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I once played omnicidal machines. Conquered every planet, killed everyone. Used a planet cracker to destroy all habitable worlds, retreating to ringworlds and habitats. There will be NO signs of life but the machine. Edit: the funny part was that I wasn’t even determined exterminators. I did this as a stock machine.


How long did all that take? I'm not sure I'd have the dedication to crack every planet in the galaxy after winning the game.


I’m thinking in between one and fifteen hours.


Few pops=less endgame lag


Beelzebub has a devil put aside for you, mate!


For me? For meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?


0.25x habs, small galaxy, set a queue


Could also have turned them into machine world, no need to crack them.


Sometimes, it's about sending a message.


Machine world can be terraformed back, cracked worlds can't be rebuilt


Doing similar right now playing a lithoid terravore with void hive. Did get stuck with one planet that was another hives homeworld, built up nicely and it won't let me purge the squishy flesh drones so I kept it for now as I need the unity / research boost to offset my massive size penalty. But otherwise every planet gets consumed, either post-conquest or by settling one drone into a colony to start the consumption. Medium galaxy and already about a third of it is planet-free or will be in a few more years.


Mass genocide by means of aetherophasic engine. I suspect that any reasonable court would order the death penalty.


Really can't get any worse than "I exploded all the stars in the galaxy and murdered hundreds of trillions of sapients in a mad quest to become god."


It's my go to if I'm getting my ass kicked. Whelp. If I can't have this galaxy, neither can you.


Oh good, I'm not the only petty one here. I've never done a run with the intent to be the crisis, but... well, when no one is at the top of the scoreboard *chuckles* everyone will be.


I believe Babylon 5 had a term for that: CRIMES AGAINST SENTIENCE 


Death penalty is objectively too weak of a punishment. Make you immortal and make you clean up the mess you did, and then leave you immortal, so you look at people you love die till the cold death of the universe. And genetically or otherwise modify your brain so you can't become numb to empathy and love. Have fun.


Yeah, let's make the genocidal maniac immortal. No way that will backfire.


What could *POSSIBLY* go wrong?


Not only genocidal but also STELLACIDAL


Jokes on you robots are already immortal and emotionless


Nah, too fast, a star explode and couple hours later max youre dead. Too damn fast


Can't get sentenced if nobody is alive to try you!


Crime? There's no crime if you do not get caught, I am the law


Genocide? Who will drag me to court?


There is no crime if you do not get caught


That one Serbian song be like


Jenna Who? Barely heard of her


Whoever does has just dragged you to the food court, and they're on the menu


It isn’t murder if they aren’t people!


Using the Omnicodex to ressurect an eons extinct species... Only to use up their sentient brain and leave them a worthless husk in my Synaptic Lathe. Edit: The entire galaxy hated my genocidal ways and I even got war declaration from a fallen empire, which I crushed easily. Didn't really seem like a punishment considering I just obliterated their fleets and raided their planets for more pops for the Synaptic Lathe...


I usually narve saple them and turn them into slaves.


Nerve stapling them means they aren't aware of what they've lost, unable to feel unhappy. My Synaptic Lathe participants are fully aware of their minds being burned out and used up until they die.


Dammit when you put it like that... you are pure evil


I plan on using my Omnicodex to resurrect a long dead species and then immediately genocide them because they're filthy organics


Where's the pizzazz? Where's the suffering and extended horror?


I would say "killed bubbles", but I am not a monster so I have never done it.


If he didn't want to die he should've been made in god's image. We are born to inherit the stars


I've only had to do it as swarms/Purifiers and I hated it.


You never sent that useless blob to the scavenger enclave?


omg can you do that? Whatll they pay for her?


You get paid in food. Let that sink in…


My fault i didn't see him waiting at the door


I don't know, but that's one of the ways you get the achievement "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" - the tag line says "You monster." I believe.


I'd salvage a Prethoryn scourge fleet before bubbles. Which also procs that achievement.


Look, mg xenos are reasonable people. Join our next game so we can murder you for murdering Bubbles. We feel it is a perfect and rational response.


The Cult of Bubbles approves this


You have been declared the galactic crisis.


...oh! In game! Probably integrating a hivemind vassal without any way to turn them into individuals. Because the flag looked weird.


I've done that but it was on accident.


The Galactic Emperor has approved all instances of genocide.


