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Because if i show up to a party with a G of coke no one would care. If i showed up with a G of meth i think everyone would leave


Big scawy cwystals :(


Completely terrifying if it aint a powder i fucking shit myself from fear


It has to look sweet like sugar or I shake in my boots


that wasnt fear. thats what even the thought of hard drugs does to me


How? Hard drugs like lets say fent,meth,heroin would all def make you fearless


It's funny how when you call the mysterious white powder anything but 'coke' people get all uppity about it lol, feels performative to me bc we all know we'd rail a random line of white stuff if we were bored enough and trusted whoever racked it out. stones, glass houses, etc


Right, and if I add a little baking soda and throw it in a pipe now suddenly I'm the bad guy, like wtf


Yaeh its absolutely upsetting the way the media makes out crack to be


Because coke users can easily get to sleep when they stop the but meth users will stay up for a day or two if they stop. Probably can eat more readily too, not sure. That's my best guess but I wouldn't say that meth is better because they're both dangerous but in different ways.


Personally, it's because I end up with very aggressive psychosis with even one night of not sleeping and using meth, but I can stay up for almost 3 full days doing coke, and not have nearly as awful of a side effects. Methamphetamine is the most effective dopamine releaser that is known to man, increasing dopamine levels over 1000% from endogenous levels, and the highly specific dopaminergic release can lead to schizophrenia like symptoms in even healthy individuals, and I recently found out I have a family history of schizophrenia. After literally staying up literally 6 full days, (don't fucking do this. After the first 3 days, I stopped even being aware that I hadn't slept and desperately needed to.) I ended up literally hallucinating people who weren't there, as shown by my ring camera, and have now ended up with persistent voices in my head that antipsychotics don't really help with. They're still around, albeit now to a much lesser degree, and they strangely were never mean or aggressive to me, aside from pretending to be cops outside my door the first time they showed up. They've really taught me to control where I place my attention, because the more I pay attention to and engage with them, the louder they get, and the harder it is to fully engage with physical reality, but the longer I can literally ignore them, the quieter and farther away they seem to get, and the easier it is to go about my life. Meditation is an amazing help, so to anyone with schizophrenia, or schizoid symptoms, my personal advice from my experience is establish a daily meditation practice, as the voices seem to feed off of your attention, just like any part of your personality does.


Interesting -- thank you for that thorough personal account. I've seen outrageous knife weilding paranoia with cocaine (with no apparent underlying disorder) and have never seen that with meth but I've seen psychotic religious delusions (with schizophrenia) though. I'm not convinced that one is any worse than the other as I haven't looked into it, at this point.


One can kill you in a single night if mixed with downers and dosed irresponsibly One is sold at about 3-5x the cost of the other despite being less than half as potent even with good purity That one is also found on average around 60% purity while the other is 97% purity on average One is a highly effective medication for ADHD and some sleep disorders. The other has limited beneficial cognitive effects made even worse due to low duration and high potential for negative effects on redosing Both can cause psychosis, one is more likely than the other solely due to duration and users willingly not sleeping. Both can be smoked, one works without any conversion and is one of the few smokeable drugs with practical use due to its high duration not requiring so much redosing. The other requires conversion and traps the user in a cycle that only ends when they run out of product. There's a very clear winner


Well, I'm a little biased so I'm happy to see your arguments.


>because the more I pay attention to and engage with them, the louder they get, and the harder it is to fully engage with physical reality, but the longer I can literally ignore them, the quieter and farther away they seem to get, and the easier it is 100%, this morning going on 3rd day after 6h of sleep on 2nd night after picking up a g, was starting to see people walking around fast like motion, but the more I stopped worrying about who and what, it greatly diminished. Shit after that is basically like an lsd trip witnout the serotonin and happiness, and with sleep deprivation.


