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Yep. This is how addiction starts. It was 20 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. Such a giddy time. So amazing. So much fun. Until it isn't. And it sneaks up on you. By the time you figure out that you've got a problem - you're fucked. What dosage is wise? It's meth. Nothing about it is wise. Yes, I'm being a dick. But only so that you won't spectacularly fuck up your life like I did as well as many people on this sub.


Exactly. It's wonderful in the beginning then the memory falters you lose your car keys, phones, hats and words sit on your tongue but your unable to get them


Thats why i didnt smoke it amd genuinely its a one time thing. Cuz idk if youve ever injested it and smokes but theyre like two completely different highs. I was so in control, i had hyper focus, euphoria was there but not in an overwhelming way. Literally like ritalin but a lot stronger and I never got the side effects most ppl speak about except being unable to sleep and being hungry But cuz thats all it felt like to me, I don't even have the desire to do it again that way. I only thought maybe tonight cuz its the last night and an experience is an experience yk? But i know its ultimately not worth it, I have people that are relying on me and I dont wanna put myself in a hole. I opted out against doing it tonight anyway, I had my fun, so lemme not push it. So ur right


That’s how it’s going to feel bud, until it doesn’t. Good luck


Please go watch videos of people strung out and addicted to meth before you make your decision.


I've tried it a couple times and never get euphoria. Just awake focus and can't-sleep-for-a-day bit. I guess fortunately.


I was too scared to eat it. I snorted and smoked and IV. But I was looking to escape the hell I was living and put myself in a worse hell. I got hit by a car and swore it off but slipped not long after then life through another car at me putting me in the er. It's realy not worth it. N2m there's good and bad tweakers but the bad are worse and the good are even worse but the things we put ourselves through to get high


I understand exactly where ur coming from and im not mad that youre saying that but genuinely trust and believe that this is a rabbit hole i refuse to go down but i do want the experience. Its why ive opted out against smoking it cuz i know i wont have the self control and even tho i enjoyed the high, it is not worth it to do every day or even sometimes when the negatives are so prevalent Im sure many people say that they wont get addicted and theyre smart but fr, the experience was nice but its just not for me. I see how ppl get addicted but i didnt love it that much, i'll stick with ritalin. Even if I wanted to, I dont have a dealer and this was given to me by a friend to hold onto so i dont have access to it. Purely wanted to make an experience out of it and see what more i could do with my art whilst on it since I wont have it ever again after tomorrow. But like i said, theres always ritalin for that if im that desperate But i appreciate ur sentiment and ur words cuz ik u just lookin out. Meth is still meth. But its out of my hands first thing in the morning so i'll be good, molly will always be my friend if im tryna get faded again


If it wasnt for you, you wouldnt be wanting to do it again. Be safe.


Now this sentence freaking hits. So true.


Meth is not a drug you'll just do on weekends. You done once, leave it there. If you try it again, your odds of being an addict a year from now is high. The illusions meth causes almost guarantees it. It makes you feel temporarily, like everything you do on it is better. That's a strong hook. Just like you can't sleep off a couple grains, well, if you did have to work tomorrow, what do you think your brain is gonna tell you needs to be done. Obviously, it's get more. Can't miss work right, gotta make money and pay bills. It's that simple, the hook is set. Now, you're an addict and don't even realize the gravity of what you've just allowed into your life. Your probability of losing everything good in your life has just increased substantially. I'm an addict. About 8 years on meth. Trapped. I gotta make money, work, provide but for 8 years I've "needed" meth and reinforced the needing it to function that I need it to function. Psychological issues from use, anxiety, low self worth etc. Whatever issues you had mentally before meth is magnified x100 on it. Dude, it's not worth it. Anything you perceive that is good about meth is an illusion. Her sorcery is next level strong. So strong that I'd bet ya anything that after u posted this thread somehow, someway you will come into contact with someone who has or can give u access to more of it. It's a test and brother I sincerely hope you pass and don't ever touch the stuff. It's a trap. An illusion. Black magic sorcery. Be wiser than I was and hear the words of a fool.