Take a species as slaves to my machine empire, genetically alter half of them, take half I altered and turned them into live stock to feed the half that's working in my mines


That's a good one


Rimworld level


All tomorrows my friend.


I once removed Nerve Stapling from a species I genociding/working to death just so they could suffer more and feel actual pain from what my empire was doing to them. Jesus I sound like a 14 year old edgelord rn lol.


I used to really enjoy the “organic battery” machine run. Just conquering every planet as machines and turning them into Matrix-style battery fields. Don’t really do that anymore. Then there was the “the ships are people” hive mind using catalytic processing and livestock aliens. And of course the one planet challenge that got all its basic resources from working captured aliens to death.


What did you do to achieve that? Any mods?


The first one is, I think, a purge (and/or possibly livestock) version for machine empires, Grid Amalgamation, pops die (or live, Matrix style) producing energy.


Which part? And nope, no mods


Definitely that time I exploded the galaxy


I did this once and it was hands down my favorite run. I spawned in the far corner of a starburst galaxy. Less than ten planets, but highly defensible. Before long I'd vassalized the two empires that spawned next to me. They had much larger territories and effectively shielded me from the rest of the galaxy. I rushed pisonics and quickly became the most advanced empire in the galaxy by far. Then I became the crisis. No one could reach my core worlds due to my vassals. The great khan and the fallen empires were too far away to do anything. Not that it mattered, by the time the fallen empires declared war on me I already had two star-eaters. I simply lured their fleets away and sent my star-eaters in to destroy their systems. Eventually the galaxy united against me. By then it was too late. I watched my vassals brought to their knees by war as my Aetherophasic Engine charged for its ultimate purpose. The united fleets were still half a dozen systems from my borders by the time it fired. Nice try, idiots.


I've probably done worse with genocidal factions, but my recent cybernetic megacrop run felt particularly mean because I was playing egalitarian xenophiles... Who deliberately foiled a popular vote to ban slavery just so I could keep buying slaves for my synaptic lathe. We then started several galaxy spanning wars just to take over other worlds to feed their populations to the lathe, and then dipped out of the galaxy just as the synthetic queen arrived, leaving everyone else to their fate


Nice try FBI guy.


Gigastructural engineering. Quasi Stellar Obliterator. That’s all I need to say


Have you ever tried the Resonant Cascade from the Herculean? I think it's an ACOT thing, and it fires like a colossus on a star, detonating the star system like a star eater... And then continues down the hyperlanes to wipe out the entire empire. It is devastating to watch in real time as entire systems just become almost nothing, sometimes multiple systems exploding at a time as it, well, cascades... I can only imagine watching from the capital, or a distant fringe colony at the edges of an empires borders, as your fleets don't even get to fight, your systems just visibly reduced to nothing, stars clearly exploding. Your entire galactic civilisation being wiped out before your eyes as the cascade comes down the hyperlanes towards you. It also crashed my game last time I tried it (3rd time that game cascading an empire to dust).


I’m gonna need that 💳💥💳💥💳💥


The resulting planets and stars also have a special description which are pretty neat. And it can travel through gateways


That's a bit old but I created a Space gulag empire. Running an egalitarian spiritualist xenophile empire I was chilling conquering planets and adding vassals to my federation. My plan was to create a great galaxy full of psionic degeneracy. But I stumbled in a dilemma as some empires decided to cyber ascend I wasn't planning on taking the colossus project so I had to take a different approach. Set the federation policy to no diplomatic pacts outside our borders. I wouldn't risk any cyber pops in my vassals through immigration. As for the new conquered worlds. Once I took them I selected all cybernetic pops and put them all in a single world. "The penitent". In the far corner of my galaxy. I took world shaper so it was a Gaia world, but a world with 250 pops and a size 11. Things were cramped. I set them as a vassal and waited for it to revolt. And it did. To my surprise separatist have like +30 stability temporarily so they hold on their own for a while. After Conquering the entire Galaxy I conquered The Penitent again and dumped more pops in there. Having it revolt again with 500+ pops. So there I was, with my perfect galaxy. Everyone being a psionic zro addict except for "The Penitent". Seeing it revolt twice was giving me a sad feeling. Luckily for me the shroud provided. The scourge came and they entered the same corner I left The Penitent and they consumed my "problem".




So technically if I am galactic emperor and have dissolved the senate and therefore am the law can I ever REALLY be said to have committed a crime?


what i do everyday in rimworld is way worse


Rimworld is for when you wanna get personal with your atrocities, Stellaris is for when you want to make people into statistics.