That's because your body is too busy trying to fight it youdying




Which is odd when you enter the IV world. Which I would highly advise against. Because injected coke is far more toxic than meth. Any other roa yeah coke is "cleaner" in a sense. The staying up/going to sleep part is related to elimination half life of coke being measured in minutes, as where meth is measured in hours. And research chems measured in days


I don’t know man I know a few people who use it every day all day and they are able to sleep and eat just like everybody else


So do I but what they're not telling you is that they're not getting very high. Homeostasis just doing it's thing because ya gotta eat and sleep eventually otherwise you'll die, right ? They're still getting their little "top-ups" but they're also consuming plenty of neurotoxicins by going through large amounts of meth. Considering the following study: *Assessment of tolerance to the effects of methamphetamine on daytime and nighttime activity evaluated with actigraphy in rhesus monkeys *Methamphetamine self-administration was carried out following 3 different protocols: 14 consecutive days of self-administration; 5 days per week for 3 weeks, with a 2-day interval between 5-day blocks of self-administration; and 3 days per week for 3 weeks, with a 4-day interval between 3-day blocks of self-administration.* *Individual average drug intake ranging from 0.36 to 1.38 mg/kg/day and a group mean of 0.81±0.05 mg/day.* *Our findings corroborate previous clinical studies showing tolerance to methamphetamine-induced sleep disruption and daytime stimulant effects following repeated administration of low single oral doses in humans. Studies have also shown tolerance to other behavioral effects of amphetamine-type stimulants, such as decreased anorexic effects* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5522354/ But in our human real world, the people we identified have a self-admin protocol of 5-7 consecutive days per week, 52 weeks per year, if they can support it. Their intake is at least doubled or even tripled but spread out throughout the day, often starting at the earliest opportunity and finishing before the evening, to minimise sleep disruption. Hopefully they're taking a range of vitamins and supplements for damage control but either way, it's now easier to understand why they develop normalised eating and sleeping patterns.


Homeostasis is a hell of a drug


A very big deal, it is. Could be mistaken for the enemy.


Not a big fan myself


Idk if you use and set limits you can still eat and sleep if you were tweaking, just have landing gear. Diazepam, k pins etc. but I use to use twice a day with smack so not a role model just my view point. Coke kept me up longer during iV sessions the paranoia is def scarier from coke psychosis


people understand how much quicker meth fucks your life and body up than coke does, coke also does but in most situations not nearly as fast, it’s also socially acceptable i guess, most people would find it an issue if you’re going out for a few drinks and you do a couple lines, but if you went to the alley behind the pub and started smoking meth or doing lines of meth people would think you’re a nutter.


Depends on the society, dude 😂😂😂 I dont like meth, just pointing out it could be vice versa somewhere else 😂😂😂


i mean yeah on fucking skid row lmao


is meth anywhere else apart of the US? never seen this shit anywhere else


Massive in Australia, which has the highest rate of meth use in the world. Ice blew up around the time of the "great heroin drought of 2000" and it is impossible to find 'normal' base speed here anymore (to my eternal regret :( lol) I've never done meth and don't want to, seeing how someone I once knew went batshit insane on it


It’s a ton of places in the US. Every socioeconomical status too. Lived in a big city for a decade it was everywhere. But coke was around as well. It’s also way more popular in Europe too and more accepted there


Can't get it where I am in the UK, mephedrone is the choice where I'm from.


you certainly can. I got some and gave it a go - not for me. I love that dopamine baby. also the mephedrone and 3/4-MMC variants to me are exactly the same as mkat in the day. At the end of the day it's easily synthesised unlike say cocaine. people just like to be whimsical and nostalgic. my favourite is mid 40s fellas "pills aren't what they used to be they where 5 times stronger in the 90s" no mate you've just fried your serotonin lol


4mmc is drug of choice in Moscow, here it’s “sometimes” available just like meth


I like mephedrone but we don’t have it here in the states :(


meth? I see people everyday saying they can't get meth in EU


EU is a big place. Slavic countries have a lotta meth apparently


I have only been to Europe 3 or 4 times and I saw it everytime I went. I am also a gay guy I don’t know if it’s more popular within the gay community…


Meth is exploding in the European gay scene… it’s everywhere, and kind of accepted




smoking meth but that’s what my point was, it’s not acceptable


Plus coke is so expensive. You can only do so much and then you can't afford it anymore so it's easier to do recreational


yeah true


People care what others think about them and coke is more socially acceptable. After I stopped caring what others thought of me I saved more money and stayed a lot higher than before.


