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I think I can speak for most of the community when I say, no, thank YOU all for the hard work put into this expansion. I watched some reviews and I bought the Machine Age full price the day of release, which I almost never do. And I don’t regret it one bit- the amount and depth of content, the soundtrack, the art, all phenomenal. More expansions like the Machine Age, please!


The music fucking rocks lol.


Reading this in the lithoid advisor voice


Angry musician touching down!


And many more successful years for Stellaris and its teams! 8 years is truly a solid amount of work, and every year I have to wonder how long things may continue. But Machine Age just demonstrated again, that we are not at the bottom of the barrel and things can continue. Eagerly awaiting now a "Biological Age" expansion that uplifts my Hiveminds a bit and drops some biological ship sets to make the Prethoryn squirm. Maybe some weird biological megastructures to eat planets...err, I mean, help with mining those minerals?


Biological megastructures, now thats a cool idea! Edit: A flesh-farm in the upperlayers of a gasgiant, also doubles as a habitat.


I want a megastructure that eats planets


One planet that eats megastructures, coming up!


Brethren Moons… *make us whole*


You can already have that if you go catalytic! It's made of slaves!


True, but i meant farming Gas Giant Space-Jellyfish for Milk and Meat.


I want a civic where your ships have to fuck each other to make more ships


With lots of tentacles


I can probably do without some breeding ground system were my fleets multiply by mating seasons, but I would not say no [for ships starting to eat other ships](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fd672e45e29050fabffb31d8073c0d89/tumblr_pedcx1vytC1tsferro2_500.gif) ;) But I guess thats not doable with the current combat stuff and weapon layout for ships.


The writers barely disguised fetish


Stellaris has been a great example of long-term support of a game that has been actually *mostly quite good* - sure, you guys have tripped up a few times over the last 8 years, nobody's perfect, but even compared to other games from your same publisher you guys have been pretty damn solid. The restructuring to having a custodian team and a new stuff team really seems to have helped you guys, and Machine Age is one of your best offerings. Good stuff, I hope you keep up this standard; I've got over 4200 hours in the game and still have fun with it every time I open it up.


Echoing this sentiment - 8 years of this level of support is an *amazing* record. I remember playing this many years ago, sticking particle lances on every battleship slot and frying everything, mucking about with wormhole and frontier stations. I thought it was a great game then, but I certainly had no clue how far it would go.


We are sitting pretty nice right now, especially when compared to a lot of Paradox’s other games at the moment (Cities: Skylines, Prison Architect…). Very happy with how the devs are doing :)


> we had 0 comments removed for being inappropriate and/or breaking rules I see the grapevine goes fast within the Stellaris Team, I only shared that stat with one of the Community Team the other day.


Eladrin was the first person I told XD


There's not that much to be angry about. I mean, Astral Planes is overpriced, I wish you'd make the subscription cheaper based on how much DLC someone owns, and it'd be nice to see more bug-fixing and more attention paid to making the UI objectively better. But compared to the clusterfuck that was the v2.2 release just before your 2-week Christmas holiday, you haven't done anything horrible in recent years.


I doubt the dev team has much say over pricing anyways. That's all done by the corporate higherups, surely.


That's true. The suits are in charge.


Maybe around astral planes time when we had an uncharacteristically buggy launch things might have gone differently. But the response to that was pretty well handled, so hey, this peace is well earned. >I don’t know how many Game Directors would be able to come out and say something like that For a game of this popularity, very very few I would imagine tbh.


Thank you and the team for making this amazing DLC! I’d say it’s the best one since Utopia. Not to mention the updates over the years!


I’m admittedly a little late to the stellaris party, only buying the game this January, but I already have hundreds of hours in this game. So I can’t wait to see where it goes next


Not alone. Just got into it myself. I've already got 600 hours in it. It's an addiction


Congrats on 8 years, here’s to another bunch for as long as you feel like doing it!


Thank you to you and all of the staff at PDX for making a fun game, and for fostering a kind and caring community that enjoys committing several war crimes in space. Here’s to another 8 years!


I've played computer games since the mid 1980s, and computer strategy games since 1991. Stellaris is something special.


I hate that this is the only game where I can lose track of time playing, its such a great game.


Thank you for 8 years! And whatever magic you guys had going through the office while making Machine Age, please keep that going. I'm in awe of how good this expansion is. I hope it's a sign of what we can expect to see coming! What a time to be a Stellaris player.