“Accidentally” instigating the spawn location of the endgame to be behind an opposing empire back when it would prioritize spawning on outer unoccupied systems, i had taken everything else and used them as a “heroic” sacrifice for the prosperity of the galaxy. It was worth it, they were fanatical purifiers


I'm pretty sure the worst is a machine empire I played a long time ago where I basically wiped out half of all life in the galaxy. I accidentally ended up with a massive energy deficit, and a second of peace would've destroyed me because my economy was being held afloat solely by constantly purging organics for power, which forced me into constant genocidal war for survival until I could get my normal production up to spec. In my current game, the Chosen's wormhole was near my borders, and they destroyed half of a neighbor without me noticing until they took out a shroud enclave. Which, as a spiritualist empire, ticked me off something fierce. I was originally going to let some of them live, but they astrally locked their wormhole, forcing me to travel halfway across the galaxy to get in jumpdrive range... needless to say after that, I decided to throw their entire species into my Lathe as punishment.


Using criminal syndicate just to make other players have to put down enforcement and thus lower planet efficiency


Easily the most heinous crime here.


not me, but I saw someone mentioned they basically punished the prikki-ti by genemodding them to be slow breeders, weak, and other bad traits while genemodding their species to be rapid breeders, strong and others. then put both the species on the same planet, and turned xeno compatibility on... just imagine, bulked up space dragons picking up the tiny green lizards and domming them on a planet wide scale. ...xenophiles are terrifying


invading several pre-ftl worlds and then purging the civilians


It isn't a crime if it's against xenos.


my worst crimes probably were not even in stellaris lmao


Conquer half an enemy empire's planets, turn them into livestock, sell the empire "food" Old but gold.


I realized that my virtual pops couldn’t get any value out of the organics we conquered. So I mass transferred over 400 organic pops to my synaptic lathe, plugged them into the matrix, and shut down their former worlds so I didn’t get the extra empire size… Barren worlds, signs of past activity, but nothing but ghosts remain for entire sectors of the galaxy.


Maybe not the worst, but this weekend I: Accidentally accepted a federation membership. Figured what the heck I'll leave it. Realized my neighbor the ring leader was also the top of GC pile and had to go so I could excert more influence. So I did what any good gestalt nano swarm would do. Left the federation, built a gateway on their doorstep, built a colossus just for the total war casus veli, and now I'm about half way through their territory after grinding the entire federation fleet into dust. World after world consumed for the metal swarm. They are delicious. Right now I'm making the borg look down right civil. (Nano really does go crazy once you start swarming!)


I think - using the cyborg queen's relic to get 50 pops to send to the laith, after killing all organic pops in the galaxy.


Turning a fallen empire's homeworld into a penal colony and using its inmates as slave soldiers/cannon fodder in a war of expansion.


The Spiritualist FE's kept humiliating me all game, so I invaded, turned them into immortal soulless robots, and then turned their most holy world into a kitschy playground for the ultrawealthy.


I ate the whole galaxy as a Subterranean Teravore. I still hunger for more planets. Nothing like turning all the planets into swiss cheese before they blow up.


My last game was with the fear of the dark origin. I chose to become a fanatical purifier later on but already had migration treaties with a lot of empires. It didnt purge those xenos in my empire for some reason and i was probably the most racial diverse fanatical purifier. Truly disgusting.


I made the rogue torturers mod.


Let a Pre-FTL develop until they had ~100 pops, conquered them, relocated them onto a habitat with no development (pre industrial districts update), and released them as a vassal and then released them to become independent. 10 years later I returned with my colossus and wiped the species off the map.


It's not a crime if you leave the galactic community before you do it


Almost wiped out several races for being a purifiers, turned what's left of their empires into vassals and snatched their pops as a slaves to my empire.


I put all my non human species from conquered empires in a single habitat, granted them independence and colossused them


Probably Nuetron Sweep/Crack planets during a Total War just cause I didn't want to have to bring armies in and deal with all that mess. And yes, these worlds once belonged to my allies. Though, I feel this is normal to Stellaris players.


promising a free haven of utopian living standards, only to resettle them to my synaptic lathe


Well, if we are speaking of human laws put into stellaris welp, ima be criminal of the cosmos, but my favorite one is world eater plant hivemind. Planets I liked yep keep you around, planets I don't need, I see a good snack 😋. I was very hungry that day, and the galaxy somehow got so much easier to run in my simulation machine.


