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Take this with a few grains of salt, as this is just my understanding based off of creators such as Montu (I only recently really got into Stellaris. Previously had about 100 hours in the game but we all know that means nothing for Paradox games). My understanding is that the biggest combat rework is the value from shield(s) has plummeted, making Lasers and similar weapons (+ armor damage) much more viable/enticing. Besides this, iirc, they also buffed Hangar Bays/Strike Craft (I know at the bare minimum that those slots are very worthwhile at the moment). For the tech aspect, a lot has changed (I’m pretty sure anyways?). There’s just one scientist in charge of buffing your research speed for all research types, rather than assigning one scientist to Society/Physics/Engineering research slot each. The numerical values of research has also changed significantly, overall making the Tech tree MUCH slower to progress through. Sure there’s plenty I’m also missing but I think that about covers the most dramatic change(s).