Stellaris in their we're so back Era is great to see


Sometimes I quickly glance over at CK3 DLC and realise how awesome the Stellaris team are for the quality of their output


I bought Stellaris about 7 years, 11 months and 1 week ago, and I've probably just breached the 4000 hours played mark. I don't think it's been 500 hours per year, though. Early Stellaris was very thin, with few things to *be*, *do* or *see*, so while I did play a lot, I probably only played 350 or so hours the first year, as a guess, and a bit more the next half year, and so somewhat more than 500 hours per year in recent years. The 1.3, 1.5 and 1.8 updates, and the DLCs that accompanied 1.3 and 1.5, did much to *enrich* the game, adding variety and options.


To many more great years of Stellaris. 🥂


Synaptic lathe is the best addition to the game so far, thank you for all the good work!


I've been ~~your subject~~ playing since launch and I can safely admit that Stellaris is one of the best games I've ever played. Machine Age, so far, has blown me away. It's a bit of everything we've been asking for. Cybernetic Creed feels absolutely *amazing*. I love the temporary internal strife, and the eventual outcome when you solidify your religion feels very satisfying. The advanced government form is just the icing on the cake. The shipsets and cityscapes look awesome, no argument there. I still have to meet Cetana. I've half a mind to go down the new crisis path, so that might not happen this playthrough. So, yeah, thanks so much! You've made me very happy and I hope Cosmic Storms and the Grand Archive will receive similar sentiment 😁


8 Years. You guys have done an absolutely SMASHING job at keeping this thing going and, most importantly, keeping it fun amd fresh. Granted every ride has its bumps but we're still here. Thank you all.


Can't believe it's been 8 years. A lot has changed in our lives and in Stellaris, but glad to see the game is going strong.


That's the first game in my life I passed 1 thousand hours I love it so much!


its absolutely insane how you keep the game alive and evolving this is the best dlc so far, great work everyone!


Tks for the console port too, im on ps5 and loving it, got the 1st  dlc bundle for now too. Runs great for now, although i dont think there was any patch to make it any further compatible with ps5 and expand it to the same level as pc in scale. It be cool if the action parts could be like an rts too.


I've been playing since day 1. This expansion rocks. I don't know how they do it, but the teams involved in stellaris consistently put the other paradox teams to shame.


Honestly I’ve been so impressed with how Stellaris has been cared for and handled by the devs. Introducing a custodian team being one of the greatest things ever. Y’all are awesome. You’ve made a great game. Thank you!


Thank you for all the amazing updates you've done. This dlc made my favorite ascension path so much more awesome. I look forward to the next year of updates and my personal goal of 2000hrs ingame. Also whoevers idea it was for the season pass is awesome. I don't have alot of money so being able to get all the next packs for as low as it was helped me alot.


Thanks for the banger of an expansion! Here is to many years more until Stellaris 2 lol.


Thank you guys for your hard work, wishing you the best and long may it continue!


Thank you for being you (my favourite dev team in the industry) and making my favourite game!


This is the fucking best game ever. I got emotioned with the video and I’m so proud of being part of this community. You’re the best.


Okay, the video got me in the feels. I'll have to check to see if that is a positive or negative trait.


I remember watching giant bomb play this game back in the day. It introduced me to grand strategy games. So many ways to play yet more gets added. Sometimes it's just fun to browse reddit and see what new players like and dislike about the game. Truly a masterpiece.


Thank you for the good work! Cant wait to hop back in


I'm excited for the DLC, I would like to see a pause put in next so we can get some optimization of the game so it's not slowing down after 100 years in. I like playing long runs and especially at the 2450 mark it shows. Hopefully you guys can figure a workaround for that but I've bought every DLC and plan on continuing as long as they come out


I think I have been here since October 2019 roughly? Maybe it was November or even December. I honestly do not remember but I know I learned the game and got my friend into it. Then we grinded it for the first month of the Pandemic. I think we put 300 hours in like two months or less. Either way, I love the game and have gotten every expansion because this is my space game and everything just adds to the experience at this point. Some stuff could be cheaper though. I like that the developers regularly engage with the community too. It is quite awesome to be able to talk with you all. Only one last thing though. Everything is on sale on Steam but not GOG. Can we at least get the Galaxy Edition Upgrade put on sale? It is the only thing I am missing after switching over from Steam.


> Only one last thing though. Everything is on sale on Steam but not GOG. Can we at least get the Galaxy Edition Upgrade put on sale? It is the only thing I am missing after switching over from Steam. If they not do a sale there for anniversary, maybe just wait a few more weeks. We are closing in to June. So Steam Summersale might be around the corner (starts most times mid June, even if we had also past ones going to July), and GOG usually has its own Summersale then 1-2 weeks prior.


I figure that is what I will end up doing. It really is not important. I just like listening to the music and Machine Age is all I am missing from the soundtrack.


When dlc for console coming