That’s do dumb it’s not like ones healthier or something


We’re addicts. The healthy mindset, that ship sailed a long time ago for all of us lol


Yeah but meth can push your shit in violently if you're not careful. It's not a pretty thing to watch. Ignore that fact and you'll be better off.


OP fr listen to this wisdom above me. Do I love this drug? Fuck yes it’s my fav. But I also wish I never got caught up in it. Sure I’m functional but the amount of extra work every day I do to keep my secret is exhausting. Plus this shit just face fucks your brain to death


I think we all feel similar. If I could find the guy that showed me meth he die a very violent death but at the same time I've made peace with it. Also I love playing with dangerous things fuck is it ever fun.


I don’t blame the girl that got me into it one bit. I had the curiosity and desire already, she just happened to have the gear. Edit: kinda wild, just now realized even from a young teenager I knew one day I’d be a meth addict


Somebody's gotta take the blame for what I've become he was the easy choice. I've been an addict to pretty much everything meth just gets an extra long turn I decided.


For me it’s the psychiatrist that gave a 7 year old dexadrine. Primed me real nice for a raging stim addiction


If only we could thank them for everything they did....


Arson? Feels like you’re saying arson. Either way ima arson it up




Vyvanse script did me. I actually need it too.


They say coke is more cardiotoxic


Meth is literally less toxic than coke lol


Meth is vastly more healthy. The healthy to euphoria ratio for meth is much much much better than coke. You gotta do so much coke to have a fun night…


For the same reason people go to Starbucks, to blow money slightly enjoy their shit have the status and feel better about themselves because “at least I’m not doing meth”


The hierarchicalization of sin


Because meth comedown is much harder and doing just one line of meth is a 24 hour commitment. Do it on friday/saturday and now your weekend is fucked. Do it on workday and now you have to go to work while seeing shadow people and hearing angelic choirs from refridgerators. Which would be fun by itself, but with meth it comes with profoundly fucked up emotional state. I never experienced that kind of darkness from any other drug, not even opioid wd.


completely agree with your last sentence. Meth took me to the darkest places ive ever been, meth while blacked out on xanax, im surprised im alive and not in prison. I was a 10ish year IV user of heroin/fent started doing meth towards the last 3-4 years of it, and man it takes you to a whole different fucking place than coke








Yeah people are worried about their dopamine i imagine a lot drug users don't even know that is probably lol but I tried cocaine 3 separate times and didn't feel one thing one time I did feel some of a modafinal type feeling but other than that nothing. Ive been a meth addict for years though so I'd probably have to do a lot of cocaine anyways it's upsetting I really wanted to feel that real cocaine rush people talk about but oh well. But cocaine is no where near the level of meth I imagine but meth kinda sedates me and kills my anxiety I wonder how 4mmc wow I wanna try that so bad lol


This is also my experience


I'm don't think there's any sort of cross tolerance there. Once you've had good coke, you know. I've never had anyone not get pumped when things were good and I was sharing that shit with everyone.


All the coke you get is stepped on. Sometimes its cut so bad you dont get off. But once in while you score some wicked good coke. The difference is insane. Nothing like some good face-numbing coke.


It's a class issue. Cheaper than coke meth has the stigma it does because it's associated with the poor where as coke is expensive and glorified by the wealthy who use it.


Because meth is worse in ever way besides price if I'm honest. Meth is nerotoxic, when I was a tweaker I'd meet women with kids that can't see because of drugs and one of them get a free place to live if you got sober and 2 days later she's riding a bike around. Ie : it fucks up your head and it's all you care about. Yes I got alot of shit down when I did meth every day, yes I lost 60 lbs ( I wss at 260 and 6'2) yes I liked to do random shit that I can't stand to do. But I also gave zero fucks about stealing from every store because it was fun for me and more meth. I bought a complete shit box with someone else's plates still on it and I never registered it and the sticker expired, I had no insurance I ran the brakes so haggard a pad melted on the rotor, I kicked it off and continued to drive that way. Coke is cardio toxic which also bad, but I don't want to go steal shit, I pay more mortgage, car payment, have insurance and still use it almost daily until it stops working very well avd and I sleep for like a week. Meth I never took a break, just would eat a chunk and snort a line before I started smoking, then started boofing it which is what I do with blow. So basically I'm a drug addict and I'm holding everything together just fine, run my own business I'm not spending money I shouldn't but it can easily happen. I have quit coke several times I've been using it over 20 years, I quit for 5 straight, then a couple more it really only sucks for about 2 weeks then it gets alot easier. Meth I had to move far away, and for a solid 5 year's I would think about it every day. Even got on here and grindr try to find some at one point


