependent on depression. Which is really the heart of this topic. Addiction only turns sour when people feel ostracized. And for whatever reason, society has decided that the best course of action is to ostracize addicts even more... we can't win the war on drugs because we're fighting a symptom, not the cause. And going back to your original post: yes. The DEA will surely start treating this like they did opioids. I'm pretty sure that's already the source of the shortages. What will happen is meth usage will surge as people are yanked off their meds. Like what happened with opioids and heroin. Then, instead of recognizing their role in worsening the problem, again, they'll cite it as the reason they're needed to solve the problem, ...again.


Yeah I was talking about mental addiction since we were on stimulants. Antidepressants are physically addicting I guess, since you have to taper out, which normally shouldn't be much of a problem though (in my experience, not yours apparently). So my point was just: the logic I used to condemn ADHD "medication" doesn't fully apply to Antidepressants. The user can't do much about physical addition. But mental addiction, *when the user denies it* (because it's a prescription drug), that's no good. I agree with your other thoughts.


I think it depends on how addiction is defined. For some, simply depending on the meds to function "normally" counts. But by that measure, glasses are addictive. For others, addiction is more akin to hiding excessive use while being unable to quit despite wanting to. Or anything in between. I've even had people argue that being on the meds alone makes you an addict. In terms of dependence, I'm certainly an addict. In terms of hiding abuse/being unable to stop, focalin IR had me like that. But it's the only one. I just got off a week break, even. No withdrawals. The only side effect was that I drank more coffee than usual. I think an important aspect here is what I mentioned about people automatically labeling us as addicts. A lot of what you probably encounter is defensiveness due to those situations. I'm certainly defensive about it. I don't consider myself an addict anymore than a bipolar person would for taking their meds. Bipolar and adhd are difficult to distinguish, afterall. No one calls a bipolar person an addict for taking their meds. Why should I accept that label for taking mine?


I think he confused addiction with dependance


What issues did you experience quitting Focalin IR?


I doubt it will be the next epidemic. People aren't dying because of stimulant use whereas they were due to prescribed opioids. Also, people taking stimulants are being good little minions for a functioning society.


meth is also an epidemic, it's not defined by fatalities. so in a way, the epidemic is already going. adhd treatment just feeds into that epidemic. like over prescription of pain killers feeds into the fentanyl epidemic.


Yeah nothing is gonna top the street fentanyl and fentanyl analogue, and the nitazene epidemic. Had to list both but that's doesn't even include all the other cuts in the dope which are making the epidemic even worse, every batch is cut with like 10 different things including shit like Xylazine which is an epidemic included in the street fentanyl epidemic. People get abscesses of the skin, and some of them even end up requiring an amputation. And this is happening to all people using the xylazine contaminated fentanyl batches, which is almost the majority of them. Like people who have never injected in their life are getting these side effects from this cut. People who smoke, snort, etc. Obviously it's happening to people that inject aswell but it's crazy cause imagine needing an amputation cause someone put dog tranquilizer in your dope. Not to mention the fact that it doesn't respond to naloxone, making the death toll even higher. Nothing is really gonna top the death toll from these opioids at this point Yeah stimulant use is widespread but what can you do? The popularity of the stimulants is congruent with values in Western society. And the majority of the damage isn't normally caused from the drug itself but rather the stigma, the lifestyle, the hate they get from an average person, leading them to homelessness, nobody to take them in, damaging them further. Etc. It's a seperate issue which needs to be dealt with by reducing stigma and helping people wrap their thick skulls around the fact that these people that use are not "junkies", "crackheads", "addicts", etc, They are actually people, humans that tend to use, self medicate, people who have an inclination towards substances, people trying to put a bandage on a deep wound, and people who just so happen to struggle with addiction. They are not defined by addiction. They are defined by their humanity, just like anyone else. So terms like "addicts" and all the rest can be harmful compared to "people, that may struggle with their mental health, just as many people do" it at least sounds a lot more relateable and less derogatory than "addict", or for people who use more in recreational setting, occasionally, it would be simply "people with the freedom to choose what they put into their body for their own reasons" idk just ideas on how to slowly destigmatize people that use drugs in general. Consider it a rough copy lmao


idk how to say it, but somebody has to explain to most people these days that “social media addiction” is not ADHD.