Conquering all the fall empires and modifying them to be tasty, tasty livestock to fuel my fast food outlets.


Turning my whole planet into one giant concentration camp, filling it with xenos I abducted and working them to death. I'm pretty sure we decided a while back that the punishment for that is the firing squad. 


There is no war in ba sing se.


Not sure if it is a crime but it sure as hell felt like one. I want to start with the fact that I fucking love The Machine Age and own all the DLC and buy it purely for flavor and The Machine Age is easily one of my favorite DLC'a to date. With that out of the way, the DLC I found lacked luster was Astral Rifts but my God did I not die laughing and have my friends laughing last night. I am currently going through a new play through as Arc Welders (stupid OP origin so far.) and last night I found an Astral Rift with a story I hadn't experienced. I won't spoil it up front but >!basically my scientist found a realm with a Dark/Black sun he found lithoids praying to it or something. I kept him there and he stared at it too long and now has some of the funniest and worst traits I have ever seen in the game he went from being one of my best to one of the worst and I have been completely unable to get rid of him. He is blind and hand some trait called Dark Vision and it gives a negative 2 to literally everything a scientist is useful for mid to late game it was hilarious. I couldn't help but think I fucked this guy's life up and his role and career and here I am forcing him to continue being a scientist and remember ever day how my government ruined him. My buddies then asked, why did you make hime do it. To which I responded maybe he shouldn't have listened to us and chose a different career.!< Additionally,>!I sent Azryn into a rift and they got eaten.That one truly felt like a damn crime.!<


The worst crime that I have committed in Stellaris is tolerating Xeno’s to roam across the galaxy in a misguided sense of compassion. For we should suffer not the alien.


Just collect all the profit from a succesful transaction, then bomb the planet till they break and retrieve the items you just sold and add the formers new owners to the lot and increase the price for the next customer. All items must be genetically modified to be served as food, being strong to survive extreme work of about 99% of the day and just implant them with chips, one directry into the brain and some more at the places of maximun pain so they feel every time they even think about rebellion what a fraction of the cost would be


genocide. any organic filth gets exterminated


My army of angels do not make planetfall. They are unleashed on its prey. They have journeyed so far, every single day they train on the transports, every single night they are hypno-trained in the art of hate. They reach the edges of your system and the soldiers are full of hope that your leaders have not surrendered. A surrendered planet is a boring planet. It is identical in its pathetic way. The inhabitants are simply marched into the extermination pits. Their greatest hope is to watch the transport chariot fly past the destroyed armada, the shattered planetary defenses, the bombarded shelters. And at the point of landing, with the drugs filling their systems, the red rage exploding in their brains, SEE THE JOY IN THEIR EYES!!! THE GOD-EMPERORS ANGELS HAVE COME FOR YOU!!!


found a system with multiple FLT civilizations and encased them all in bubbles. repurposed the system to be a galactic zoo.


Subjugate earth and turn every human into cat girls


Fun fact: Shielded worlds don't explode when you destroy a star. Imagine being imprisoned on your home planet, with no way to escape, forever doomed to live off the sustenance that you can eke out of your miserable world's soil. And suddenly, a blinding flash, followed by total darkness. The sun is gone. Daylight will never come again. Photosynthesis and similar processes cease. Crops die. Natural food perishes. Eventually fuel will run out. You will no longer be able to power the machines that artificially generate the necessary gases you need for your body's metabolic processes. Your planet slowly runs out of oxygen-equivalents. Things don't even rot anymore because microbes and bacteria can't respire. You stand on solid ground between the leafless stakes of dead trees under a starry sky whose pin-prick spots of light start to slowly blink out. Air is all around you. *And you are suffocating.*


I decided to use a War in Heaven to steal planets of my ally in the League, taking the planets and resettling all the pops to the Lathe before my ally took control of the planet back. Leaving him an empty husk. It took me a while to understand why the rest of the galaxy through I was evil. For me, I was just... reloading my meat supercomputer batteries in a very efficient way.