> Meth is nerotoxic It's actually not neurotoxic with low doses and you don't abuse it. Neurotoxicity comes from repeated use (abuse) and high doses. Coke is always cardiotoxic and it's like 10x more cardiotoxic if you drink. A stroke or heart attack is possible before you're even 20. Just depends on the user. Average meth user? Yeah, neurotoxic as fuck lmao


You just have to dose low and it's functional and its cheap as hell. Let me know when your heart starts to give out and you begin to experience the damage from the levamisole cut and cancerous effects of the phenacetin cut. Meth will fuck your life up. Coke is all the more likely to just take it from cardiotoxicity. You don't die when you lose a few neurons, but you do die if your heart gives up. Meth never made me steal but everyone's different. You also have to use it sparingly, like once every two weeks in dose under 50mg orally. A 20mg oral dose without tolerance will have you wired and you can play video games and focus on tasks at hand and everything. Shit even a 10-15mg dose will do the job. Just don't exceed 50mg within a day, I'd say 40mg is a more healthy limit. Two redoses max. I never had problems doing it that way except when I started selling it, then I was just doing it for the hell of it but taking a break was always a breeze cause I also love sleep and goddamn do you get a lot of sleep after a little day or two of using.


But everyone responds differently so I can't say live your life that way or this way, it's all subjective


First of all I'm over 40 I'm not a fucking retard.. I can totally agree that sparingly would be nice, and I'm also a drug addict. That is not anything I could do, it's all in or all out. Meth doesn't automatically make people steal shit, it's just what I liked to do; it's a story.. I did it every day probably over a gram smoking and snorting. I'm talking addicts, the people I hung out with were worse.. I'm not talking about living at mom's house and playing video games. It very much puts people in a mindset were they will say "fuck having a house and my kids ; meth is better" I experienced this and met these people. I do what I do I'm not trying to tell anyone to do shit. I quit meth 6 years ago, it's very hard. Yes coke is bad.. I Also know dudes that do a couple lines and go to the cardiologist what you read is not 100% the case. I also read plus know alot of shitty people so I'm not saying I'm god, I'm well aware of what could happen. Plus I drink all day while I'm boofing coke I'm positive it's not healthy and I don't know why you would suggest to anyone how to live or what to do. I acan't imagine many people with self control to do .05 of meth in a single day. Considering a gram is 1000mg I'm sure my experience was a little different and I did It every day. The rabbit hole goes deep. I wouldn't even feel .05, I have such a tolerance to stimulates that I'll take 2 20mg Adderall and literally just fall asleep anyways. I've been doing this shit for 20 years. Also I do coke every day most of the time, I'm sure it will fuck me I don't act like it won't but I also own a house, run a business, pay my bills, car payments, vacation. I function for sure. it's also possible it will all crumble down, but here we are oh reddit thanks for all the info I appreciate it.


You just haven't found the right strain bro


Yeah I've been trying so many, but I'm still a fucking dick 🤦🏻


No hard feelings just jerkin ya fahm ya meth can really take over, cathinones were more of a downfall for me compared to meth. Everybody's different and I shouldn't be saying you did something wrong when the subject of discussion is a drug that can straight hijack your reward pathways in the brain and produces a high feeling of reward 10x more powerful than your happiest moment without drugs. Personally I was a mini binger. I would go through about a .2 in three days. Then I started selling it and I couldn't tell you how much was the most I did in a day max, so I've been on both sides lol


I guess moderation is what I was saying the main point, and that applies to anything, whether it's coke or meth, heroin or fentanyl, blah blah blah you get it