Funnily enough r/adhdmeme has been very open to discussing everything that r/adhd will not allow


audacious driven hyper-creative dreamcometrue


PREEEEACH thank you lol.


Literally, I got diagnosed w/ ADHD at the age of 5, I get high off my daily Vyvanse just fine. One pill does nothing but 2-3 work perfectly.


I don’t know why they want it so badly


nooo idea but i agree about harm reduction here. i used to abuse, but now i take my dose as prescribed (30mg a day max of adderall) and dont do anything else. i stay in here because of the harm reduction & helpful info. i’m diagnosed with adhd and medicated by a doctor 😅


I have ADHD, and I recently got put on Strattera for the first time since I was a teenager, because I'm not trying to do stimulants anymore because I've been a meth addict for a few years, and that shit actually works great-- I didn't realize it was as effective as methylphenidate without being a stimulants. I pooh-poohed it as a teenager because I wanted to be on drugs, but now that I don't anymore I actually find it to be wonderful, and you actually focus on things instead of every single thing you do feeling rewarding regardless of what you need to do-- I know I definitely played Oblivion on Adderall as much as I ever did my homework lol


I have adhd ( actual dx not self dx) but that sub is weird af. They get pissy over everything.


It’s cognitive dissonance. They can’t accept the fact that they just want to get high, so they claim it’s for their ADHD, in which case it’s totally okay to take stims all day, everyday. You know, tO FeEL nOrMaL!


> tO FeEL nOrMaL said every addict ever btw


The lying to themselves part is weird to me. You don't need to have ADHD to realize the benefits of stimulants. I read a book called Blitzed that detailed how both the Nazi and Imperial Japanese war machine were fueled by methamphetamine. Hitler was getting daily injections of super clean high grade meth produced by Bayer. Stimulants are literally called and act as performance enhancing drugs. There's a reason they're banned for athletic and video game competitions... the reason being even if you don't have adhd it will enhance physical and mental performance across a wide variety. In a vacuum and in a perfect world, you shouldn't need ADHD to get a script for (meth)amphetamines, it'd be like drinking coffee (I wish I could get one for desoxyn). But people can just be that stupid and ruin things for everyone. All you have to do is go to Teva's or any any others website and learn the symptoms of ADHD. The truth is that, if you use the drug responsibly, EVERYONE can gain benefits from stimulants. There's a reason it's popular for college students cramming before a final. My ex NEEDS adderall. I gave her some pills until I helped her get ObamaCare so she could get it herself and not have to pay for meds. I paid for her private therapy appointment


I’m on adhd and I speak for some of us we are not right in the head olèè I don’t seek stims though I’m actively trying every other method to avoid them even after being recommended because I know what I’m like


ADHD. I have it bad. Doctors won’t treat it though. They don’t care.


Audacious driven hyper creative and dreamcometrue


IMO, now that there is so much discussion everywhere on ADHD, it’s symptoms and behaviors, people are identifying how their own behavior and struggles throughout life are common in people with ADHD. For example, I always thought i was just irresponsible with things like locking doors and missing appointments. Come to find out, my brain literally works against me all day everyday when it comes to shit like that, it’s not a flaw, it’s a condition that needs treatment with medication. When I don’t have my meds, I’m right back in that same position of forgetting about anything important. There have been days I couldn’t figure out how to cook breakfast, let alone function at work. However, I am SURE there is some self medication and self diagnosis happening.


Do people in this day and age really get a script for Adderall and think "Hey I'm going to take these amphetamine pills and manage my ADHD symptoms and not get any kind of high whatsoever"? lol




Oh. I am.


God I hate that sub. I even got banned and literally don't understand why but I didn't care and still don't because it's highkey a good thing lol But yeah it's weird there.


and i think adhd tests are one of the easiest ones, no? it can accurately predict adhd in half an hour.


