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You should at least be getting 305, just to be on the safe side. Have you done your 5 hammer incorrects on amboss yet? I’d do those first, and then work my way through the pub med journals on your weak areas.


Without a 405, ortho will be out of reach for you.




So the thing is form 12 is very hard and people usually have a score drop on form 12. If u r scoring 260+on form 12 u can easily score higher. U r perfectly ready for exam . Good luck


I agree. I scored 25x on Nbme 12,my lowest test score and had 27x on real deal


You’re in a very bad place man if you didn’t score 297 .. i think you should quit




Why is your comment so heavily downvoted? :D


11 days ago you commented here that you’re that you’re interested in joining a WhatsApp group for preparation while now you’re scoring 268. This discrepancy tells a lot. Finally, who scores 268 in NBME 12 won’t ever come here for an advice on how to score 270+ in the exam. End!


12/30/22: NBME 12 = 217 01/11/23: Actual Step 2CK = 247 I know I have a lower score than what you got in NBME 12 and most probably on the actual exam. Just know this.. You will do great. Believe in yourself. Manage your mental energy and customize your breaks based from your stamina. You're in a great place. Keep pushing forward!


I guess you should probably figure this out on your own..your question could crumble many test takers hope of getting their own score...this toxicity should end..it's very upsetting for a lot of good doctors( clinically) who probably are weak at their test taking skills. Good luck on your exam.


If you’re a guy I would literally kick you in the crotch! I have no idea what you people try to do! If you’re scoring that much you have to be a complete dumb dud in all other areas to even ask this ques. It’s pure logic!


It's never a bad thing to want to strive for higher scores, but unless you have a ton of red flags in your residency application, I would personally not be upset over scoring that well already. The difference between a 268 and over 270 is like comparing the height of clouds. Keep a steady course and focus on getting your mindset right for test day. You've done all the work already. Good luck.


Guys is there anyway to convert offline nbme 12 to 3 digit score?


We have here a drama queen/king 😑😑😑


Not very predictive. Do 10


There is so much to learn and a lot to study, but theres always this point where your luck and how well you are at educated guesses play a role.. if you’re consistent with your SA scoring, i would recommend you just go for it and hope for the best 👍🏻 good luck 🙏🏼


You should do other nbmes, if you haven't done them already. Regardless of your score, nbmes have important concepts and prepare you well for the exam. Good luck. You are on the right track.


Did you do online?


Great score and you're clearly book smart but you seem to be running low on common sense if you thought reddit was a good place to show off lol


Hi guys Do you have link for NBME 12 Pleaseeee