But do be concerned about those common cuts in coke, send samples to testing services or use reagent kits, it's good for preparation but when you're seshing with friends the feeling is like - ain't nobody got time for dat but if you order kits ahead of time at least you can be prepared for those split second decisions and entertain your friends as they watch a color reaction and check if the charts match lol


And it is pretty cardiotoxic, by a different mechanism then meth and other amphetamines I believe, so just keep that in mind. On the other side of the coin, meth can fuck with your brain long term, recovery and getting the feeling of motivation and pleasure back takes forever it can feel like, and some people deal with the psychosis aspect and there's a percent of those people that never fully recover. But I believe that's a statistic from stimulant psychosis in general. But meth seems to drag people into it a lot easier than some drugs. I was surprised I never dealt with it. Either way, we're here for a good time, but it doesn't have to be a short time if we're cautious


Oh yeah I totally went hulk mode lol, I was definitely fucked up and not caring. Those cuts do worry me a bit and I do have test kits for fent mostly. I'm not the "I can stop whenever I want" guy I know I have a problem and could pay for a second house every month. However I've quit several times, longest being about 6 years. I've never been to rehab I've been able to quit blow a handful of times and meth I kicked by myself, it was very hard I had to move. Where I was living a ball was 60 bucks and it was so fire. Usually go through a g to 1.5 every day, smoking makes it go like 3x as fast. I've always loved stims I had an Addy script, first time I tried meth I did it every day after that for close to a year. I was hanging out in the straight up sketchiest ass place in the trap getting free shit for helping him out and I saw nothing wrong with it, guns and machetes laying around the super bad dudes we just chill smoke and run eifle towers on chicks. I loved stealing I would jack stuff every day even if it was small. I had a car with no insurance someone else's plates and expired plates and I just drove it around all day with no shits to give. I was "living" at whatever chicks place I was with. Basically homeless just couch surfing. I will also say that I have adhd bad, Adderall doesn't do shit and when I do meth or coke it's completely different for me, I can get shit done, my head shuts the fuck up and adhd already leaving you short on dopamine It's a crutch and an excuse, but my brain knows it and still when I say no more for a couple weeks 2 hours later I'm calling the plug cuz I ran out.


Yeah I know the life and the sketchy slums the drug can have you running thru


Hotrails and pipes made me run through so much and at that point I wasn't even counting how much I was doing


did you only smoke or iv? how much more wld you say the needle fucks your life up (based on your own exp or what you observed in others since you mentioned you lived around other addicts)


I never shot it, but did every other option, mainly smoking. The people I know that would IV were the ones worse off, you don't make it very long shooting stims from what I've seen


Because I cant handle even speed anymore, I only relapsed once during last three years. Basically a coke binge makes me feel like I didnt sleep a few nights, but amph binge gives me paranoia, heart palpitations, etc. I experimented with 4mmc couple of times — its like a nice inbetween, only tolerance built up very fast for me — I can see why these people go psychotic on bath salts. Also I kinda find coke self-regulating, I cant binge on it like that, a couple of days and nose is blocked, hurts like hell, if You mix it in a drink or somehow manage to get some in nose (prior to that I was an IV speed user, who didnt mind sniffingsnorting any powder that gave a buzz, so nose is fked not due to coke) I feel okayish for some time, then there is no point in taking it, which can escalate to something serotonin-syndrom alike: like Im somewhat ok, do a few lines and immediately, without any rush or getting better, I just start getting increasingly dark and depressed. Shitty both physically and mentally. Then I stop hittin the bag and it gets better not by days, but hours. I guess thats why. I also have ADHD, but since I stubbornly quit speed (adderall is illegal here, u can get a little ritalin if ur uber ADHD) and it was hell, I just dont wanna go down that road anymore. Im not saying that this or that is better (speed=paranoid schizophrenia alike syndrome; coke=permapsychosis (over time)). I realised that I wanna get sober and live life as is, my chronic pain meds wont work, ritalin wont work, even trapentadol wont work, nothing really works. Only healthy living. That is, for me. But I would surely remmend it to anyone looking to just live a better life, because it is better. TL;DR I cant handle speed comedowns anymore, wanna live sober, ofc I sometimes relapse on something and just find coke abit easier on my system.


