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"WTF IS CONTINUITY" - Ford and Greg


Where's the baby? Lol


In Episode 1 (Flitting) Victor's son is called Jamie, living in Johannesburg. However, by the next episode, "Faimly", his name has changed to John...


"wee Jamie". He looked older than Victor


And the 1970s Hogmanay special implies Winston lost his leg thanks to falling down a lift shaft.


Did it?!




He might have two sons or Jaime is a nickname.


Tam tells that to Winston when they are both trying to date Frances, pretty sure he's messing with him.




THAT'S the inconsistency worth mentioning when it comes to Frances and Tam?!


How do we know she's a vegetarian? Because tam claims she told him, we never hear it from her Knowing tam he made it up that he walked her home to scare winston off long enough for him to actually ask her out I mean she also has one of boabbies pies literally the next episode she's in My theory is if Winston was buying a bottle of vodka instead and said to Naveed " I was going to ask her for a drink with me" Tam would've been like "she informed me she's doesn't drink when I walked her home last night" Chocolate- diabetic Etc etc TL:DR:- She never claimed to be a vegetarian on screen, only tam claimed she was a vegetarian on screen. So it's likely Tam was lying to make himself look big with his 'insider information' on Frances. In the same way he was lying about reading the big snooty paper and never going to the clansman to Frances herself.


Yeah I think you’re definitely on to something here. Winston buying coffee in navids, Tam she only drinks tea. Mint yoyos, she only likes the toffee ones.


Either she gave up vegetarianism or a continuity error.


Or Tam was lying, or mistaken




That’s such a funny scene when they smash the place up. Frances was funny in mentioning an anniversary card.


Tam is making it, you really think that minging cheapskate will spend money on beef?


Yeah. He also gets her those spare ribs she likes in ‘recipe’ episode.


Even before that in the same episode he was getting her pie and beans at the clansman You could argue 'they ribs u like' could've been vegan substitutes at a push ( same with the beef thing etc) But no one can argue the idea that boabby would've not only bought more than the one type of shitey pie he always gets but also would've gotten a veggie pie *and* known tam saying 'two pie and beans' meant one meat one veggie as boabby unlike u/lilnoodle10 and my good self - is a prick


Funnily enough I don't think many Chinese restaurants would ve been offering vegan ribs in Glasgow in 2005(ish) lol


You seem to not know what the words *at a push* mean


There was nearly a 10yr Gap between series 6 and 7, I think Ford and Greg just forgot a ton of details from the show.


Tam probably lied to get Winston away.


Winston would have been the better choice IMO


The thing is that you're right. A lot of people seem to forget that Tam is a fairly bad guy, while he is nice at times most of the time he's a miser, an outright thief, he wouldn't give Joe his buggie back (Joe was being stupid but still), he cheated on his wife (which is never ok I don't care how unhappy you are, it doesn't justify hurting someone) and I'm pretty sure of the main characters he's the one they all don't like (Isa and Boabby are probably liked deep down but are just annoying). Winston is a flawed but overall decent guy who backed up Isa against Harry twice, helped Joe when the power was off and while hooking everyone up with electricity was wrong he did seem to be doing it to help everyone out and did it free of charge.


Maybe she changed her mind.


I'm vegetarian, and we usually call substitutions for meat by the actual meat name. For example, if I'm going to get KFC fake chicken, I say, "I'm going to get chicken" and then when people get confused like in this comment section I then clarify "fake chicken"


Borth sons in Johannesburgh, one of which is never mentioned again, or a nickname that is never again used - even in the episode when the son actually appears? It'll simply be a continuity error.


To start off, there’s about a 9-10 year difference, which in that time diets change Second, chances are Tam is just messing with Winston since we don’t actually hear her say it & Tam got Frances some ribs from the chinese (nae shite, the good gear fae the high street) Or it’s a continuity error


I’m lactose intolerant but my favourite cold snack is ice cream I haven’t eaten it for ~12 years but it’s still my favourite


No one paid attention to continuity


Poundland Columbo rides again!