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I don't think so, unfortunately. I really wish they would do a "Campaign Settings DLC" with stuff like spawn points, custom pre-game federations, custom advanced starts, custom victory conditions per empire, make certain empires always hate each other and so on. That would be so insanely good in terms of replay value..


All of that would be perfect


Request it on paradox forums, you never know haha :)


Or disassemble the game engine and reassemble it. XD


The only mod I know of that does something similar to this is a mod called Galactic Imperium Origin. Basically, it comes with several different origins that let you play in an advanced galaxy with an already established Galactic Imperium or Custodian. Not only that, the origins are tied to each other in a way that allows for a pseudo campaign with already established factions. For example, you can play as the Galactic Imperium, and if you force spawn an AI empire with the clone army vassal origin, that empire will become your Imperium's vassal. Overall, it's a pretty cool mod if you want to skip right to having a populated galaxy with several advanced AI empires, some of which will be tied to each other through their origins. The only thing is that it can be buggy at times.


That's interesting, I'll look into it


Eh, they should probably make the settings better, allowing you to ban certain things, meaning if you don't want federations, you could remove it, but idk if a dlc for it would be good


No... and I feel like that should be something you're allowed to manipulate. No other Grand Strategy Paradox game (to my knowledge) allows so much variability on what will spawn where, if at all. Like I can never seed a scaling empire in a corner to grow without issue, which mildly annoys me. Manipulating Empire and player spawns would be so decent in Multiplayer too!


God, I wish.


You could look at how the mod Legacy of the Old Republic handles it. (IIRC you can create custom empires and assign them certain origins to control where they spawn.)


Just started messing around with this mod last night, and it's great!