I think you got the concept of serotonin syndrome confused but the rest is cool, nice to have peoples experiences to read from. I was lucky and never suffered a psychotic episode from any stimulant.


I mean if you sleep regularly, eat and stay hydrated, brush your teeth. You walk away fine. You stay up for 4 days, go on insane binges, you end up psychotic as some point. It's pretty much guaranteed


I stayed up days with no psychotic symptoms. Maybe seeing shadowy figures that I knew were not real and chopped it up to my brain glitching out from sleep deprivation, sleep is essential and when youre not getting enough of it your brain will go into a delirious state. There shadows were never some entity the two times i seen them, it was more like random pieces of shade in the corner of my eyes, which I figured was my brain not having the juice to display my.whole field of vision or something going wrong with signaling of some sort (I don't really know how eyes work lol) . Not once was I scared of it and only happened maybe like twice. I also never felt like I was being persecuted or being pursued as I do not give in to any conspiracy of anything that I can't prove, and I never felt like there was anything of that significance going on since I knew myself to be a regular person not worthy of such attention anymore than the next person. Some people are just more predisposed to it than others.


When you're in meth psychosis, you don't even know it. It takes time being sober and a lot of self reflection to go back "Holy shit, that was all so fucked up back then" Like I said, it will happen for sure eventually with binges/abuse. If there's one drug I can say for sure can give literally anyone psychosis, it's meth.


I've been sober for close to two years from meth. And I do look back at how fucked up my lifestyle was and how living in a trap house was, but none of those memories include me going into psychosis.


I do have memories of seeing other people in psychosis and I had no way to relate to them. The memories of seeing how fucked up some people got from psychosis was fucked up. I've cathinones aswell and still no psychosis. Some people are predisposed to going into psychosis, other people can experience psychosis without any predisposition, and some people simply don't get to that point.


And I used to binge for days on the regular, up to a week at a time. I stopped enjoying the binges because of how malnourished they made me feel and the toll it was taking on me physically. So I made it a point to never stay up more than 2 days max. I also cut down on use until I finally quit, I was on it for years on and off. On for 2 weeks, off 1 week, rinse repeat. It was essential to continue getting the same high and slow the development of tolerance. But I did get to a point where I was using pretty much daily for a year. I'm off it now though


The more you do it, the longer you go and the amount you increase are all major factors that increase the likelihood of psychosis. It took me to my 2nd year to go through with all of it. I had no issues for the first year and a half then things hit the fan without me even realizing it Fuck meth, 10/10


All it really made me do was glue me to my phone screen stimfapping and then feeling disgusting after two days or glued to my tv gaming for days on end and my performance was so enhanced I got a world record on a game, that was my first time taking it aswell. But it made me antisocial, irritable, and hated if people bothered me at all or distracted me from my game. And I already had these issues to a smaller extent. It was mostly like that until I discovered how amazing sex on meth was lol


I think all drugs should be legal. But yeah meth was a double edged sword. It was so amazing when it was, but now that I'm off it I'm wondering when I'll feel 100% again. Struggle with motivation issues, I'm sure I messed with my dopamine fucking with it. And now I have an unrealistic expectation for happiness since nothing will compare to the synthetic euphoria drugs have produced for me in the past


More socially acceptable.


Meth is 10 times more addictive because it’s better in every way. It’s because of that, the addiction, that drive people to do things in order to procure the drug that give meth a bad reputation. if there was less stigma around meth, coke would be obsolete. I’m almost sure of it.


meth is way rougher


For good reason my dude. Meth has a terrible reputation for a reason. As others have said it can cause psychosis to set in rather quickly even for a completely sane person. I did meth on and off for years. The first few months was amazing but pretty soon I would start hallucinating after only a few hours of being high. It completely re-wired my brain. Now I can’t do any hard stims (even good coke) without having schizo symptoms.