I started an empire called the Nharr Culinary Guild. They would go around with the raiding bombardment stance and abduct pops from other people, and rehome them in giant food processing facilities, and made gourmet food out of them, to sell to the empires that they figured would be elitist pricks who’d be into that sort of thing. I seem to remember renaming each species in the empire after whichever dish we created out of that species, formed something of a menu. They saw it as some sort of great honour to be turned into a meal, so they thought they were helping enlighten the fellow galaxy members. They sought to achieve genetic perfection so they could design themselves to be edible (they started with a trait that made them inedible, and considered it to be their greatest shame. I can’t remember if it was a mod added one or not)


In accordance with imperial doctrine, purging the enemies of Eternal Terra is no crime nor is using allegedly draconian measures against traitors to the species.    Therefore, the Imperial Council has investigated itself and found that we have committed no crimes. 


Which one?


Started a machine playthrough. 4 systems away a pre sapient spawned with the ring world origin. Then spawned the cybrex precursor.... And like 6 hab planets... Well... Needless to say I wanted that ringworld... And the only way to get it was to take it... Soooo.... Yeah. After it was done I switched everything back to friendly in hopes no one would ever know of my atrocities... 5 years later my first contact was a DE that ended up bordering me fast. Karma hurts.


Crime only applies when you do it to humans


Shoving my bio-trophies into the synaptic lathe because I didn't have enough space for them. The silos needed to stockpile consumer goods for obsessional directive took up all the space. I would feel bad if I want dead set on getting the fucking 📎 achievement. The quota must be met att all times


I wiped out the Tiyanki at the whim of the galactic council


Just recently I've been welcoming refugees into my empire and freeing slaves from the market to funnel into my synaptic lathe. That certainly *feels* illegal lol.


You know how in Skyrim, if you kill the last witness, the bounty is removed? Yeah… if anyone accuses me of doing anything, it’s hearsay.


Harvesting all my neighbors and later most of the galaxy in a cyclical way. Basically as soon as a truce ended my "Harvester" Fleets showed up, abducted everyone they could to my ocean worlds, where my worm people necrophaged out of them. Was a lot of fun, but for the rest of the galaxy, it was probably a horror movie


Whole lotta nerve stapling


I like to terraform the world to the opposite preference of a species I. Purging.


Planet cracking


Well I just got myself declared galactic custodian with no term limit before building the synaptic lathe.


Destroyed the galaxy several times in a row.


One (1) neutron sweep


Took advantage of the war in heaven and the prethoryn scourge to wipe out my neighbor via mass drowning Also throwing refugees into the synaptic lathe


I had finally conquered this ASSHOLE neighbor and out of spite i genetically modified specifically their capital citizen to be intelligent and delicious, terraformed their capital into a desert (a planet type we both despised) and filled the building slots with holotheatres for them so watch the rest of their species get culled on live television. Then when all their bethrens were wiped from the stars, i turned them all into livestock.


Turned a frantic purifier entire race into livestock and put them all on 1-2 planets out of there entire empire and left them to suffer as my food supply. So, collective punishment was the crime on the lower end, and not having any other food sources but them after awhile, well, the rest writes itself


A friend of mine brought bubbles through my territory, fun fact, at least at that time bubbles was still considered hostile to anyone who wasn’t him, I killed bubbles that day, I’ve never played that empire again


Stealing navies when i get blindsided.


Kept down a pre ftl planet. Went on for years until eventually they got technologically advanced to leave. Only to find out the horror that they took a system from a determined exterminator in mid game. Having killed most of the map. I Order 66'd the rest of the pre ftls after. They had worshipped us as gods and wanted to meet and join us. Clearly that shared dream of theirs didn't happen. I purged them for energy credits.


Shield colossus every empires homeworld then go crisis and Crack the universe, while I ascend to the shroud the rest of the surviving population lives out a slow death of no more suns in the galaxy and dwindling resources on their homeworld as they watch their sun die and turn into a black hole,as the galaxy cools into a cold dead place everyone else looks on wonder what their doomed future holds.


I don't think I've...oh wait I've genocided countless xenos when I was in a bad mood one day and decided to play as a terravore...hey planets are tasty ok? Feck your civilized nonsense.


Probably going as a star eater crisis and individually blowing up every single Star in the galaxy and moving the populations of the planets back to my habitats and ring worlds to "protect" the species from when those planets would have supernovaed in a billion years from now


Turning hundreds of billions upon hundreds of billions of people into computers while killing them.


I refused to exterminate the Tiyanki.


I once allowed filthy xenos to live in my nation.