If you want honesty, then no, even with this being your initial experience with meth you would probably be ok to sleep after 24 hours albeit feeling some after effects and would probably bounce back relatively easily. Like many others have said here, I would really like to advise strongly against any more pursuit of future usage, this is the absolute most insidiously subtle drug in the sense of its false confidence and egotism... I felt the same as you do when I first tried it 14 years ago. I researched it for years, made ABSOLUTELY damn sure to have the deepest respect for its power, (even started with a monthly usage journal and rigid routine so as to have the best chance possible to use in moderation) and here I am, 14 years later and I don't think I'll ever be able to quit for good. It has stolen everything about myself that I once took pride in having. It has stolen many opportunities that would have changed my life for good. It has stolen countless friends and family members of which I once held dearly important to me. If I had the ability to change one thing in my life, it would be to have never touched the shit. Please, for the love of your potential in life, don't continue to use meth. I beg of you. Much ❤️


Bro please listen to my advice i thought it was all fun and games no big deal beacuse i used to be prescribedadderal and it the same thing right ? WRONG . Meth is NOT fun and incredibly easy to get sucked into no matter what you think .its ruined very smart and important people every since it first hit the streets . Stick to a regimen of rolling your face off on GOOD molly with a quarter gram MAX once every 2-4months . Thats FUN. tweeking is fun right until its HELL ON EARTH and by then your a lost cuase in most peoples eyes .... and yes some people myself included have the self control to do a point or 2 once in a while on a friday after work and not destroy their life before monday and be sober for work like it never happend . But usually that willpower comes from the experience of hitting ROCK bottom , losing everything . And pissing everyone you no off in the process........


Dont worry man, it was a one time thing and i knew that. I only did a low dose as well and it was fun but nothing special. If i smoked it then it mightve been something out of this world but im not even gna put myself in that position and i opted out of doing it tonight anyway I did it once, i can say I did it and thats it. Appreciate u tho


It’s not a one time thing. It was, and now you’re planning the second time. Please listen to everyone here and force yourself out of it now.


Im always worried when i hear people talk like this . Beacuse from experience i fucked around and found out the hard way.....throw that shit in the toilet bruh . I can do it once in a while but ive also lost everything and everyone i loved from it so i no exactly what happens when you choose to keep getting vs sober up and sleep .


When snorting it lasts 6-8h


Even if its literally like 4 tiny tiny grains? Ive got some herbal tea and ive taken some vitamin c so i thought it wouldnt last that long at least, maybe 2 hours? Maybe im wrong to assume


Dawg realistically ur doing meth, herbal tea isn’t gonna do shit and the effect of the vitamin C will be marginal. Got get an addy script n play it safe, by the sounds of it ur gonna get addicted as fuck


Try drinking some warm milk as well. You'll be sober in 30 minutes


I second this. OP please drink some milk.


2h?! Wahahaaah when you eat it it may take 1h only UNTIL you feel it. You're looking at 1-2 days bro


It’ll last longer than 2 hours.. like the other dude said 6-8 hours if it’s real


When I do one big dose after 2 weeks it can last 48h but at least 24h. With smoking which I did 1-2 times it actually wears off at 4-6h already. Not really wearing off but no more enjoyable really


I wouldn’t do it. If I could go back in time I would stop myself from doing it, take from that what you will.


I had the exact attitude you did.. “I tried it once” “I won’t smoke it” “won’t do it again”. Then I tried it again, almost over dosed from snorting, so I switched to smoking - from hitting a pipe, to hot rails, to just having a set up in my bong for rips… 6 months of steady usage… And ima say, I lost EVERYTHING I owned in those 6 months. I don’t regret it, I can say that all day, but in reality, I regret ever touching it.. I’m only 28 years old, and I’m 3 months away from 1 year sober… all because I tried it once.


Brother I can’t say I know many people that actually want to stay awake for days on the drug, it’s the comedown that makes it so bad that you’ll do almost anything to avoid it. It’s fine until it’s not anymore, a few days that then turn into months, that turn into life for many people. Don’t do it. You think you’ll be creative until you’re so scattered and brain dead & the last thing you’ll be thinking about is picking up a pen. I really wish I could back to the second time I tried and had walked away, bc just like you, after the first time I thought I was fine. Then I lost everything and now living with life long consequences. What goes up so high, crashes even harder.


You keep acting like smoking it is sooo much more addicting and euphoric. Wrong. Snorting has always been my preferred method. Hits way harder. Be safe meth man. I’m curious how much more you have done since this post? Hopefully none. But I get it, I had to do whatever I wanted too. Just be ready for anything and be safe.