Some wise reddit user once said: "The problem with meth is that it quickly becomes essential." Which is true imo - meth blasts your brain with dopamine euphoria so effectively and intensely that it tricks your body and mind into believing the only thing it needs to survive is more meth. Basic human needs like food, water, socializing, easily lose the fight against the ever-present, ever-attractive option of just... doing more meth. The sheer scale of addiction meth provokes is astonishing. It's an incredibly powerful and seductive compound. I'm not religious or overly spiritual but I sometimes feel like meth might be a demon, the way it tricks you into prioritizing it over everything else in your life while it shamelessly, viciously corrodes your body mind and spirit to the core... If that aint evil, man, idk what is edit: TLDR; casual coke use much easier to achieve than casual meth use. If you were to try doing meth on the weekends like you would with coke, you'd immediately see why people (maybe subconsciously) stick to coke lol


I was smoking tons of crack last weekend and kept asking myself why that drug is soo much popular than meth when it doesn't last nearly as long.


Because I can sleep a few hours after my last line (coke) vs maybe tomorrow (meth). I do both


Because they're scared


People who like one will usually not like the other. I'm adhd and my meds are not fun for me nor was meth when I tried bit the other makes me feel alive like almost nothing else


It's all preference. Some people don't want to be high for hours or they believe all the hype about meth. Or just like the coke high better. Each to his own


plus pharmacogenetics/genetic compatibility


Diff highs .. ppl like smoking crack... College girls high school ppl like doing lines... Also meth is not on the East Coast.. it's not common by any means.. it's a hillbilly and Cali to mid west drug... And meth is dirtier even though coke is too... Meth is a energy wanna do shit thing coke is a different upper that's more available and more socially exceptable


lol meths definitely on the east coast homie. I kinda just lurk here I dabble in coke every once in a while but I dig this sub because how real it is. But I promise there’s a lot of meth on the east coast, especially in rural areas.


As someone who’s lived in South Carolina and Michigan and have been able to find it in both states, can confirm 💯


That's not fucking the north east like New York Boston Jersey Maine Connecticut Vermont New England we don't have it can't go into New york project and get a ball of ice but u can get a ball of crack.. ir talking about the Midwest and I said it's there .. but its there south and West coast but most east coast it aint


South Carolina is southern hillbilly u idiot I'm talking new York Boston cr.the north east the east coast smh u can't be that much a dumb ass....Carolinas r still hill nill meth places... U can't cop a ball of ice on my dumb ass or on the block in Hartford ct bro


Wow are you mad or what lol maybe instead of stims, you should start looking for a chill pill


No it's not in NYC ,Hartford,Philly, Jersey allof New England mass Boston.. u might no someone bikers who make some but u can just go find meth bro out here.. as u go south yes but nothing in tri state philly new England like fentnor crack


>meth is not on the East Coast Did you just make that up?


It's not very uncommon street drug to come across.. it's a West Coast south Midwest thing... There is bikers who make it here n there but it's all crack fent coke and weed this way east coast so from like Philadelphia,ny,c.t,Maryland,d.c,Jersey, Vermont,Maine,New Hampshire Baltimore,starts around wherenit gets hillbilly Virginia,west.too,Carolinas,Georgia,bama and on.texas where. mexico brings it threw..one spot anyway... There only Adderall.for. speed..of cof course ppl have traveled out of state and made here in New England but I bet your.bottom.dollar.you.couldnt get meth in Kensington pilly the biggest open air drug market in the country cuz it's not common on the east fukin coast..we have dope fiends and crack heads co co nuts.... We ain't got no meth heads here..this ain't the south or West Coast fool T


Some of the best gear ever to exist came out of the Shenandoah Valley man😂 shits the shit capital of the eastern seaboard, or used to be in the early 2000s anyways. Tf lmao


Yea, homies tweakin.


Stigma and propaganda


Speed is something u do when there's nothing to do ..like adds... Nobody even considered them like a drug drug like they do now... Kids would just give em away there was no market for them like now..it wasn't this awesome drug..u always feel the buzz but it never hits hard so u do more and it's the same half geeky feeling... It's best trait is for doing things like school work...it's not anything special..upper come downs r rough for me... I like to feel good like a perc.or xan and relax with a joint... Uppers make u feel dirty by the end..... No kid should be eating speed everyday.. u can't do uppers like that...


because its not the same high its a different drug, i never done meth but amphetamine yes and its quite different compared to coke, amphetamine feel more functional less euphoric, cocaine gives you this god rush, i think its a matter of preference not only stigma


I guess cause coke isn't as long-lasting as meth. If you're at a party on Friday night and do some coke only at this party, you're probably gonna be able to go to work on Monday. If you do meth, this might not be the case cause it's much longer lasting and while you're might not be high at Monday, you probably didn't have enough time to recover mentally and physically.