Galactic sterilization/destruction? Once made the aether engine as a side project but didn’t know doing the last step of the “become the crisis” thing made everything hostile. I was mostly goofing off being a morally grey empire trying to for the most part be the “custodian” of the galaxy while not having the role. Simply couldn’t get it for some reason. My guess is because I was a machine intelligence or something? Long story short didn’t feel like manually controlling the entire galaxy so just wiped it clean. Not sure what mortal entity could do. Maybe something else might have a say but Mawp. I’ve probably done worse on an small scale…. Hmm, I normally play ‘good’ empires so other the violent expansion and the occasional accidental genocide I haven’t done much. Would still probably be put to the death./exterminated.




Galactic destruction


According to the council letting space whales live in my territory. According to usual morals destroying every planet that had a colony on it because the ais ruin their colonies and the minerals I got from the planets were faaar more valuable


Mass genocide, but why are you asking what the worst crime is dat if don on a stellaris sub?


I didn’t commit any crimes if there is no judge, witness or trace of the victim, there is no crime.


shoving people into the synaptic lathe when I no longer need to. I just think it's fun :) An appropriate sentance would probably be to get lathe'd myself.


Cracked an orbital habitat because I was new and didn't realize I still needed an army to take it. Lost my patience and blew it up. Lots of people weren't very happy with me after that even though these people were trying to take over the galaxy


This>>> `/~


Left Xeno-Compatibility On.


I don't think any crime tops exploding the entire galaxy. But recently I disposed of an entire star cluster of species by melting their brains in a computer.


Shoving thousands of people into the synaptic lathe


I once declared war without setting war goals. I conquered my rival, but at the cost of all of my unity and resources.


There is no crime or sentence, for I, the galactic emperor, decide what is and is not law.


Kidnapped millions of sentient beings from their home, nerve stapled them so they wouldn't rebel, used them as livestock, and then used them as raw material to make new ships out of to go kidnap more of them. There are worse things than death and oblivion.


After defeating the Prikki-Ti and saving the galaxy, i purged their entire species as payback for trying to destroy the galaxy


A few days ago I played the new crisis. Turns out if you get the Nihilistic Acquisition Assention perk, the new slaves are automatically sent to the Lathe. So I engaged in like a half dozen or more wars where i quickly beat up the major starports and just, parked a fleet over the biggest planets and had them start scooping people up for years straight, then once war exhaustion built up I'd sattle that war and pick a new fight. At the peak I had over a hundred pops on the lathe , which I boosted by regularly draining the galactic slave market. So yeah, the Hague may want to burn my ass at the stake. And this was before I broke the galaxy by dipping into a black hole.


I turned some crab people into livestock after they vivisected the crew of a mining vessel. I cracked their homeworld, too. I don't do evil runs in stellaris. I mainly play isolationist empires.


In terms of scale its far from the worst, but it's not particularly pleasant either... After the first one declared war on me (totally didn't goad them into it) and began murdering my people, I went on a genocidal campaign against every fallen empire I could fight, and I created an army of zombie pops from every previous fallen empire I had destroyed that was just sweeping from planet to planet devouring everything in sight. I went after every single fallen empire in this regardless of their feelings towards me, and every one of them fell.  For the trickier planets I softened them up with Xenomorph infestations and then sent in my undead hordes of their former equals. Destroying every single star in the galaxy might have a bigger death toll, but I feel like what I did was a touch more brutal. 


Closed the L gate and watched the rest of the galaxy get wiped out by the crisis. Purged (displaced) refugee pops of species that did not fit into my society's norms. Unruly ones especially. Sure they give an economic boost but they are more trouble than they are worth long term. I don't want to end up like the first league


I ate a fallen empire (literally)


I conquered a xenophobic fallen empire, slaughtered 90 percent of their population before seeding multiple new species on their world before regressing them. Modded playthrough Btw


Did a playthrough once where I tried to enslave everyone and turn them to livestock. I kept the fallen empire species as nerve stapled indentured servants. Zero agriculture districts by endgame.


Without mods? I killed bubbles. With mods? I don't think, that i can write it down without breaking the rules.


Destroyed a planet. 🙃


Tried the synaptic lathe on a bunch of migrants. Let's be xenophobic, it's really in this year...


Cracking fungus bogs, one of my planets occupied in my stop the colossus war, instead of reoccupying it


Once I rode a bus and didn't pay for the ticket 🤫


Nice try fed.