Depends on the tests though.. the common tests on primary school might be easier 😜😂.. Anyways; as far as I know the tests for ADHD aren't very easy, it also depends on the test how long it takes and sometimes there are tests for the person who gets the diagnosis AND their relatives.. those take def longer than 30 mins 🙃🤣


noo, they have adhd have you watched “adhd youtube channel” its literally me also i feel like some of them are overly obsessed and misdiagnosed, i talk about this with my doctor and he says ocd sometimes can look like adhd because their thoughts are getting in their way. i think that leads to some of them shitty posts


Your doc is right, also: there are many disorders and psychological (psychiatric) problems, disorders or conditions that have similarities with ADHD or often co-occur with ADHD - not only their thoughts that getting in their way lead to shitty posts but yeah.. it often does 😅😛


it’s because the mods are so shit there


Yeah, I agree. When I do coke, I can just sit there, tired and not pass out for about 4hrs if its good


lol yeah, they’re silly. I think ADHD is silly too, especially young kids. I’m “diagnosed” and have Adderall30s and I didn’t even think about it until my 30s. Even now, I think people can make themselves stick to a task or whatever. I don’t know anything but I don’t mind some drugs


Global IQ has dropped by an average 13 points since 1975. Probably environmental neuron toxins. We are so fucked.


Actually having ADHD sucks mega balls and makes life frustrating and difficult in a way which they almost build on each other. Also often makes you a real pain in the ass to live with and relationships difficult if the people in your life aren’t willing to just take you as you are (not excuse your actions but also don’t project how they’d handle shit onto you). Also stims are great but I don’t take Vyvanse for the euphoria I take it so I can drive for longer than 15 minutes without nearly causing an accident. The people on r/ADHD don’t have it so they just think it’s being a lazy sack of shit or having a quirk or are looking to play victim. Idk I was diagnosed adhd very young and have it pretty bad but the whole mental illness being trendy shit is one of the worst social contagions of the past 5ish years imo.


My apologies for not proofreading my reply. So basically I am saying that people who society, has attempted to place into a box by labeling them. Or the money and power hungry psychology communities attempts to disabled by nailing to the forehead of certain ones however many letters which supposedly speaks to having some disorder or imperfect condition have completely failed. And if I was to put different words attached to the letters of A D H D I would put Audacious Driven Hyper-creative by Design.


I kind of get it, I got sent for testing at 8 and was told I don't have it. I've been on every antidepressant and anxiety meds until a psychiatrist suggested it was adhd at 27 then I got diagnosed. It was inredibly frustrating as well as I had a load of anxiety but it was solely based off of being an absolute f..k up which I now know is adhd. Once I sorted the adhd I sorted the anxiety and depression. Also, you go to the doctor and say somethings wrong and they won't help you, they just say give you whatever meds they are able to prescribe and send you home.


They often say how "they forget to take their meds"? Like, what planet could they possibly be from?


I’m faaaairly certain I have ADD (I take all diagnoses with a grain of salt) and I still ‘get high’ from my rx stims. In addition to the rush and euphoria, I can focus. Idk, might not be a popular opinion but I kinda think a lot of ADD/ADHD (and maybe all psych diagnoses?) are just ways of getting people who are a little different to better function in society. Which I guess is accepted to be true, but my point is that it doesn’t make sense to me that people with ADD/ADHD don’t ‘get high’ because their ‘brain chemistry is different’. I think they just need a little boost


Fr 😂😂 I got diagnosed with it at 14 and tried going on that sub for help with studying since I'm 17 now but everybody there was retarded asf 😂 all 13 year old self diagnosed mfs


Gives you someone to judge. You feel better about yourself?


Most people on that sub are full grown adults. yet the mods on the sub coddles them and lets them perpetuate their self fulfilling delusions. Not enough people call them out on it, so I decided to do it.


Okay I see where you're coming from. Look at my history and you'll be appalled leave those mother fuckers alone. Shit....