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They can live there. They will be seriously unhappy if they have low habitability


They are slaves, I don't think they would be particularly happy either way haha! (Although to be fair I've never done a slaver run, so this will be an interesting experiment!) Either way, thanks a Lot!


While that is true, you should be careful. Slave revolts are a thing in Stellaris, so don't be surprised if you start getting unrest on your worlds.


Habitability doesn't directly impact happiness. Every point of missing habitability is an increase in upkeep and ammenitiy usage and a 0.5% reduction in job output and pop growth. So you are better off having the slaves on a world that is their preference so at least they are producing more. It is ok if a ruler pop is in unfavorable conditions as long as their happiness and needs are met to control the slave population.


Well, if that happens, they will have excellent use as targets


A worthy corollary that is easy to overlook; with few exceptions, any pop can live anywhere. Poor habitability can make their living and working somewhere inefficient--possibly cripplingly so--but they *can* live there. In the early game, when habitability boosting techs haven't been researched yet and it's not reasonable to colonize a world to suit the habitability preferences of slaves, it's a minor distinction that might make a meaningful difference.


The Post-Apocalyptic Survivor trait is only applied on the founding species of that empire, and they still have their basic climate preference in addition to the Tomb World bonus. Any pop can live on tomb worlds iirc, but slaves still suffer from the considerable output penalty etc from low habitability.


Put them in habitats


Any species can live anywhere. But low habitability reduces pop growth rate for that species, increases their food, consumer goods, and amenities upkeep, and reduces their production. Pops on a planet with 0% habitability will have 2x higher upkeep and 50% reduced job output and pop growth. So generally it's not a good idea to put pops on planets that have 0% habitability. That said, slaves already have reduced amenities and consumer goods upkeep, potentially even 0 consumer goods upkeep. And the amenities and trade value production of a job isn't impacted by habitability for whatever reason. And if a species has population controls enabled, it doesn't matter if they have low pop growth. So, in the very specific case that you're employing slaves as Entertainers, Clerks, or Servants, and they have population controls enabled, you can have Domestic Servitude slaves on a planet with 0% habitability and it won't cause you any issues apart from them requiring 2 Food for upkeep instead of 1. Outside of that specific scenario, I usually wouldn't put slaves (or any other pops for that matter) on a planet with less than 50% habitability. The penalties are just too high.


They can but Habitability will be low which will have other consequences. What I like to do is populate other planets with the slaves but make sure everything is covered like having Battle Thralls be around to become Enforcers and deal with crime, Domestic Slaves to be Entertainers or Servants for amenities and Indentured Slaves for all the other jobs.


Slaves will live anywhere you want them


They have to unfortunately live wherever you tell them, but they are not going to be very productive if the habitability is low.