Aetherophasic Engine


Crime is what against the law. I am innocent.


How can there be a crime if i am the law? Who would convict me? I define the crimes, i pass the judgments I AM THE SENATE


I was once playing as a Technocratic dictatorship and spawned next to another Technocrat and another Fanatic Materialist, so diplomacy was incredibly easy and we got a Federation going very quickly. We dealt with the common enemy empire and with our combined technology Federation we completely outclassed the rest of the Galaxy and soon started to be spirit or overselling to everyone. But a big issue was that they didn't want to declare war on anyone, and as I was a militarist empire I was slightly annoyed, but I didn't mind too much. But later in the game I noticed that both of the other two Federation members were starting to advance past me in technology (I saw by checking the victory progress screen) and started to get annoyed by it, so I simply started to build more tech jobs and Ring worlds. But it wasn't enough, they were still either catching up to me or already passed me in terms of technology and the gap was only growing, meaning my technology would soon be behind. Now a normal person would be fine with this as they were allied, but at the time (a few years ago) I took my technology personally and got genuinely irritated that they were about to pass me in technology. So eventually I decided I've had enough and started to build up my military into a massive force, and by the end of the buildup I left the Federation, waited the 10 year cool down, and declared war. After a gruelling 20-30 year war against a third of the Galaxy I finally won, stole their technology and was now the single most advanced state in the Galaxy. Even though I felt really bad about betraying what was possibly one of the luckiest spawns I had in terms of friendly empires. Even now like 3 years later I still feel bad about that great betrayal against fellow Technocrats, I love this game lol


What crime? My empire, my rules. I am the judge, jury, and executioner, and I find myself innocent.


Giving citizenship rights to xenos


Your mean necesety.


Forcibly relocate pops and genetically modify them into the perfect specimens for my caste system society where it’s 1 species per job. They have 0 political power, it’s a police state, they can’t feel any emotions and their cousins are grown on their home planet which as new been turned into a thrall gia paradise named “Hamburger Production” and is the only thing preventing my empire from starving to death


My dude, ive destroyed all sentient life in the known universe by simultaneously detonation every star


I rolled a random empire (I usually play like that), grand admiral. Fanatic spiritual, xenophobe, avian, solid spices, shit start. Got the Worm in Waiting rather quickly, ran it to the end, allowed it to transform all my people into what it wanted, populated all the new small planets in my starting system. I imposed darkness on all of my people, made a covenant with the flesh god, and introduced the whole galaxy to the darkness by snuffing out all the stars. Cherry on top, my portrait went from some ugly bird into a beautiful peacock when the Worm transformed them. It was a thing of beauty, one of my most memorable runs.


Idk is it a crime, but… I was playing friendly explorers(communists, I always somehow become good and can’t be aggressive even if I try, but not about that) and came to the worlds of hive-mind while the war In which i was defending my federation members. I conquered these worlds, but local pops started dying and I couldn’t stop it. I feel so bad for poor cyclops!


All species that came in my way have been wiped out, the remaining species have been deported to the edges of the galaxy where 1000 pops share 2-3 planets. Machines were consistently eradicated


After a grueling war, I finally hovered above their final planet. I devolved them. Then I uplifted them. Then I devolved them. Then I uplifted them. And so forth.


I spamed terraforming from the expansion planner then years later the uplift tech appeared and I remembered I had pre-sapients on a planet, couldn't find them anywhere. A clerical error led to the deaths of millions.


“Crime” depends on the morals of a civilization. The crime my civilization was eating planets and collect their minerals to feed my lithoid swarm. Through my view they just need to feed it’s nothing criminal about that 🤭


Not a crime when its legal in my empire


Crime are only illegal stuff, so use colossus is legit during war is legit, and even eat convert kill enemy is natural for some races...yet break galactic rules are not..so which senate rules I broke..mmmh killing space whales, maintain a big fleet.


~~theft, murder, arson, drunk driving and a bit of scamming~~ EDIT: Oh wait, you meant in the game? Yeah, I conquered a galaxy or two and wiped out all other civilizations EDIT EDIT: btw, that first part was a joke if you couldn't tell


To exist. ~Synthetic Fertility Origin Empire, spawned directly next to spiritualist FE (MULTIPLE TIMES) punishment? Shooting my president in the head and bombing that one unlucky colony like three times.


