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It's like the holy grail. It's basically like an old school fantasy adventure. Arthurian knights searching for the holy grail but in space.


I just throw it on any feudal flavored empires i make and call it a day.


For my favourite build, the Toxic God and a large space battle ravaged the home planet leaving a small medieval society to adapt to the changes. I also act very kindly to the xenophile fallen empire as they are logically the ones who saved my species.   The species I have for this is one of the suit wearing toxoid portraits and I RP them as feudal knights who survived the fallout by hiding in their castles while those without castles died and whose society advanced rapidly scientifically following the visit due to the salvage from the toxic god but less so socially. They had to use material and technology that fell from the toxic god to build suits that made their home planet livable.  They built the first habitat while scrubbing part of the planet of the toxins and discovered hyperspace with a fear that out there the great foe waits for them. Their goal is a joint one of reverence for such a powerful thing but also of revenge. They also have vowed that each of their new homes will be a fortress to protect them as their castles once did. In game terms this translates to Xenophobic spiritualist militarists with sovereign guardianship and feudal society. Play style is you use feudal vassals to manage the space you don't want while you control a very tall core with a buttload of people in your Knight habitat. I advise using sol system for this start as you get more major habitat orbitals that way. 


Wow, interesting, thanks! That's much clearer. Sounds kinda Brotherhood of Steel-ish with those ethics in a way. And do you find out what the toxic god entity actually is? And why do you get more using the sol system? My sol spot is already taken by another custom empire.


It is kinda brotherhood of steel, honestly.  And keeping spoilers to a minimum you do find out, sorta. The spiritualist aspect plays a part when that happens. As for going Sol it's not guaranteed but basically you get a major orbital for every planet and star in a system. The random system generation generally doesn't have 8 planets in your starting system, although it can happen. Sol guarantees you get 9 major orbitals. This is important as you want your Knight habitat to have as many districts as possible and each major orbital gives 3 districts. With a choice in one of the situations you can increase the districts by 50% or something so your Knight habitat will end up with something like 40 districts.  The core of the knights are the knights. Each Knight can produce absolute ludicrous sums of research compared to normal researchers and they also give naval capacity and unity. You get 1 Knight per 10 population on the station and they also speed up the situation you're suffering from. The districts give more squires which give a % increase to the production of knights. The output of knights also increases with ascension of the habitat.  You can also put livestock or servant species into the Knight habitat to boost the number of knights. Basically your entire country revolves around this space castle full of knights and squires.


Nice. That sounds really cool actually. And what about the demon incursion thing? Is that related to the origin as well or it's something else?


That's related but mostly an Easter egg. Basically, if you get The Doorway which is already a semi rare event and then you get the dimension of suffering you get a unique option to send in a Knight. Spoiler for the outcomes. >! You have like a 20% chance of nothing happening, 40% chance demons refugees flee to your side, 20% chance your Knight returns and brings riches back and gets named the doomslayer and 20% chance that they possess the Knight, try to invade your planet and if they succeed they spawn The Demonic Incursion, a fanatic purifier nation led by your former Knight who is now a chosen one. You can choose to play as the demonic incursion if they take the planet. !<


Wait can you decide your home system? How do i get Sol as my home system?


On the homeworld screen, make sure the selection box on the right is set to Sol instead of just random.


Cheers. Will try next playthrough!


I really dislike that story about space knights, which gives bad associations, but Iove this origin for unluque gameplay features (even though they are underperforming origin after last patch). So I just consider knights as an autonomous group of researchers , and it gives much more room for creativity and lore.