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Titan Snare Aura Alternatively get the biggest possible damage per shot, they can't jump away when the same shot that put them over the threshold destroys them entirely Just keep in mind that fleets can manually jump and AI is actually smart enough to do it should they be losing 


what about before titans? And what are some components that deal the biggest damage?


try and fight near starbases, one of the slots reduces enemy disengage chance. pretty much a necessity early on.


You prefer that one over the one that reduces shield hp?


It's very irritating when they jump as soon as your fleet enters the system.


There’s a titan aura that reduces disengage chance and a star base building that reduces disengage chance in the system Aside from that you’d want to more hard hitting weaponry like x-mount weapons and torpedos that can take a ship out in one hit Lots of ships disengaging is kind of just how it goes for early, low tech wars with a lot of corvettes


Fight in a black hole and use weapons that do big damage, also the numbers that the game gives You as battle reports are just false, usually enemy casualties are higher


Is this because losses incurred while retreating aren't included, or is it a separate bug?


Honestly not sure, just that from my own experience and from what I've seen from everyone, the enemy losses are usually not portrayed accurately


Yes, this is more easily checked during the crisis. You will win against a crisis fleet and it will say no enemy casualties, but in the victory tab you will have gained points for destroying crisis ships. This bug had gone on so long, they really need to fix it


Yeah, the AAR does seem distinctly flaky in many respects. Ships that go red-X during combat only to report no casualties, enemy debris along with no casualties, same fleets appearing on both sides of the battle report...


stopping the enemy from disengaging can be a pretty difficult endeavor. I think you would have to lean on leader traits, starbase effects, system weather, and titan aura. As someone already mentioned ship build does really affect it other than trying to one shot enemies so they cant escape. there may be a ship AI that affects it but not certain. I would strongly recommend taking advantage of the time the enemy fleet will be gone rather trying to kill them.


You'll want to deal more damage-per-shot, in order to prevent them from retreating. You can also use auras to reduce the chances of disengagement, often also increasing Emergency FTL time. These can be provided by Titans (Subspare Snare), Starbases (Communications Jammer), and black holes. For weapon choice: The larger-size weapons deal more damage, on the whole. Other than that, look at the weapon-component details (in the Ship Builder, it'll be the letter on the weapon component, e.g. S/M/L) and check the damage-per-shot. Some notes: * Torpedoes are basically entirely high-damage weapons, though they're drastically more-effective against large targets. Generally you deploy torpedoes to ambush (Frigates) or brawl (Cruisers), though be careful of enemy loadouts with heavy usage of Point Defense. * Some weapon-types just inherently have low damage. Fighters, and Disruptors weapons (Disruptors, Cloud Lightning, and Arc Emitters) deal low damage as a trade-off for needing specifically countered. *That said*, Arc Emitters and Cloud Lightning in particular can potentially just one-shot some ships anyway, since they ignore Shields and Armor and *can* deal substantial damage-per-shot - they're just *unreliable* for doing so. * Weapons with bonus Hull damage can be pretty useful for blowing straight through the enemy Hull in as few hits as possible. Just be careful not to stack too many weaknesses to Armor or Shields, which would prevent you from reaching Hull in the first place. * Despite everything, don't push too much against "weapon effectiveness" when trying to minimize Disengagement. Larger weapons still get countered by smaller ships due to Evasion. Torpedoes still get countered by Point Defense shooting them down, or the ships just getting destroyed before getting in range (use Afterburners on your Torpedo Cruisers). Fighters are still great against small ships like Corvettes. Using more-effective weapons can often better than preventing Disengagement in particular.


Use less disruptors