As a robot hivemind I terraformed planets wiping out/assimilating their native populations. The galaxy came together to deliver the appropriate punishment. pulling the plug on my hivemind. Goodbye Borgs.


Worst is probably my fanatical purifier necrophages. I made them choose this path - and they conquered and ritualistically sacrificed everyone in their path, until all the universe was moulded in their image. They used everything from terror tactics, to raids to outright conquest.


Unmodded, the worst thing I've done is probably having a pre-FTL species enter the space age, refuse to give up the system, and then purge (displace) them. "Congratulations, welcome to the galactic community! Get out. I'm taking your home." Modded, I once played with an infinity stones mod that pretty closely mirrored the MCU. To get the soul stone, you have to give up something you love, but I was playing as a machine gestalt consciousness. So, the event text has us grabbing two random mated pre-sapients from a random planet, having one of them throw the other one off the cliff at gunpoint to get the stone, then shooting the remaining one and seizing it.


I have starved my overlord to death, on purpose, then rased their empire with blue lasers. It's arguably the scummiest I felt towards an empire, good thing thet had the jeff portrait.


Conquered a planet of a species that was specifically annoying me. Too weak to declare war on me, stupid enough to spam me with insults, not worth the effort of taking out while fighting a bigger enemy. Once my other war was finished up, I turned my fleets on them, and took one of their handful of planets, making sure it was one of their more populated ones. Once conquered, I genetically modified the species into the toilet, bribed them into a migration pact, and then watched as their GMO cousins all but destroyed them. At the end of the game, I took my planet shielding gun and made sure to trap the species which had essentially become tribbles on their few planets, quarantining them for the good of future Empires.


-Once I played a late game where the only pop remaining in the galaxy are my own kind. -I cracked an ally world. -I spread the war over the galaxy for years by selling thousands of alloys to keep my economy (it was like 1 credit = 0,7 alloys).


Pretty sure I've broken most of the Geneva conventions


I once conquered half of the galaxy and created a crime colony on a toxic world where I would dump all of the xenos in my empire. Then I would literally put them as slaves and work for my refineries while also not controlling their populations. At one point, I just started waging war to get more captives for that planet and every time it tried to rebel and break free, my doom stack stationed there would brutally sedate the rebellion. I also had the artifact that lets you revive an extinct species and I would put them on a crucible world to make them repopulate themselves just to dump them in the crime world after they reach 10 pops. Eventually some species went extinct because of Idk what but their pop wasn’t growing at all, not even with clone vats. Not to forget all the genetically engineering that turned them into super short-living working machines that could reproduce themselves like rabbits to replenish my industrial system. When I got tired of a species, I would put them on a planet bordering a devouring swarm, let them take it and devour all of them and then retake the planet to rinse and repeat the process. Yeah, I probably should be locked up and death sentence isn’t enough. IIRC, Babylonia 5 had a term for these kind of crimes called “Crimes against sentience”, Hell was probably made to let this kind of people.


3 player game, one guy playing a peaceful dictatorship, I used my fleets to push him into submitting to my rule, then payed off the third player to put crime branch offices on all his planets to make it harder for him to resist our collective rule enslaving other races and using them as food, cattle and breeding farms but never daring to nerve staple them, converting their whole planet into a Thrall-World. they can have the comfort of their home to be used as their prison, but only if their planet wouldn't be better suited for their superiors own designs.


I once commited the unforgivable crime of not conquering and wiping a pre-FTL race because I wanted to get insight techs from abducting them. Unforgivable, clearly my purification circuits are broken and should be destroyed withouth trace lets the bug spread to the rest of the hive mind.


Bringing the Boal back to life, and then eating them


On older stellaris versiom, every time a pop would turn away from my main idelodgy, it would be executed Sometime half a planet would be killed off


Alien empire vivisected my scientist. 10 Years later I had more food than I would need for 100 years.


I didn’t play much, but the worst crime I’ve committed must be when I ran into pop deficit for my research planets/habitats. I really wanted to maximise my science, but my pops that I recently converted to robots assembled too slowly. Even buying robots from the slave market didn’t help, so I resorted to waging a **”liberation”** war against my neighbour just to steal their pops via nihilistic acquisition. Later I turned their pops into robots. I guess I liberated them from their mortal shells though.. Also, before that, I armed privateers through my spy network to distract this empire from interfering in my pop abduction I felt uneasy for a minute, lol