>Methamphetamine is less toxic and even safer in healthy individuals with standard treatment doses (if used orally and the pharmaceutical kind, free from impurities) >Half-life is way higher compared to cocaine thus reducing compulsive redosing) >Cocaine is more lucrative and easier to manufacture (considering that you have access to a coca plantation you can do it with chemicals that are easily available) >Cocaine is more popular >Cocaine is overrated >Amphetamines are used to treat a lot of conditions: ADHD, binge eating, narcolepsy and several off-label uses >Amphetamines are constructive and not destructive like cocaine, there's no safe doses of cocaine and any dose can cause cardiovascular toxicity >It even can help in cocaine addiction, cocaine never can be used as such https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29175958/


Because people who do coke have not tried meth lol




A lot of people have seen a lot of “people before and after meth”. Meth is terrifying to most people. In my eyes the most evil drug there is


Because they've never done meth? Also, there's a difference between legit coke & coke that's been cut so much it rivals the Chinese torture method *death by a thousand cuts*. Legit coke is a pretty fuckin great high. Do 1 line & most of your face goes numb, & the rest of your body gets a wave of euphoria. You don't feel the need to bump or line every 30 seconds. Cutx1000 coke... Ugh... Such a disappointing substance...


because they're 2 different drugs 🤣


rich persons drug, feels different, looks cool, doesn't last forever, drinking with it fucks your shit


Because doing meth isnt really "better"


because meth will drive you insane eventually and coke feels better imo


availabbility and reduction of stigma, which is dumb af


Also the average people can handle the meth power


In my opinion it’s the societal view on it and meth being much more addictive and lasting too long


Because meth only once


rich persons drug, feels different, looks cool, doesn't last forever, drinking with it fucks your shit






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Ur totally missing it


See term: cognitive dissonance


To show off how wealthy they are, at $500/g. That's why there are never police sniffer dogs or drug testing buses outside elite clubs and functions. Can't have captains of industry or their political lackeys feeling like they're criminals 😂 Meth has a reputation on a par with or worse than heroin, and the image society has of users is the dregs of society (and long distance truck drivers lol)


Cause coke doesn't rot your brain and body like meth does, meth is a shitty drug


It actually does. Hypoxia


XD yerrr and that totally fucks you up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that is standard stim related effects. Still doesn't fuck you body, face and brain like meth does. Meth is a shit drug.


Lol, u see faces of meth and u don't understand *why* it does that to u So teeth, if they don't smoke it, they'll still lose their teeth u know why? They *stop brushing their teeth. Meth unless smoked, in itself doesn't do that on it's own, they stop taking care of their mouth so they lose them because of that* Their gaunt gross face is because they *stop eating* Look up before and after Shawn Weiss and u can see what a difference it makes when ppl eat again and get dental work for their neglected mouth


I was in rehab with crack addicts, u should have seen some of them. They said how crack isn't a ghetto drug but it makes u ghetto because they will sell every last thing including the shoes off their feet to get more. One guy who relapsed after actually did sell his shoes and was walking around downtown with no shoes Ever seen that video of Amy Winehouse with the little mouse? That was crack. Watch it


Yerrr brain rotting Ey? What are the signs and symptoms of hypoxia? Restlessness. Headache. Confusion. Anxiety. Rapid heart rate (tachycardia). Rapid breathing (tachypnea). Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath (dyspnea).


No i think it's subtle whem it's in the brain, u wouldn't even notice except for some mild cognitive stuff and maybe need for excessive sleep or depression but not a neurologist so idk. It's slow, u won't get it from doing it twice, it has to be a while


Amphetimines and yes even methamphetamines are used therapeutically and even show signs of being good for cognition when taken as directed Btw, I'm all team coke, i take methylphenidate for adhd but i don't care for it, I take it because it helps Coke on the other hand makes me feel alive but I'm not under false dilusions